A Unique Hunter

Chapter 291: News from all sides

After Cook gave the order, he looked at the youth on the opposite side playfully, and then looked at Captain Kenza. Cook couldn't help but shook his head. He wanted to find a mercenary group to drop by, but he didn't expect to cause trouble. Ke found that it was like driving a car. You don’t hit anyone, but someone wants to hit you. Cook sighed, “Maybe this is life!”

"Head, thank you for taking care of me for so many days. Cook is very grateful. Now it's time for me to leave." Cook came to Kensa and bowed slightly to salute. Indeed, Kensa took care of him as a head. A newcomer like myself is interesting enough.

"Cook..." Kenza smiled bitterly, but did not continue to say anything, because Kenza is not a person, but a team leader, who needs to take care of dozens of people, not himself.

"Stop talking, head, I understand." Cook interrupted Kenza.

"The fire python's eyeballs contain the essence and blood of the fire python, which can greatly increase the magical power and affinity in the body of the fire magician. Find a more advanced pharmacist, and both of you have the opportunity to become a high fire magician. "Cook looked at Yafeier and Elena again and said.

"Senior pharmacist, how advanced is it?" Elena asked excitedly, senior magician, that is the dream of the two of them.

"Well, when you arrive in the Magic City, just find a city guard to inquire about it, find a guy named Duncos, and say I let you go." Cook hesitated, and said, Cook knew that he did not have this sentence. In other words, the two want to refine the blood in the eyeballs of the fire python into a potion, but they are afraid that the rich can't find the refined person. As for Duncos, it is the magic city. After the last incident, the city guard The army doesn't know.

"Thank you!" Although Elena was a little confused, she still said thank you.

"You take care, don't worry about the Gorse Chamber of Commerce, that is a scum!" Cook clasped his fists, this is a goodbye etiquette between mercenaries.

"Leader, I'm leaving too!" To Cook's surprise, Qi Shang and Luo Lin had to leave.

Cook quickly stopped and said: "Brother Luo Lin, Qishang, you guys...!"

"Cook. Although I am older than you, I have learned so many days that I can call you a teacher, and I am afraid that you are unwilling." Qi Shang interrupted Cook to explain this sentence. In fact, Qi Shang is also gambling. It’s not that simple to bet on Cook. This principle is very simple for small people like Qishang. It is what Cook understands. The so-called masters of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce don’t understand it. This is something ordinary people can. Understand?

"Brother Cook, don't talk about it, you saved the life of your brother Luo Lin, and people followed you." Luo Lin said very simple, but his tone was very firm.

"Okay, okay, I didn’t expect that I Cook had two friends in life and death, let’s go!" Cook said two good words in succession. In Cook’s view, friends are regardless of their status. My friend, Duncos, is also my friend, and Duke Lu Dongxi is also my friend. There is only friendship between friends, there is no so-called status. Once you link your friends with your status, you will never have A true friend, because as your status changes, or the status of a friend changes, the friendship between the two will also disappear, so such people will never have friends.

"Hey, you two have figured it out clearly!" The young manager said threateningly.

"Don't worry, we are both alone." Luo Lin said lightly. Since he left with Cook, he was mentally prepared.

"Okay, okay, I want to see how the three of you mercenaries mix in the mercenary world." The young director of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce is indeed qualified to say this.

But what he didn’t know was that in front of the checkpoint set up by the North Fort Tissoburg in Cook Territory, a series of more than one hundred giant carriages were preparing to pass the checkpoint. There was a small canary on the carriage, but there was a small canary on the carriage. Two leaves, this is the Gorse Chamber of Commerce, an extremely rare and precious flower.

The manager of the caravan was very energetic. He saw that there were small carriages around him. His Chamber of Commerce was a giant carriage. After this trip, the Chamber of Commerce earned nearly 100,000 gold coins. This is still some ordinary food and fruit at a cost. Only a few silver coins, but dozens of silver coins can be sold here, and the profit has reached five hundred times.

The general manager watched that the deacon of the caravan had gone to the checkpoint to report. The general manager knew that a routine inspection would follow, and the goods inside would turn into a magic crystal card in the afternoon.

"Who is the director of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce?" a guard roared loudly.

The director looked at the guards with fangs. Although his heart trembled, this was a troll guard. The director knew that the baron’s territory had not only orc guards, dwarf guards, ogre guards, but also barbarian guards. The manager was not afraid, and replied loudly: "Here, here!"

"Come on, seize these carriages. From now on, the Gorse Chamber of Commerce is not allowed to trade in the territory. If it is discovered, all supplies will be confiscated!" the troll guard shouted loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A squad of guards swarmed, and the giant crossbow above the huge checkpoint turned around, staring at the huge caravan.

"This, this... it's impossible, sir, sir, we are the Gorse Chamber of Commerce, the top five chambers of commerce in mainland China!" the general manager howled, no one understands what the guard said just now about the chamber of commerce. How much impact.

"Huh, you are the one who is investigating! Come here, seal up the materials, dare to resist, and kill you!" The troll guard is Luo Cuo, and the knights of the brigade rushed out with heavy crossbows in their hands. The guard of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce.

