A Unique Hunter

Chapter 295: Painful promotion

"Haha!" Cook feels itchy now, full of immense power, and he can't help but laugh out loud. Cook feels his blood is boiling. When the whole person started, for example, if he was in a hot spring, now Just soak in boiling water.

"Boom!" The big shield in Cook's hand slammed against a spear, and then made a loud bang. The spear was smashed directly by Cook with the shield used by the giant, and he dropped the spear. A forest goblin in the sky above the forest covered his mouth in disbelief, looking at the spear that was directly smashed by Cook, knowing that it was made from the bones of an intermediate-level beast, and it was crushed by force. You should know that even the fairy clan only uses potions to purify the bones of Warcraft. Finally, it is made like this, and bone weapons are better than metal weapons in the forest, because metal weapons will be corroded, and bones can be used. A long time.

What the goblin didn't notice was that the fragments of the bone spear slowly disappeared strangely, as if the ice had melted, and from inside the bush behind Cook, a little furry thing showed a satisfied look. But this little thing was mad when he saw Cook's figure.

"Boom!" Then Cook saw a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties falling towards him, but Cook did not avoid it at all. Instead, he firmly held the shield with his hands, and then pushed it up hard, with a loud noise. The boulder was directly hit by Cook and flew into the nearby forest.

"Warning, warning, arrows that exceed the body's endurance limit, at four o'clock in the sky, it is recommended to use trees to hide." Sky Eye issued a huge warning sound.

"Needless to say, I saw it too." Cook's magic eyes had seen two unusually shining lights in the sky a long time ago. Those were violent magic fluctuations. Obviously, this was a strong man in the forest fairy clan.

"Shoo!" The dense bone arrows do not cause any harm to Cook. The huge giant shield, which is as tall as a human, is carried behind him, like a hard tortoise shell. You must know that the dwarf is building The shield used by the giant is calculated according to the giant's strength and maximum endurance, and finally made by adding some rare metals, which can be said to be extremely tough.

But Cook is not feeling well. It is not that he is being chased, but he is hungry. Cook feels that his belly is like a bottomless pit. Cook has food in the ring now. The problem is that he is running for his life. There is only one thing in the ring that can quickly replenish energy consumption, and that is the hundreds of kilograms of wild honey harvested a few days ago.

"Wow!" A bottle of wild honey was poured directly into the belly by Cook. Fortunately, it was stored in the space ring, so it did not solidify. Good honey is like white lard. Of course, this refers to ordinary cauliflower. Honey, like locust tree and linden tree honey, can be purchased at a price of more than ten yuan per catty, and these two kinds of honey are colorless and transparent, and will never solidify, and there is a floral fragrance that is generally invisible in the market. Yes, as for the yellow honey, cough cough, everyone will go home and boil the sugar water to see the color. The only thing to solidify is to add a part of the honey, not more than 40%. The black one is the worst, it is buckwheat honey. There is a fishy smell, but the long is said to be medicinal nectar because of this smell. As for the green honey that just came out, it is honey from some other tree species, but it will turn into light yellow after a period of time. Anyway, the good honey looks delicate, but I heard that there are some fake sugars, so I don’t Clear.

The biggest advantage of the space ring is to keep the things put in a vacuum environment, so as not to be corrupted or oxidized, so the honey is not solidified.

"Roar!" An unexpected thing happened. Cook just poured a bottle of honey, he felt like a fire inside his body, as if his body was a pile of fire, and this honey was like a barrel of oil. Cook couldn't help it. Howl loudly, and the skin on Cook's surface actually began to appear small cracks.

But what made Cook more shocked was that the feeling of hunger became stronger. The feeling that my stomach conveyed to his brain was that I want that thing, hurry up, the more the better. Cook found that his mind is full of needs. The idea of ​​eating honey is the same as drinking water, as long as the body needs it, it will continuously send out the desire to drink water.

