A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1352: Speaker of Cabazin

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When Cook drove his own spacecraft to rendezvous with the Modo caravan, it was already not a short time. Seeing Cook put the spaceship directly away, the captain and others were no surprise.

The caravan will stay for a while. After the corpse of the Shadow Ladybug is fixed, it is then dragged behind the transport ship. For these people, even a piece of rotten flesh on the body of the Shadow Ladybug is very valuable.

After waiting for the reinforcement for several days, Captain Sadura settled Cook in the best room on the spacecraft. Cook also knew that the Modo Chamber of Commerce is actually a transportation chamber, but there are five large armed transport ships, which are not small. Chamber of Commerce.

The Modo Chamber of Commerce is a subordinate chamber of the Olier family. Although Sadura is a direct line of the Olier family, he was arranged to be the captain of the Modo Chamber of Commerce because he has no wizard talent. After all, a fleet is too valuable. That family dare not lose easily.

Saduli contacted Cook and kept a certain distance. He didn't say anything to stick to Cook, like a dog leg.

On the one hand, Saduli speaks of his family, which represents his family here. On the other hand, being a captain is not so easy. Besides, he still encounters such a thing, so it is necessary to ventilate all parties and also need to warn Kabah planet. , And is there any contraband in my fleet.

All of these need to be inquired one by one, and these crew members will not be too easy. To check the cargo again, this inspection will be more troublesome. One cargo warehouse is checked with energy fluctuation detection instruments.

Cook is also happy and leisurely, of course, Cook has a lot of ideas in his mind.

"Kabaxing auctions, were they secretly created by wizards? After all, wizards have to have a way to get good things. This kind of big auction is the best channel. There is no one. After all, there are no items related to wizards. Fanpin, there is a high probability that there are things needed by wizards in antiques." Cook muttered to himself.

Saduli was too busy to deal with each other. Kaaba had already sent a warship to accept the suspect this time. Of course, the battle scene where Cook summoned the fire giant was also handed over by Saduli.

According to the analysis of the Kaba Star government, this is the ultimate summoning spell of the fire specialization. A seventh-order shadow ladybug, leading a group of hidden ladybugs, was solved in more than two minutes.

And these high-level officials came up with an answer, that is, Cook's combat skills are very high, and he has successfully used the fact that the summoned elemental creatures are not afraid of physical attacks.

Accept the suspect, and Carbastar is going to buy the body of the seventh-order shadow ladybug, of course, the main purpose is to meet the distinguished guests.

Saduli asked Cook for his opinion, and Cook pondered for a moment. What he is doing here is not for the treasures of the world, the treasures of other worlds.

"It should be possible to deal with." Cook had a precise idea in his mind.

Day by day passed, and Cook spent more time thinking about the wizard book. Since the ultimate fire elemental creature was summoned, this wizard book has undergone some changes.

But looking through it carefully, the information is still those information, and the spells are still those spells, there is no difference at all.

"Strange." Cook felt a little strange. What happened to this wizard book?

Looking carefully at the wizard book, the material of the wizard book is very special, with energy storage, space to carry, knowledge storage, and spell release.

"Growing?" After observing for a long time, Cook found that the wizard book had grown, or more generally speaking, upgraded.

"Fireball." Cook held the wizard book in his hand, and then moved his mind.

"Hey, it has indeed been upgraded. The temperature of this fireball is higher." Cook looked at the fireball in front of him and finally knew the answer.

"Fire Arrow." Then he tried the second spell.

Similarly, the temperature of the fire arrow is higher, and temperature is one of the key data of fire spells. The spells involved in temperature are broad, such as penetration, energy intensity, and release of required energy.

"It should not be an upgrade, but an optimization." Cook felt the various spells in the wizard book carefully, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Able to optimize independently, tsk, I really underestimated this wizard book, but it seems that only the highest-level wizard book has such a function, right?" Cook muttered.

The more Cook now masters, the more low-key he is, often standing behind others to make trouble.

Because the more he knows, the less he dared to speak up. Cook knows too many unsolved things. Just like the big world, the fairy world has collapsed. Who did it? Could it be that he collapsed for no reason? Or is there a fight between the gods and Taoism, or the four major sects?

There was no one behind the scenes, and I didn't believe in killing Cook. What about the saints? What about the saints?

Therefore, the Great Sage has also been very low-key recently, because the Great Sage is not sure whether these saints are hiding in the dark.

