A Unique Hunter

Chapter 514: Death of Mob

"What is this?" Cook looked at the dark irregular spherical object and asked Hobby in surprise.

Hobby replied triumphantly: "Master, this is the delicacy of the delicacy."

Hobby explained while cleaning: "Master, we can't tell what this is. It's probably a kind of mushroom. This kind of mushroom only grows in an area with a suitable environment, usually in an area with obvious four seasons. It is very easy to find this kind of mushroom. Simply, there is a yellow fungus on top of this mushroom. This yellow fungus grows every year and then decays every year. This spherical object will be harvested for three years. I just discovered it by accident. "

After Hobby was cleaned, he used a razor blade to make thin slices and topped with cooked oil. Hobby also explained: "Master, you must not use metal utensils to cut this kind of food, otherwise there will be a metallic taste. The cooked oil should also use odorless tree seed oil."

"Master, have a taste!" A wooden plate was filled with tan flakes.

"Well, it's very fragrant. It smells like truffles." Cook nodded.

"Master, in fact, pouring in cooked oil can also prevent the fragrance of this ingredient from being lost for too long." Hobby also took a slice, and then explained.

Habi then replied in the affirmative: "Master, this is not truffle. Although truffles are delicious, they are not truffles. We halflings know the ingredients best."

"Then this orc wasteland is not loose and exposed?" Cook took another slice. Indeed, this fungus is very crisp, and it is a kind of elasticity, with a strong fragrance spreading in the mouth, and there is still a hint at the beginning. It is bitter, but then it is full of sweetness. Truffles are extremely precious in the human world. This is mainly due to the fact that truffles should not be stored for too long. To put it bluntly, they should be eaten fresh.

In fact, not only truffles, but many vegetarian ingredients need to be fresh. Even if it is frozen, these vegetarian ingredients will taste bad, which is different from meat ingredients.

"Yes, there are truffles wherever there are black pine forests, but wild boars like that stuff, and most of them are eaten by wild boars." Hobby also gave some to Bagru, but Bagru looked at it and he still didn't have his own. With the big fingernails, he shook his head, Bagru is a carnivorous monster after all.

"There are not only truffles, but also ball mushrooms, which are spherical mushrooms that grow on trees, and white hairy mushrooms. The mushrooms are all white hairs. There are also broom mushrooms, just like an inverted broom..." Hobby is proficient in ingredients.

Cook looked at the hobbit talking and felt that this was the charm of halflings. If on earth, Hobbit might be a master chef, but in this world, the world with the most powerful force, these halflings Is classified as the weakest race.

Cook listened carefully to Hobbi's narration and learned that the black pine forest in the north of the orc empire is a huge treasure house, but for the orcs who like to eat meat, vegetarian food is definitely not the best food.

While Cook was tasting the food made by Hobbi, halflings had to eat at least six meals a day, but not much at a time, and Cook followed suit. As for Bagru, he likes his own barbecue.

Magic Cloth cursed angrily: "I told you, I'm going to kill the fat sheep, kill the fat sheep, who let you catch the fish?"

Mobu was very angry. Because of the heavy rain, dozens of ogre warriors were hiding from the rain on a hill. A big fish weighing 30 catties threw in the half-meter-deep water. The ogre warriors flew. Barked and rushed over.

This big fish should also be unlucky. There is a river in this weed grass, but now the big fish is not in the river, but strayed into the grass. So the ogre grabbed the big fish with all his hands, and then rejoiced. Rushing to catch the fish and start grilling.

The ogre grilled fish is very simple, simply wash it, then wear it with a branch, then pick up two pieces of salt and rub it twice, and some salt powder falls on the fish.

But how could a 30-pound fish be comfortable for an ogre to eat, so the ogres decided to continue catching fish, and eat enough first, the sky is big and the belly is the largest.

But the magic cloth roared to stop it, but it seemed that the roar of the magic cloth didn't have any effect. An ogre warrior asked loudly: "Boss, we have no power when we are hungry!"

Magic Cloth is also dumbfounded, and Mo Clo also knows that once an ogre is hungry, it will definitely not listen to it, but this year's income is really not good. First, an army of millions of beasts is passing by. The beasts and beasts were scared away, and some ogre tribes with short eyes were slaughtered completely, so that's it. The regular patrols of the orc warriors divided a large forbidden area. Once that area is touched by the orc patrol, it will definitely die and look ugly.

In addition to the late rainy season this year, many wild beasts are hiding in the weeds. Ogres can't easily enter the weeds. There are some quagmire in there that can't bear the weight of the ogres, but goblins can easily pass through. , But these little guys deal with small beasts, mice and courage, and bigger goblins can only take a detour.

Because of the heavy rain, the wild beasts will hide on these hills. This is the best place for ogres to hunt. When the rainy season does not come, the wild beasts will hide in the dense grass.

