A Unique Hunter

Chapter 470: Noisy

I have to say that such a top-notch idea can only be thought of by Dax, the top-level one. Of course, this is also because Dax wants to end the night's actions early, because Dax has dozens of magic crystal coins in his arms. The wealth of tens of millions of gold coins.

The subordinates acting as robbers rushed directly to Simon, while Dax’s people roared, yelled, and waved their weapons not far behind. The entire Western District suddenly boiled, and countless lights lit up. , But few people dared to go out.

"Man, what sound is this?" Mengser asked drunkly, no way, he was a drunkard at first, so it's strange not to drink in the tavern.

But the dude grumbled endlessly. If this group of soldiers can't leave, they won't be able to get off work at all, and the shouting and killing outside is obviously not a good thing. The dude who does more is better than less and replied with a smile: "My lord, there are What sound, are you drunk?"

"Drunk, Lao Tzu tells you, our boss's drinking capacity is not covered, go, and get Lao Tzu wine!" Mengser had not spoken, the people underneath quickly shouted.

Because today is Monser’s treat, and whether Monser said there will be a task at night, because Wick Jeddie just wanted Monser to pretend to be unwilling to chase Dax. As for the problem of catching up, getting rid of it, the robbers are desperate. Assholes, Mengser bet that his people will not be able to catch up. This is the same reason that the police cannot catch up with the criminals. After all, this is just a job.

Therefore, Mengser did not say that he had a task, and as Mengser's subordinate, his boss treats guests, it is not open, anyway, don't pay for it yourself.

"That's right, let me go, and bring all the good wine to me!"

"That is, if you don't take it, we will destroy your broken shop!"

The rest of the soldiers immediately stood up drunk, and then shouted loudly, while the man's face paled from the fright a long time ago, he hurriedly went to the boss, and as for the shouting and killing, the noise slowly diminished in the noise.

Soon the guy served the drink, but this time the boss was very generous, and it was the best strong drink. In fact, the boss's mind was very simple, let these guys fall to the ground early, and he was relieved.

Mengse was drunk and dimly poured two glasses of strong alcohol into his subordinates. As for the task, he had to be sober.

"Dax Monser!" Dax cursed secretly. Dax's physical strength was not strong, but Dax's subordinates ran fast, which caused Dax to chase further and further away. I have already ordered my subordinates to rush out of Simon.

Wickedy shouted excitedly: "Quick, quick, you **** bastards, gather, gather!"

Wickedy was so angry that he was actually robbed by a robber. You must know that in the city, you only have to walk sideways, and where there are others who bully yourself, so Wickedy is annoyed to take his subordinates. The guards roared and gathered in a hurry.

"Hey, hurry up, hurry up!" Seeing that his subordinates are still wearing armor, Wick Jeddie is immediately annoyed. You must know that the armor of the knight needs two servants to wear specially. How long will it take? What to do when the robber ran away, so a large group of guys in weird costumes rushed out of Wickedy’s manor under the leadership of Wickeddy, because these guys are basically shirts, and shirts are usually It is black and white is good-looking, but it is difficult to clean.

But even so, it was only twenty minutes after Wickedy and others rushed out. The place where Wickedy lived was closest to the north gate. According to Wickedy's idea, the north gate was where the robbers escaped. One of the best paths.

Until Wickedy rushed to the north gate, not to mention the robbers, almost a soldier on patrol did not see, and the guards at the north gate did not see anyone at all. By this time Wickedy cursed: "Damn, damn, Where has this patrol team gone, where has it gone?"

"My lord, what happened?" the captain who guarded the city gate asked in a low voice.

"Damn, I was robbed, you know, my Earl Wickedy was robbed." Wickedy roared loudly.

"God!" The team leader's eyes widened.

At this moment, there was a roar from far away in the Ximen area. Upon hearing this, Wick Jeddie shouted immediately: "Quick, Ximen, rush towards Ximen!"

"Quickly, go find the **** on the patrol team, you must be gambling at the Rose Hotel again!" The captain Limara who guards the city gate yelled at one of his subordinates. The captain knew that those **** on the patrol must be sure at this time. Gambling.

Just when there was a mess in the city, Marco was depressed. The time for the plan was over. Why the **** Monser didn't come to report to him, knowing that it takes an excuse to dispatch heavy cavalry.

But Marco did not expect that even if it was a robbery, there was a reason to dispatch heavy cavalry. Of course, Marco believed that this was planned by Ross and others. To put it bluntly, it needed an excuse.

In fact, in Rose’s eyes, it’s very simple to make a big noise. Find a street and smash it down, and it will make you big, especially those shops with valuables, but they are all the property of aristocrats with backstage. No one said anything, but Dax wanted to grab the money.

