A Unique Hunter

Chapter 467: the reason

Something happened in the evening, a chapter was rushed out at noon, and basically no more at night!

"My lord, my lord, it's not good, it's not good." Ross was enjoying a rare massage, and suddenly a harsh sound rushed toward him from far and near.

"Retreat!" After Rose saw the incoming person clearly, his face was green and waved, and several women wearing light gauze left respectfully.

Archbishop Rose, dressed in a red nightgown, stood up and stared at the visitor, gritted his teeth and asked, "General Marco, do you understand etiquette?"

General Marco was the general who claimed to be the commander of the fortress who accompanied Cook, a very burly man. Now General Marco is looking at Archbishop Rose in horror. After hearing the archbishop’s question, he immediately screamed: "My lord, My lord, it's not good, a big deal."

"Speak!" Archbishop Rose was speechless and depressed. Apart from his looks, this Mark was not good at everything else, and he was not ordinary, timid, cowardly, and greedy. But if it wasn't for Marco, Ross would not push Marco to the position of commander of the fortress. The expenses of the Scarlet Fortress accounted for a large part of the expenditure of the empire. Archbishop Ross was also the archbishop of the northeastern province. Not to mention the benefits of getting close to the Scarlet Fortress.

With the help of the merchants who smuggled to the orc empire, Archbishop Rose was also very rich. Although Marco was timid, cowardly, and greedy, Marco was also a vanity-loving guy, and he had a talent for acting for more than ten years. He left a good impression in front of the Emperor, and with the secret support of the people of Ross, he was able to sit as the commander of the Scarlet Fortress.

"My lord, I received Baron Cook as you ordered, but, but..." Marco did not dare to continue.

"Bang! Don't say it!" Rose angrily smashed the cup in his hand on the ground, and then felt distressed. It was carved from thousands of gold coins and extremely transparent crystals.

"Yes!..." Marco said the detailed process again, and then he dared not look at Rose in a cold sweat.

"Hiss!" Rose was blinded as soon as he heard it, because the empire is now in need of a large amount of magic metal, repairing the defensive magic circle, refining magic items, this is related to the survival of the empire.

There is also a magic airship. This thing is something that the Pope has personally asked about. It plays an extremely important role in turning the tide of the battle. Why is this **** guy not selling it.

At the thought of Cook trying to shake out all the reasons, Archbishop Rose was terrified. Once these things were dug up, the consequences would be disastrous. At least there would be no problem with the burning posture as a cardinal archbishop. Means of internal punishment.

"Damn it, **** it, but you pull on Cooke to guard the fortress together. That's how you and he got it, **** it! Damn! Damn! bang! You greedy! Bang! Coward! Shameless guy, you! Why don't you die?" Archbishop Rose jumped up and cursed, and then he punched and kicked Marco, cursing loudly while beating.

For a while, Archbishop Rose looked at Marco, who was holding his head, and shouted in a hoarse voice, panting, "How did you do it?"

"My lord, didn't you want me to say it?" Marco argued.

"Bang! Are you a pig? What I said is to let you say a little bit about the lack of guard strength. What are you talking about? Hmm!" Archbishop Rose was angry.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, three people came in and asked, looking at the scene in front of them.

"Not this idiot!" Rose explained.

"Damn!" One of them jumped up immediately, waving his fist to beat Marco.

"It won't work to beat him, what should I do now?" One of the old men reached out and stopped the guy who was going to beat Marco, and asked in a deep voice.

"Run, what are you waiting for, waiting for the referee to arrest someone?" a middle-aged man replied loudly.

"Run, where are you going, to the orc empire?" The one who was about to hit someone also came to his senses and sneered in an angry voice.

"Wick Jeddie, what do you mean, don't run!" the middle-aged man immediately jumped up and shouted.

"Hmph, Earl Noldor, I'm not afraid, even you, the surveillance station, may all be exiled to the crime camp." Wickedy replied with a grunt.

"Okay, don't make any noise." The old man shouted with pressure.

"Priest Sarri, I didn't start this first." The middle-aged Count Noldor roared with a blushing neck.

"Okay, what's the noise? Count Noldor, you are a minister of the Holy See, you must pay attention to your image." Archbishop Rose has a headache. These people are the main leaders of the Northeast Province.

Count Noldor is the head of the northeastern province of the judge's office, Sarri is the priest and the person in charge of the pastor, and Wick Jeddie is in charge of finances, Archbishop Ross is the supreme officer, and Marco is the commander of the Scarlet Fortress. Humans form a profit network, and the main income is money from merchants who smuggle from the orc empire.

"What should we do, or let's just kill it." Marco suggested cautiously.

"Kill, kill your mother, don't you see the guards?" Marco stopped talking, and yelled at Wick Jeddie.