Fortunately, there are several goblin tribes under the ogre tribe of Mobu. They are not hungry at ordinary times, but they are definitely not full. Today’s big fish evoke the appetite of ogres, and once it rains, catching fish is definitely At a good time, these weeds also blocked the escape of fish.

However, Mobu was worried about another two-headed ogre who entered the wasteland. Mobu intuitively felt that this was dangerous to his position. As a two-headed ogre, his IQ was definitely higher than that of ordinary ogres.

The small eyes of Mobu’s two heads rolled around and shouted: "Fish, what does fish eat? I tell you, this time the fat sheep is a small caravan. There are only ten packhorses, and there are spices. Fragrant spices, these spices can definitely trade more things in the wasteland, as well as bright linens, guys, what are you waiting for, if the water recedes, these guys will run away...

I have to say that Magic Cloth does have the talent of a leader. Lying is definitely a leverage. The ogre underneath can eat it. To be honest, if the fish does not have oil, it is directly grilled and eaten. It is definitely not delicious, spices, flax. Bu, it all said that the ogre warrior's heart was up, so they all shouted excitedly: "Kill, kill, kill!"

"Follow me!" The Magic Cloth roared loudly, waving its weapon, and then rushed towards the place where Cook and his party were.

If Mobu were a military commander, he would definitely be unqualified. He would be a fool if he waded half a meter deep and charged.

"Ula! Ula! Ula!" The howling of the ogre resounded throughout the wasteland, and countless birds and beasts fled in a hurry.

"Bagru, it seems that our guest is finally here." Cook heard the ogre's cry from a distance and said to Baggru.

"You, and you, go and solve them." Baglu pointed to the two ogres who followed him.

"Master look okay!" The two ogres quickly took out the equipment from the space bag, and then armed with the help of the other ogres, and then the two ogres quietly leaned towards the place where the sound was. In the past, Cook also followed behind.

I have to say that from the strategic position considerations, Cook also has the upper hand. The hill where Cook camped is more than two hundred meters high and very large, otherwise Hobby would not be able to find it. The two ogre knights are just like that. Waiting on the hill, watching the ogres charging in the grass below.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Mobu looked at the roaring subordinates, and shouted immediately.

The ogre warriors began to gather at the bottom of the hill, and Cook smiled and said: "Haha, this guy also knows how to charge in groups, not bad."

When Cook didn’t see himself saying this, Baglu’s face suddenly became hard to look at. There was a cold light flashing in the two small eyes, and he knew how to charge Baglu in groups, which was taught by Cook. Bagru was afraid that Cook would also have an eye on the two-headed ogre.

"Who are you?" Mobu looked at the ogre warriors on the top of the hillside, and told Mobu instinctively that these ogres seemed to be very powerful, without any sense of guilty conscience. You have to know how many ogres you are. Ten ogres, and there are definitely no more than ten opponents.

Baglu heard Mobu's words and immediately jumped out and shouted: "Damn bastard, what right do you have to ask?"

The term hybrid is definitely an insulting term for ogres, because female ogres do not have a fixed partner. Generally speaking, the strongest is the partner, so the ogre’s, but the strong ogre leader It is impossible to take advantage of dozens of female ogres, so some of them are mates by the strongest ogres, so they are among the ogres. I don't know who the biological father is sure of, and the **** refers to the ogre on the mainland.

"Damn it, I'm going to eat your *!" Mobu roared loudly.

Cook also smiled. Cook also knew about ogres. The ogres in front of him are definitely the kind of cannibalism. Such ogres Cook doesn’t like them. After all, Cook is also a human being. There are many types of human demons. Just like trolls, ogres like Bagru generally don’t eat humans. This refers to extreme situations, when they are starving to death, for example.

"Bagru, I'll leave it to you here." Cook became disinterested after seeing the types of these ogres, so he turned back to the camp.

"Yes, sir!" Baglu heard Cook say so, only to remember that Cook didn't like cannibal ogres, so he replied respectfully.

And Mobu shouted loudly in the language of an ogre: "Kill me that guy, whoever killed that guy, I don't want anything on him."

"Ula, Ula, Ula!" the ogre warrior led by Mobu howled excitedly.

Although the equipment of Bagrul's party is absolutely good, in the eyes of the ogre warriors led by Mob, the number of opponents is too small.

Baglu said loudly, disdainfully, "Guys, let these hillbillies see what knighthood is!"

"Yes!" Bagrul's subordinate replied loudly.

"Ula, Ula!" When Mobu's men saw the equipment of the Bagglu men, they had long forgotten their fatigue.

Plate armor, fine iron plate armor, and shiny weapons, these are the best of the best, even the most elite patrol team of the orcs, in the minds of these guys, the patrol of the orcs is definitely among the elite Elite, not only has mounts, but also metal weapons.

Even the most elite patrol team of the orcs does not have such good equipment. If you have this equipment, it is not difficult to rob the orcs' logistics base. The orcs' logistics base is a huge number of hundreds of kilometers behind the orcs camp. In the field, the logistics of the orcs are livestock, live livestock.

