A Unique Hunter

Chapter 517: The success of Ancharek

Windsor came extremely fast. After all, there is Lina, the ninth-level space system sage magister. As long as Lina has been to the place with teleportation coordinates, Lina will arrive instantly.

After just taking a look at these plants, Windsor shook his head and said, "This is not something in nature!"

"How do you understand this?" Cook asked angrily after a while. It is not a thing in nature, so how can it grow in nature.

"I didn't feel the natural breath on these plants, they seemed to be a precision instrument." Windsor shook his head and explained.

Let’s not say that Cook is more confused now, and Lina does not understand it. Lina asked: "Windsor, can you explain it carefully?"

"This may be created by an unknown race." Windsor said such a sentence after a while.

Cook understood it now. What Windsor said was that this plant was not naturally evolved, but artificially cultivated. This is a fantasy. Cook asked again: "Windsor, then you can Do you not communicate with this plant?"

"No, there is no natural breath. We flower elves cannot communicate. In our eyes, they exist alone and cannot communicate at all." Windsor replied.

Cook asked again: "Then Windsor, do you know what this plant is for?"

"I don't know." Windsor shook his head.

Cook and his party looked at each other. They did not expect that such a plant was created by an unknown race. Cook combined with the metal fruit on the plant, and made a bold guess: "Could it be that this is a plant that collects metal? ?"

Lina, West Asia, and Windsor were more curious about this plant, so they studied carefully. This was just a study, and there were major discoveries. Cook looked at the countless tiny roots protruding from the ground. These roots It directly wraps some metal blocks, which are intentionally placed on the ground by Cook and his team. There are gold, silver, and black iron, and even some magic metal and some weapon fragments.

Without exception, after one night, there were so many different plant roots on all the metal blocks, and Cook and his party were even more interested.

The Sky Eye finally sent a map of the Orc Wasteland. After reading the map, Cook found that the Orc Wasteland was simply too big, and there was another continent connected to the Orc Wasteland. The area of ​​this continent was not smaller than the current continent.

Originally, the Scarlet Fortress was the junction of the Bright Empire and the Orc Empire. On the other side was the majestic sea, and the Orc Wasteland was nearly 10,000 kilometers north of the Scarlet Fortress. From the map, the Orc Wasteland was winding to the northeast. In the last abrupt one, a huge curve appeared. Inside the curve was the sea, and on the other side of the curve was another huge continent.

However, because the Orc Wasteland is a huge wetland, it seems that there is a possibility of seawater intruding from time to time. In general, the Orc Wasteland is too desolate, and the terrain is too cold in winter. Just like Siberia, the development is also recent. In the past ten years, in the past, Russia even sold Alaska to the United States, because in the eyes of Russia at that time, it was a useless deserted place, and it was just a few million pounds "like a pound." Now if Russia wants to buy it back, I am afraid that adding several zeros will not kill him.

When Cook saw a new continent, his face instantly changed. Cook knew that with the development of civilization, these places would eventually become areas of competition.

However, in this world, developing an unknown continent is not as simple as the American massacre of Indians, and the extremely powerful Warcraft can't be shot with just a musket.

Cook took advantage of the West Asia and others to study plants carefully, and now don’t think about the new world, because Cook doesn’t have that ability at all, and how big this continent is, Cook needs to use his eyes to carefully Check it out, but now Tianyan Connie's military operations are more needed.

But soon Cook found that he only had to do a little bit, then this new world was his own pocket, and that was the gateway to the new world: the orc wasteland.

"It seems that the plan really can't compare with the change." Cook originally just wanted to use materials to incite races on the wasteland to fight the orcs, and leave as soon as possible, but now to occupy the orcs wasteland, he can't do too much. Up.

Cook has perfected his plan again. As the saying goes, it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. What Cook has to do is to let the guys in the orc wasteland live a luxurious life for a period of time, ale, food, spices, and decorations. , Perfume, etc. are all products dumped in Cook’s plan. Once these guys on the wasteland are used to living a life of meat and wine, then Cook will not decide in the future. If you don’t listen, you will continue to go there. Eat grass roots and live insects.

At the time when Cook and others were working on their own, Ancharek had already sent people to inspect the orc logistics camp. According to Ancharek, the orcs' logistics camp could not only catch the orcs, but also some livestock. , The best of both worlds.

Ancharek is not an idiot. Although he does not have a very smart head, he can still understand his opponent Ancharek. Ancharek is ready. The orc logistics camp he chose is far from Shuangjian Mountain. This is also Ancharek's fear of the orc coalition's counterattack.

