A Unique Hunter

Chapter 441: Battle of Luan "Middle"

To prepare for the New Year's goods, we can only guarantee the update, everyone forgive me!

"Kill!" Even the wolf cavalry of the nobles is extremely hot in their hearts. The land in a radius of a hundred miles, this is something that many nobles dream of. The empire has gone through tens of thousands of years of inheritance, and the sphere of influence has long been robbed. It was completely clean, otherwise it would be impossible to force a bunny tribe into desperation on the southwestern side of the territory.

These noble werewolves urged the mounts to rush forward, because everyone wanted to take credit, and their companions were surpassed unknowingly. Those who rode their mounts and carried tools were all surpassed one by one.

Moreover, due to the geographical location of Lu'an City, only the frontal city wall of more than 2,000 meters touches, and the other three sides are cliffs. Of course, the cliffs near the city wall are relatively short, where the city wall is still built. As for the west of Lu'an City, it is hundreds. The meter-high cliff is simply a moat.

The more than 80,000 wolf cavalrymen were like a tide rushing to a small bay. The distance between the crowds became shorter and shorter, and they got closer and closer, but they were still squeezed behind.

Everyone squeezed past the bus. Once the people in the back squeeze up, it is impossible for the people in front to retreat. So even if the wolf cavalry in front wanted to stop, the people in the back would not ignore it.

"Stop, stop, stop!" The wolf cavalry at the front finally found a problem, that is, the wall of more than 20 meters high, how to get past, do you still need siege tools, can't help but shout loudly, but tens of thousands of people In the attack, where can anyone hear these shouts clearly?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" There was a tingling scalp sound.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Pieces of stones fell from the sky, and at least a thousand stones fell in the wolf cavalry team in a salvo. The current wolf cavalry team is like canned food.

"Ah!!!" A wolf cavalry looked at the stone falling towards him, but there was nowhere to hide, and he screamed in horror. Then the stone directly smashed the wolf cavalry down, but in an instant the gap again. Was packed.


"Damn it, poison gas, get out of the way!"

"Poison gas, get out of the way!" The gas bombs with long tails fell directly into the wolf cavalry team, and the gas-smeared werewolf roared loudly.

"Boom!" A fireball suddenly smashed into the wolf cavalry team and burst open instantly. In fact, such a fireball was wrapped in Warcraft grease, rags, hay, and rotten animal skins, and would disperse as soon as it hits.


"Ah!!!" Piles of flames burned from the wolf cavalry team, accompanied by the screams of werewolves.

And below the city wall, there is a scene of hell. Countless wolf cavalry rushed to the city wall one after another. The moat a few meters wide was directly filled with the corpses of the wolf cavalry. In fact, most of these wolf cavalry were squeezed down by the guys behind. Yes, it's like laying dumplings. Just as the front one went down, the back one fell off again.

"Isn't it!" Everyone on the city wall was dumbfounded, and I had never seen anyone come to die like this.

"Goo!" Cook also swallowed a mouthful of water. Could it be that these werewolves are really not afraid of death?

Connie said with a sneer: "These noble children used to go to the battlefield to take credit. They have no actual combat experience at all, and these wolf cavalry do not belong to the same legion at all, and there is no coordination at all, and the commanders are also Idiot, rushed up with the command of more than 80,000 wolf cavalry. In such a narrow area, more than 80,000 wolf cavalry are crowded together, no one can command."


"Shoo!" The orc soldiers on the city wall shot out their arrows without money. At least a few werewolves hit arrows every time they shot.

"Woo!" The crossbow arrows with thick arms fired by the giant crossbow were like skewers, killing several of them at once.


"Get out, get out!" Several werewolves carrying a siege ladder finally came under the city wall. It is not easy, they came out of thousands of troops.

A few meters wide moat was filled with the corpses of wolf cavalry and mounts. A large number of orcs stepped on their companions and braved countless fallen arrows to attack the city.

"Ah, get up, push up!" The two werewolves just put the siege ladder under the city wall, and then shouted loudly.

"Kill!" The werewolf carrying the ladder behind pushed up the siege ladder vigorously, and then put it on the wall. A wolf cavalry immediately jumped off the mount, and then climbed up with red eyes.

"Prepare, give me a top!" There were orc soldiers on the wall that had been ready for a long time, and the ten-meter-long mandrel was held tightly by several orcs.

"Top!" the person in front roared, so the ejector directly pushed the siege ladder back.

"Boom!" The ladder made of 20-meter long logs slammed into the crowd.

"Alright?" In another place, the siege ladder had just been put up on the city wall, and someone immediately dumped the contents on the ladder with a large earthen jar.

"Okay, light it up." The person holding the big earthen jar quickly backed away and replied loudly.

