A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1383: Integrity management

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"One-fifth, isn't it a low-quality battleship?" Everyone asked incredulously, one-fifth, how could this be possible.

Ankalu said: "It's not inferior, it's about the same quality as our current warship, and it may be better than ours."

"how can that be?"

"That's, it's impossible. In the entire wizarding world, no one can build warships except for our construction of the Wizarding Academy and the Warship Manufacturing Department of the Wizarding Empire?"

"Ankaru, is your intelligence wrong? It was smuggled from a warship from the Wizarding Empire?

"Nonsense, smuggled warships are more expensive, and Ankaru said that the minimum cost is 100 warships, which is not correct. With so many warships in the Wizarding Empire, all the princes have been wiped out long ago?

These congressmen talked a lot and did not believe that what they heard was true.

Ankalu said: "Our intelligence personnel saw at least three hundred warships in the black market of pirates, clearly marked with prices, as long as you give money and materials, you can drive away immediately."

Immediately afterwards, Ankalu took out an energy image and said, "Look, everyone, these pirates are not afraid of people knowing, on the contrary, the more people know the better, and these pirates not only need various valuables, but also common materials. Yes, but the price of materials is very low. I think it should be needed by the forces that made this warship. We tried to trace the source of these warships, but the tracking personnel are missing. The other party seems to be very familiar with the work process of our intelligence department."

"Are you suspicious?" The other congressmen looked at Ankaru and asked in disbelief.

The speaker waved his hand and said: "For so many years, how much resources we have given to the Constructed Research Institute, but look at what life those ordinary construct wizards live? Look at other wizards. Other wizards are still running for training resources. , What kind of life does the construct wizard lead?"

When the speaker said so, the others immediately understood that this was for the moths from the Institute of Construction.

Anyone sitting here doesn’t know what life the people of the Institute of Construction are living. Someone said: “Every time the grant is passed, it will be divided up in a blink of an eye. Some construction wizards blatantly put the money directly. In the pocket, what do you study? How much progress has the battleship made over the years, no."

"That is, I have long felt unfair. Let's take a look at the research on a star field defense system. How many years have been studied and researched. The annual large sums of money and resources have been allocated. I don't know where to go." Others Members also complained.

This situation, in normal times, no one can tell, because the construction wizard is an indispensable part of the entire wizard alliance.

But now the situation has eroded, and the Construction Research Institute cannot produce a large number of warships in a short time. Others feel that it doesn’t matter if they offend a bit. And the speaker, they also want to put some arrogance in the usual way. The people in their eyes were crushed to death.

This led to the current situation, Ancaru said: "We have received numerous complaints regarding the corruption of the Construction Institute."

"Ankaru, you said that if we buy warships, will those pirates sell it?" a member of the Diet asked.

Ankalu was asked this by the congressman and looked at the speaker. The speaker asked, "What are your thoughts?"

"Since we are going to clean up the construction institute, we will come to let those guys take a look. If we leave them, we also have battleships. My purpose is to subdue those construction wizards. After all, we repair the battleships. There are other aspects that are inseparable from the construction wizards. If they cause trouble, we will have more trouble. At this point, we still have to unite as the master." This congressman said more pertinently.

Constructed wizards have penetrated into people's lives. Airports, aircraft, etc. all need to be handled by constructed wizards.

When the speaker heard this, he nodded and said, "If possible, let's buy 500 warships? What do you think?"

"I agree."

"I agree."

None of the councillors disagree. After all, these councillors also know what the current situation is like. They have to be equipped with warships just to protect themselves.

After reaching an agreement, Ankaru began to operate, five hundred warships, this is a huge order.

The order was sent to the pirate black market, which is actually controlled by Delaisi.

If you have a clear picture of the composition of pirates, you will know that in the past few years, the leader of the pirates has almost been changed. These warships purchased by the pirates in the early days, Delaisi wants to control these warships easily.

Often some interstellar pirate gangs go out to act, and when they come back, the people are changed. Those who are obedient will continue to do it. Those who are not obedient, ha ha, there is a shortage of people in the mine star. It is indeed a little more appealing and directly ejected into the starry sky. Or project directly toward the star.

After a few years, the entire interstellar pirates have been Delaisi's people. Of course, as Prince Desai's subordinates, they will inevitably rob other star regions, and of course the good things they get must be turned in.

Delaisi can also be a human being, and he has to be reported to Prince Desai on all matters, and Prince Desai hardly gives orders directly.

Upon receiving the news from the interstellar pirates, Delaisi found Prince Desai: "His Royal Highness, the Wizarding Alliance wants five hundred warships."