On the side of the Council of Gods, Cook is not low-key, but on the side of the Council of Gods, Cook has a huge power. No matter who wants to deal with Cook, then the group of people under Cook will let those who deal with Cook first. Know that it is great.

The Primordial Plane is even more weird here, sorcerers, sorcerers, hundred sorcerers, what is the relationship between the inheritance of sorcerers and sorcerers? What is the relationship between the twelve witch **** tribes and the twelve witches of the great world? The number of twelve is not everyone use.

"Twelve, tut." This is a wonderful number. The Great World has twelve zodiac signs, the Council of Gods has twelve constellations, and the Hundred Witch plane has twelve witch tribes.

A month later, Cook saw the fleet of the Kabah system, five A-class battleships, and a super battleship, or super flagship. The super flagship is actually a huge fortress, similar to the function of a mobile dock, but Mobile docks are specialized in repairing battleships and basically have no replenishment function. Super battleships are also powerful battle bastions, serving as repair docks and logistical supplies.

"Your Excellency, I'm the Speaker of the Cabin Star, Kabrucci." After the transport ship docked with the super battleship, Cook met the speaker of the Cabin Star.

"Fifth Tier, not bad." Cook nodded when he saw the speaker holding the Tier 5 wizard book.

When the wizards meet, they always hold their own wizard books. When everyone looks at each other, they know their status.

"It's my honor to be able to see your Excellency." Kabrucci saw the book of wizards that specializes in the ninth-order wizard in Cook's hands, and was surprised. For the ninth-order wizard, in the entire wizarding world, what that is, that is A group of people who make the rules.

Cook walked into the super battleship, and Kabrucci asked; "I heard that you are also a powerful constructor?"

"Yeah." Cook nodded.

"I don't know..." Before Kabrucci had finished speaking, another wizard book appeared in Cook's hand.

"Tier Nine Construct Wizard!" Kabrucci was still in a daze, and someone who followed him exclaimed.

"Hehe, it would be too shameful to live for hundreds of thousands of years and still not reach it." Cook laughed and said casually.

Kabrucci was astonished: "Hundreds of thousands of years, has the crown mastered the ultimate meaning of wizards?"

Cook shook his head and did not speak. What the ultimate meaning, Cook did not speak, Kabrucci immediately bent over and apologized: "Xiaxia, sorry..."

"No, I walked in the starry sky just to find it. This time I was also by chance. Besides, I am not interested in the construction at all." Cook waved his hand and said casually.

Kabrucci and others are convinced that a man who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, what else can be of interest.

"I don't know if this Carbastar auction will disappoint me. I have a lot of good things in my hand. It depends on whether you have anything I am interested in." Cook said, and at the same time figured out the control of a battleship. The core is placed on the table.

Kabrucci looked at the control core, carefully took out a magnifying glass, and observed it carefully.

"Look at it." Kabrucci said, holding back the shock.

Kabrucci didn't introduce these people either, but these people were obviously think tanks.

"This core can issue more than 40,000 commands at the same time, with a frequency of about 0.3 seconds."

"No, it's only one tenth of a second. You take a closer look at the way these instructions work, the touch points."

"The core manufacturing process accuracy is more than a hundred times higher than ours now."

"Xiamen, I don't know what you need?" Kabrucci waved his hand, and the others stopped talking.

"Weird things, rare ores, etc. things I haven't seen before." Cook said.

When Kabrucci heard this, he didn't question anything. Kabrucci rubbed his hands and asked: "I don't know if there is anything unneeded under the crown. We, Carbastar, can auction it for free."

"What do you have?" Cook looked at the hillbilly.

Kabrucci couldn't answer. Hearing this, he couldn't say it for a while, and Cook shrugged and said; "Well, even if I give you some deposit, what is the highest value on your side?"

"Below the crown is the manufacture of this core..." Kabrucci said.

"Are you sure someone buys the blueprints. To make this requires a Tier 9 Constructor, and Tier 9 Energy Wizard and Tier 9 Analytical Wizard. In addition, this core must be used on the spaceship. The entire layout will change. You are sure that those who make spaceships will buy it. This? And the number of customers buying this is limited, can you guarantee that those guys don't collude and lower the price together? Or you want to lie to me." Cook asked angrily.

"No, no... Under the crown, I don't know." Kabrucci shook his head and said.

Cook opened his mouth and said, "You don't know. As the speaker, would you not know this?"

"Really...sir, I, I really don't know." Kabrucci almost started to cry.

