A Unique Hunter

Chapter 264: Be recognized

Sorry, there is no change today, but there is overtime, but this chapter is more than 4,400 words!

"No, no, you can't do this!" At this time, a middle-aged woman dressed as a noblewoman shouted loudly, but was slammed by a man and a woman beside her.

"Since there is no value, then I still keep what you are doing." Cook's fingers curled slightly and he was about to pull the trigger.

"No, no, no! I promise you!" Duke Lu Dongxi saw a slight bend in Cook's hand, and the pee came out in shock. Duke Lu Dongxi has never been so close to death, and his whole body is more Duke Lu Dongxi shouted loudly because he was soaked with sweat, and he closed his eyes in despair.

"Boom! Cheap!" Cook heard Duke Lu Dongxi say this, although he felt relieved, he still kicked Duke Lu Dongxi angrily, and cursed with disdain.

"My lord, I think you would like to introduce it?" Cook asked with a smile when he saw Duke Lu Dongxi sitting on the opposite side, playing with Lei Fang in his hand.

"This is my wife, my son, and my son's wife. That is my manager, and the rest are local businessmen." Duke Lu Dongxi said with a pale face, no aristocratic demeanor at all.

"Businessman, I like it. Being a guest of Lord Duke, he must be worth a lot of money. Each person has 500,000 gold coins. Either leave or leave a corpse." Cook said with a sweet smile, smiling. , But the words that were said made several wealthy businessmen have the heart to die.

"No, no, you can't do this..." A wealthy businessman immediately exclaimed, but before he finished speaking, he saw Cook pointed at himself with a magic crossbow. The wealthy businessman immediately closed his mouth and was joking. The guy can kill people without blinking.

"Bang, let's go, you **** bastard, knowing that the magic you just released almost cut off Lao Tzu's head, bang!" But with the intensive footsteps, Cook saw Nowen pointing directly at the magic crossbow That wind magician still gave punches from time to time, and the other fire magician was much better, but was held by the general manager with a spear.

Seeing the black eyes of the wind magician, Cook couldn't help laughing, and said loudly: "I told you a long time ago, don't think that the magician is invincible."

"You will be wanted by the Mage Guild, you are despising the Mage Guild." Horry said loudly.

"Nuowen, find a place to throw this **** into the river, remember to block this guy's mouth, and then tie your hands back, otherwise we will be chased by the wizards' union." Cook waved his hand and said Tao.

"Yes!" Novin was very excited to execute Cook's order.

"No, no, tell me your conditions, you devil!" Another fire magician immediately shouted loudly.

"What are the conditions, for me, you are trash? Mage? I have seen a lot of great mage like you, here you are a treasure, in the magic city you are a scum." Cook sneered ironically. Tao.

"Then we can pay the ransom." Huo said to an unreasonable guy like Cook, so he had to swallow.

"Well, 30,000 per person, just take the money and leave." Cook is not interested in these two magicians. The level is too low. He has many ways to deal with these two arrogant magicians.

"Okay, deal!" Horry replied loudly. Thirty thousand gold coins are just a small sum, and his staff is more than that.

"I mean thirty thousand purple gold coins, do you think it is thirty thousand copper coins?" Cook said, rolling his eyes.

The two magicians stared directly. Three million gold coins is an astronomical figure for the two magicians. Don’t look at the magicians’ money, but cultivation costs more money. Magic materials are not food, so they are counted as copper coins. Yes, it’s calculated by gold coins. It is said that the white bread eaten by the magician costs five silver coins, while ordinary bread is only a few copper coins, as well as water. The magician usually drinks extremely pure water, and You can not drink any water.

"No, we don't have that much..." Horry quickly defended.

"Nuowen, take these two noble magicians to the next room sober and sober, I still have something to discuss with Duke Lu Dongxi." Cook waved and said.

"Understood!" Nuowen replied excitedly, and Nuowen was extremely excited to make the two magicians lower their noble heads in front of him.

Noven took the two magicians and the manager into the next room, and Cook smiled and said to Duke Lu Dongxi: "Lord Lu Dongxi, for the sake of safety, I must use the necessary means. Click!"

KaKa suddenly jumped from Cook to the table and waved his feet towards Duke Lu Dongxi. Cook looked at Duke Lu Dongxi who was pale and said with a smile: "Kaka, show Duke Lu Dongxi, Just break this table!"

