A Unique Hunter

Chapter 482: set

The dozens of elephants who rushed up first were almost stripped in less than five minutes. Not only were the elephants unacceptable, even the human soldiers around were dumbfounded, and Cook couldn’t smile. .

What makes Cook strange is that the ogre knight actually said that the captives were not good. Cook walked closer and listened carefully. He only listened to the triumphant answer of the ogre: "You are stupid, we ogres. The knight is now the adult’s strongest unit. Look at our equipment, this physique, and our salary. If you say that if someone is stronger than us, would the adult treat us like this?"

"Oh!" The ogres understood. If these dozens of big men were taken back to captives, their status might be lowered, so they uttered a loud voice and looked at the elephants with stern eyes.

"Fuck, I'll take good care of these guys. If you die, I will want you to look good." Cook kicked the smarter ogre out of the air with an angry kick.

"Yes, yes!" The ogre who was kicked by Cook was still a little annoyed, but after seeing that it was Cook, he immediately executed it and ordered it.

"Baghlu, let these obscene guys back up, Luocuo, you take people here, don’t let people find out what happened here, Baghru, take people to surround the exit of the upstairs car and come up. Grab one for me, and I will reward 60 acres of woodland for each one!" Cook directly asked Baglu to occupy this section of the city wall, drove the humans aside, and then commanded loudly.

"Yes!" The ogres were so excited; the woodland, that is a place rich in resources, no less than the underground world, and lack of resources.

"My lord, my lord, my lord, do you think this counts as my arrest?" asked an ogre hurriedly holding an elephant.

"Forget it!" Cook agreed.

"Bang, I caught it first."

"Bang, shameless, obviously it's me first!"

"Assholes, brothers, give it to me!" The ogres are in a mess. These dozens of elephants are real treasures, so the elephants who haven't been taken seriously have immediately become precious.

"Haha!" Cook glanced at Baglu and laughed.

Bagru’s face turned green, and he shouted loudly: "You bastards, gather for Laozi..." Bagru stepped forward, punching and kicking the ogres who were fighting, and shouted Scolded.

At this moment, someone came out of the car. Baglu hadn't reacted yet. The three elephants who just came out instantly became naked again, and an impatient guy even showed them The man took a bite and the blood ran down.

Then there was another scramble. Cook shook his head and waved to Baghru. After Baghru came, Cook gave orders for a while, and then Baghru went to arrange something.

Cook looked at the exits of the five or six stork black holes and sneered in his heart. The height of the stork was tens of meters, and it was extremely inconvenient to come inside. The exit position of the entire stork surrounded several ogre knights. Eight hundred ogres still need to line up to wait for their prey.

On the one-hundred-meter-wide city wall, human soldiers occupies a small half, and most of it is occupied by more than a thousand people led by Cook. The ogres surround the car, and the trolls watch vigilantly from the wall. Down.

Cook took out a chair and sat in the middle of the city wall. What made those humans speechless was that Baglu actually took out the table from the space bag, then the wine cabinet, and finally took out some snacks and put them in Next to Cook, he stood on one side.

Cook looked at the foolish orcs and didn't respond. Some just showed their heads when they were dragged down by the anxious ogres.

"Master, do you think it is wrong? Is it too quiet?" Baglu's head is sometimes very bright, and Cook also found a pattern. When Baglu's affairs are related to his own affairs, his head Very bright, if it doesn't matter to yourself, hum.

"Well, just let the people behind call it." Cook hummed, agreeing with Bagru's statement in his heart.

A very funny scene appeared. The human soldiers were sitting on the wall and screaming loudly, and they came in turns, one squadron one squadron, one squadron one squadron, drink water if they shouldn’t be called, rest for a while. This section of the wall has attracted the attention of most people.

"Come here, reinforce Fort Eleven." Marco roared loudly, and a group of heavy cavalry rushed over.

And the orcs also got the news. The elephant who climbed up has caused unimaginable damage to human beings. Listening to so many screams, some experienced people also triumphantly explained: "I heard it, how loud is that?"

If you don’t understand, I asked: "What does big mean?"

"The big thing is that you kill a lot. One scream will die. If you are injured, the scream will be different." The experienced orc replied.

The high-level orc was excited, obviously his strategy had worked. Looking at the three hundred elephants, almost none of them fell off the city wall. They were obviously still fighting with humans on it.