But if you want to go out to fight this battle, the warriors in the tribe must be dispatched, and Cook and several people are still here. Anzalek is still not so relieved of Cook as a human, especially after seeing the people of Xiah The powerful magician is in the tribe, which makes Ancharekku not dare to go out. What if the tribe is affected by several humans?

Ancharekku didn't dare to offend Cook, because the orcs wanted to trade with Cook. If they offended Cook, wouldn't he be ousted by the people of the tribe if he didn't give a deal.

"Patriarch, since these humans like these useless plants, we might as well give them." After seeing Anchareku’s difficulties, Anchareku’s koo-headed generals made an offer to make Anchareku regret. A lifelong decision.

And Cook and his party couldn’t speak either. Sia and Lina’s research showed that these plants have powerful decomposing capabilities. Even magic equipment can be decomposed into various metals in their original state. It can be said that this plant is very Precious.

Xia and others were afraid of Ancharek's lion's mouth, so Xia and others were anxious, but they didn't show it.

When Cook heard that Ancharek said that he wanted to give this plant all to himself, Cook couldn’t say anything with excitement. Cook took a fancy to this plant because Cook had a huge magic metal. Mine, if you put these trees on the magical metal veins at that time, behave, it will be a drop of money from the sky!

"That's not good, after all, this is your thing." Cook said euphemistically. In fact, Cook wanted to dig the tree right away, but Cook knew that if he really accepted it, he would owe a lot of favor. So what Cook expects is a transaction.

Ahem, of course, don't expect how high the transaction amount will be. Once the transaction is completed, even if Ancharekku knows the value of this plant in the future, you can only blame yourself.

Sia and Lina are both human beings. When they heard Cook’s words, they knew Cook’s thoughts. Sia chuckled and said, "Cook is right. We can’t ask for your things for nothing, but as friends, we can’t refuse. It's not very good. I think you can give Patriarch Ancharek some supplies to Cook."

Anchaleku didn't expect that there were still supplies to take. He originally wanted to refuse, but the aroma of the ale was deeply imprinted in Anchaleku's mind.

When Cook heard Siya say this, he gave a look of appreciation to Siya, and then said on his forehead, "Yes, it is very rude to refuse a friend's gift. In this way, Patriarch Ancharek, I don’t lack anything. , But you are very short of it, so let’s count it as a transaction. There are three hundred and sixty trees in total. As a friend, I will give you one hundred heavy crossbows. In addition, because your camp lacks defensive weapons, I Give five ballistas, one hundred catties of salt, ten catties of spices, and ten barrels of the best ale. After all, you gave a big tree with a history of nearly a thousand years. After I go back, I will plant it in the lord’s mansion. , Can be regarded as a kind of enjoyment."

Ancharek was excited when he heard Cook’s words, heavy crossbows, this is something that money can’t buy, and there are also ballistas, but Cook will tell Ancharek that heavy crossbows and ballistas need to be constant. To buy ammunition? Without ammunition, heavy crossbows and ballistas are just a pile of rubbish, and there is no wooden spear useful.

"Come here, dig a tree for your Excellency Mo Ming!" Anchaleku shouted excitedly.

"No, no, let's do it ourselves, you quickly send someone to our camp to get things, I will send an ogre knight back with you." Cook quickly refused, such important things will let the bear goblin do it. ? Unless Cook has a brain disease.

Anchaleku left one hundred bear goblin warriors, took the remaining two hundred bear goblin warriors, and two hundred strong bear goblin women to Cook's camp to collect things.

Cook and his team began to dig the tree. Sia, Lina, and Cook's perverted mental power played a decisive role. Even a root did not hurt. With the help of bear goblins and ogres, it was enough. In ten days, more than three hundred big trees were removed, and five brand-new ballistas stood in the camp of the bear goblins. Several bear goblin warriors were following Hobbi to learn to control the ballista.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" When seeing the crossbow artillery hit the target two kilometers away, all the bear goblins yelled excitedly, and the one hundred heavy crossbows made Ancharekku's happy not sleeping well. This A hundred heavy crossbows left 30 for the soldiers guarding the camp, and the rest for his confidant.

And Cook is even worse. He said to Ancharek’s Ku, “Patriarch Ancharek’s, this heavy crossbow has to be taken care of. Otherwise, if you use your fingers, you don’t know if it’s attacked, and I’ll tell you. Said, heavy crossbows need a volley to be powerful. Let me show you the power of a volley."

When Hobby led fifty goblins to equip the light crossbows, Ancharek was shocked, and what was even more shocking was still behind. Following Hobby's order, fifty light crossbows fired forward. .