Cook looked at Kabrucci and said, "And I took out the manufacturing drawings. Are you sure there is something of the same value for me?"

"No." Kabrucci shook his head and said, the drawings that Cook took out were much more precious than those ninth-order star cores.

It can be said that it is equivalent to the value of several fleets. Where can Kabrucci produce such high-value things, wide and Cook needs a fleet? For a Tier 9 wizard like Cook, what is the fleet? Zhong Mie killed the seventh-order star beasts and knew how powerful it was.

"Okay, I have some useless gadgets here. What do you think?" Cook is also not sure what he can bring out is suitable for these guys' appetites, so what I said before is just to improve my posture. Now this sentence is Really.

"Yes, yes." Kabrucci was surprised.

Then came a dozen or twenty people who seemed to be a team, and Cook took out a wizard book, only Tier 3, and then took it out.

After seeing the third-order wizard book, Kabrucci was a little disappointed.

Two people walked out of the team, and they asked, "Your Excellency, can I take a closer look?"

"Yes." Cook nodded and said.

The two picked up the magnifying glass, looked at it carefully, and then touched it again. Turning the pages of the book, they saw a blank space.

"Original Wizard Book!" The two looked at each other, and took a closer look at the gems on the wizard book, shocked.

"What!" Kabrucci also exclaimed, and at the same time looked at Cook's hand, where there is a Tier 9 wizard book.

"This is from an ancient wizard tower." Cook said, although Cook didn't know why.

There are too many things that Cook won’t say, because the definitions on the two sides are different. The more Cook says, the more exposed.

"Your Excellency, this original wizard book is already a treasure." The two appraisers said.

"Oh, then ten." Cook took out nine more.

Kabrucci was pleasantly surprised and quickly asked the two to appraise them. The two of them had been busy for an hour before appraising them one after another, which belonged to the original wizard book.

Kabrucci immediately drew out a black card and handed it to Cook: "This is the VIP card of our Kabat, and you can spend it at Kabat."

Cook got the card and said, "This thing is too rubbish, and I don't like others to be courteous."

The card returned to Kabrucci. Kabrucci was very embarrassed. Then he looked at Cook expectantly. The ten wizard books were put into special boxes one by one.

"This is a bottle of life medicine, which can prolong a person's life." Cook took out a small jade bottle with only a drop of life water in it. Of course, if it was replaced by the Council of Gods, it was at least a few hundred catties.

"Life Elixir?" Kabrucci was puzzled.

With a wave of his hand, three people came out. These people took out the boxes and started testing these things. Cook was also very curious.

I saw that these people used a little bit, almost one percent, and then diluted it with a solution, and then used it to inject various organisms.

Then observe carefully. This time it took three hours. One of them sorted out the data and said: "Speaker, according to our measurement, this life potion can replenish vitality, the amount of mayfly is one-tenth, and the lifespan is increased by 100,000 times. The fruit flies use one-thousandth of the amount, and their lifespan is increased by 10,000 times...In conclusion, this drop of life potion can increase the life span of a fifth-order wizard by two hundred years without any side effects.

"Okay, okay, this is a treasure, the data is packed." Kabrucci was surprised, what two hundred years meant.

Cook was wondering what else he had to bring out, and seeing Kabrucci looking at him, Cook waved his hand: "Ten copies, that's all, I'm all useful for everything else."

"Yes, yes, thank you." Kabrucci was pleasantly surprised. As for Cook who doesn’t bring out more good things, Kabrucci will never know that Cook doesn’t know what to bring out, if he does. , Kabrucci definitely wants to empty Cook's inventory.

"Oh, by the way, I made some gadgets for practice, try it out." Cook took out the energy gun. This is the energy that Cook has integrated from Luo Xiangyang's side. It is suitable for wizards.

Seeing the energy gun, Kabrucci was looking forward to it, and it was three people who tested it.

"Don't face the cabin." Cook quickly reminded him when he saw the three people set up targets directly here.

"Under the crown, it's okay, this is special... Boom!" Kabrucci explained, shaking his head, but in the next second, a small energy beam shot out, penetrating the target, and penetrating the fortress's armor, inside the fortress The huge air pressure gap in the universe made everyone hear a boom.

"This..." Cook was speechless, and a metal plate flew out directly, and then stuck it on the small hole in the fortress's armor.

"Under the crown, this..." Looking at the instructions of the energy gun, it doesn't need to be charged. When it is used up, it will be full of energy after only a few hundred hours. It can be burned in the sun.