"Guard, how many people can there be in the guard." Marco muttered dissatisfied.

"Grass, they are two thousand..." Nuodu also roared at Marco in an angry tone.

"Isn't it two thousand? I will bring ten thousand cavalry to charge..." Marco replied with disdain.

Ross looked at each other weirdly, and then Sari first said, "Isn't it impossible, is this a way?"

"I'm afraid..., I'm afraid Marco may not succeed, right?" Wickedy originally wanted to say that Cook led a thousand tall ogres and a thousand trolls. These two races are more powerful than the orcs. The race, but when he saw the expressions of the other three, Wickedy suddenly woke up. It turned out that Marco had been abandoned.

"I can't bring 10,000 heavy cavalry!" Marco was suddenly angry, Nima, if I say that two thousand orcs, I don't have ten thousand cavalry, but this is a human guard, and the fighting power is limited no matter how high.

"Mark, go and wash, let's discuss it carefully." Rose patted Mark on the shoulder, and said with a gloomy face.

"Okay!" Seeing that Ross was no longer angry, Marco immediately heaved a sigh of relief, feeling very proud, but he still had his own way.

However, no matter how idiot Marco is, he also understands that using 10,000 cavalry to attack a nobleman would require a good plan, and sufficient preparation and excuses. These are not what Marco is good at.

Seeing Marco left, Wickedy asked in a low voice, "Is it just giving up like this?"

"Huh, like a stupid pig, Sarri’s idea is good, so let General Marco and our dear Lord Baron have a fierce collision. If General Marco is unfortunately killed, we can get away. If Lord Baron is unfortunate, So what do we have to worry about?" Rose said without admiration, and at the same time increased his vigilance against Sarri. This old guy is really poisonous.

Noldo and Wick Jeddy took a breath of air. What kind of people could come up with such an almost perfect idea in an instant, but then they were overjoyed. Noldo said directly: "We have been worried for so long. , It's time to get out."

"But there is another situation, in case Marco is captured..." Wickedy asked worriedly.

"Hey, this is too simple, we can also send someone." Rose said with a smile.

Then the other three people showed a clear expression. Obviously, Rose was going to send a dead soldier to follow Marco, depending on the situation.

Marco came out soon, with a smug look on his face, and Nodor patted Marco affectionately: "Marco, it's up to you tonight."

"Don't worry, Lao Tzu will kill him if he is piled with 10,000 people." Marco replied with a bang on his chest.

Wikjedi said loudly, "Marco, if you return victoriously, I can give you the twin sisters!"

"Really?" Marco was so excited. Wickedy raised a pair of lovely twins. Marco had long been thinking about it, but he didn't expect to have this luck today.

"Master Rose can be a witness." Wickedy replied with a smile.

"Well, I will eat here later, but let's go to the bubble hot spring before eating." Rose nodded.

"Okay, discuss the action in the evening while taking a bath." Noldo echoed, and the five followed Rose.

Soon after Rose left, a maid came to clean up the house. While the maid was tidying the house, a gray spider quickly crawled out of the door and disappeared.

"Interesting!" After listening to Kaka's report, Cook said that the report was actually Kaka repeating what he heard, and then Cook explained to Xia in a low voice.

"Five people, white-robed priest, court, Ministry of Finance, bishop, general, tusk, tusk." Xia also exclaimed.

Cook took out a magic crystal coin to Ka Ka, and said in admiration: "Ka Ka is good."

Ka Ka jumped very excitedly twice, and then got into Cook's sleeve to absorb the magic crystal coins, and Xia was jealous: "This little thing has obviously mutated."

"Who knows, there are too many types of monsters." Cook replied.

"What are you going to do next?" Xia glared at Cook ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked.

"Cut! With this ten thousand heavy cavalry, Baglu will be solved with one thousand men." Cook said with disdain.

When Baglu heard what Cook said, he agreed with him: "Master, you are right, what the **** can those damned guys have?"

"Baglu, it's up to you tonight. I want you to capture our General Marco alive. I think General Marco has a lot of wealth." Cook thought for a while and then ordered.

"Yes, sir, should I go now?" Bagru immediately jumped up to Cook and shouted excitedly, knowing that he has the prize to be distributed. When he thinks of the shiny gold coins, why is Bagre not excited, not excited .

"Get out!" Cook yelled irritably, this guy is so funny

ps: Everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you have any ideas, Ryan will answer them one by one. As for the curse, please think about it. If you really can’t stand it, please leave. Anyway, I can’t read it. Don't talk about comments, just click to close it. I wonder why someone writes so many words? Of course, I was also confused. Some words cannot be retrieved after typing out. I apologize here: I'm sorry!

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