A Unique Hunter

Chapter 436: The wolf cavalry returns

Cook can easily use the family members of the Sonata Legion as hostages. This is due to the formation of the wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry is regarded as the most powerful race among the orcs. First, the number of werewolves is large, and the combat effectiveness is not weak.

Of course, the fighting power of individual bearmen and leopard people is definitely not as good as the werewolf, but the number of werewolves is so large that the entire bearman tribe may be less than 10 million people, but the werewolves are at least 100 million. There are probably only 30 to tens of millions of people such as the tiger people, and the number of the tauren is more than 40 million people. Of course, these races are not the least, and the elephants and other races are the least, and the elephants are probably only tens of thousands. That's it.

So the werewolves have the strongest combat effectiveness in the orc empire. After all, they are large in number, and the combat effectiveness is not weak. Of course, the number one is the Bunnyman, at least a few hundred million people, and the Doug people, at least several hundred million people. There are a lot of goat people and pig people. But the individual strength of these races is too weak, so they are not ranked at all.

Therefore, in this war, the wolf cavalry has almost reached more than 200,000 people, which can be regarded as the main force. There are hundreds of thousands of pigs, tens of thousands of bears, and hundreds of thousands of tauren races, almost one million. Including the logistics, I am afraid it exceeds 1.5 million.

But the three royals of the orc royal family, the Lion family, the tiger family, and the leopard family never thought that a little selfishness of their own actually caused the fall of Golden Wolf City. When the news reached the Scarlet Plains after half a month, the three royal families were shocked. All of his jaws fell.

At this time, the three royal clans can't hide it. The reason they are the three royal clans is because a single tiger, lion, and leopard clans are not enough to become royal clans, but once the three royal clans are combined, then they are the first race of the orc empire. , And the orc empire is also under the jurisdiction of the three royal clans.

This time, not only the three major royal clans received the news, but the Pigs, bears, tauren tribes and other races all got the news. After all, the territory of a tribe fell.

The great elder of the wolf tribe received the letter from the commander of the Sonata legion, spurting blood with anger. The other three elders looked at the information incredibly, and there was only one thought in their mind: "How is it possible?"

"How is this possible, there is no news at all?" The great elder finally slowed down and roared loudly.

"Boss, I must look strange. It's impossible to let someone take the old nest without saying a word." The third elder touched his beard and said.

The second elder also nodded in agreement: "Yes, boss, how is this possible? Somehow we still have two wolf cavalry regiments in our house, and we have only been out for half a year, so..."

"No, the commander of the Sonata Legion is my nephew, and he certainly won't lie." The elder interrupted.

"Actually, I also find it strange. It stands to reason that we should have received news from home for half a year, but there has been no news at all in the past half a year, boss, look..." The fifth elder touched his thin cheeks with his hands. .

"Are you saying that someone deliberately spoiled him?" Elder werewolf also woke up and suddenly stood up and asked in surprise.

"Hmph, we werewolves have been hated by people these past few years!" The Fifth Elder said pointedly.

"Impossible, is this a holy war?" The Great Elder couldn't believe it at all, in case what the fifth child said was true.

When the four elders of the werewolves were suspicious in the tent, there was a lot of excitement in the head of the bearman. The head of the bearman looked at the leaders of the dozen or so tribes below, and said with a laugh: "How, those white eyes The wolf knows how great it is, even Golden Wolf City is lost, haha!"

"Patriarch, you are right. I used to rob us for turf. Now it's fine. I think they deserve it." A tribe leader echoed.

Another tribal leader of the White Bear tribe said in a deep voice: "In fact, we should have seen the minds of those white-eyed wolves long ago?"

"Oh! What do you say?" the leader of the brown bear tribe asked.

"How can I say, the three thousand bear youths we sent have all merged with beast souls. Although some have merged twice or three times, why did not one of these three thousand people merge successfully in the temple? I think it is those werewolves who are doing the trick. "The White Bear leader said bitterly.

When the bear clan chief heard this, his face became gloomy: "I think so, the white-eyed wolves of the temple are also the most powerful, and the number of soldiers is also the largest, and the number of priests is also the largest. To say that these three thousand people are only the number of successful integration. Ten, then I still believe it, but if the 3,000 people have successfully merged, then the werewolf must be doing a trick."

"Those **** guys, if the number of our bear men's beast soul warriors increases, it will definitely affect the status of the werewolves, patriarch, do you think we should think of a solution?" the grizzly leader asked.

"What way? Let's not move, wait until the truth of the matter is clear, we will not be too late, order to go down, don't try too hard when you rush forward, I look at the empire should also change." He waved his hand and said, because someone had been sent to the three thousand bears under Cook to check the situation.

