A Unique Hunter

Chapter 448: untitled

The word cadre comes from Japanese kanji, and its meaning is "a person who holds management and leadership functions in an organization". This organization may include a political party, a social group, etc. Here, Cook unknowingly brought these words from the earth.

The Mutual Aid Association has become a powerful supervisory organization in the hands of Cook. Most of the work of this organization is voluntary. The Mutual Aid Association not only helps the poor, but also supervises the government officials. Once the government’s income and expenditure are Where there is injustice, the mutual aid association can directly respond to Cook through its own channels.

The Mutual Aid Association’s personnel are selected by the people. Although the majority of the people in the Orc Empire are still illiterate, these people also know to choose people who are fair and respected.

On the contrary, these selected people will redouble their efforts for their reputation, because for these selected orcs, they must work harder to keep themselves from falling in the next election.

In fact, as the king of the Maykai Empire, Cook did not have much power in his hands. This is also because Cook concocted a set of relatively perfect systems after he had seen so-called various perfect systems on the earth.

There is not only a supervisory department in the government, but also a supervisory department of the Mutual Aid Association. There is also a certain amount of tax collected by Cook. Just like the tax collected by herders, the whole empire is like this. There is nowhere to say Charge more.

Commercial tax is also fixed. As long as commercial tax is paid in one place, the next step of the circulation of goods does not need to pay tax at all. That is to say, the tax collection is all one-off, and there are still regulations. As for land, building houses What, for the vast orc empire, it just needs very little money to report it.

As a country of agriculture and animal husbandry, the orc empire seems to be the same in the whole world. It does not want to have so many taxes in the industrial society, so it is relatively simple.

Although Cook is not an expert and professor of sociology, Cook knows one thing: government officials cannot be given too much power, and there must be a sound supervision mechanism. For example, in some countries, cadres embezzle billions of dollars. I don’t know if these billions are just an egg, just pick it up and leave? Then it ran away ridiculously. In fact, the big guys understand that these billions of dollars are probably not embezzled by one person, but the most unlucky person in the nest case was used to top the tank.

So Cook appointed a supervisory agency when the government was established. Of course, Cook cannot guarantee 100% effectiveness. After all, these supervisions are also carried out by people, who will have shortcomings.

When Cook sent out the cadres of the mutual aid association, Cook began to think about increasing investment in agriculture. Although the Mekai Empire had a long winter, after all, the entire empire was close to the south and there was no problem in growing one season of grain.

And Cook had other thoughts in his mind. Cook decided to go out of the city to check the status quo of the empire's agriculture. Cook did not bring anyone from the government.

Instead, he took Mickey out of the city secretly. Of course, Ado couldn't get rid of it. The three of them wandered around the city of Mekai, which was the original Golden Wolf city.

Cook handed over the affairs of the empire to Connie. Connie became the first prime minister of the empire, but the empire had no cabinet and was composed of several major ministries, which meant a combination of Chinese and Western affairs.

Among them, the military and public security departments are under the vertical jurisdiction of Cook. Connie is the second person after Cook. In addition, there are several major departments such as the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Transportation. The only ones that are not available are the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy. department.

Unlike the human empire, there is an additional medical department, which is actually the department that manages witch doctors, and there is also a civil affairs department, which is a combination of mutual aid associations and government aid agencies.

Cook and a group of people walked on the street. The neat streets were marked by four carriage wheels, as well as the orcs coming and going and soldiers patrolling back and forth.

In terms of people holding weapons, Cook only allows ordinary people to hold them, but crossbows are not allowed. Crossbows can only be held by the army. Although the Mekai city is the largest city in the Mekai Empire, in Cook’s view It's just that.

There are the most pubs on the street, followed by hotels, and some clothing workshops. Basically, they still maintain the habit of bartering. It is not that Cook did not implement currency reforms, but that the bartering method has already allowed The entire empire is used to it.

As for food, there are no other tricks except roasting or cooking. Cook walked slowly out of the city while wandering around. I have to say that there are almost no beggars in Maykay, because as long as you find a beggar, you will be the first time. They were taken away by the patrol and sent back to their original place of origin. They were directly assigned to the place where they did not go, and then handed over to the local mutual aid association and the government.

If there is a second time, I’m sorry. Every city has a prison. Of course, the prison here is similar to a farm. Begging again will be sentenced to half a year’s imprisonment. This is because of the taste and laziness, not because of the lack of life.

Mickey used a cloak to cover her human appearance. In fact, there are also humans in Maykay City, but they are very rare. On the one hand, they are the rescued human slaves who were robbed by the orcs. On the other hand, they are human merchants. Everyone will get the same equal treatment here.

Cook watched various orcs wandering in the street. Cook nodded. Cook wanted to build Mekay into a metropolis. As a metropolis, a good atmosphere is a must. A fair environment and good public security are indispensable.

Because of the secret protection of Addo, of course there must be secret guards and no brain-dead guys who do not open their eyes to make trouble in front of Cook. Cook easily went out of the city, and after he left the city, it was a vast plain.

