A Unique Hunter

Chapter 431: Capture the outer city gate

"Oh, brothers, it's up to you to take turns this morning. We have to go home to graze." The suspension bridge of Golden Wolf City came down suddenly, and then the gate slowly opened. In fact, the gates of Golden Wolf City were all It hasn't been closed, it's just that Golden Wolf City's defense is emptied recently, and the Bunnyman rebellion has closed its gates.

"Let's go, let's go, remember to come early, what's this about him?" A werewolf with a lame leg waved his hand and looked at the gate that was originally guarded by three hundred people. There are only a hundred people, and most of them are farmers.

Although the werewolves are the main race, there are still many civilians and farmers. In addition, most of the young and middle-aged people have followed the army to make money, so the old people have to graze and farm.

The huge city gate wrapped in solid wood slowly opened under the push of the werewolves. As soon as these werewolves opened, countless orcs with firewood on their backs, vegetables, and cattle and sheep swarmed in. There are also carriages inside, and small vendors are going to leave the city.

"Line up, line up, do you hear it!" the werewolf guard shouted loudly.

The lame old werewolf collects taxes at the gate of the city. In fact, the so-called tax collection is just some items, a bunch of vegetables, or a few sticks of firewood, because the orc empire is basically bartering things, lame There are several big boxes around the old werewolf, and they are thrown into them in different categories. Food, use, wear, etc. will be full in a short while.

"Get out, get out!" The lame old werewolf looked at today's tax, and it was not bad. At this moment, a group of werewolves appeared, shouting loudly for the rest of the orcs.

The lame old werewolf roared loudly: "What are you doing? Row..."

However, when the lame old werewolf saw the werewolf team appearing in front of him, he couldn't say anything later. The lame old werewolf used to act as a civilian husband in wars. Now these people have chain armor. But the best fish scale armor, and the fish scale armor in the wolf cavalry can only be worn by the legionnaire, and the rest are not good.

And now I saw hundreds of werewolves equipped with fish scales, and the lame old werewolves had their mouths wide open.

The leader of the werewolf brigade this time is Ergo. Ergo was originally a lumberjack and a very hard job. Ergo used to work for a werewolf nobleman. There are five people in Ergo’s family, an old mother, a wife, and The two sons originally gave birth to four sons, but only two survived.

Ergo’s wife also helped other werewolf aristocrats, and Ergo’s old mother was grazing. After a year, there was not enough food at all. Lumberjacks were already working hard, and Ergo lumberjacks would eat themselves, and the boss didn’t care. Even if the logging tool is broken, the money will be deducted, and every winter he borrows money from the nobles. Ergo has no idea how many years he has borrowed. , Anyway, I won't be in this life.

This winter came half a month earlier. Ergo’s old mother froze to death a few sheep while herding herding. Not only did Ergo’s old mother not get the wages, she owed the owner of the sheep money.

Ergo borrowed grain from the owner of the logging farm again this year, but none of the grain was borrowed. The family used the leaves picked up in autumn and added a few grains. But even so, after a month, Erge's family even had leaves. No, the two children were hungry and couldn't cry anymore.

At that time, the snow outside was more than one meter deep, and there was no movement at all. Even if there was, those places were not places Erge dared to go. Erge gritted his teeth and went to borrow grain from the owner of the logging farm. Instead of borrowing it, he suffered. A fight.

Just when a family was desperate, the Bunnyman led by Cook arrived. At the beginning, they notified the free distribution of food. No one was there at all, because these people thought it was Cook's trick.

But Ergo could bear it, but the two children did not work. Seeing that these two children were going to starve to death like the two children in front of them, Ergo gritted his teeth and went out.

What everyone did not expect was that Ergo actually carried back 20 catties of grain, including two catties of flour. What made the family even more excited was that there was a piece of jerky.

Ergo remembered that it was the fullest time to eat. Since then, Ergo hasn't been hungry anymore. Ergo was somewhat hostile to the Bunnyman at first, but gradually, Ergo discovered that the orcs around him could eat their stomachs.

The faces of the two skinny children gradually turned rosy. Ergo also did some odd jobs, which were all cashed out on the same day, but when he heard that he was recruiting soldiers, Ergo joined the army without hesitation.

In Ergo’s view, it was Cook who saved his family. If it weren’t for Cook, the family would definitely not survive, then Ergo would give Cook the life. Ergo vowed in his heart: "Never let the children be hungry again. died."

"Who is your old fellow yelling at?" Ergo just couldn't understand these **** above, so Ergo shouted at the lame old werewolf.

