A Unique Hunter

Chapter 411: Khaki threat


Norobi waved his hand directly, and the two disappeared. In a flash, they arrived in Cook's territory. Now Cook's territory is already very prosperous. First of all, Cook needs a huge number of people to build his territory, dwarves, orcs. , The barbarians, the personnel are too many and the materials are consumed, and the Bunnyman territory is also supplied here, so the caravans from the various empires on the mainland are endless.

The southernmost corn is only one copper coin per catty, and the minimum for transport to Cook's territory is four copper coins per catty. Throwing away expenses, one catty earns almost one copper coin.

A large number of small merchants used horse-drawn carts to transport one or two kilograms of corn. The profit of transporting them to Cook Territory was nearly 20 silver coins. Moreover, when they returned, they could also help large caravans to carry goods. They depended on half a gold coin.

Although this money is small, it is the safest on the road. Even the robbers are not interested when they see the carriage that transports corn. After all, the thing in a carriage is only a gold coin. Besides, no one buys corn at all, so the corn is transported. Most of the merchants are small merchants, and the capital is not high. Just a carriage and a coachman are enough.

The rest are weapons built by dwarves, which account for 5% of Cook Territory’s trading volume, and magic items. As more and more dragons gather in Cook Territory, the demand for livestock is also increasing. Great, most of the livestock of several empires around Cook Territory were digested by Yalong, so livestock accounted for about 10% of the transaction volume.

The largest transaction in Cook's territory now involves magic materials and magic airships. With the establishment of the Zeppelin Chamber of Commerce established in West Asia, various materials needed for airships are constantly being transported to Cook's territory.

The metal products of the dwarves, the hides of the orcs, wood, ropes and other materials needed for the magic airship were transported by the large and small shareholders in the airship chamber. The increase in the number of people caused the continuous expansion of the town. Although Cook's territory In winter, the caravans passing through the iron ropes also line up.

Norobi saw the sight of Cook's territory and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Cook, you shouldn't focus on this, after all, this is just a low-level plane."

"There is no way, I also came step by step, and now it is also a responsibility." Cook said with a wry smile.

"Oh!" Norobbie knew what Cook said was true, and Cook didn't want to care about it, but after all, he has his own friends, subordinates, and his own women and family members around him, so he can't leave it behind.

After Teddy and Nick saw Norobbie and Cook, Nick held Cook with excitement. Although Nick is like a teenager now, his IQ is only as high as a child. The injuries on their bodies are almost healed. But just can’t exercise vigorously yet,

After seeing Norobby, Teddy approached Norobby excitedly and asked, "Success?"

"Yeah!" Norobi was also sighed. A consciousness body born from a natural artifact found a space system ontology, and it succeeded. Norobi knew that something like this would almost never happen to him.

Teddy said enviously: "Your kid is lucky, but I am afraid that no one will have such good luck in the future. The sealing magic pattern has isolated the power of the law. There are also artifacts that have gone through hundreds of thousands of years. The imprint of the original master’s soul, coupled with the resistance of the divine artifact body to the law of time when the seal collapses, has allowed you as a kid to succeed."

Norobi laughed: "Hehe, you didn't want to do this at the time."

Teddy rolled his eyes and said, "It's not that I don't want to. It's too risky. Your chance of success is not as high as that of my fusion body. Fortunately, this body has also been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years without the slightest consciousness. I’m inside, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to do that."

"How is your body recovering?" Norobbie asked concerned.

"It's a god's body, no healing potions, healing magic are ineffective, only relying on the body's own self-healing ability, okay, but not too hard, and some movements can't be done." Teddy replied with satisfaction.

"Satisfied, what level is your body that can make the magic or potion of this low-level plane effective, and the elements here are extremely inferior. This is also the reason for the slow healing, but it is also good here, if you appear like this In other places, whoever looks at you, then you are in danger." Norobbie patted Teddy on the shoulder and said.

Teddy nodded in agreement: "Who said no, but as the body gets better and better, the speed of healing will increase in the future."

"So how do you understand the laws in your body?" Norobby asked afterwards.

When Teddy heard this, the posterior molars laughed: "There is no law at all. There is no trace of divine power left. We are just a little stronger now."

"It's not so good luck, can you all see the divine power disintegration?" Norobbie was a little jealous.

Teddy smiled and said, "Who said no? I would rather practice from scratch, and I would not understand those **** rules. I guess it must have been extracted by the seal too long, and it took too long to cause it. The divine power collapsed, and the level of the body seemed to have been lowered. There was no strength at the level of the **** king at all, at best it was the appearance of the upper god.

Teddy said as he grabbed a stone, and it turned into a pile of powder when he squeezed it down. You know, this is lapis lazuli comparable to fine iron.

"Cook, you also know to come back!" At this moment, Manli rushed in and complained.

"I'm sorry." Cook apologized with his arms around Manly.

"Humph!" Manli saw Cook apologize, snorted and did not continue to pursue it, but Manli would definitely not leave when she came.

Cook saw that Manly was coming, so if you don't go to see West Asia, it is estimated that West Asia will be mad, so Cook simply sent a message to West Asia and asked West Asia to come back for dinner.

The dinner is cooked by Cook. This is also the first time that Cook has used the way of cooking on earth to make a large table of delicious dishes, such as fried lamb with onions, sweet and sour fish, shredded potatoes, mushroom soup, barbecued chicken, etc. .

