A Unique Hunter

Chapter 434: Prepare for ambush

"Do you understand the task?" Cook asked loudly after assigning the task in detail.

"Understood!" everyone replied with excitement.

"Everyone, as long as we get through this difficult time, then this territory belongs to our poor, so I hope you can do your best to fight this battle." Cook bowed sincerely.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Everyone shouted loudly.

"Go!" Cook took the lead with a wave of his hand. In the large square in the city, tens of thousands of orc soldiers were pretending to go. Among them, there were 2,000 werewolves, hundreds of bears, tauren, and Doug. The total number has reached 10,000, and the Bunnyman is still the most, reaching more than 80,000. Of course, there are many other races.

Cook looked at the soldiers and said loudly, "Guys, the moment for our poor has arrived. I don't think any of you want to go back to the old life of under-food and inadequate clothing, right? Then take the weapons in your hands and kill all the enemies who want to drive us back to the past life. I, Cook, promise here that as long as we can win this time, the land will be divided quickly. Now Just pick up the weapons in your hands, follow your chief, and go!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill!" The soldiers recruited by Cook are all the kind of orcs who have eaten the last meal but have not stopped. These orcs have finally lived a life of food and clothing for more than half a month, and they want to return to the past life, so they all Shouted excitedly.

Legions were led by their commanders to carry out their missions. Watching groups of people disappear on the square, Cook also went down.

Duofei led a legion of Dougs and bears, and quickly moved out of the city. Teams of Dougs soldiers kept hiding in the houses on both sides of the east road, in the haystacks, and in the tall grass. , The bear man hid in the house near the side of the road.

A team of werewolves accepted the city gate and the patrol on the city wall. All shops near the east gate were filled with rabbit people coming in and out. Cook cleverly took advantage of the distance between the sights and used logs for the scattered houses. , The stones are built to form a pattern similar to Wengcheng.

These rabbitmen are strengthening the houses and walls. At first glance, there is nothing unusual at all, but from the city wall, you can see what looks like a courtyard, which is actually a city wall several meters thick. There is nothing around the shop in front. Changes.

There are also fixed trebuchets on the walls on both sides of the city gate. These trebuchets have adjusted the position, height, and load according to the position and distance of the trebuchets. In the middle of the street, a huge log fence is covered. Placed on a horizontal street, as long as the werewolf guards of the temple arrive, the fence will be pushed out directly and cut off the street.

"You can also ambush the crossbowmen on the roof over there, and the ones who draw people into the city must be clever..." Cook checked the deficiencies one by one.

As the guards of the temple approached, Cook's preparations were almost done. Every day, Cook consumed the huge energy of the sky to check the speed of the priests and guards of the temple.

The werewolf Erg is now also the commander of the army. One month’s salary is enough to have more than 100 gold coins, and the weapons and equipment are packaged by Cook. Of course, the Erg family of land is the same as others. Cook pays great attention to the principle of fairness. So the land, something that can be passed down by the ancestors, Cook will not give more to anyone, but money, including trophies, is that the higher the level, the better.

Ergo admires Cook very much. Ergo never thought that he could command an army of ten thousand people before. Although some of them are other races, in Ergo's eyes, they are treated the same as their own people. , Did not say that there is discrimination against other orcs in the heart.

This is due to Cook’s demonstration role. Cook treats all orcs and bunny people the same. Ergo asked himself if he was in Cook’s perspective, he would definitely be biased towards bunny people, but Cook did not, so Ku Only half of the ten commanders under Ke are Bunnymen, Erg the Werewolf counts one, the extra cost counts one, there is also a Tauren, and in the logistics area, there are more other orcs used, but the logistics Cook uses mostly Women, including making dry food.

The dry food made by Cook is a kind of oil cake, which is fundamentally different from the previous orc soldiers who just fry the food directly in a pot. There are not only vegetables but also meat in the oil cake, which can carry three days of dry food at a time.

And this logistic Cook is also very humane. The standards of Bunnyman, Dougman, and Goatman are similar, while Tauren, Bearman, and Werewolf have different standards. Anyway, in one word, full.

Ergo has been with Cook for a few months, and there are a lot of trophies just divided, and the werewolves who followed Ergo to fight earlier have considerable savings in each family.

"Report! The target was found!" An Ergo guard reported riding on a gray wolf.

"Go, the first team, come with me to greet!" Erg roared loudly, and then mounted the magic wolf, and a small team of wolf cavalry followed Erg, but the mounts of these wolf cavalry looked very good. Not good-looking, inferior product.

