A Unique Hunter

Chapter 345: Converge

Cook looked at the black light that was almost dim. Cook took out a fine iron arrow, slowly approached the part where the black light exposed the ground, and then began to do a very dangerous thing: mine clearance.

However, this different world is not a landmine, but the might of something unknown. Cook started to slowly pry the gravel and powder around the black light with the fine iron arrow, while he began to test nervously.

"No more." Cook felt a light in his hand. He picked it up and saw that most of the arrow of the fine iron arrow was gone, and the disappeared part showed strong corrosion-like marks. Cook quickly dropped the arrow shaft for a few seconds. After the clock time, the arrow shaft also turned into dust.

Cook took out another fine iron arrow and started mine clearance work, and finally ate another meal in Cook. After a short rest, something emitting black light was exposed. Cook looked at the ground half a meter deep. The black ray of light emerged from something that felt like a thick black nail.

"This seems to be a magical item!" Cook looked at the thickness of his thumb, the two-inch long black nail-like thing with magic patterns flashing from time to time, Cook said in surprise.

Cook observed carefully, and finally found that there was still a flaw in this thing. It was a nail-like thing but a black magic light appeared from the upper part, like a light bulb. Cook smiled, and then took out the fine iron arrow directly from I pried vigorously on the side, and the nails that were fixed on the stones were pried to the bottom of the pit. It is strange to say that this thing on the ground has no effect on the stones on the ground, but once the stones Falling on it, this thing is like an irritated dog, and the black light soars.

Cook did not impulsively pick it up with his hands, because the black light on the nail-like magical items was a bit abnormal. The arrows of the fine iron were corroded, and there was obviously a strong corrosive poison. Cook touched the space ring. A crystal clip was taken out, and something like a nail was gently nailed up.

"Hey, inlaid." Cook looked at the nail-like bottom, a peanut-sized white crystal inlaid underneath, Cook smiled.

Then Cook put the nail-like magical item on the ground carefully, and then took out a crystal clamp again, gently clamped the white crystal, shook it left and right, there was no response, then Cook subconsciously rotated left and right a bit.

"Crack! Haha, fortunately my head is smart." Cook just twisted slightly, and the peanut-sized crystal jumped out, and the black light on the nail-like object disappeared suddenly.

"What a strong corrosive poison." Cook said in horror when he looked at the darkened crystal clip. The crystals in this world are just like the glass on the earth and cannot be corroded at all, but look at the crystal clip. , Obviously there are traces of corrosion.

The best way to deal with a strong corrosive poison is to dilute. Cook takes out a large flask, then pours water, dilutes, and then carefully dilutes the water with the corrosive poison dissolved in it, otherwise the crystal flask will be slowly Corroded away.

In the end, Cook cleaned it several times with a solution that was specially designed to clean corrosive and highly toxic. The nail finally revealed its true colors. Cook looked at the nail-like thing and muttered with some doubts: "How does this thing look like an animal? Where's the paw?"

Cook put the things away carefully, and then looked at the gray crystal in his hand. Cook couldn't sense the slightest energy fluctuation at all. Cook had long experience in this, and the **** core Cook didn't sense it, and the same crystal. The crystal cannot be put into the space ring.

Cook secretly rejoiced in his heart, watching the magical light radiating around him, and Cook knew that there might be such magical items under each light.

Then Cook discovered a broken object resembling animal skin, with a strange magic pattern on it. Cook didn’t know how to put this thing away, but he didn’t expect that after the animal skin was rolled up, the magic pattern would be lost. The magic light of attack was emitted.

I don’t know how much time, Cook cleaned up the results, an unknown nail, a broken animal skin, a complete arrow, just these three things, except for the animal skin and a peanut size. Gray crystals and a crystal the size of a sesame can not be put into the space ring, other things can be put in.

"It's time to look for Lina and the others. This ghost place is really dangerous." Cook looked at the magic light around and the pile of bones. Although Cook still wanted to find treasure, Cook still thought about the outside. .

Cook looked around for a moment, and then moved in one direction. For some time, Cook had known that the magic light in one direction was relatively rare. Cook decided to go in this direction, one for his own safety, and another for Ku Ke thinks this direction is the outer area.

The faces of Lina and her party were extremely ugly. During this period of time, only eight of the ten members of the entire team were left. The honorary elder of the Mage Union and the honorary elder of the mercenary union unfortunately fell, and that The young woman lost an arm, the light wing on Milo's body was also shattered, and there were blood stains on her chest.