The chiefs of the fox tribe were dull. Among the orc soldiers, the fox tribe is mainly logistics, and there is also a record of military merit. After all, this requires a clever mind, and these fox tribes are the first to know about the changes in the werewolf territory.

But because the werewolf's power is too great, whether in the temple or in the empire, although the fox clan produces many priests, but the beast soul warrior is almost not, the strength is reduced, so the fox clan remained silent.

The other territories of the tauren are adjacent to the werewolves, and there are frictions at any time, but the tauren did not get the information in advance. The rest of the Medusa, swan, hawk and other races are basically very low in strength, not to say The combat effectiveness of these people is low, but the number of these people is too small. The swan people are only a few hundred thousand people, and the eagle people are almost the same, so it is rare that the battlefield suddenly fell into calm.

Humans were originally passive defenses, so they quickly repaired the fortifications when they saw the orcs resting. For a few days, the humans were a little suspicious whether the orcs had any conspiracy, but the investigation did not find any conspiracy.

On the tenth day when the battlefield subsided, the werewolf clan finally got news again. Most of the entire territory was occupied by the Bunnyman. Only a dozen cities in the south near the Golden Pass were left, that is, the cities around the Sonata Corps station and a tauren. , A garrison around the two legions of bear people, the rest were occupied by rabbit people, and several cities close to the east. The high priest of Moza was also captured, but he was released again for unknown reasons. Even if Mo Sa rode the Flying Familiar day and night to the wolf cavalry station.

"What on earth are you going to do? Ah! I have sent a dozen war reports back and forth, why haven't you any movement?" Mo Sa's face was pale, and the priest's robe was still stained, and he roared as soon as he entered the tent.

The five priests and the four elders all looked at Moza in surprise. Two of the holy priests said, "Impossible. We only received the information from the Sonata Legion a few days ago."

"What?" Mo Sa was stunned, looking at the other nine people present in disbelief.

"Really!" The werewolf elder nodded affirmatively.

"Impossible, there are nearly 20 battle reports before and after, the earliest was two months ago..." Mo Sa explained in confusion.

"Damn, **** bastard, there must be someone making trouble, otherwise at least half of the twenty battle reports can get here?" The Werewolf Elder stomped fiercely.

"Go!" The two holy priests glanced at each other, then stood up and shouted.

A group of ten people rushed into the royal tent with a werewolf guard, and the two holy priests directly asked, "Did you do it?"

"Priest Fendi, what are you doing?" The three royal clans asked displeasedly when they saw the wolf clans priests and elders rushing in aggressively.

"I ask you, did you conceal the battle report passed by the High Priest Moza?" Saint Fendi shouted loudly at the three royal families.

"Priest Fendi, I respect you as a holy priest, but you shouldn't be too rampant." The tiger leader stood up and glared at Fendi, said with a gloomy face.

"You, okay!" Fendi was so angry that he pointed at the tiger leader, but he was speechless.

"I said that if you want to go wild, you have to see if the place is not. This is the royal account. You rushed in and asked loudly. This seems not to be..." The Leopard leader said slowly.

"Enough, don't be too mad. Once I find out who the trick is, then I, Fendi, will cut off his head personally, gather the people, and we will go back." Fendi's faces became pale, and finally The great elder of the werewolf clan said loudly, then left a word.

"Hey, who knew it would be like this!" The lion leader sighed.

The tiger leader raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you afraid?"

"It's not afraid, but these wolf cavalry are gone, what should we do? The big guy came out and suffered countless casualties. That's the result?" The Lion Man waved his hand and said.

"Hmph, this result is the best, get rid of a big trouble." Leopard said with a snort.

The tiger man and the lion man looked at each other, and they all felt that the leopard man’s words were reasonable. The werewolf’s vitality would be greatly injured even if he regained his territory after this time. Wouldn’t it be the age of imperial power? for a while.

Hundreds of thousands of wolf cavalry left overnight, and the total number of werewolves reached a million, but I don’t know who it was. The news that the werewolf territory was occupied by people told the wolf cavalry, so the whole wolf cavalry team is not like elite soldiers at all. , Some people who are worried about their tribe will grab the dry food and run away. Because these wolf cavalry are composed of various tribes, even the elders of werewolves can't help it.

Humans didn’t know the news until three days later, and for a while, they didn’t know what was going on. After the wolf cavalry left, the orc’s defense line was rectified for half a month, and then the attack was relaunched, but such an attack seemed to be shouting. It was so powerful that there were no casualties at all.

