A Unique Hunter

Chapter 270: Weasel into the chicken coop

Thank you Tian Ye for the VIP ticket, and Yerkes for the PK ticket!

Cook collected the topographic map of the Moracan Desert and the documents that recorded the details that the Prince Red Maple Leaf had just given. This is the most valuable information, but then Cook asked Prince Red Maple Leaf: "Then Connie Betrothed to the Seventh Prince?"

"Huh! Since I have military expenses, I still pay attention to the **** of the Seventh Prince. If it weren’t for the ancestor’s vows and the tens of thousands of people in the territory, we would not have wanted to be this prince. Cook, you might not I know that although our family of the Red Maple Leaf Prince is expensive as a prince, our 500-year deposit is only more than two thousand gold coins." At this time, the Red Maple Leaf Prince revealed the domineering power of a prince and a general.

Cook secretly smacked his tongue. What can two thousand gold coins do? I'm afraid the knights in some places have more deposits than this. Cook doesn't know what to say.

"Our Red Maple Leaf family didn't want to support it for a long time, but when a civilian joined the army with his own weapon and his own rations, we couldn't ignore it. I'm afraid you don't believe Cook, I Ninety percent of the soldiers in the territory are soldiers during the war, and civilians when they are not fighting, and most of them even bring their own rations, let alone salary." Prince Red Maple Leaf continued.

"Tsk tusk!" Cook can't stop talking, and there are probably no such soldiers in this world.

"Every year, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are killed in battle, but the pensions given by the military department are deducted before they are available, because our territory can't pay taxes." The Red Maple Leaf Prince said more and more angry.

Cook frowned, this situation is indeed very miserable, but it is obviously a miracle that the Red Maple Leaf family can support it. Cook shook his head and made a decision: "Since His Royal Highness is so embarrassed, then I will be in your territory. A magic shop is opened inside, which mainly buys some magic materials."

"Oh, Cook! I still advise you, forget it, magic materials are valuable, and the roads in my territory are very bad, and some people deliberately suppress us, which leads to business in my territory. The road is extremely unstable." His Royal Highness sighed and refused.

"Hehe, don't worry about the prince." Cook thought very simply. Since the road is blocked, then set up a single-person teleportation array and add his own space ring. It will definitely not be at a loss, but he just thinks of having a face. To the offended grandmother Lina, Cook has a numb scalp.

"Forget it, you have so much money anyway." The prince waved his hand and said.

Then the prince said solemnly: "Cook, Xiao Ni is now considered to be handed over to you. If you make Xiao Ni wronged, then I will die and I will not let you go."

"Uh, how could it be? It would be fine if she didn't bully me." Cook gave a startled voice, then whispered.

"Father." Connie yelled complainingly.

"Hehe, it's dawn, let's go, Cook, let's have breakfast. This is the happiest morning in my life." The prince looked at the window and it was already lit, and smiled invitingly.

"I'm honored!" Cook went downstairs with the prince.

Breakfast is very ordinary, but toast, and there is no honey, milk, eggs, a very ordinary breakfast, but Cook also noticed that those servants eat the same bread, no difference from the table, and three The ten guards looked at Cook in surprise, and obviously couldn't figure out how Cook got in.

"Thank you for the hospitality of His Royal Highness! A small gift is considered a thank you." Cook saw the 30 guards getting close to the Prince, so he felt sour, so he took out a box and handed it to the Prince.

"Hehe, don't mind if I open it!" The prince said with a smile.

"Don't mind, but I'm going to leave. I still have something to do in the imperial capital. As for the execution of the contract, I will come to see His Royal Highness at night. I think I will give His Royal Highness a surprise." Cook smiled and said goodbye. Connie, the prince and thirty guards were surprised that Cook actually walked through the wall.

The prince was so embarrassed that he said after a while: "Wonderful man, strange man!"

A guard muttered, "A strange person? A strange person?"

"Go away, Harold, you idiot bastard!" The prince went wild, roared loudly, and opened the box casually.

"This is?" Seeing a large bottle of liquid in the box exudes a charming magic light.

"This is the rebirth potion!" Connie picked up the bottle and found that it was not the same size as an ordinary potion bottle with just a finger. This bottle was at least a catty of potion.

"How do you know?" the prince asked in disbelief.

"It's not!" Connie pointed to the font on the bottle cap, and the prince ran away in tears.

"This is a rebirth potion for treating disabilities, especially broken limbs. Cook is interested." Connie knows more about potions than her father, after all, Connie has lived in the Magic City for a while.

"Really?" The prince's eyes widened suddenly, and the thirty guards all looked at the potion in Connie's hand with hot eyes.

"Each person takes one drop a day for seven days. During this time, a lot of supplementary food is needed." Connie handed the potion bottle to the prince, then turned and entered the castle, but her steps were lighter.

"Huh! I know to please, I'm not a fool, don't you think, Xiaoshuang?" Connie pointed at a bird the size of a palm, but this bird has two heads, this is the double-headed dark eagle.

"Guck!" The double-headed dark magic eagle rolled his eyes together, and then turned his head to one side.

Cook wandered the street for a while and came to a very quiet area. This is the most prosperous area in the entire imperial capital. It is also the area where most of the royal children of the Ceylon Empire and the nobles are located. It belongs to the inner city of the imperial capital. Although the Prince of Red Maple Leaf is also in this area, the area where the Prince of Red Maple Leaf is located is the old inner city in the past. Now it is newly established. The wizards’ union, the thieves’ union and other unions all set up branches here, and this area is also Ceylon City is the safest area, after all, the guards of the major trade unions are not vegetarian.