"Boom!" A flame suddenly appeared above the siege ladder, and then most of the entire siege ladder was wrapped in raging flames. The werewolf who climbed the ladder screamed and fell.

"Hurry up, let go!"


"Let it go!" the commander roared loudly on the city wall. The wolf cavalry queue was too dense. More than 10,000 people were stationed on the two thousand-meter-long wall. The crossbow arrows in his hand were constantly shooting, and there were still A large number of enemies climbed the city wall.

"Woo!" The stone bullets thrown by the catapult are still exerting great power. Up to now, a catapult has thrown at least 20 stone bullets, and the giant crossbow has also fired a dozen crossbow arrows in a row. The crossbowman fired at least two arrow boxes, without aiming at all, just shooting.

But there seemed to be no less under the city wall. The wolf cavalry rushed over in a swarm. Cook looked at the ever-increasing werewolf corpses piled up under the city wall, and shouted: "Destroy the siege ladder!"

"Boom!" Because there were too many werewolves on it, a siege ladder was directly crushed and collapsed.

"Boom!" A bear man directly used a huge stone to break a siege ladder.

"Boom!" A clay pot of Warcraft grease was directly smashed into the siege ladder, and then a torch was dropped, and a ball of flame instantly exploded.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in huge smoke. There were gas bombs thrown by trebuchets and smoke from burning corpses. The entire battlefield was filled with a disgusting smell.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The high level behind the wolf cavalry behind the stone bullets constantly falling, blood is dripping in heart.

"Oh!" When the wolf cavalry retreated one after another, they discovered that within a kilometer of the entire Lu'an city wall, there were all thick corpses, and under the wall, there were several meters high corpses stacked. , Not to mention that the original moat is now bulging.

"Puff, how could this happen, how could this happen?" Hearing the reported casualties, the werewolf patriarch suddenly sat on the ground. In just over an hour, he lost more than 10,000 wolf cavalry and siege tools. All damaged, the werewolf patriarch said to himself in disbelief.

"Patriarch? What should I do now?" Mo Sa was also shocked. The 60,000 people he led were actually washed away. Then there was a series of nightmares. Finally, the 60,000 people he led died and ran away. Had it not been for a flying mount, it would have been captured.

"Come here, give my order, build more siege tools overnight, and tomorrow the priests will cooperate with the attack." The werewolf patriarch shouted loudly while looking at the strange gaze of the people around him.

"Yes!" the people below replied in unison, this is already the time to survive.

But will Cook give these guys a chance to attack again? The answer is definitely no. In this world, wars are almost head-to-head battles. There are so many classic strategies in Cook's mind.

The whole Lu'an city was silent, and the orc soldiers were resting. Only some orcs responsible for food were busy. You can see on the wall that the werewolf's corpses have been recovered. The werewolf camp in the distance is brightly lit and can be seen by the naked eye. Those werewolves are still building pieces of siege tools.

Behind the werewolf camp, thousands of Dougs were hiding behind a hillside, and the guard sent by the werewolves was dozens of meters away from the scouts sent by the Dougs.

To the north of the werewolf camp, a team of bears are wearing plate armor that requires cumbersome means to wear with the help of their companions. In Lu'an City, a team of orcs also climbed up, put on equipment, and assembled. Eat, then wait quietly at the east gate.

Cook looked at the sky, then at the magic hourglass, and then issued the command: "Go!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A shrill drum sounded, the gates of Lu'an City slowly opened, and groups of orc soldiers stepped out of the city in neat steps.

"Get up fast, get up fast, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The guards in the werewolf camp blew the horn quickly.

"Get started!" The commander of the Doug Corps overcharged.

"Shoo!" At the moment when the horn sounded, after two breaks in the air, the guard sent by the werewolf was pierced by two crossbow arrows in the head~www.wuxiaspot.com~The bear man legion commander Dulu heard the horn sound. , Also issued an order, one by one, the fully armed bear men stood up immediately, and then moved forward quickly.

"Stand up the shield! Raise the gun!" Ado ordered loudly.

"Wow!" Rows of tower shields as high as one person stood at the forefront of the line of defense, and on the tower shields there was also a seven or eight meter long spear.

"Cook, what are you doing? Isn't it okay to consume the werewolf soldiers like this?" Xia looked at Cook suspiciously.

"No, orc soldiers need a real **** battle before they can become true elites." Cook explained and answered.

"Haha, haha, dare to go out into the field, boys, kill me!" The werewolf patriarch looked at Cook's formation and laughed.

"Patriarch, will there be a conspiracy?" Mo Sa said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of, the priests, keep up!" The patriarch roared angrily, and then gave the order.

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