"Wow!" Cook entered a bottle of honey in his mouth again.

"Boom!" This time Cook clearly felt that the energy contained in honey was absorbed by the body at once. What made Cook even more pleased was that his mental power was still slowly increasing, which was consumed just after Cook just used magic. Only discovered with great mental power.

"Wow!" Cook can't care about honey anymore, he just keeps pouring into his mouth, and the sky-eye reminder Cook ignores it at all, but the two strong cooks are scrupulous, but they are hundreds of meters away. In the virgin forest of tall trees, even if the strong at high altitude locks on Cook, he dare not attack easily, because Cook is now constantly moving between the big trees that are enough for a few people. Not to mention the attack from the sky, even the attack from the ground, Cook is not afraid, and what is more beneficial to Cook is that the forest goblins are basically remote professionals, bows, arrows, magic, and spears are all used to project.

Of course there are some troubles. The forest goblin can communicate with plants, but Cook has a pair of magic eyes. As long as it is a magic plant, Cook will avoid it. After all, an ordinary plant, the forest goblin can also command it Do not move, even if it is commanded, it will take a long time for these ordinary plants to change something, only magic plants.

"Damn it!" Cook felt something caught his feet. This is not the first time for Cook. This is a magical plant that looks like a normal weed, but underneath the weed is a ball, round. The ball is like a leather ball, but there is a hole on it. Once a living object enters the hole, the ball will immediately seal the hole under the weed, and then slowly corrode it with a corrosive liquid. The life inside was finally absorbed by the ball, and Cook couldn't help cursing secretly when he saw the round things on his feet.

"Boom!" Cook didn't make any other movements at all, but just kicked directly on the tree when he passed the next big tree.

"Hey!" The ball on the foot was kicked directly into a ball of mud by this foot. This thing was wrong for Cook.

The forest fairy in the sky is depressed. For the owner of the forest, the fairy family has not encountered such a difficult enemy. Not only can the forest fairy communicate with plants, but also the ability to communicate with the beasts of warcraft. Driven the group of monsters to catch the enemy.

But there is no way to fight against Cook. The speed of this human in the forest is not lower than that of Warcraft, and the birds in the sky can't chase Cook in the dense forest at all, so the speed is even slower. Now the nearest five to Cook The first-level monster is a fire demon wolf, but this demon wolf has been more than 3,000 meters behind Cook, and can't catch up with Cook at all. The arrows that the forest fairy is proud of, the spears projected, and the magic can not leave a trace on the tortoise-shell shield on the human back below.

If ordinary people were hit by huge rocks, they would at least be directly injured by the huge counter-shock force, but the humans below dodged at first, and now they don’t care at all, and there is a stance to take the initiative. A dozen forest goblins looked at each other and nodded.

"Wow! Cool! Cool, it's like a sauna!" Cook got a bottle of honey into his stomach, and then a hot stream of heat from his body poured into his body, and then came a rush from his back. The huge shaking, it was like pouring a scoop of ice water in boiling water, making Cook feel comfortable all over, so Cook is now consciously putting his body under the soil magic released by the forest fairy.

"Boom! Cool!" Cook felt his body shook again. The tremendous power slowed down Cook's steps, but Cook still felt refreshed.

"Wow!" Another bottle of honey was poured into Cook's mouth.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" But the next moment Cook knew it was not good. To say that Cook was facing a single-shot rifle fired bullets, now he is shooting heavy machine guns in a row. Cook is one second Almost five boulders fell down in multiple minutes.

"Puff! Nima, these forest goblins are too insidious." Cook looked at the sky and found dozens of khaki light spots gathered not far above his head. Cook cursed secretly. Obviously it was a dozen. The earth forest goblin released the rockfall technique together, and the honey that Cook had just drunk was spit out by tremendous power.

"Boom boom boom!" Cook just took a look, and ran quickly, because a dozen boulders fell together, and Cook wouldn't be a fool if he didn't run.