There are several energy excitation modes, and the maximum number of excitations can reach tens of thousands. What is this? It's abnormal.

"The output is limited. This is only for fifty orders. Don't look at this thing. The construction process must reach level 7 or higher to barely make it." Cook said.

"Yes, give it a try." Kabrucci is a little worried. Such energy guns have exceeded the known energy guns several times. If this batch of energy guns enter the market, the laws of the entire alliance will have to be changed. Up.

Then came the reception, the banquet, the level seemed very high, but to be honest, Cook didn't like it.

Kabrucci and the others watched Cook eating with strange fruits, the delicate utensils in their hands turned into rubbish.

"Is that a red snake fruit? Tsk tsk, this one is worth a Tier 5 star core."

"It should be a red snake fruit. Look at the red color, the strange shape, and the smell, it should be top-grade."

Among them, there are many who have researched fruits. There are many fruits in Cook's Natural Ring. The Primordial Plane and the Hundred Witch Plane. As long as Cook sees it, it tastes good or looks good, Cook will collect it. As long as Cook collects things once, Cook does not need to do it himself, others will send it.

"Is this red snake fruit? I don't know, but I know it tastes good. Would you like to try it?" Cook asked when he heard this.

"Can you?" Several people who have studied fruits immediately asked with surprise and excitement.

"Of course you can, find a big guy, I have a lot of this stuff." Cook ordered.

A huge plate was pulled up and placed in the banquet hall. Cook was speechless: "I am not such a stingy person for such a big thing. With so many people, how can I eat one by one person."

"Thanks to the noble wizard." Others who were not qualified to eat, thanked each other when they heard this.

With a wave of Cook's hand, at least tens of thousands of fruits were taken out, and they were not one kind.

Placed in the banquet hall, silence, long silence.

"Eat, it won't be good if you leave it for a long time." Cook said.

"Thank you, noble sir, are you a specialization in the space department?" Kabrucci asked with excitement.

"Yes, but the level is not high, it's only seven or eight." Cook nodded and said.

"So, then, are you interested in making some spatial objects?" Kabrucci said blushing, which is already cheeky.

"Space objects, what kind of space objects, space storage, space attacks, space defenses, space locks, space expansion, or transmission across star fields?" Cook asked while eating fruit.

Hearing so much, Kabrucci almost fainted. If it weren't for the background of the Kabrucci family, I wouldn't know what it was talking about.

"The most expensive crown can produce items that can be teleported across the star field, so what are the requirements for teleportation?" Kabrucci asked, which is the highest level of production.

"It depends on the budget. The small ones can send small things, and the large ones can come and go. If they are more advanced, ordinary people will have no problem." Cook said with a shrug.

Kabrucci asked in astonishment: "Ordinary people can also teleport?"

"That is, the higher the stability of the space channel, the higher the protection for ordinary people, but the higher the energy consumption." Cook explained.

"Then the cost of a transmission facility that can be passed by one person?" Kabrucci asked eagerly.

"What is a person? A space channel is an open channel. A person walks in and is teleported away. No one is closed. The cost, the lower desktop is about 50 such fortresses, high-level Some of them are cross-shaped, it is estimated that there are one hundred and fifty such forts." Cook Lion said with a big mouth.

"..., but I heard about charging?" Kabrucci asked with his mouth open.

"No, that's the kind that is not capable. Open the space channel, the unstable space energy will be absorbed, as the energy for the next transmission, which will reduce the safety of transmission and reduce energy consumption." Cook continued Explanation.

After Cook finished speaking, Kabrucci was absent-minded, Cook didn’t care, and everyone else got fruits. No one would dare not listen to Cook’s words~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course it’s impossible to say one per person. Because this contains energy, some people can't bear it and can only eat less.

In another two months, Cook finally saw the huge planet, which turned out to be a blue planet. Cook saw the blue planet: "Well, I like the blue planet."

"If your lord likes it, we can build a settlement on the planet to ensure that the scenery is the best." Kabrucci said immediately.

"Look at what I have gained this time. If there are gains, I will come often. If not..." Cook shook his head.

Indeed, Cook is not here to play, Cook is here to find rare treasures.

"In addition, I don't want to see other people. I'll go first, and then I will come to you." Cook disappeared as soon as he said.

"The energy fluctuation is less than 1, so it can't be protected at all." Kabrucci's face was a little frightened. Who could stop such a person from doing what he wanted, so he looked at another person, who was an energy wizard. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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