A Unique Hunter

Chapter 318: miracle

"That's right!" Cook wanted to snap his fingers, but he glanced at his fingers that were no longer good enough, and had to give up, but he nodded and said.

"Second madness!" Everyone's heads are down. This is no less than saying that a small island country in the South Pacific developed the latest generation of fighter planes and successfully shot down a new generation of fighter planes from other countries. People present I don’t believe this is true, not to mention the vassal race. Even the royal family in the orcs has never heard of anyone who carried out the second berserk. The danger of the second berserk is a hundred times stronger than the berserk, and of course the combat effectiveness is also improved. A lot.

"Kang Dang! God of War is on!" I didn't know that the werewolf soldier's weapon fell to the ground, and then there was a loud roar.

"God of War is on!"

"God possessed!" Religious enthusiasm is here, **** all impossible things to the gods, and believers in the Temple of the God of War are no exception.

In fact, thinking about it from another angle, everyone would summarize this incident as the Fukuzawa descended by the gods. Here, there is only one person who did not think of it, and that is Cook. When Cook was just about to start his hands, he suddenly saw the people around him, whether it was Soldiers are civilians, or adventurers. There are also risk-taking guys among the orcs. These people are all creeping in the ice and snow, regardless of the mud mixed with livestock dung, all creeping on the ground.

"Hehe!" When Cook saw the scene at the moment, he smiled and walked towards the Umei High Priest.

"Boom!" But just when Cook was about to catch the Wumei High Priest, the whole temple suddenly released colorful brilliance, and then a beam of light that threw up into the sky.

"Sky Eye, what's the situation?" Cook felt that something was wrong, and he quickly asked Sky Eye, hoping to use Sky Eye's huge database to analyze what is going on.

"Target, unknown! Method: unknown! Detected strong spatial fluctuations, interfering with communication, interfering with communication, warning! Speed ​​away! Warning! Speed ​​away...!" The Eye of Sky did not return at all, but kept telling Cook. Warning sound.

When Cook heard it, he broke into a cold sweat. Cook still remembered the last time he fought an unknown guy in the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. It concentrated all his power at the time, and he was the home court. Cook thought of what happened. This big guy wants to go down and stroll around, isn't he going to suffer? Although Cook doesn't believe in the so-called gods very much, the world of magic is far beyond Cook's knowledge, so Cook thinks it is best to be safe.

"Huh!" Cook watched the two bear people's followers look up at him warily. Cook kicked them out with a cold snort, then picked up the ebony high priest, turned and ran away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Cook saw creeping orcs everywhere, whether adults or children, and Cook couldn't help having a headache because he was too big.

"Yes!" Cook thought for a while, thought of a good way, and poured a bottle of invisible potion.

"My grass!" But then Cook was disappointed. The light from this temple actually had the effect of eliminating all invisible marks. Cook couldn't help but numb his scalp, turned his head and left quickly.

"I am the king of the Bunnymen!" Cook didn't forget to release a sound amplification magic before he left, and Cook's voice echoed throughout the city of Angry Wolf.

"Bunny King? Don't you just have this kind of revenge?" Cook heard Wu Mei's voice just after shouting.

"You're not a priest of Wumei?" Cook saw Wumei's eyes, it was a kind of disdain, from the heart, and there was a kind of aura possessed by the superiors, Cook's scalp numb, and he threw away Wumei. , Asked sharply.

"Haha, good eyesight!" Wu Mei was not thrown on the ground like Cook imagined, but was suspended in the air strangely, looking at Cook from a high level.

"Swish!" Cook saw such a scene, without saying anything, directly took out a piercing crossbow, swished a black shadow and hit the high priest Wumei.

"Very low-level things, isn't it, it's still on the surface of primary things!" The crossbow arrow stopped strangely in front of the high priest Wumei, and then began to spin. The high priest Wumei glanced at it and said disdainfully.

"So what about this!" Cook threw out the remaining few advanced engineering bombs.

"Haha, it's still a child's thing, just these junk goods, also equipped with a space ring?" But the engineering bomb also stopped strangely in front of the Umei High Priest, and then naturally decomposed countless colorful powders.

"Damn, what about this!" Then Cook lifted up a magic crossbow, the all-metal crossbow with large arms was particularly obvious under the light of snow.