"Ha, as expected by the teacher, we proceeded according to the plan. As businessmen, we must have integrity and anyone can buy battleships." When Prince Desai heard this, he admired Cook even more, because Cook made the original plan. The goal is to mess up the Wizarding League, and sell to whomever the weaker battleship.

Of course, this is in line with Prince Desai's idea. After all, the Wizarding Alliance and the Wizarding Empire are mortal enemies. Prince Desai also wants to sit on the throne of the Wizarding Empire and face a weakened Wizarding Alliance.

Delaixi nodded and said, "Then I will go through it as soon as possible."

Of course, I’m talking about as soon as possible. It’s also two years later. In two years, the days of the Wizarding Alliance are not peaceful. The Constructed Institute has launched all the Constructed Wizards. There is no warship in two years, but the Wizarding Alliance has two years. There is no appropriation, and the two parties are in trouble.

In the Constructed Academy, nine high-level Constructed Wizards sat together, headed by the Dean of the Constructed Academy, one of the three nine-tiered Constructed Wizards.

"Dean, it's been two years. If the airport is not repaired, I am afraid it will be overhauled completely." A Tier 8 construct wizard said.

"Mark, do you have a problem with your brain? Those politicians didn't allocate a penny to us, so we still have to think about them?" another eighth-tiered construct wizard said.

Mark shook his head and said, "Let’s go on like this and it’s not a solution. We have been calm for two years. Who knows if the Kabbah Star Territory and the Pharmacy Association will launch an offensive against us. Once the Wizarding Alliance collapses, let’s not have a better life. ."

Faced with Mark's statement, the Norman wizard, one of the three ninth-tier construction wizards, said: "Don't worry, there is no problem with protecting the warships owned by the alliance."

"That's all right." Facing Norman's words, the others did not dare to question.

In fact, in the Constructed Wizard Academy, the three have absolute right to speak, and the others are attached to these three. Tier 9, especially the Constructed Wizard, is not so easy to reach.

Of course, this other aspect is related to resources. The more wizards there are, the fewer resources per capita.

Even Tier 9 wizards seem to have a lot of resources, but don’t forget that there are a large group of people under these Tier 9 wizards who need resources. These resources will be allocated. If they are not allocated, then there will be no subordinates. of.

Take Cooke as an example. It’s easy to get the wizard book. In the Wizard League, a wizard book, not to mention the ninth rank, is the seventh and eighth rank wizard book. It is not a special wizard book. There were countless people staring at it, and it caused a lot of competition for interests.

This is why the wizarding civilization is regressing, because the resources possessed by individual wizards are constantly decreasing, and high-level construction wizards need high-level materials to continuously hone their skills.

But what is the reality? Once there are high-level materials, let alone divide it once in the Wizard League Council. Even if the Construction Research Institute occupies the bulk, it is divided among the three 9th-order wizards.

Then, the people below the three ninth-order wizards need to be divided into some, and then how many ninth-order wizards themselves are left?

Cook is different. Use the materials for refining the battleship control core.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the number of refined warships, Cook alone has more than 500 warships, all built by himself.

In the Wizarding League, tens of thousands of constructed wizards have fewer than two thousand warships.

This is still accumulated over the past dynasties, and all aspects of the interests involved in a warship are no longer as simple as simply building a warship.

But the difference is that it’s too ugly to construct the Wizard Academy. The Academy is not even willing to distribute the benefits of materials, and digesting it by itself will certainly cause dissatisfaction from others~www.wuxiaspot.com~Two years Over time, the Speaker of the Wizarding Alliance Council was also very depressed. The Wizarding Research Institute was picking up and should not be repaired. The airport had already experienced problems of this kind, and even his own aircraft had inexplicable problems, and battleships continued to have minor problems.

When the parliament meeting was held again, other members looked at the speaker's face much better, and they had guesses in their hearts.

"Everyone, we bought 500 warships for the price of one hundred warships. The warships will arrive today. Let's go to the airport to see and see?" The speaker said, when he proposed to buy warships, if something happens, it will The position of the speaker is difficult to do. For the sake of safety, Ankalu had to go personally.

"is it?"

"Is it really the main battleship?"

Members of the House of Representatives talked a lot, and then took their aircraft to the airport. At the airport control center, everyone saw the transmitted images. What a huge fleet of 500 warships? The people on the ground could see clearly, and for a while, countless people looked up at the sky, and the Construct Wizard of the Construct Institute was also alarmed. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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