Now the plain is already green. Cook walked directly to a nearby road. This is obviously a village. The low earth and stone houses are not built up high, because the winter is very cold. , The house with thatch as the roof is warmer, and the larger the room requires more fuel.

Cook also knew beforehand that the main crop here is corn, which is a kind of food that is grown in a wide range. Cook looked at the green corn seedlings in the land and was very pleased.

At this time, you can see how many guards Cook has come out this time. There are at least fifty or sixty guards. Cook estimates that there are still guards in the distance, while Ado is a little embarrassed. After all, there are not many people in the farmland. The guard was immediately exposed.

Cook watched slowly all the way. Because Cook is a wood magician, he can sense that these corn seedlings are growing very well. Cook saw an orc watering in the distance, so he walked forward. .

"Man, how much land does your family have?" Cook took a look and found that he was also a bunny man, still very young, and not alone. Next to the stream, there was a young woman who was also a bunny man. Scooping water in the bucket is obviously a family.

"Our family has five people and one hundred acres of land." Seeing the guards before and after Cook, the young bunny quickly replied, using his **** to think he was a big man.

"One hundred acres, can you come here busy." Cook was surprised, knowing that the current technology is not so advanced. One hundred acres of land is enough for a family to be busy.

"Haha, it's okay, it's busy when planting and harvesting." The young rabbit man laughed, happy. Who would have thought that a family would have a hundred acres of land a day.

"How about the harvest?" Cook asked again.

"Oh, this is not easy to say. In our place, it is terrible if it can be collected in ten years and three years. There used to be a saying that it will not be collected for ten years, and it will be eaten for ten years." The young rabbit man was a little worried.

"Oh?" Cook was very puzzled.

"There are several reasons. One is the drought. As long as there is no rain for one and a half months, then there will be basically no income from grain. Only some forage is harvested, and there is hail. In June and July, I am most afraid of hail. It will be over, and the cold will come in the end. Sometimes the cold comes earlier, and the corn is not fully mature, so the loss will be great.” The young Bunnyman explained.

Cook was shocked when he heard it, but there was no good way. Cook thought for a while and asked: "So just plant corn? Can't plant some short-term crops?"

"The surprise is short enough. The corn takes less than four months." The young bunny man did not understand Cook's words.

"Yeah!" Cook also knew that most of the summer in the Orc Empire was only five months, and these places occupied most of the time in summer and winter, and the spring and autumn seasons occupied very little time.

Cook looked around again and asked, "Is the pasture planted over there?"

"Haha, no, the land there has been planted for several years, and it is no longer suitable for growing food, so let him leave it deserted, rest for two years, and then plant again." The young rabbitman shook his head, obviously Cook is not a suitable one. Of farmers.

Cook nodded. After all, there is no such thing as fertilizer in this society. The barrenness of the land cannot be changed. Cook suggested: "In fact, you can feed some cattle and sheep over there, not to mention buying them, just eat them yourself. That's it. It is estimated that even acres of land is wasted, and the manure from feeding cattle and sheep can be used as fertilizer."

"This is a good way." The young bunny man looked at Cook in surprise and said.

"Haha." Cook laughed. Cook didn't intend to talk about fruit trees, interplanting, and so on. After all, food depends on the land in this plain area. Once fruit trees are planted, the grain production will naturally decrease.

Cook wandered around, always worried, because the risk of growing food here is too great, hail, drought, and cold air, Cook can not help but miss the sweet potatoes on the earth, potatoes are coming, these two crops are not only resistant Drought, and not afraid of hail, at least it will not be a complete harvest. With this idea, Cook's mind is thinking about what kind of plants are the same as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

But unfortunately, Cook doesn’t have it in his mind. There are several tuber crops, but they are all herbs and the growing environment is harsh. Mickey has been following Cook silently. Mickey thinks this is good, but Seeing Cook's absent-minded appearance, I couldn't help asking: "Cook, what's the matter with you?"

"Haha!" Cook patted Mickey's hand, and then explained with a smile.

"Then you should go to Windsor~www.wuxiaspot.com~Windsor knows a lot about plants." Cook was originally talking to Mitch, but Mitch had thought of Windsor.

"Yeah, let's go, let's go back. There is still a period of time before winter. Let's try it out this year and expand it next year." Cook took Mickey around and gave it a kiss.

Without knowing that Cook had just returned to the place where he lived, Connie came to Cook: "The two elders of the Tauren Presbyterian Church beg to see you."

"What are they doing?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"What are you doing, don't you know that Red Hoof occupied the city of six tauren territories in one day?" Connie asked in surprise.

"Puff! Six cities?" Cook asked incredulously.

There is some water in this chapter, but it is not necessary. After all, I have to explain the general composition of the Maykai Empire. The volume about the Bunny King is basically over. After all, the Bunnyman has turned over and sang, and the Maykai Empire has also embarked on it. On the right track, as for the Scarlet Fortress, I can’t make up the word count. After all, it doesn’t matter what the pig’s feet are there, and the war scene is very brain-consuming for me. The next volume is to continue to take risks!

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