A Unique Hunter

Chapter 427: Khaki

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Khaki didn't know how he got home. He looked at the empty house. Khaki was a little dizzy. This is a sequelae of a hangover. Khaki walked out of the room and saw strange faces.

"It's been more than fifty years. This is probably the first time I have lived here." Khaki sighed as he looked at the familiar scenery. This is the home of the elders in the fox clan. The last time Khaki lived here was fifty years ago. I came back once when I joined the Presbyterian Church.

Fifty years, enough to change many things, the house in the original memory only left a rough outline, the spring wind was still a bit biting, and each servant was very strange.

Khaki is a member of the red fox tribe, so the servants below are also from the red fox tribe. The distinction of the fox tribe depends on the tail. The red fox tribe has a red tail and the silver fox is silver. , Red and black, each race has a share in the presbytery, but the gray fox, red fox, green fox, and grass fox have a large population, so they have a big voice in the fox. This is also the Khaki Elder The proposal at the meeting was one of the reasons no one paid attention to it.

"My lord, please have breakfast." A girl servant of the red fox clan came and said quietly behind Khaki.

"Have you made a contract for a few years?" Khaki asked, turning his head.

The servant was obviously taken aback, and then replied: "It's a lifetime contract."

Khaki sighed: "Why sign a lifetime contract?"

Without an answer for a while, Khaki asked: "Is there no food at home?"

"Yes, my lord, there are two younger sisters in my family, one younger brother, I am the eldest, and there is no way at home. The blizzard came early that year, and the animals were frozen to death. Not only did they have no harvest, but they also owed money Taxation." The girl explained in a low voice.

"How many ranch do you have?" Khaki asked again.

"No, the grain borrowed for the winter that year was the money to sell the pasture. The next year..." the girl explained with red eyes.

Khaki waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's eat!"

Khaki has understood what happened. The blizzard caused large-scale deaths of livestock. The dead animals could not be sold at all. Then the big guy said, if you don't sell it, you can eat it yourself!

You can eat it by yourself, but you need to pay for the salt, some daily necessities, and taxes. Even if you use sheepskin to make clothes, you also need needles and threads, not to mention that you need firewood for the winter. All these need to be replaced.

The nobles took the opportunity to lower the price, and in the end even the ranch was bought at a low level. The money to buy the ranch was only enough for the family to spend the winter. After a few months, the girl had to sign a lifelong lease to allow her family to survive the winter.

Khaki's heart is uncomfortable, his tribe is like this, so the bunny people who are not a race are under the oppression of werewolves, the situation is more imaginable, Khaki watched and fell a lot of snowflakes, and thought for no reason: "Come on, Come on, let the snowflakes come harder!"

Khaki seemed to have made some decision. After eating happily, he met with a nobleman of the inferior clan, and finally returned to his hometown. The Red Fox tribe's territory ‘deciduous hills’ talked with some of his immediate family members.

Khaki looked at the tens of thousands of acres of land around him, while his great-grandson preached with joy: "Grandfather, you see, all these lands belong to our house, as well as the forests over there, including the river... ...."

A smile appeared on Khaki's face. He looked at the middle-aged man with a big belly, and then looked at the empty field in his childhood memories that originally contained more than a dozen families. For the first time, Khaki felt deep disappointment in his heart.

"Okay, I have something else!" Khaki didn't need to think about it. In 100 years, Khaki had expanded the land from hundreds of acres to hundreds of thousands of acres. The Dao Dao Khaki knew well, and Khaki rushed to grief for the civilians for the first time.

After Khaki returned to the holy city with his psychic pet, he made an important decision, which was to retreat and practice asceticism. Khaki stood at the door of the temple of asceticism and looked at the magnificent temple, feeling extremely disgusted in his heart. Turning around and entering the Temple of Asceticism, the door suddenly closed.

The Temple of Asceticism is also called the Palace of Death. It is the place where priests use to retreat. These are the places where priests fall into each bottleneck and have to use this method to put pressure on themselves, but most of them ended in failure and came to penance. Most of the people in the temple are people who have few lives, so they are alive when they go in, and a corpse when they come out.

Because there are many secret rooms in the ascetic temple, the secret rooms can only be opened from the inside, and only after a certain period of time, three years can be opened from the outside.

Just when countless people were shocked by Elder Khaki's penance, in Black Wolf City, an old fox man appeared and registered in the city hall.

"Name?" asked a cat man at the city hall.

"Gorruba? Chica!" This is Khaki.

"Does the elderly live with those lonely elderly people, or do they work by themselves?" asked the cat man from the city hall.

Khaki asked, "Is there any difference?"

"Yes, those widows and lone elderly people do not have land, but the city hall will assign them a job, with a salary, including food and housing, and the city hall provides free support for those who cannot work." Catman glanced at Khaki's surname, Gore Ruba is a big surname and there are many people, so Catman just glanced at it strangely and explained.

Khaki asked in surprise: "Free support?"

"Yes, each town will make special statistics every year, and finally the lord mansion will allocate the expenses uniformly." Catman explained in detail.