"Hunter's Union! Alas!" Cook accidentally saw the Hunter's Union, which was in a small alley and still in a tavern. You can see how deteriorating the hunter profession is.

"Since it's here, check the level and replace the badge!" Cook was originally looking for the Seventh Prince. According to the information given by Duke Lu Dongxi, the Seventh Prince will visit his own industry every day, the Norman Chamber of Commerce. Yes, but now it’s more than an hour before the Seven Princes come to the Norman Chamber of Commerce. The Norman Chamber of Commerce is just across the alley of the Hunter’s Union. The Norman Chamber of Commerce operates everything, food, weapons, and magic materials. Obviously it depends on the relationship of the Seven Princes. .

"Excuse me, I want to advance to the hunter professional badge, where should I go?" Cook came to the tavern, and now the door has just opened, there is no one inside, only two guys are cleaning and doing some preparatory work.

"Second floor!" a guy looked at Cook, and then said.

Cook was speechless, and he unexpectedly met such a rude man, so Cook went straight to the second floor. In a room on the second floor, a sign of the Hunter Union was hung at the door, but to Cook's bitter smile, he just came out of the house. A woman who smells this perfume knows that it is used by dancing girls.

"Excuse me, is the promotion hunter badge here?" Cook poked a head and found a middle-aged man in the house, Cook asked politely.

"How many levels are you advanced?" the middle-aged man asked without looking back.

"Level 2!" Cook replied.

"Ten gold coins!" The middle-aged man finally turned around, and Cook found that this was just a low-level hunter, and the magic light on his body was not very strong.

"Okay, here's the badge!" After Cook gave ten gold coins, the middle-aged man directly gave Cook a second-level badge.

Cook left speechlessly. When he was in Roland City, he also tested it somehow, but now he doesn’t ask at all, and just gives the badge. Cook ignored the few dancing girls who glared at him, and came directly. Downstairs, and stepped into the magic shop opened by the Seventh Prince.

"The stuff is quite complete!" Cook entered the door and took a look first, and then murmured to himself, to say that this was originally a compliment, but it means to belittle when it is placed in the magic shop. Only those who don't understand it will sell everything. The average magic shop only does one thing, materials, monsters, weapons, armors, etc. It doesn't do the second kind at all, and only those with a grocery store nature will do it.

Cook walked and looked at it. He didn't need the potion. Magic crystals are all garbage. The scroll is also rubbish. As far as weapons are concerned, Cook is even less eye-catching. Cook finally came to the place where the eggs of Warcraft were sold, and there were some cubs of Warcraft. Cook was somewhat interested in this.

"Boy, I can only watch and can't move. These are all monsters worth hundreds of gold coins." Cook saw a very cute curly-eared cat and was about to touch it. He didn't know that a voice immediately sounded behind him.

Cook looked back and looked like a buddy. Cook is speechless. The curl cat is only a zero-level beast. It's just that the cute appearance will become the pet of countless noble girls, and the beast is inherently more spiritual than the beast, so Hundreds of gold coins are not low.

"What are you looking at, but a hunter!" The guy said disdainfully, and then left, but he was still watching Cook from a distance. Cook was very depressed, but Cook was not aiming for these little guys, so Keep watching.

Cook took a rough look with his magic eyes, and found that they were all low-level monsters, but this is not important, because low-level monsters can be cultivated as long as they are good enough, and there is no such thing as a cub that is worthy of Cook. Goodbye, Cook looked at the WoW eggs again.

However, due to the blocking of the eggshell, the magical fluctuations of the monster eggs are extremely subtle, and Cook has to check them one by one, the earth element, no! The fire element is so big and its vitality is so weak, don't! It's still soil! No! Wind system, vitality fluctuations are still too weak, don't!

Cook checked them one by one. The beast eggs not only depend on the family, but also the vitality. Only the stronger the vitality, the stronger and the greatest potential after hatching, Cook was finally disappointed. Here All of the monster eggs are low-level monster eggs, and there are no high-level monster eggs at all, and most of them are first-level and second-level monsters.

"Hehe, kid, if you want to see more advanced monster eggs, you only need to give me ten gold coins, and I will take you to see it?" The guy saw Cook's fascination and walked over with a smile. Whispered.

"There are more advanced ones?" Cook asked obviously in a daze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nonsense, there are warcraft eggs worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins upstairs. If you want to give me ten gold coins, I will take you. How about seeing the knowledgeable kid? "The man said disdainfully.

"Well, I really don't know that there are warcraft eggs with hundreds of thousands of gold coins." Cook was amused. Isn't this the old hen asking the weasel into the chicken coop? Cook looked at the magic wave leading to the second floor. Obviously there is a warning magic circle.

"Follow me, remember, you only have fifteen minutes, if you don't leave then I will say you sneaked in." The guy threatened.

"Okay! I'll be out in ten minutes!" Cook hurriedly made a careful look, and then handed ten gold coins to the guy.

This guy was triumphant: "There is such a fool who actually spends ten gold coins just to take a look. If he gets rich, he can go to the center bar again at night. I don’t know if Lan Ti’s packaged it at night. If not..." Cook walked up to the second floor under the leadership of the guy. The guy gave Cook a metal sign, obviously to avoid the warning circle. Cook guessed that this might be the identity of some other guys. brand.

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