"Shoo!" After the sound of breaking through the air, Anchaleku was shocked to find that the target* at a distance of three hundred meters had an arrow.

Ancharekku thought that the heavy crossbow could have a longer range, and even wanted to deal with the orc patrols. As long as the heavy crossbow fired in a salvo, the enemy could not escape at all. Ancharekku knew that the use of heavy crossbows and light crossbows was completely different. Yes, heavy crossbows are focused on hitting some important targets. Light crossbows are used for pressure relief. After all, light crossbows have arrow blocks, heavy crossbows are slow, and the arrows of heavy crossbows are simply made of gold coins. They are fine iron arrows, wood or bamboo shafts, while heavy crossbows are almost all metal arrows.

It seems that the power of ten rifles volley is far greater than the power of ten sniper volleys. After all, the usage is different, so Ancharek will have a headache for arrows in the future.

Cook also kindly said: "This is what you bear goblins can do, because your archery talent is really not very good, otherwise you can attack freely alone."

Cook said this in order to block Ancharek’s future. If Ancharek said anything in the future, Cook would still be able to say that I said free attack at the beginning, but who told you that your talent is not good!

Ancharecu is also careful, because the power of a heavy crossbow is so powerful that Ancharecu fears that he will be accidentally injured by his own people, so it is important to control the arrows. A volley can control the arrows. The shooting is really good, you can keep an eye on the number of arrows, and if you attack freely, you can tell who will hide the arrows.

Anchalecu nodded to echo Cook's statement: "Yes, we bear goblins have no talent for shooting, but fortunately, volleys don't need too high talent."

Ancharek’s gratitude for Cook is beyond words. Such an elite weapon was actually given to himself. Ancharek assured Cook: "Your Excellency Mo Ming, I decided to send out to capture the orcs tomorrow. , I will promote it to your camp."

"Hehe, that's good!" Cook smiled brightly.

Ancharek’s sneak attack was very successful. A week later, Ancharek escorted one hundred and fifty orcs to come to trade with Cook. This time Ancharek’s harvest was extremely rich, because in the sneak attack on the logistics camp, the orcs The logistics camp of the coalition forces is a huge pasture, which is divided into several small garrisons. The main tasks of the garrisons are to look after livestock and prevent wild animals.

More than two hundred bear goblins dealt with fifty ordinary orcs, and they were captured without much fighting. The orc patrol that followed was caught off guard by Ancharek’s heavy crossbow, but the bear goblin’s accuracy was too bad. It just shot several of the orc patrol mounts to death, but the orcs had only two serious injuries, and the rest were lightly wounded.

Not only did Anchaleku obtain hundreds of cattle, the rest of the sheep could not be taken away, but also the equipment of a hundred orc patrol. Anchaleku's bear goblin warriors changed their shotguns at once, and they had beef to eat.

"Your Excellency Mo Ming, change the wine, I want to change the best ale!" Anzaleku yelled from afar.

"Patriarch Ancharek, orc mounts can also be exchanged, and I suggest you change some magic potions, in case you get hurt..." Cook said loudly.

Anchaleku immediately slapped his hands and said, "Yes, yes, potions, magic potions, but the effect of this potion?"

"Haha, I'll give you a try!" Cook immediately asked the ogre knight to bring up the two seriously injured orcs.

Then Cook took out the powder treatment medicine he refined, some external application, some internal administration, the wound of the orc warrior healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but within ten minutes, the orc was healed, but bleeding was too much and some were weak. .

"Change, change!" Anchaleku shouted after seeing the effect.

Anchaleku went back contentedly, five barrels of good ale "is rice with water", and the most assured thing about Anchaleku is the magic potion hidden next to him.

If this transaction is placed in the human empire, I am afraid that Cook will be sprayed to death, because one hundred and fifty strong orcs are at least tens of thousands of gold coins, and a bottle of primary healing potion is only hundreds of gold coins. As for ale, that thing It's worthless at all.

Ancharek’s action made all the surrounding wasteland races almost red-eyed. Some clan chiefs who had a good relationship with Ancharek came to the bear goblin tribe and saw a large amount of dried beef and large barrels of ale. All secretly inquiring about what was going on, Anzarekou drank two glasses of ale and became triumphant and said it out loud.

It doesn't matter, the surrounding tribes are all heartened, because Cook exchanges a lot of things, magic herbs, gems, monster eggs, orcs, and even some flowers and plants that have not been seen before, even wood Cook exchanges.

