A Unique Hunter

Chapter 522: Medusa Snake Man "Medium"

Wavlin, the commander of the Medusa Snake Army, was frowning, and the snake's tail swayed impatiently from side to side, and shouted loudly: "What do you do for food, you haven't even seen the shadow of the wasteland race until now. Don't tell me you don't smell the goblin, the smelly smell of the ogres."

Wav was sitting in a large marching tent. This cowhide tent was distributed only during wars. The other ten captains sat below. Wav was not only the commander of the legion, but also the number one of the snake-man tribe. A warrior.

"Legion commander, I don't blame us, we have been looking for it for a long time, but it is said that these **** guys have all gone to one place, and I also heard that these wasteland races are preparing to fight us to the death." Sage is third. The captain of the brigade, Sage looked at the captain of the fifth brigade next to him, and said in a weird manner.

Hearing Sage’s tone, Wav shouted irritably: "Sage, just say if you have anything, how did you learn to hide like a human being?"

"Legion commander, it's not that I don't say it, but there is no evidence. Some of us may have sent all our subordinates out, wanting to grab this great contribution." Saiqi said immediately.

Waff's face turned gloomy. Although the orcs had a straightforward character, they were obviously not stupid in their heads if they could achieve the position of legion commander. On the contrary, there were many intelligent races in the orcs.

"Perano, tell me?" Waff said with a gloomy face.

"Legion commander, what are you talking about?" Captain Perano of the Fifth Battalion is the son of the elder of the Medusa Snake Clan. His desire for status is far greater than others, and this mission was not issued by the clan. , It was issued by the empire, so as long as you perform meritorious service, you can definitely reap honor and wealth. Therefore, as soon as Berano received the news of the next squadron leader, the entire brigade was gathered together and prepared for the Wasteland Race. A surprise.

But at this moment, Waff’s order came, and Perano dared not listen to the command of the legionary commander. The battlefield disobedience can be killed directly, but Perano dispatched all the deployments, but left a few. A guard came to see the meeting. As for Waff's problem, Berano didn't care at all. His own backer was not something Waff could easily deal with.

"Perano, if you don't report it..." Waff said irritably.

"Legion commander, I don't understand. Isn't the intelligence department under your jurisdiction?" Although Perano used your name, the tone of sarcasm can be heard personally.

"Legislative Commander, Legion Commander, we have got an important news." At this moment, a snake man rushed directly into the tent and reported excitedly.

"Wu Li, what's the news?" Wav asked immediately, because this Wu Li was the captain of his own guard and also the head of the scout team.

"Legion commander, we found a small goblin tribe. We were going to capture these goblin tribes, but we found that these goblin tribes were talking about the news that all the wasteland races are gathered in one place, so we scout The team did not disturb this small tribe. On the way we were following, we also found several ogre tribes and troll tribes all migrating to one place. After we got reliable information, we conducted careful investigations. As a result, I found a huge camp in this place, at least hundreds of thousands of wasteland races, and this place seems to be building a city." Wu Li Ma reported.

"Hundreds of thousands? Did you make a mistake?" Waff asked in surprise.

"Legion commander, absolutely correct, and you see what we found, this is the material brought by the small goblin tribe." Wuli even took out a small bag of things and presented it to Waff.

"This is the best snow candy?" Waff asked suspiciously.

Orcs like sugar food, because the orc empire has a cold and long winter, and the energy of sugar is very high, but the orc empire does not produce sugar crops at all, even the sugar yield rate is not very high, and according to the orcs The technology of the empire cannot produce snow candy at all, and sugar can be said to be a strategic material in the orc empire.

"Yes, commander of the legion, this goblin tribe has two hundred catties of snow candy." Wuli reported loudly.

"Two hundred catties!" Even Waff was shocked, knowing that the best snow candy can be exchanged for gems of the same weight, how could a small wasteland goblin tribe have such a thing.

"What is it?" Waff asked incoherently.

"I don't know." Wuli replied helplessly with his head down.

"I don't know, bring up the goblin captives you caught." Waffle shouted immediately.

"Legion commander, we were caught at the time, but we were met by a group of ogres, so..." Wuli explained weakly.

"Trash, trash, gather all the people for me, I want to smooth out those **** guys!" Waffle roared loudly.

"Yes!" All the captains replied in unison, and then hurried to perform the task.

By the afternoon of the next day, Waff received the news that Waff was furious: "Damn, damn, a bunch of bastards, knowing to take credit, gather, gather, let's rush too!"

Waff was also helpless about this, because the snake-men tribe is not a whole, and the snake-men army is not a regular army. At most, it hunts in peacetime. It is a temporary soldier in wartime, and the various tribes within the Orc Empire It's not a piece of iron.