When Duke Lu Dongxi heard Cook’s words, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he looked at Ka Ka in disbelief. You should know that this is made of blue locust wood. Not only is it extremely tough, it is also very hard, just such a small thing. Can actually break this thick solid wood table of several centimeters.

Kaka wandered around the table quickly, and then waved her little feet in the middle of the table. There was a sound of kaka, and the solid wood blue locust table was constantly waving and was cut like tofu under her feet. Open.

"Okay, Ka Ka, I will follow Duke Lu Dongxi from today, Duke Lu Dongxi, but you have to cooperate well, this Ka Ka is a second-level monster, and unfortunately it is on its small paws. My smear is very poisonous." Cook clapped his hands and said, Ka Ka went directly into Duke Lu Dongxi’s sleeve, and then crawled on the cuff. People who don’t know don’t even know that there is a second-level monster here. .

Cook got up and patted his clothes. He smiled and said, "Lord Lu Dongxi, I hope I can rush to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and I hope there is a large carriage. After all, the carriage is more comfortable to sit on, and I don’t want it. I heard it spread because I had to make some bad decisions at that time."

From the beginning to the end, Cook did not reveal his identity to Duke Lu Dongxi, let alone say much to Duke Lu Dongxi, but after Duke Lu Dongxi heard what Cook said, he was relieved a lot because of such scandals. The Duke of Winter's Breath didn't want to spread it out either. As for the wealthy businessmen present, Duke Lu Dongxi's eyes flashed with cold light.

Early the next morning, Cook got up. Cook hasn't slept at all recently. He is either running vindictiveness or meditating to restore magic. Cook walked out of the gate and saw a very luxurious carriage, and the Hanqi commander on the side of the carriage He stared at Cook, but Cook found that the guard beside Hanqi seemed to have changed. Cook didn't care.

"Nowen, let's go!" This time it was Nowen driving a carriage, which was driven by a second-level monster. Of course, Nowen was only sitting with the coachman in the driving position.

"These are from those merchants!" Duke Lu Dongxi said coldly, and handed Cook a magic crystal card.

"Haha, thank you Lord Duke." Of course, Cook knew the fate of those merchants, but Cook couldn't stop it, and he didn't even think about stopping it. Cook understood it vaguely. The money was given by Lord Lu Dongxi. .

Duke Lu Dongxi paused, but when he saw that Cook did not continue to say anything, he fell silent for a while. Cook looked at the hundreds of heavily armed guards outside. Two magicians were in the carriage behind. , I don’t know what method Novin used to control the two people. Of course, the director of the Karoo Chamber of Commerce was also on the carriage.

"How much does Lord Duke know about Prince Red Maple Leaf?" Cook asked abruptly.

Duke Lu Dongxi couldn't react to it all at once, Prince Red Maple Leaf, but still replied: "That's a real king!"

"The king?" Cook was puzzled, such an evaluation is extremely rare.

"Yes, that family has always been worthy of our admiration." Duke Lu Dongxi showed admiration when he said this.

"Can you tell me in detail!" Cook asked with a musing.

"The Red Maple Leaf family has guarded the Northwest for countless years. It can be said that it is the biggest hero of the empire. Maybe you think that the Northwest Province is just relatively poor.

No, it’s not like that. The Moracan Desert is not as desolate as people think. There are not only sand thieves coming and going without a trace, but also large groups of monsters. If it weren’t for the Red Maple Leaf family, the empire might have been These sand thieves and monsters were broken.

But the emperor only saw the elite soldiers under the Red Maple Leaf Prince, saw the threat to the imperial power, and did not see those soldiers who survived the fight between the sand thieves and the Warcraft. I was fortunate to witness an attack by the Warcraft. It was a first-class monster, only the size of a fist, but there were hundreds of thousands of them in a group. They didn’t have any special ability, just spit acid, a wall of fifty meters high and fifteen meters thick, but in It was corroded clean after half an hour.

In that battle, the Red Maple Leaf Prince paid 8,000 elite soldiers, of which five family children, used a kind of kerosene rich in the desert to stop this kind of monster attack. Every few years, there will be a large number of monsters from The Moracan Desert rushed out, constantly attacking food, livestock, and people everywhere.

To say that Warcraft is terrible, but the sand thief is even more terrible. Those guys are wanted criminals on the mainland. They fled into the depths of the desert, and then feed themselves through constant looting, and the Northwestern Province is two capable of looting Locally, although the Arran Empire also borders the Moragan Desert, there is still a large Ural swamp between the Arran Empire and the Moragan Desert, so only a small part of our Ceylon Empire and Daya Empire is composed of these sands. The looted land.