"What about farming?" Khaki was surprised, but Khaki agreed with this method.

Catman looked at Khaki and explained: "If you are farming, we will allocate land near the town to you."

"I'm farming by myself." Khaki thought for a while and said.

"Well, this is your ID card. In addition, if your old man does not have tools or houses, he can go to the rescue society to register and they will help you." The cat man pointed to the other side of the hall and said.

Khaki looked at the bronze medal in his hand, with his name written on it, a number underneath, and finally the address was the third team in Beech Town.

Khaki didn't understand where this beech town was. When Khaki came to the office of the rescue club, Khaki only saw an old bear man. Khaki hadn't spoken, so the bear man stood up.

"Haha, hello, my name is Novi, can I help you?" Xiong Ren asked enthusiastically.

"Uh, I'm alone now." Khaki was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the old bear. Khaki has been a priest all his life, and he is respected everywhere. It is rare to meet such a person.

"Okay, man, relax, it seems you need everything you need, right, come on, give me the ID card first." Novi is obviously very experienced in this, pulling the khaki while taking the khaki Identity card in hand.

"Well, Beech Town, okay, you don't have anything now, so I suggest you apply for old age assistance, which will reduce your taxes, and the relief fund will also give you a half." The Novial suggested.

Khaki was stunned and asked: "Elderly assistance?"

"Yes, a widow and lonely old man like you will not only not pay taxes, but there will also be subsidies. Although not many, the house, tools, and livestock populations will cost about ten gold coins in total. The rescue will help you. Build the house and prepare everything. You just need to sign it. You only need to return five gold coins in the future. I suggest you pay it off in three years." Novi explained.

"Okay!" Khaki's purpose here is to really see how the orcs live under Cook.

"Man, do you know how to read? If you don't, you have to find a notary." Novi asked.

"Notary?" Khaki couldn't figure out what was going on.

Novi explained: "Just to avoid being deceived by the illiterate, the city hall has a special notary office...Come on, man!"

Khaki was dragged by Novi to go through the formalities in the hall. Khaki keenly realized that all such procedures were in the same hall. When Khaki boarded the carriage heading to Beechwood Town, he was shocked, because from entering to It took only over an hour to come out, and now he is also a person with a family.

Beech Town is only more than 30 kilometers away from Black Wolf City. Khaki saw that some orcs were building roads, and the sand and stones dug from the river were paved on the road. Khaki asked the people in the car in confusion: "This road construction is voluntary. ?"

"No, it was contracted out by the Lord's Mansion." The person in the same car replied.

"Bag?" Khaki was puzzled.

"Haha, this is actually a good thing. The old man sees it. These sands are all dug from the river, so that not only can the river be dredged, but also the road can be built. There is also a standard for road construction, 11 kilometers. How much is it, the thickness of the sand and stone must be, and so on, and then the Lord's Mansion will pay according to the acceptance." The person next to him is a middle-aged fox family.

Khaki was surprised. Only the guy Cook could come up with such an idea. Khaki hadn't spoken yet, and the tauren driving the carriage said loudly, "In fact, the benefits of this road construction are many."

"What's the benefit?" Khaki asked with a smile.

"The first is to repair the road. I used to take a day to get to the town of Beech, but now it only takes more than an hour. The carriage is not easy to be damaged and it is easy to leave in rainy days. The second is to dredge the river and I will never be afraid of flooding in the rainy season. . The third is that most of these road repairers are people without food, and they can still fill their stomachs when working here." Tauren explained loudly.

"I'm afraid the salary is very low, right?" Khaki asked gracefully.

"Hehe, it's not too low. After working here for a day, a few silver coins are in hand, and the family has enough food and drink." The middle-aged fox clan next to him quickly defended.

Khaki was silent. In fact, Khaki could still think of it. In the end, the money returned to Cook’s hands. Khaki couldn’t help but sigh, how could this Cook be so clever? One thing has done several things, if you do it yourself If you do, you need money to build roads, to dredge rivers, and to help poor people without food, but Cook only paid a portion of the money, and in the end he returned to his own pockets, and the cost was extremely low.

Beech Town arrived soon, and along the way Khaki saw countless orcs busy building houses, dredging rivers, or erecting fences on their pastures, etc.

This also reminded Khaki. Nobody else in the orc empire had come out yet. Khaki came to the mayor’s mansion and looked at the low mayor’s office. It was not as tall as the tavern in the distance. Khaki gave birth. A feeling of going wrong.

When I entered it, I discovered that there were actually only two people. One of the young rat people saw Khaki and immediately poured water and said, "Please sit down, is your old man here to report?"

"Yes!" Khaki handed the bag in his hand to the Ratman.

The young Ratman sat down, looked carefully, and asked inadvertently, "There are only two people in the mayor's office?"

"No, there are two more. One went down to check the river course, and the other went to check the logging yard. "The Ratman replied without raising his head.

"Then who is the mayor, is there no sheriff?" Khaki asked in confusion.

The Ratman smiled and replied: "I am the mayor, and the sheriff is not under my jurisdiction. They are directly under the city guard."