"Everyone concentrated their attacks, just like them, the archers and the shooters all attack together. The wood magician uses thorns to stop the enemy, the earth magician uses ground thorns to block the enemy, and the archer and the shooter fire intensively, flying warcraft. Concentrated attacks too." After seeing the magic released by more than a dozen Tu family members in the sky, a forest goblin roared loudly, and the sound spread to the ears of all the tribesmen within a few kilometers.

"Damn, this **** guy actually knows the saturated dense coverage blow!" Of course, Cook also understood, there is no way, the language of the goblin is similar to that of the elves, and Cook shivered immediately when he heard the shout. Obviously, anyone who comes like this can only be caught obediently.

But Cook is not an ordinary person at all. Cook gritted his teeth and ran towards the dense bushes. Then Cook poured a bottle of secondary invisibility potion, but the next moment Cook became depressed because his body was constantly absorbing the surrounding area. The wood magic elements, so the invisible potion does not work at all.

"Nima, wow! Wow! Wow!" Cook cursed secretly, and poured a bottle of Fengxing Potion, Agility Potion, Strength Potion, and a bottle of honey, and then Cook's speed increased again.

"Boom!" In this inadvertently, the speed at which the vindictive spirit in Cook's body automatically revolves went crazy, and the surrounding wood elements seemed to be attracted by a huge vortex, slowly forming a line next to Cook Green shadow.

"Ah!!!" Cook cried out sternly, because Cook found that his veins were constantly rupturing and falling off, and then the new veins were wider and tougher than the original ones. The process of this vein falling off is like It is the same as scraping the veins with a knife.

"Ah!!! Boom!" Cook howled loudly due to the intense pain. The screams resounded throughout the forest. Cook couldn't help but hit the big tree next to him. The big tree hugged by the two was hit by Cook. There was a loud noise, and the leaves kept falling.

"Wait!" After hearing Cook's screams, one of the fairies in the sky shouted loudly, and the other fairies looked at each other, because the screams below made people wonder if there was anything more powerful. s things?

"Boom!" Cook kept hitting the surrounding rocks and big trees with his body. As long as everything Cook saw, Cook wanted to hit, and the bang did not stop in the forest, and Cook was whole. It looks like a green figure, this is because the huge wood element is absorbed by Cook's body.

Although Cook is in pain, he can clearly know that the tendons and veins in the body fall off at a very fast speed, and then regenerate, first the small tendons, finally the main tendons of the limbs, and then the large tendons on the spine, step by step. Toward the source of Cook's grudge.

"Kacha!" When this falling speed reached the source of fighting energy, the source of fighting energy broke directly like a mirror, and replaced by a larger source of fighting energy.

"Boom!" At the moment when the source of fighting energy expanded~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the funnel-shaped cycle of fighting energy in the source of Cooke fighting energy directly expanded several times in an instant, filling the source of fighting energy again.

"Haha! Haha!" Cook felt the wood elements constantly pouring in around his body. The originally wide, large and empty veins were constantly filled up like a high-power element pump. Cook's muscles There was a majestic vindictive qi surging in the pulse, and Cook instantly sensed that his vindictive strength should have reached level three, and Cook laughed.

"Goo!" But the next moment, the intense hunger made Cook depressed.

"Wow!" Cook poured a bottle of honey and felt the huge heat flow all over his body. Cook couldn't express his pride.

"Damn!" But then Cook cursed, because Cook felt that the vindictive energy in his tendons was rapidly diminishing, and his body was quickly absorbing vindictive energy like a bottomless pit. What makes Cook even more frustrated is that the huge whirlpool in the source of fighting energy seems to start to rotate slowly after taking stimulants. There is no madness at the moment. Cook is almost crazy, you can’t. Keep running, this wood element doesn't need money.

"Boom!" When Cook was astonished, a huge stone slammed on his body, and Cook was directly smashed to the ground.

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