The Red Maple Leaf Prince’s family has stood firm under such circumstances for countless years. Each Red Maple Leaf Prince has stood out from dozens of direct families through this battle, so each Red Maple Leaf Prince is stunning and beautiful. Yes, but without exception, these people don’t have a long lifespan, but they overworked and died when they were over a hundred years old. "Duke Lu Dongxi said in a suppressed voice.

Cook was silent. Cook didn’t know that Prince Red Maple Leaf had such a secret thing, but to his delight, there were still people in the Moracan Desert. You must know that it was his own territory, his lord. Without knowing it yet, Cook asked excitedly: "So how many people are there in Sand Pirates?"

"I don't know, but there must be tens of thousands of people. Some of them are wanted by the church, some are wanted by the empires, and some cannot survive. Anyway, there is no specific number." Duke Lu Dongxi was surprised at Cook's attitude. , But still replied.

"So what is the reason for this engagement ceremony?" Cook asked flatly.

"It's not for money. The territory of the Red Maple Leaf Prince needs a lot of soldiers and weapons. All of them need money. The Northwestern Province is a barren place. Therefore, the empire will allocate a sum of military expenses every year. The fiscal deficit was used as an excuse, and he was in arrears for half a year of military expenditures, and strictly restricted commerce with the Northwestern Province, so Prince Red Maple Leaf had to agree to the terms of the royal family.” Duke Lu Dongxi explained that Duke Lu Dongxi is a Duke , I know more than Noven.

"How much is the military expenditure for half a year?" Cook asked curiously.

"One and a half million gold coins." Duke Lu Dongxi replied.

"Cut, just such a little stuff, it's not enough for my family's rations for a week." Cook said with disdain.

Duke Lu Dongxi looked at Cook with disbelief. Cook was seen getting angry, and he directly took out a magic crystal coin and swayed it twice. Kaka immediately took him from Duke Lu Dongxi. Flying out from the sleeves, he immediately hugged the magic crystal coin and jumped back into the sleeve of Duke Lu Dongxi.

"You..." Duke Lu Dongxi was really stunned. It was magic crystal coins, more than one million gold coins.

"Huh, my KaKa is a non-attribute beast, what do you think!" Before Cook finished speaking, the crystal window of the carriage was directly shattered, and the big mouth flew in, and then a pair of small eyes Staring at Cook.

"Damn, you guy is embarrassed to come back!" Cook jumped up all of a sudden, and after catching the wind dove that night, the big mouth guy wandered around and never came back.

"You know how to eat! Eat food." Cook saw the dissatisfaction expression in his mouth, and immediately threw another magic coin, caught it with his mouth, and then slipped away again.

"You, you, you are the murderer who killed the third prince!" At this time, Duke Lu Dongxi reacted and screamed, pointing to Cook with a shiver.

Cook glanced at Duke Lu Dongxi, and Duke Lu Dongxi sat down shivering, but he was eager to try, and Cook curiously asked: "How did you recognize me?"

"You must be here for the daughter of Prince Red Maple Leaf~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The imperial capital has long been spread, but the royal family must cover up such scandals. Can you live to this day?" Cook depressed. Yes, Duke Lu Dongxi's gossip fire was obviously extremely strong, and he did not answer Cook's question at all.

"Okay, okay, let me ask you something!" Cook shouted displeasedly, contemptuously in his heart. Anyway, you still have to be a prisoner, don't always let me remind you.

"It's your toucan. That's a unique sign. Although the Imperial Intelligence Service is only loyal to the royal family, as a Duke, I still have a way. Your Excellency Cook, are you going to kill the Seven Princes this time? , The seventh prince is not a good person..." Duke Lu Dongxi said endlessly. You should kill the seventh prince quickly, and I raise my hands in agreement.

"Shut up!" Cook couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

"Your Excellency Cook, we have a basis for cooperation. I heard that your territory is all dwarves. Do you have iron weapons? I know several great dukes, earls, and good things forged by dwarves. How much do we want? How many are there?" But Duke Lu Dongxi apparently thought that Cook and himself belonged to the same camp, and he whispered immediately.

Cook rolled his eyes helplessly and asked, "How much? What weapon?"

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