A Unique Hunter

Chapter 492: Comodo's birthplace

"What?" Cook heard Wu Mei's shout and asked quickly.

Hobby was in a daze with the dragon power potion. Hobby felt that Cook somewhat ignored the dragon power potion in his hand, as if it was not a precious dragon potion, but a bottle of ordinary water.

"Hot springs, I found hot springs!" Wu Mei said to Cook excitedly.

Cook sweats profusely. Girls are like this. A little thing makes a fuss. In fact, Cook knows that only the planet has enough heat to maintain the temperature balance of the entire planet. If not, then the planet will not have plants growing.

Lina and Xia also looked at each other and both said they were speechless. However, considering that Wu Mei's current IQ was only at the level of a girl, they were relieved. Xia took out some magic metal and began to set up the defensive magic circle in the camp.

The camp is a magic tent built, which is also a luxury accessory, and the magic tent used by Cook increases the space to expand the magic circle. The outside looks small, but the inside is at least several times the appearance, thanks to Lina and Xi Credit.

It can be said that the magic tent used by Cook is priceless, and it has to be a big city.

Hobby was even more stunned. The seemingly small tent not only has complete furniture, but also has a bathing place. Although Hobby saw a lot of wealth in the gecko people, the most were some gems and precious metals. Things like that.

Even if Hobby has never seen the world again, he knows that this tent is a treasure. Cook said to Hobby: "Go into the tent and take the medicine. This tent will be yours in the future."

"Old...Master, is this mine?" Hobby asked incredulously.

"This is for the kitchen. You will be responsible for our food in the future." Cook has not practiced to the point of not eating. Cook not only eats, but also eats a lot. After all, the body needs energy to maintain it. This world does not It is not said that the realm of cultivation is high enough to not eat, on the contrary, the stronger the strength, the more eat.

"Yes, sir!" Hobby replied excitedly.

"Go, by the way, put this on and you won't be attacked when you enter and leave the camp." Cook took out a domino with the identification of the defensive magic circle in the entire camp. If there is this thing, it will not be attacked by the magic defensive circle. s attack.

Hobby carefully put the dominoes next to him. After Cook left, Hobby was stunned for a while and felt like he was still dreaming. Although Cook is a human being, Hobby has no resistance at all. Because Hobbit never regarded himself as one of the orcs.

"Boy, quickly take the potion of the dragon's power, and then prepare dinner." Phyllis Deman sneaked up to Hobby's tent, watching Hobby still in a daze, and shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes!" Hobby didn't know who this chubby girl was, but following Cook, Hobby didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"Don't hurry up?" Phyllis Deman's taste is getting higher and higher, and he is no longer satisfied with Baglu's craftsmanship. Since he heard Cook's news about his own person, Phyllis Deman has treated halflings In one pot, the hobbit's tribe has only more than 300 people, which is considered a middle tribe among the halfling tribe.

Since Phyllis Deman had eaten his own food, the rest hadn’t been noticed, so he came to urge Hobby, but if Hobby knew that Phyllis Deman was a dragon , Will it faint directly, because the dragon's food intake is very large.

Cook, Wumei, and Lina, and some people in West Asia were in the tent. Cook frowned and said, "This plane seems to have a lot of earth elements?"

"Of course, gravity is twice as large as the main plane, and the factor that determines gravity is the earth element, and I also found that the earth element here is very pure." West Asia interface replied.

"Cook, this is the case with the subsidiary planes. The elements are not very balanced. The subsidiary planes of the earth element are in good condition. Some subsidiary planes are either magma or a vast ocean." Lina said with a smile.

In comparison, Lina and West Asia have lived for hundreds of years, and they have more insights and knowledge than Cooke, so it is reasonable to know about the subsidiary planes.

"I don't know if there will be a Rock Titan?" Cook said with a smile.

Both Lina and Xia snickered. Obviously this is what Cook hoped to happen. Xia even held Cook's arm and said, "If it is true, once back to the main plane, then the strength will increase!"

"Not necessarily!" Lina also agreed.

Cook just chuckled, because Cook knew that this was just wishful thinking, but Cook also looked forward to what he needed from the subsidiary plane.

But things backfired. Three days later, after searching, there were no powerful creatures on this subsidiary plane, and even the various plants did not grow very well. Cook also got the Sky Eye to detect the size of this subsidiary plane.