The Wushuang old man’s staff was full of cracks, Bra’s two-handed swords were full of gaps, Lina’s robes were burnt black, and Xia’s robes were full of small holes, but Xia could not care about revealing them. Spring is coming, and Ernie has a hideous wound on his face. There is still black mist on the wound, leaving drops of black water from time to time.

Ruta also showed countless wounds, but the small bad, big mouth and small arrows are intact

"What to do?" Lina said hoarsely, and the eight people dared not move. No one knew who touched what was inside. For a moment, the honorary elder of the Mage Union and the elder of the Mercenary Union were instantly cut into pieces. The countless fragments were barely resisted by the others, and then the unknown attack was extinguished.

Wushuang Old Man's staff had just been tentatively tempted in front, and the crack was knocked out. The rest of the people looked around with lingering fears, but their mental power could not be used, and the few people who relied on their naked eyes did not dare to take a step.

"The little bad is over there!" Cook is looking carefully around. Cook is very experienced now. Don't go to a flat place. I don't know when there will be a violent magic attack. Everything must become powder.

Don’t get close to the thick magic light, the sensing range of that thing is very large, and don’t get close to the extremely small and extremely dazzling things. These things have the strongest attack power. You can only go through the gaps. If it really doesn’t work, just use the dim magic light. Close, even if it is affected, the power is not great, of course you can make a detour as much as possible.

The green light in Cook’s eyes disappeared. At a glance, it turned out that Wushuang Old Man was not far in front, but Cook’s magic eyes couldn’t see the magic light near the few people at all. Action, quickly shouted: "Don't move!"

"Huh?" When Cook roared out, Ruta reacted first, looking at Cook from a distance, Cook made a stop gesture.

"Don't move!" Ruta yelled immediately. Milo was about to take a step when he was yelled by Ruta and stopped immediately, and then several people saw Cook.

But when Cook made a weird circle around the place where everyone was, at least one day had passed when he reached where everyone was, and the straight-line distance just now was only a few thousand meters.

"Tsk tusk. tusk tusk!" Cook sighed as he looked at the extremely flat ground under the foot of the group of people.

"Cook, what do you mean?" Lina asked hoarsely.

"You are lucky, see if the ground is under your feet, this kind of place is the most dangerous here, don't come here quickly." Cook waved quickly.

A few people hurried over, a green light flashed in Cook's eyes, and then suddenly he stepped forward to hug Xia and forgot to pull next to him: "Be careful!"

"Boy, don't you eat my old lady's tofu?" Xia stared and shouted, feeling Cook's hand rubbing his skin.

"Sister, be careful, look!" Cook picked up a stone with a wry smile and threw it in the place where West Asia was going to pass. The stone suddenly turned into dust when it was about to approach the ground, and everyone was shocked.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Cook skillfully took out a fine iron arrow, and then began to dig it. After half an hour, Cook used a crystal clip to take out the nail-like thing of the same thumb thickness and took out the gray Everyone's eyes widened when the crystals were too wide.

"Look, it's this thing. As long as there is life or something moving, it will trigger its attack, but this thing is a bit broken." Cook looked at the already broken nail-like thing and said disdainfully, this kind of thing. Cook has dug up several on the road, and each one is better than this.

"It's that simple?" Wushuang old man looked at what he had dreamed of, and asked Lina in disbelief.

Lina nodded in the same way, looking at the things in Cook's hands, green light appeared in their eyes. Cook looked at the reactions of the others and asked with a grin: "This thing is useful to you?"

"Useful!" Several people quickly replied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since you are useful, give it to you! "Cook handed the nail-like thing and crystal to the old man Wushuang.

"You, did you give it to me?" Wushuang old man asked incredulously at the thing in his hand.

Cook said disdainfully: "Cut, there are so many things here, what's so strange."

"A lot!" everyone asked in amazement.

"Yeah, there is another one over there, it is probably better than this." Cook pointed to a place where he was far away, and Milo was terrified. He just wanted to step out of that place.

"Brother Cook!" Xia suddenly embraced Cook's waist and said affectionately.

"Oh!" Cook felt like he was going to throw up, and he was covered with goose bumps. After all, West Asia was more than 500 years old. When Cook thought of a hundreds-year-old woman calling her little brother tenderly, Cook felt chills. Endless.

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