On the table, the West Asian Manli is OK, and they all smiled at each other. This is Cook’s family gathering. Ume, Nick, Teddy, Norobby, Phyllis Deman, of course, small bad, big mouth, khaka , Small arrows are indispensable.

After eating, Cook hurriedly asked Norobbie to take himself back to Fort Ironsong, because if Cook stayed overnight in the territory, he didn't know who to live with, so he simply left, Norobbie After sending Cook back to Fort Ironsong, he returned to his territory.

"Master, the old fox has been waiting for you for a long time." As soon as Cook opened the door, he heard a report from Ah Muqihui.

"Damn, forget it!" Cook said with a slap on his forehead.

"Mr. Khaki, I'm sorry, I just studied a question... uh!" Cook was embarrassed with a hiccup and a mouthful of alcohol before he finished speaking.

Khaki looked at Cook carefully. Cook still has the sequelae left over from his madness. Cook wrapped his head when he returned to the territory, but it didn't matter here. After all, he pretended to be a bunnyman.

Khaki stared at Cook and said word by word: "Mr. Cook, how did you do it?"

"Haha. I know from there, I did it anyway." Cook smiled, and when he heard Khaki call himself Mr. Cook, Cook was finally relieved. If the old man is any kind of guide, Cook Ready to bombard people directly.

"What do you want?" Khaki glared at Cook.

"What do I want, what do you care about?" Cook replied unhappy when he saw Khaki look like this.

"Mr. Cook, I hope you and your tribe don't cross Iron Pine Fort." Khaki looked at Cook, then took a deep breath and said.

Cook was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Why do you rely on you?"

"Mr. Cook, if you and your tribe cross this Iron Pine Fort, then you will be an enemy of the temple!" Khaki thought for a whole afternoon, and finally made a choice. Now is the time for the orc empire to engage in holy war with humans, the temple Never allow such variables in the rear of the empire.

Cook looked at Khaki and asked with a slight smile: "The temple, is the temple great?"

"The temple is not as useless as you think, Mr. Cook." Khaki said word by word.

Cook stood up, then turned his back to Khaki, shook his fingers and said, "Old man, your temple had better be neutral, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what can you do? Just rely on your two thousand low-level beast soul fighters?" Khaki said disdainfully.

"No! No! No, I would say that you are all blasphemers." Cook smiled and shook his head, then said.

"The Blasphemer, haha, haha!" Khaki smiled tears from his eyes.

"Yes, because you have made countless orc races unable to awaken beast souls and priests for your own selfish desires. Sheep race, Pig race, Bunny race, Doug race, etc. vassal races, civilian races. You can make them awaken the beast soul, become the beast soul warrior, and become the priest, and your fox tribe, werewolf tribe, and several major races will be for the future of your race, deliberately not allowing these races to merge the beast soul and awaken the priest, so you They are not regarded as believers of the God of War at all. You are blasphemers." Cook replied with a smile.

"You, you, you are framing, framing!" Khaki was stunned. Cook was completely correct. The temple was almost always controlled by several major races, but the truth was definitely not what Cook said.

"Haha, framed, what if I framed you?" Cook tilted his head and asked with a smile.

"You. Don't you care about the safety of the empire?" Khaki asked, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Haha, haha, this is the time I'm waiting, let me tell you, I've been planning for this day for a long time, don't you look down on the Bunnyman, don't you look down on the Doug? Look down on the low-level Beast Soul Warriors, Do you believe it or not that I can make one hundred thousand, one million Bunnymen and Dougs become beast soul fighters?" Cook said with a laugh.

A drop of sweat dripped from Khaki’s forehead, and Cook continued with a smile: “I can also promise to you fox tribes who have no talent for awakening priests and no fusion of beast souls. As long as they are loyal to me, I can make them priests and beasts. Soul warrior, I can also make the tauren be sober and berserk, and the bear can be sober and berserk. I not only have the secret medicine of soberness, but also the secret medicine of berserk. I want to see what your temple uses against me."

"No, no, you are going to destroy the empire!" Khaki roared angrily.

"Haha, I just want to destroy it, how about it? Muqi, send off the guests, and then expel all the people from the God of War Temple in the territory, dare to resist, kill it!" Cook laughed haha, and then commanded savagely In Cook’s view, the orc empire is inherently full of injustice. This is racial discrimination. Humans also have slaves and servants, but every race has never been reduced to slaves and servants.

"You...!" Khaki shivered, but Khaki didn't dare to bet, Khaki didn't dare to be impulsive, Khaki didn't even know why he got to this point.

Khaki left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and left in frustration. As soon as Khaki left, Cook knew that he was almost hostile to the temple.

"Mengke, are you willing to do something for me?" Cook called Mengke in and asked.

"My lord, please say!" Meng Ke is still not used to his priesthood.

"I want you to return to the territory, and then recruit me bear people. My condition is very simple. As long as I achieve a certain level of military merit, I can give it whether it is a fusion of beast souls, madness potions, or sober potions." Cook Replied.

Meng can be very excited. Meng Ke has long understood the system in the Bunnyman army, and Mengke has already regarded Cook as a god, otherwise, can the Bearman become a priest?

"My lord, it's okay, but now it is estimated that there are not many clansmen, after all, most of them are on the battlefield." Mengke immediately agreed, but then raised his own questions.

"How much counts as much." Cook nodded and agreed.

Then Cook sent Duofei back to the domain of the Doug family, and then Cook sneered and looked at the sky: "Temple, hum! When you ask me!"

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