Ergo said loudly: "Be smarter later, it depends on today for promotion and wealth."

"Yes!" In fact, this first team is Ergo's guard.

As Cook blocked the city gate as soon as he entered the city, in the past few days, the distance of the blockade has been getting farther and farther, reaching more than ten kilometers away. The entire temple knight's road has elite bunny soldiers monitoring on both sides.

These soldiers were veterans led by Cook, chopping wood, herding sheep, and collecting fodder and cutting grass. Almost everyone he saw was disguised as a soldier.

And because of the arrogance and domineering of the temple knights, there are no few people on the road.

"I'm surprised, why didn't I see a few people along the way?" Duns, the chief of the werewolf guard of the Temple Knight, asked suspiciously.

"Commander, why is there no one? Look, didn't the guy in front ran into the ground, these timid guys." There are five commanders and two deputy commanders who are talking A deputy commander.

"Would you like to catch one and ask?" another deputy commander asked.

"Master, someone is here to greet you." At this moment, a temple guard ran back.

"Haha, haha! Is this our wolf cavalry?"

"Yes, look, there is actually a mangy wolf mount!"

"Oh my God, I'm afraid that the wolf is fifty years old, and the old man walks swaying."

When Ergo and his party appeared, the guards of the temple immediately screamed, looked at Ergo and others' mounts, and sneered loudly.

"Who are you?" Duns asked angrily looking at Erg.

"For the leader of the Golden Wolf City City Guard, see all the masters." Ergo hurriedly saluted.

"You are the commander, what about Gray?" Ston asked suspiciously.

"Reporting expert, Lord Gray is the leader of the inner city, I am the leader of the outer city." Erge replied with a smile.

"Oh, where's Priest Moza?" Ston asked.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up to clear the way for the adults. You, go back and report to Master Gray, saying that I have already welcomed the masters." Erge looked at his subordinates and yelled angrily.



"No problem!" Ergo's subordinates hurriedly cleared the way, and even whipped some unrelated passers-by to drive far away. Of course, this was all planned.

Everything Ergo said is true, because Cook had sent people to understand the structure of Wolverine City and all the things, Ergo was even more firmly remembered.

Ergo heard Ston's words and replied weakly: "The news of Lord Moza is not very clear."

"Humph!" a deputy commander next to him coldly hummed.

"My lord, I really don't know very well, maybe Master Gray knows." Ergo explained in a low voice.

"Well, the leader of the outer city may not know." Commander Ston saw his deputy look a little angry, and said blockingly.

"Yes, yes, the junior is of a low level. He was still a small captain a few days ago, but I know that the small one has already prepared a grand banquet on the square, those fat little lambs, and two-year-old veal... "Ergo was about to drool as he said.

Ston looked at Ergo with contempt. Perhaps Ergo realized his gaffe, so he asked, "My lords, how about the priests?"

"Hmph, it's in the back carriage!" Ston said dissatisfied, because of these priests, his party was so slow.

"Masters, I'll go and see first, the adults are here along the road!" Ergo said weakly, and then looked at Ston imploringly.

"Well, go, guys, let's go!" Maybe it was impatient or impatient. Under Ergo's surprised eyes, Ston ran away with five thousand beast soul fighters.

Ergo looked at the back of the Five Thousand Beast Soul Warrior for a while and said, "Damn, I'm still anxious to find death!"

Ergo continued to walk backwards. After two kilometers, he found a carriage. This carriage was luxurious, not only decorated with gold and silver, but also with armored guards. Ergo was shocked. Seeing these elite guards The equipment, combat effectiveness is certainly not low, thinking of Ergo here is a little worried.

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That guy, what are you doing?" Ergo hadn't said yet, someone yelled at Ergo.

"Masters, the youngest is the leader of Golden Wolf City, who is here to greet the adults." Erg answered cautiously.

"Haha, is there no one in Golden Wolf City?" Two of the werewolf guards laughed.

"I don't know who your lord is?" Ergo didn't know what he was, he seemed to be well equipped, with a lock armor, a metal spear, and a bow.

"My lord, I am the guard of Young Master Beizicheng." A werewolf guard replied loudly.

"Ah!" Ergo was taken aback when he heard it, and was surprised that they were actually a bunch of dudes.

"There is also Nuoyun City, Caodou City..." The guard then said the names of the Young City Lords of more than a dozen City Lords.

Ergo was puzzled. What were these young city masters doing, but when Ergo saw the priests leading the team this time, Ergo immediately understood the purpose of these guys. Ergo had no reason to see how these young city were so energetic. Think of a good idea.

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