Within each tribe, there is also a competitive relationship between the various surnames. Just like the Medusa Snake Army, the army inside is not monolithic. Of course, it is not just the Medusa Snakeman. All the orcs are this. Look like.

So Waff is only a nominal commander of the army. At a critical time, his subordinates did not obey the command, and Waff was helpless. Of course he did not directly disobey. Working hard to gather people Ma Yunyun, in fact, these guys have long been heading for the gathering place of the wasteland race.

If he directly disobeyed his orders, Waff could still find trouble, but this kind of act of arrogance made Waff feel helpless.

Cook finally discovered the strangeness of the Medusa Snakeman Army, because through the sky-eye Cook could clearly see the Medusa Snakeman swarming towards the gathering place like a group of crazy flies.

What Cook didn't understand was that these snake people were almost undisciplined. The largest wave had 2,000 people, and the smallest wave had only dozens of people.

"Peace, are you ready?" Cook called Pease and asked.

"My lord, it's ready." Pease looked at Cook fearfully, because Pease didn't know how Cook grasped the movement of the Medusa Snake Man thousands of miles away. He looked at the intelligence in his hand, Pease Si felt that there was no shelter in front of Cook.

"En!" Cook nodded in favor, obviously waiting for Pease's next explanation.

"My lord, what we have to deal with is the largest wave of Medusa Snakemen and Legion Commander. The rest can be given to the wasteland races, and once these races taste the sweetness under your command, the next time Your command will be implemented easily, sir." Pease explained.

"Well, this is a good way!" After listening to Cook, he took a little admiration to Pease. This benefit Cook did not expect. Cook only wanted to give some credit to the Wasteland Race, but he did not think of himself. Once you command these guys to get benefits, many people will follow your orders next time, because the power of an example is infinite.

Pease went down to prepare, and Cook gathered the patriarchs of dozens of tribes in the gathering place, including trolls, gnomes, ogres, goblins, bear goblins, and salt demon.

"Everyone is seated, you, and you, don't pick your feet, the patriarch should look like a patriarch." Cook is almost familiar with these patriarchs, because Cook is very enthusiastic, as long as he has the opportunity to enter Cook Inside the tent, Cook would graciously invite these people to drink.

Of course, those who are qualified to enter the Cook’s tent are all the patriarchs of a tribe. So over time the patriarchs of these tribes like to visit Cook’s place. Of course, Cook’s requirements are very strict. The patriarch had to take a bath in order to drink at Cook.

"What do the patriarchs think of my name?" Cook asked first.

"Mr. Mo Ming, if you pour the wine on us, that would be even better." A troll said with a big grin.

"Yes, yes!"

"Serve the wine, want the best wine!"

"Yes, it must be that hot!" A group of patriarchs roared.

Cook laughed loudly and said: "There are wines, but let's discuss some things first, and then drink!"

"Your Excellency Mo Ming, is there anything we need so many people to discuss?" asked the clever patriarch.

"Medusa snake man!" Cook replied word by word.

Speaking of this, all the patriarchs shrank their necks. Ten thousand Medusa snakemen were still elite fighters. None of the tribes present had the strength to deal with these Medusa snakemen.

"Look, look at you bears, is my Mo name the kind of person who is sorry for my friends?" Cook said angrily.

"Your Excellency Mo Ming, this is a 10,000 Medusa snake warrior!" Someone reminded Cook weakly.

"Do you dare to gamble with me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If I take the command, you will be able to catch a large number of Medusa snakemen." Cook stood up and said.

When it comes to this question, all the clan chiefs hesitate. All the clan chiefs know what their current status comes from, that is, from their loyal subordinates.

When Cook saw this situation, he said again: "I don't want you too much, as long as one-third of your subordinates, and I do not direct direct command, I just give you orders, as for the execution of your executive department, regardless of mine It's something, but I want to put it first. If you don't carry it out, then other tribes will carry it out. Don't say that my name is not enough for friends."

The patriarchs of dozens of wasteland tribes were very solemn when they heard Cook's words, because if they promised Cook, they would risk a third of their subordinates to die in battle, but if they didn't execute them, they would miss the opportunity.

Cook did not wait for dozens of tribes to answer and said again: "If you are ready to execute, come to my tent, I will take out the materials worthy of one-third of your subordinates to mortgage to you, in case I make a mistake in command, I will give you the supplies."

Then Cook left. Cook knew that there must be unwilling tribes in it, but Cook was also a little worried. If there were fewer tribes, wouldn't it not work.

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