The high-level bear people gathered together in the tent. After more than two months of hard work, the envoys sent to understand finally learned the details. The three thousand bear people were actually beast soul fighters and a priest. , This is the first time ever.

"Haha, haha. Okay, the wolf cubs are in trouble." The bearman patriarch laughed loudly.

The rest of the white bear tribe, grizzly bear tribe, brown bear tribe, black bear tribe, panda tribe and other tribes are also very excited. Werewolf’s troubles are worthy of joy, but then the bearman patriarch asked suspiciously: "Those bunnymen are really fighting. So high?"

The one sent was a grizzly bear beast soul warrior. He witnessed the battle of Golden Wolf City with his own eyes. Hearing the question from the patriarch, he immediately stood up and replied: "No, those bunny men can not only smelt iron, but also forge many companies Send a crossbow, within a distance of one hundred meters. The three layers of leather armor can be easily penetrated.

"Hey, this is incredible!"

"What a big deal, I only need less than three seconds for a hundred meters."

"Yes, besides, we still have a shield!" The leader of the bear people talked.

"Everyone is wrong. When the bunnymen are fighting, even the wolf cavalry can't rush through. The long-range weapons of those bunnymen are very powerful." The grizzly bear who had seen the bunnymen fight stood up and said.

"What's the matter, it's so powerful, aren't we the bear people an opponent?" The bear head patriarch asked, waving his hand.

"We Bears are probably not opponents either." The Grizzlies groaned and said.

"Haha! Laughing to me!"

"That is, the combat effectiveness of our bear and bunny people, I hit a bunch of them to death."

"Boy, tell me carefully, why on earth is it not an opponent?"

The Grizzly shook his head and explained, "Because we can't get close to those Bunnymen at all."

"The Bunnyman has a lot of weapons. The first wave of attacks is a giant crossbow with a range of two kilometers like a human. The giant crossbow can attack from within two kilometers. There are not many such giant crossbows. There are only more than fifty in a legion. It needs four people to control it, but there is also a small giant crossbow with a range of one kilometer, about one hundred and twenty in a legion, and a trebuchet, which can throw a hundred catties of stones to a distance of 800 meters. , And then there is a heavy crossbow, which is relatively small, one hundred, but such a crossbow is all-metal construction, can penetrate the palm-thick wooden shield at a distance of 300 meters, and then there is one for each rabbitman. Repeated crossbows, shot ten in a row at a time, each Bunnyman has three quizzes with crossbow arrows, and each Bunnyman has forty such crossbow arrows. At least 6,000 people in the entire army have such crossbow arrows, which is 240,000. Arrows. In close combat, ten bunnymen are in a squad. Four of them are equipped with shields and one-handed swords, and four are equipped with spears, which are five or six meters long. Once an enemy approaches, these Long spears were thrust into the ground at an angle. The last two are usually one holding a heavy crossbow, and the other one is generally ready to take over the injured." Grizzly said as he found all the leaders with their mouths wide open, they shut up quickly. Up.

"This...this..., is this true?" The Bear Man Patriarch asked incredulously.

"Not only that, when I left, there were not only two werewolf legions, one tauren legion, three doug legions, and the number of bunny legions reached ten, and we also had seven or eight thousand bears." The Grizzly Beast Soul Warrior replied.

The following white bear leader asked wonderingly: "Can this werewolf follow the bunny leader to beat the werewolf?"

"Don't talk about it, these werewolves tricked away many cities. Bunnymen are chasing behind, and the werewolves in front flee pretendingly. When the city gate opens, it's too late to say anything." The grizzly bear beast soul warrior said angrily. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is going on here? "All the bear leaders were puzzled.

"Because those werewolves are poor, and the leader of the rabbits is called Cook. After Cook lays down the city, he will give all the land of all the nobles to everyone. On average, each person is 60 acres of land. The land is not allowed to be traded privately, and free food is also distributed to the poor..." Grizzly Bear Beast Soul Warrior explained in detail.

"High, high, this trick is high!" Patriarch Xiong shouted loudly after listening.

"It is indeed high, I think the werewolf will definitely not be able to turn over when he goes back this time."

"That is, don’t say goodbye, most of the wolf cavalry are born from poor people, unless some nobles are born, how many can there be, one-tenth is terrible, I think these wolf cavalry have not returned to the territory, I am afraid they are all scattered. ."

"Then it needs to be said, a person of 60 mu, pay back the money and the food, the fool will go back to the past."

"Then how did those soldiers who have done meritorious service reward them without giving them the land?" the bear man patriarch asked suspiciously.

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