Moreover, the only thing that went wrong was to **** one person, and since the location of Dax's robbery was already considered to be the most fringe of the West End, he missed the time of Munser's plan and made Munser drunk.

If Dax goes back in this way, then things will not happen in the future, but the best thing that Monser did not do, he did it for him, then does his brother-in-law want to take a look at himself?



"Catch the robbers!" Dax and others shouted feebly, as if they were acting.

As for the team playing the robbery, there is no shadow of running, because Dax told them to run out of the west gate and they can come back.

"What happened?" At this moment, a team of guards finally appeared and shouted at Dax.

"It's your shit!" Dax was irritated by this guy's arrogant appearance, and immediately shouted loudly, knowing that Dax is known as the first person.

"Okay, you **** guy, come here, get me caught!" The captain of the patrol immediately shouted loudly.

"Dare you!" Dax's subordinates are not vegetarian, and they immediately drew out their weapons and shouted.

So the funny two men and horses confronted each other like this, Dax yelled: "You **** bastards, you dare to catch your grandpa, come here, beat me!"

"Yes, boss!" Dax’s subordinates are also two hundred and five. Can the boss bark? Actually, it’s not to blame the patrol, because Dax is also in civilian clothes, he didn’t wear military uniforms at all, and it was night again. You need to know whether the light of the street lights in this world is very bright. In addition, the patrol team and the army have two different affiliations. When wearing military uniforms, the patrol team may not provoke them. As for those who come out at night, one It's not a good person to watch.

"Boom boom boom!" At this critical moment, neat footsteps sounded in the darkness, and then a hundred soldiers from the patrol team appeared.

"Asshole, shit, dare to **** Earl Wikjedi!" The squadron leader of the patrol yelled as he ran. The squadron commanded a hundred people. He was the head of the West Side Patrol. Most of the patrols were happy Gambling, I didn't know that I heard that Earl Wickedy was robbed, so he jumped up in fright and rushed towards Simon.

Because the streets of the city are so ubiquitous, Wickedy actually took a shortcut and rushed to the west gate, but there were no guards at the west gate tonight. Of course, this was due to the plan tonight. Wickedy was so angry. He rushed out of Simon directly.

"What are you going to do?" The squadron leader immediately shouted loudly as he saw his men confronting a group of people.

"Captain, these are robbers..." The squad leader who confronted Dax immediately replied loudly.

"Okay, brothers, get on me, catch me!" the squadron leader shouted immediately, taking the weapon and rushing over.

Dozens of people from the patrol rushed up like this, but Dax had only a dozen people. When Dax heard these guys say that he was a robber, he cursed with a guilty conscience: "You are the robber, I ……Ouch!"

Dax hadn’t finished speaking, he was swarmed up, and Dax and others came to play the role of robber tonight. Because General Marco ordered not to kill, they did not carry a long weapon, but a dagger. As for the used wood Great, I lost it long ago, and the patrol team was equipped with long spears, and the squadron commander ordered them to be caught alive, so these spears were slapped directly, not that Sindox’s head was severely hit, and all of a sudden blood. Like stream.

"Go on, I should fight fiercely!" The squadron leader immediately shouted with excitement when he saw it, and he was very excited: "God, gosh, capture the criminals in the robbery of Earl Wickedy, how big is this? The credit!" The squadron leader never thought that he had never seen Earl Wickedy.


"Don't fight, we are not robbers!"

"You **** guys, stop me... oh!" A series of screams and curses lasted for a few minutes, and then a dozen or so Dax people who were very troubled were knocked to the ground, all over Scars.

"Tie Lao Tzu!" the squadron captain shouted vigorously.

Of course, if you really want to tie it up, Earl Wikjedi’s wealth will return, but a better squad captain under the dying squadron knows exactly one person he’s tied up, so he said: "I said Laru, how come you kid go to rob Earl Wickeddie, that's a capital crime?"

"Damn, you **** day, just wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ beat our boss like that, tomorrow General Marco will skin you alive!" Larue took a look at the talking guy and immediately Shouted, because the guy who tied him is not as good as himself.

"No...no?" Laru was shocked, the boss of Laru was a big disaster in the city?

"Boss, Boss, it's not good, it's not good." Regardless of whether it was true or not, the one who tied Laru immediately rushed to his boss.

"What's your name?" The patrol squadron leader shouted angrily, and he was about to stretch out a hand to slap the tied strict Dax on the face, because Dax clamored the most fierce.

"Pop!" The guy who tied Laru saw the squadron leader's actions, and immediately knew that he was going to suffer, and hurriedly rushed over, without knowing that he would slap his face with a slap.

"Boss..." The soldier from the patrol who had **** Laru whispered quickly.

"No, no, won't it?" The squadron leader of the patrol stammered pale when he heard it, his legs still trembling.

I'm sorry, I just came back from overtime, and finally there is no break!

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