"My lord, my lord." Although the lame old werewolf didn't know who Erg was, but seeing this equipment, he also knew his status was not low, so he replied.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Ergo was also saddened by the guarding of the city gate before. There is no currency here. All taxes are collected by the guard at the gate. Ergo remembers that he caught a rabbit again and walked to the gate of the city. I was taxed. I just left a piece of skin for myself. What is the use of a rabbit skin? So Ergo slapped it.


"Ah!!!" Seeing the conflict, the surrounding orcs screamed and ran away. Some clever ones ran into the city, and some stupid ones ran back. In fact, it turned out that those clever people would never again. Don't dare to be clever.

"Big...sir, don't!" the lame old werewolf lay on the ground begging for mercy.

"Give me, even I dare to yell, don't give me face!" Ergo saw that the werewolf guards around him were afraid of himself, and shouted as soon as his eyes rolled.


"Boom! Boom!"

"Pop!" Hundreds of werewolves rushed over at once. On the wall and under the wall, these security teams were chased and beaten by Ergo's men. They couldn't run as long as they lay on the ground.

"Kill, guys!" Cook yelled immediately when he saw the red flag on the wall shaking.

"Kill!" Thousands of Bunnymen and soldiers from other races rushed towards Golden Wolf City.

"You are a traitor...puff!" The lame old werewolf looked at Cook who was rushing towards the city gate, and roared in horror, but Ergo was directly pierced by Ergo before he finished speaking.

"Go to hell, **** bastard!" Ergo cursed, dropping the corpse of the lame werewolf.

"Leave five hundred people, close the city gate, and kill those who dare to rob the city gate." Cook saw that he had controlled the city gate and immediately ordered loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" With a loud roar, countless soldiers swarmed into Golden Wolf City. Some soldiers attacked along the wall and some soldiers attacked from below.

"Shoo! Kill!" Although the soldiers led by Cook are not very powerful, they are well equipped. They saw the enemy first come up with a crossbow arrow design, and then rushed up.

The guards of Golden Wolf City were originally old, weak, sick, and poorly equipped, so there was no room for resistance in the face of pure metal crossbow arrows.

Team by team rushed over, the crossbow arrows were suppressed, the long spears killed their lives, and finally there were those who recovered the crossbow arrows. The ten people had a clear division of labor, and the battle was almost one-sided.

"Quick, quick, set it up for Laozi, set it up, the crossbow arrow will block the city gate first, and the giant crossbow will hurry up." A group of soldiers came to the gate of the inner city, and for the guards rushing up from the inner city, it was a shower of arrows. A dozen guards arrived at once, and then more than a hundred soldiers gambled at the door with crossbows, and there was no attacking posture at all.

"The whole city is under martial law, the full name is martial law."

"Martial law, martial law!" Teams of bunny knights whizzed past, and some orcs in Golden Wolf City looked at the knights whizzing inexplicably.

However, after a few minutes, a team of knights equipped with spears began to drive away the crowd, and some who wanted to resist were directly nailed to the ground by repeated crossbow arrows. In just a few minutes, no one could be seen on a street, only some corpses were left.

"Kill!" Cook directly led the people to the east gate of the inner city. The inner city built by Golden Wolf City is a nobleman. The guards here are strictly trained in the area where the temple is located. Of course, there are not many people. Up.

"Damn bunny boys!" Gray, the leader of the inner city guards, was just patrolling the east gate, standing on the wall and watching the swarming Bunnymen, Gray cursed.

"Enemy attack! Quickly close the gate." Gray roared loudly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" A hasty horn sounded, apparently a warning.

"Quack!" The east gate of the inner city gradually closed, obviously the guard was closing.

"Kill! Hurry up!" Cook was anxious ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that there is still two hundred meters away, there is no way, the streets here are straight and you can't avoid them.

"Hurry up!" Gray roared loudly, because Gray saw that there were at least a thousand people led by Cook, and the screaming in the distance told Gray that this attack was obviously not just this number of people. .

"Ah!!!" Cook yelled immediately as he watched the city gate close.

"Frenzy!" Cook's body swelled in an instant.

"Second madness!" Immediately afterwards, Cook performed a second madness without stopping. Cook rushed to a gate on the roadside, and a huge stone carving was hugged by Cook.

"Second madness!" Gray saw Cook's body soaring twice in succession, and his jaw dropped in surprise. When he saw Cook holding a stone to sculpt, Gray sneered: "It's our two werewolves. The second madness may not be able to pick up the stone carving."

"Ah, get out of the way!" Gray subconsciously shouted when Cook picked up the stone carving.

Just came back, sorry!

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