"Although it is a composite magic circle, it is inferior in nature." Cook was shocked, because the magic giant crossbow in his hand flew into Wu Mei's hands at once, and Cook did not see how it went, and then the magic giant The crossbow was peeled off layer by layer, and the magic circle was peeled off one by one, just like restoring the entire refining process.

"Who are you, what do you want to do?" Cook's scalp numb, and what he is proud of is not worth mentioning in front of this guy.

Cook used his mental power to constantly call the Sky Eye, but unfortunately, the Sky Eye still did not respond, and Cook had to delay the time, hoping that the Sky Eye could communicate with him through interference.

"Hehe, I am just a ray of spiritual power from God of War..." Wu Mei said with a smile, and then the magic giant crossbow became a pile of powder.

"You are the God of War, I am a human being, not your orcs." Since Cook wanted to delay time, he could only expose his shortcomings.

"What kind of humans, orcs are not humans? Humans are a general reference, not a specific race. You are just the descendants of monkey people." God of War replied with disdain.

"Monkey man?" Cook almost fainted. If you want to say that humans evolved from monkeys, Cook still believes it, but if you want to say that it is the monkey man, Cook can't agree.

Cook asked loudly, "Monkey people, the monkey people in the orcs are not like us, don't they have a tail?"

"Monkey people are also divided into many races, don't you know if there are tails in monkeys?" Wu Mei asked again.

"So you said that we humans are monkey people, but what about the others, elves, goblins, goblins, dwarves?" Cook asked loudly.

"They are all humans, the orcs are only a species of humans, the goblins are the cicada people in the orcs, and the elves barely have half the blood of the orcs and half of the other blood..." The Umei High Priest continued to explain.

The people behind Cook did not listen to his mind at all, because the Sky Eye has been successfully connected: "Warning, warning, the target energy interference is serious, the target energy interference is serious!"

"Sky Eye, turn on the meteor cannon for me to bombard the target in front of me with all my strength." Cook immediately issued an order in his mind.

"Unable to lock the target, warning! Unable to lock the target!" Skyeye then heard a burst of harsh warning sounds.

"Directly bombard me 50...20 meters in front of me!" Cook gritted his teeth and ordered, and then quickly poured the protective potion, the healing potion, which is the kind of big bottle, directly into it. Fortunately, Cook is now in his body. Huge, and then Cook quickly relieved his frenzied state. Although the long ears were a bit in the way, Cook couldn't take care of it anymore.

"Hey!" Then Cook took out a big shield used by giants, blocked the front of the body tightly, and crawled on the ground with the shield facing upward to reduce the shock wave of the moment.

"Huh...?" Wu Mei looked at Cook's weird movements and thought with disdain: "You can prevent me like this?"

But then Wu Mei's face changed. Looking at the dazzling light above her head, Wu Mei's hair stood up all at once, the clothes on her whole body expanded, and a halo lit up on Wu Mei.

"Damn it...Boom!" Wu Mei roared, but then she was hit by a dazzling beam of light. It must be said that Cook's estimated distance was quite accurate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang, boom!" Cook didn't know how many things he was hit by, and how many things he collided with.

"Bah! Bah!" Cook woke up quietly and found that his eyes were dark and his whole body was painful everywhere. Cook vomited the mud out of his mouth, and then realized that he was actually buried in the soil. Cook Reached out and pulled, feeling the whole arm like a needle stick.

"Damn!" When Cook crawled out, he took a look at the light from the snow. He was covered with wounds and there was almost no complete place. Cook barely released a healing technique, and then took out a few bottles of potion. After going down, Cook looked at him like a big crater hit by a missile.

A large pit with a depth of more than ten meters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ several tens of meters wide is particularly conspicuous in the snow, with splashes of mud everywhere.

"Sky Eye?" Cook tried to call Sky Eye.

"Meteor Cannon consumes 45% of energy in one blow, and 5% of energy is left." What made Cook breathe a sigh of relief was that the Sky Eye still reacted.

"How to consume 45%?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"The anti-space interference magic array consumes 45% of energy." Tianyan replied.

"I wiped it, I knew I had bombarded him." Cook yelled, and then Cook took out the communication eyes. This is the advantage of having space and equipment, otherwise Cook would only have to go back with his body.

"Ahem, ahem, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that there are things from our time in this plane, boy, I remember you!" Then a voice sounded, and Cook turned his head to look. Seeing a dark figure appeared in the big pit.

"Who?" Cook subconsciously took out the shield to stand in front of him, because now Cook didn't dare to use force, otherwise the wound would not be cured.

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