These ogres have seen boundless flocks of sheep, cattle, and pigs. When these animals pass by, they are almost endless. The orcs adopt the form of grazing to prepare for logistics.

A huge logistics base needs millions of orcs to guard. It can be seen that there are a lot of livestock, and the ogres did not want to rob, but it was too dangerous, because the ogre tribes robbed and succeeded. , But within a few days, this tribe and all the intelligent creatures, ogres, goblins, and cavemen within a hundred kilometers around were slaughtered by the orcs. For this reason, the orcs sent a large army of 100,000 people, so on the wasteland The natives fled the orcs’ logistics base overnight, but fortunately the wasteland was large enough.

But these ogres never thought about why the best equipment is called the best. When Baglu led several ogre warriors on the magic cloth, these ogre warriors actually wielded huge wooden sticks and The iron weapons in the hands of the ogre knights struck each other.



"Puff!" After a series of leaky voices, a mass of red mist was formed on the clearing of the forest to form a large mass of red gas with a strong fishy smell.

"Kill!" The smell of blood further stimulated the **** nature of these ogres like Bagru. With a roar, the weapon in his hand was slashed towards the stunned ogre warrior.

"Ah!!!" An ogre warrior was chopped off by the ogre knight, but he did not die immediately, but screamed.

"Ah!!!" It was this scream that made the other dozens of people wake up immediately, turned around and ran away with an exclamation.

"Master said, selling the back to the enemy on the battlefield is definitely a stupid move." Bagru shouted loudly.

"Hey! Puff!" Bagru yelled, and then took out a throwing axe weighing a hundred catties out of thin air, and then threw it vigorously. A frantically fleeing ogre warrior was hit by the throwing axe. In the back, the throwing axe slashed deeply into the chest of the ogre warrior, a red mist sprayed out again, but the ogre warrior still ran a dozen steps, and then fell directly Up.

"Woo!" The rest of the ogre knights threw iron balls, short spears, and hammers one after another. Anyway, it was all sorts of things. Because of different personal habits, the ogre knights had different throwing weapons.

The most abnormal one is a giant repetitive crossbow, which is specially made by Cook. The half-meter-long metal crossbow is enough to claim the life of any ogre warrior within 500 meters.

The ogre warrior stopped immediately, because the fastest thing that Bagru's throwing weapon had just run was the life of the ogre warrior, and he didn't dare to move afterwards.

"What are you...doing...what?" Mobu looked at Baghru who was gradually approaching him, and asked with a shiver. At this moment, Mobu looked at Baghru and his eyes changed, becoming Even more fearful.

"Kill you!" Bagru split his two big mouths, then with a wave of the weapon in his hand, the two heads of Magic Cloth flew out.

"Puff!" At least thirty more ogre warriors saw this situation, and they squatted on the ground with a puff, which was a sign of surrender in nature.

"Haha, haha, come and kiss my boots!" Bagru laughed loudly, but what these ogre warriors didn't see was that Bagru made a gesture, and the rest of the ogre knights slowly Surround these dozens of ogre warriors.

"Baghlu, I want them to do something!" Cook's voice came at this moment.

Baglu’s cold sweat suddenly came down. Others didn’t know about Cook’s perversion. Baglu knew about it. To put it bluntly, Baglu was just a wolf with the chicken, not a wolf in front of Cook. Just before the bear, the balance of power was so disparity, Bagru also remembered Cook's purpose in coming to this orc wasteland.

Bagru looked at the ogre warriors kissing his beautiful boots in disgust. Bagru felt distressed: "These are chain boots worth five thousand gold coins!"

"Well, you guys take them to bath first, and then teach them the rules." Baglu pointed to several subordinates and ordered.

A group of ogre warriors were driven into the water, and then several ogre knights took out a huge brush and used their weapons to force these ogre warriors to wash each other.

Then a set of exquisite leather armor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked like this to these ogres, and was distributed to these dozens of ogre warriors, and they also got a handful of metal weapons.

"This is the master." Baglu pointed to Cook and introduced.

"Boss, this **** man...puff!" An ogre warrior saw that a human being was actually Bagru's master, and jumped up immediately, but before he finished speaking, he was suddenly caught by Bagru. Cut off the neck.

"This is the master." Baglu introduced again.


"Bang! Call Master!" Baglu did not speak this time, but several of Baglu's subordinates immediately punched and kicked dozens of ogre warriors. You must know that in the eyes of these ogre knights, Ku Kna is a better master than the gods, who made the ogres own the land, who made the ogres possess the honor that resonated throughout the continent, and who made the little ogres in the tribe not starve to death, Who made the ogres walk on the streets of humans in stride? It was Cook, the Baron Cook, so in the eyes of the ogre knight, Cook was a god!

"Old...Master!" finally an ogre warrior exclaimed in a weird tone.

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