"Oh!" Khaki's mouth opened wide, Mayor Ratman, this is something I have never heard of.

The Ratman quickly read it, and then said: "In view of your age, we will allocate a piece of land to the east of the town, Ullala, your rescue will take this old man to the east to see, and then divide the land."

"Come on, come with me." A busy old werewolf in the back hurried over and went out with his khaki.

Two days later, Khaki looked at the sixty acres of pasture enclosed by fences, a small house, and a flock of sheep. He couldn't believe it was worth ten gold coins, no! Five gold coins.

Just when Khaki was puzzled, a voice came from afar: "Chika, let's go, let's help Big Bear build a house."

"Here!" Khaki didn't even think about going back into the house, took an axe and walked out.

Khaki looked at a straight road. There were houses on both sides of the road, and the long and narrow pastures were fenced by rows of fences. In fact, Khaki's fence was on one side with his neighbor, the tauren in front of him. They had 800 houses. Many acres of pasture, a large house, it is said that it is fifty gold coins for the rescue, and a large herd of sheep and cattle.

Although it was only two days ago, Khaki felt that the orcs around him were very happy and had a very safe life. He was full of food, dressed warmly, had a room, and had a land. Khaki found himself in a trance as if he was back when he was a child. My dream is to eat every day and live in a big house.

In this way, Khaki and Tauren came to the bear’s house in the same team and helped the bear build fences and houses. Khaki’s houses were built in this way. If anyone who knew Khaki saw a holy priest wielding an axe to build a sheep pen If that happens, maybe the chin will fall off.

Khaki looked at everything in front of him, and his heart was very bright, because Khaki felt that he finally found what he wanted to protect, not the cold temple built by those huge stones, but this smiling face, this is something worth protecting.

Of course, Cook did not know that Khaki was actually a civilian in his own territory. Cook is now busy to die, allocating land, managing population, patrolling the city defense and so on. Cook must personally intervene. Fortunately, the rescue team has arrived and helped. It was a lot of work, and witch doctors began to arrive in some parts one after another, and then dispatched to various cities to treat diseases. What made Cook speechless is that every day the werewolf cities were beaten down, and then he had to send someone to take over.

Fortunately, this situation lasted for only a few days. Connie has steadily occupied the three cities of Selangor City, Baiyan City, and Chiding City, ready to use this as a basis for a decisive battle with the werewolves, and the team has expanded again. , This time recruited 20,000 Bunnymen, 10,000 soldiers from other races, plus the original 20,000 Bunnymen, 3,000 Bearmen, and 5,000 Dougs. Connie has led nearly 60,000. people.

However, the city defenses in various places also need to be patrolled, so Connie actually only has more than 40,000 people, but this ratio is not bad. The ratio of veterans who have fought is more than one to one. The city defense behind is almost a veteran with ten Recruits.

However, there are still 10,000 people training in Tiesongbao. After Connie lays down the three cities, she intensified her training, and then summoned civilians to build the city wall, and the latest intelligence was also sent over.

Cook took a look at the information and found that Moza had already returned to Golden Wolf City, but the priests and temple guards he led would basically have to arrive for more than a month. Even so, Moza began to gather the nobles as soon as he arrived in Golden Wolf City. Recruit soldiers.

In just a few days, tens of thousands of werewolves have been called up, most of which are the security teams in the city. As for the security teams, they recruit some old, weak, sick and disabled replacements.

But Moza has led an army of tens of thousands of werewolves to Selangor City, but the speed is not fast, obviously to prevent Connie from further expansion, and then while waiting for the priests and temple guards, without these elite, Moza is not sure of victory. .

"It seems that the decisive battle basically has one and a half months left." Cook looked at the information in his hand and estimated the time of the decisive battle.

As for the human coalition in the Scarlet Plains and the orc coalition in an offensive and defensive battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~, more than 10,000 human soldiers died, and the orcs also left thousands of corpses. Humans rely on powerful weapons. Magic, even so, the casualty rate of orcs is much lower.

In the Scarlet Plains, Cook just pays a little attention. After all, there are several big guilds in the Magic City, and the coalition forces of several empires of humans, and the orcs will not be able to break through for a while.

But Cook's brows are always frowning, because Cook knows that there is not much time left for him. Before the orc coalition can return to defense, he must obtain enough strategic depth, or it is a large fortress, which is close to the pass, otherwise count. There are a million orc coalition forces, and wolf cavalry totals four to five million. No matter how powerful his Bunnyman equipment is, there are only so few people.

Cook carefully looked at the map, the rivers, mountains, cities, and roads. What Cook had to do was to come up with a solution to the werewolf territory as soon as possible, instead of entangled with the werewolf team.

"Yes!" Cook studied for a while, and finally came up with a way, slapped excitedly, and then Cook cried out excitedly: "I'm not afraid you will have tens of thousands of werewolf army, Connie will hold you , Then I will rush directly into Golden Wolf City from Luohe to see what use your tens of thousands of soldiers are for. I will also intercept your priests and temple guards, hum!".

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