"Let down your weapons!" The caravan guard captain of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce gave an order in pain, and looked at the several Warcraft knights around. These warcrafts are as high as level five, and there are dozens of magic wolf knights. This is not the case. The small guards can contend, not to mention the hundreds of other fully armed guards. These guards wear fine equipment made by dwarves, rather than the general merchandise on their own.

"Wow!" A group of guards quickly dropped their weapons and breathed a sigh of relief. Faced with such an elite guard, the guards could not have the will to resist at all.

The caravan next to it was stunned. The giant Gorse Chamber of Commerce on the mainland was actually taken down, but the people here did not know that the same thing happened in the Magic City and the Ceylon Empire. Some managers of large chambers of commerce have seen this opportunity, and have spent huge sums of money to conduct magical communication through the wizard's union.

In Magic City Wushuang Academy, Lyle looked at the back of Mickey walking out, and faintly ordered: "Tell the people below, we will not want anything from the Gorse Chamber of Commerce in the future!" Lyle is now the vice president, Lyle Although he is an elder, Lyle is a scholar-type mentor, not the kind of manager, so the position of vice president of a Wushuang Academy and vice president of the Magician Guild Pharmacy Association, although Lyle does not know Jin There is something to do with Cook, but Mickey’s request is not Cook’s request. Lyle just gave an order. Regarding the current director of the Magician Union and the vice president of the Pharmacy Association, no matter how many pairs of Lyle are in the mainland. It's all trash fish.

Although Lyle was a short sentence, the impact was huge. After Lyle's words passed on, he concentrated on doing his own things, but underneath the magic city there was a wave of undercurrents.

If you say * naked face, it is the Ceylon Empire. Originally, Duke Lu Dongxi’s new business alliance was a chamber of commerce. The news from Cooke from the wizards’ union was of course passed by Manli, Lu Dong The nobles of the Duke of Xi directly blocked all the gorse chambers of commerce and arrested people, and finally listed the gorse chambers of commerce as one of the most wanted targets.

The dwarf even issued a statement that the Gorse Chamber of Commerce was listed as one of the unpopular objects. In just one day, the Gorse Chamber of Commerce was suppressed by all parties, and the senior leaders of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce were in a panic. Some intelligence already has a large empire, a Ceylon empire, a large aristocratic territory, Cook’s territory, and the richest race of dwarves, as well as the world’s largest organization Magician Guild to suppress the Gorse Chamber of Commerce. The Broccoli Chamber of Commerce is very good, ranking in the top five, but that refers to the Chamber of Commerce. As far as the organization is concerned, the Broccoli Chamber of Commerce has nothing to show off. In terms of combat effectiveness, any union is stronger than it, and in terms of military, any empire The chamber of commerce can be sealed.

No one would know that the root of all the turmoil was a small second-level hunter who was tens of thousands of kilometers away. When the Gorse Chamber of Commerce finally knew that the underground world was their forbidden area, the Chamber of Commerce had already fallen into an impending subversion. In the desperate situation, the other major chambers of commerce are doing their best. After all, a large chamber of commerce has a lot of market share.

Cook just left. Under the gaze of Kenza and others, under the gaze of the general manager of the gorse mercenary group, he finally left. The gorse mercenary group waved when he saw that Cook was gone. Gone, but the youth who was called the general manager had a gloomy face, and the one called the master shook his head.

"Brother Cook, did we go wrong?" The three of them took out their weapons vigilantly as they walked, but Luo Lin carefully identified the direction and stopped and asked.

"Yes, I went to Hongyan Lake!" Cook replied, wearing glasses, checking his direction.

Luo Lin and Qi Shang glanced at each other, and Luo Lin asked weakly, "Brother, Hongyan Lake is a high-level area, the three of us?"

"I came to Hongyan Lake this time, mainly because I couldn't find the way by myself, otherwise I would not go with the mercenary group." Cook muttered dissatisfied.

"Khan!" Qishang and Luo Lin were both sweating~www.wuxiaspot.com~A second-level hunter, well, even if you are sinister and cunning, then facing the beasts is not a human being, it's yours. Can a bow and arrow break the defense of Warcraft?

"Huhuhu!" Just as Luo Lin was about to say something, a whistling voice came from the bushes not far away, and then a furry head was revealed.

"Devil bear, and it's a fire devil bear!" Luo Lin screamed and drew out the weapon he was carrying.

"Found the hive again?" Cook stared at the demon bear with bright eyes and asked loudly.

"Boom!" The devil bear stood up, slapped his chest fiercely, and then his huge nose twitched vigorously.

"Go!" Cook knew that this was the demon bear's performance, and Cook rushed out.

"Come back, rush!" Seeing that Cook was about to rush over, Luo Lin yanked Cook vigorously, but he didn't expect that Luo Lin's body was taken directly by Cook and flew out, and then fell on the devil bear. In front of him, Luo Lin's mouth grew wide, staring blankly at the devil bear standing up to a height of three meters and five meters, and then his head fainted.

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