The high-level orcs were extremely excited about this result, because only the orcs were calculated by the humans, but today, the orcs finally exaggerated and calculated the humans fiercely. This is enough to prove that the orcs’ intelligence is almost equal to that of the humans. It is something to celebrate.

But the most important thing at the moment is to open the Scarlet Fortress. When I think of the dream that the empire has not achieved for tens of thousands of years, it will finally be realized today. All the orc high-levels have been beaten with blood, and they are walking too excitedly.

"Our royal family should take the lead!" The three commanders of the orc royal family widened their eyes and roared loudly.

"Wrong, we tauren should go up first, that section of the city wall is divided into our tauren attack area." The tauren patriarch shouted, waving his weapon.

"Hmph, our bear talents are the most elite." The bear patriarch said with a hum.

"Without our Pige people cutting down the trees, the high-rise cars could not be made." The Pige people roared not to be outdone.

"Without us..." The whole big account was like a vegetable market.

Because for the first team five to break through the human scarlet fortress, it will definitely leave a strong mark in history. The most important thing is to break through the meat eating first, and then drink the soup. Let’s not talk about the combat merits. Relying on the first team to rush into the human empire, the looting was also good, so all the races of the entire orc empire slammed the table and shouted.

If these orc senior leaders knew the final result, I am afraid that no one would rush to send the most elite soldiers and the most noble nobles to the wall.

After more than half an hour of intense discussion, the last special operations team of 20,000 people was formed. Most of the operations team were the strongest fighters among the tribes, and most of these fighters came from nobles. .

According to incomplete statistics, there are a total of 1,500 beast soul fighters out of 20,000 people this time, accounting for 10% of the total number of beast soul fighters in the entire empire, while nobles accounted for 3,000 people, reaching 15% of the total.

The speed of this 20,000 special operations team was very fast, and it rushed directly to the six stairways, and the screams of humans made these guys more exciting to climb up crazy.

There are stairs inside the car. It's not that no orcs have thought of using the ladder directly, but most of the ladder is destroyed because the defense of the ladder is simply too low, and a few stones will be broken.

"Fool!" Cook looked at the orc soldiers emerging one by one, and was rushed out by the ogre knight before he could react.

Although the combat effectiveness of the orcs is very strong, it is important to know that the car has a certain height and width, and because it is necessary to increase the defensive power, it is extraordinarily heavy, which makes it impossible for personnel to rush into the car on a large scale, otherwise count The stairs inside the ten-meter-high car were crushed and collapsed.

The 20,000 special operations team entered more than 10,000 people. At this time, someone finally found out that something was wrong, because the screams of human beings continued to sound like that.

But almost no orc soldier was seen on the city wall. That’s why, we must know that 20,000 people went up before and after, and there were hundreds of elephants, as well as the bearmen, tauren, and 1000 who rushed in before the special operations team arrived. On the wall of Mi's city, how could nearly 20,000 orcs have not seen one.

Elite cat-man scouts were dispatched. Of the hundreds of cat-man scouts, only one ran back, and half of his arm was broken alive.

"It's not good, it's not good!" The cat-man yelled in horror. When the cat-man was on the top of the car, he was accidentally scratched by a metal nail nailed to the car. After the man drove the nail in, he fell behind the cat man in front of him. The cat man saw his companion in front of him was carried out by a big hand, and was severely knocked down before he could react. On the ground.

The cat man ran very fast, but his arm was broken by a big hand, and he fell from the car. The distance of tens of meters caused the cat man to be seriously injured~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Impossible, you lied! "It was already half an hour when the orc high-level leaders heard the news, and the tiger leader Doras roared loudly.

"I am also a little surprised, why can't I go up the ladder, it seems that I am in an ambush."

"Yes, this is the Scarlet Fortress!"

All the orc seniors are collectively speechless, because a few hours ago, all the orc seniors thought that their IQ was the same as that of humans, but it immediately proved that human beings are despicable, treacherous, and shameless. Of course, some high-level orcs who were originally skeptical said afterwards.

"Where is the Beast Soul Warrior?" the lionman commander Ruddy asked loudly.

"I didn't see it!" The cat replied aggrieved.

"Come here, let the flying race check what happened?" Lardy then shouted loudly.

Thank you Mr. wo94shuaige for your vote! "Hey"

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