"We searched for three days, why didn't we have a powerful creature?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"According to the current situation, we have searched for one-tenth of this subsidiary plane, but such subsidiary planes have plants growing even if it is the best. Most of the main plane's subsidiary planes are simply A piece of rock, there are no living things." Xia explained comfortingly.

"No, when we came in, didn't we see a bird flying out of it?" Cook shook his head in denial.

"Then what's going on?" Several people were puzzled.

"Master, I'm eating!" Hobby looked tired. Now Hobby trembles when he sees Phyllis Deman. There is no way. This guy is too good to eat. A whole cow is not enough for Phyllis Deman alone. have eaten.

Everyone knows that delicious food requires a lot of processes. It is like a simple barbecue. Not only does it need to be marinated well, but it also needs to be marinated. The barbecue that Habi makes is marinated with dozens of spices, so it’s exceptional. waste time.

"Phyllis, have you bullied Hobby again?" Cook yelled angrily when he saw Hobby's appearance.

"Humph!" Phyllis Deman ignored Cook at all and snorted dissatisfied.

"Okay, Hobbit, you will cook the same food in the future, ignore her." Cook patted Hobbit.

"Master!" Hobbit was very excited. Hobbit's current strength can be said to be able to lift a cow easily, which is no less than a legend for halflings.

But even so, Hobbit was only obedient when facing Phyllis Deman. Not to mention the size of his power, with the help of Hobbit’s use of the dragon’s power potion, his body was transformed by the blood of Yalong. And Phyllis Deman itself is an authentic dragon, so the coercion is irresistible to Hobby.

"Okay, you go and rest." Cook saw Hobby's pitiful appearance and waved his hand.

"Cook, you are such a good follower." Xia exclaimed while eating the food made by Habib.

"Well, Hobby is worthy of being a halfling." Cook nodded. The food that Hobby made was not like traditional food on the mainland. It was either grilled or boiled. Hobby would also use cold and roasting methods.

Just like the barbecue hobby will use some juice to mediate the peculiar smell in the barbecue. This is almost invisible in the orc empire, even in humans. Of course, this may have something to do with halflings eating six meals a day.

After all, if eating six meals does not taste good, it is also an extremely painful thing, but halflings don’t eat much. Cook guessed that this is similar to a long-term illness. After all, if you eat too much, you will think about it. People don’t eat much, so we must keep improving.

"Cook, I think there must be nothing good about this subsidiary plane." Lina said.

"Maybe!" Cook did not want to give up, but his reason told Cook that since it is called the holy mountain, there should be good things.

"Wume, do you know the situation of the holy mountain?" Cook turned to ask Wumei, hoping to find some useful information from Wumei.

But to Cook's disappointment, Wu Mei shook her head. It was obvious that Wu Mei had lost her previous memory, completely lost.

"Cook, Umei doesn't know, maybe there is another guy who knows?" Xia reminded.

As soon as Cook's eyes rolled, he immediately thought of Hobby, but then shook his head, and finally Cook fixed his gaze on the Komodo war behemoth, which is said to have come out of the holy mountain.

However, although the Komodo war behemoth is a super-order beast, it does not speak human language at all. Cook used the talent of animal language and animal language to communicate with the Comodo war behemoth for a while.

"How is it?" Seeing that Cook's face was getting worse, Xia asked first.

"Trouble!" Cook replied solemnly.

Cook looked at Lina and asked, "Can we still send it back?"

"It's difficult!" Lina shook her head and replied.

"Why?" Cook asked.

"Because of the influence of the main plane, there is a high chance of distorting the space when teleporting, and the space teleportation is not very stable." Lina replied concisely.

"Then we are really in a big trouble~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This guy said that the Red Flame Drum was brought out of the holy mountain by an orc priest, and the holy mountain is divided into four in the Temple of God of War, and what we entered is The most dangerous one. It is said that the situation on this subsidiary plane is very dangerous. The gravity area will change over time. The gravity area is not very dangerous. The most dangerous is outside the gravity area." Cook sees Explained his inquiring eyes in West Asia.

"Even if anything, we are in the gravity zone." Lina responded and replied.

"That's fine. According to the records, the gravity area will disappear for a while." Cook replied with a wry smile.

"Cook, what is the danger, please make it clear!" Xia asked anxiously.

"This is the birthplace of the Comodo war behemoth." Cook pointed to the Comodo war behemoth and replied.

"No, the Komodo behemoth is a hybrid of the Kodo Beast Whisper Thunder Lizard?" Lina exclaimed.

PS: Working overtime! It is estimated that I will get off work late at noon and the break between dinner in the evening.

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