For those tribes with some strength, just think to yourself, let’s not say too much, just grab a few orcs and exchange some refined salt. For those tribes with weak strength, focus on the production in the wasteland, magic plants, rare plants, Even the eggs of Warcraft, as long as you send out your hands to find them, if you are lucky, you can change some salt, and the wine is not impossible.

For a time, the whole wasteland originally you robbed me today, and tomorrow I robbed you. The sight of me robbing you suddenly disappeared. All of them were sent out to find things to exchange for things at Cook's. Even some large tribes combined several tribes to attack the orcs. Patrol team.

Cook’s earned mouth bursts with laughter. There are many magic herbs in the Orc Wasteland, and there are many types. Cook even bought several treasure-level magic herbs. Cook did not conceal the value of these herbs. , So several small tribes developed, eating meat every day, drinking every day, and equipped with all metal weapons.

However, in order to ensure the interests of the small tribes, Cook has already said that as long as it is something exchanged here, they are not allowed to compete with each other. Several small tribes are also very smart. They put the points on Cook, and then demand Just come and get it when you want.

The actions of several large tribes were also very satisfactory. The orcs did not expect this at all. Several logistics camps were breached by the race of the orc wasteland in exchange for a large amount of equipment and materials.

The orc coalition was simply caught off guard. The wasteland tribe, which had wooden weapons last time, had metal weapons the second time. Nima was better equipped than the orcs, so the orcs who thought they were well prepared were ransacked again.

The second success detonated the orc wasteland. Numerous wasteland tribes continuously attacked and looted orc camps. Some of the orc patrols disappeared just a few days later, and appeared in Cook's camp a few days later. .

On the other hand, Cook transported all the orcs to the Maykai Empire and handed it over to Connie to deal with. The magic herb was sold to the wizard’s union, so Cook not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money, and Cook’s supplies The best sellers are ale, salt, and magic potions. Yes, it is magic potions. Weapon equipment is still after this.

Of course, this time Cook's actions are really too big. Do you want to know how many tribes are in the Orc Wasteland? Moreover, there are still some human adventurers, mercenaries, and smugglers in this place. After a month, several major unions approached Cook to inquire about the orc wasteland.

After some arduous negotiations, Cook gave some of the major trade unions the materials produced in the Orc Wasteland at a lower price, while the major unions secretly supported Cook, and Cook gave priority to the supply of things that the major unions needed.

Cook looked at the materials on the scroll and was almost speechless. Cook didn't expect that these things produced in the Orc Wasteland would be urgently needed by the major guilds.

It is like a kind of beef tendon wood that is more common in the orc wasteland, a low shrub, this is the best material for making wooden bows, with the strongest toughness and elasticity.

As for the five-hundred-year-old cherry wood, this orc wasteland is even more common, and there are thousands of years.

Before Cook had time to read the needs of the major unions, Sebastian came to report: "Master, there is news that the Great Wizard will deal with us."

"Is the news reliable?" Cook exchanges not only physical objects, but news can also be exchanged for things. As long as Cook finds it useful, it is not difficult to exchange materials, just like a little goblin tribe provided a seven-level monster slough a few days ago For the location of the poisonous baby, Cook gave enough supplies to the goblin tribe to live a prosperous life for several years. Of course, the poisonous frog was captured by Lina the next day, and then Lina was raised in captivity to extract the venom.

"Reliable, it is said that our refined salt has left the Great Wizard with nowhere to survive." Sebastian's mind was extremely delicate, and he investigated the Caihui report.

"Well, let Bagru take care of it. This kind of fighting and killing is most suitable for him, and we have a way to extract refined salt. In addition, let us say that as long as we occupy the salt mine, the price of refined salt will be reduced by half in the future. "Cook thought about it and ordered.

"Master wise, with this news, I don't think anyone will jump out to speak for the great wizard." Sebastian's eyes lit up and slapped Cook's flattery~www.wuxiaspot.com~flattering, and these Collect some materials as soon as possible. This is what the major trade unions need. "Cook handed the scroll to Sebastian.

Sebastian was still a little embarrassed after hearing this, but after seeing the list of supplies, he almost rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "What is this cherry wood for?"

"Stand, the older the staff, the better." Cook explained lightly.

"I will do it well. I will release the news today, and it will be done in a week at most." Sebastian promised after reading it carefully.

Cook thought that the Great Wizard was just a trash fish, but two days later, Cook received news from the Great Wizard. Cook looked at Sebastian in surprise, and then asked: "You mean Bagru was People caught?"

"Yes, sir, I don't know the specifics either. This is a message sent by the great wizard." Sebastian was also speechless.

"Bring the messenger here." Cook said after listening to it, and Cook took care of the great wizard.

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