A Unique Hunter

Chapter 594: Demolition of the signboard "Next"

Cook looked at the Green Hotel in the distance, and found it a bit boring, but Cook can’t say to let go now. His housekeeper was beaten. This is also a face issue for Cook, even if you refuse. Now, Cook has nothing to say.

And the butler also reported his name. Cook thought it was a stupid thing to waste time in these areas. Cook just made a move and was leaving. How could he know that the captain of the guard on the opposite side saw that Cook was leaving, and he said loudly. He laughed and said, "Boy, don't go! I want to see who dares to take down the sign of our Green Hotel!"

Cook was speechless, but still faintly replied: "As you wish!"

In the teleportation hall of the Wizards’ Guild, a loud roar came out: "Go away, go away!"

Then the people waiting for the teleportation saw an extremely shocking scene. One by one tall ogre knights fully armed passed the teleportation formation, ten of them kept coming out of the teleportation formation, and a double-headed ogre Roar loudly.

The constantly appearing ogre knights and troll knights directly took neat steps to gather on the square outside, standing neatly one by one.

"Captain, the first squadron is assembled!" an ogre knight roared loudly. Although the common language is a bit weird, it is enough to surprise people who have not seen it.

"Grass, is this still an ogre, it can actually speak our human language?" a coachman waiting for a guest in a square said in surprise.

"Haha, you're rare and weird. This is a famous ogre knight, but how come Baron Cook's ogre knight came here?" a businessman nearby said with a laugh.

"Hehe, I always thought that ogres were really that barbaric, but you see, there is an ogre that is higher than my carriage, and it must be powerful!" The driver laughed and said embarrassingly. After all, the driver has never Have been to other places.

"The ogre knight can be said to be the mainland's first knight order, a full set of heavy armor built by the dwarves, an intermediate demon mount, and the number has reached 10,000!" After all, the businessman has more knowledge and said, breaking his fingers.

"Tsk tsk, rich people, this ogre knight and hundreds of people transmit like this, the transmission cost is terrible." The coachman sighed after listening for a while.

"Fart, Baron Cook is his own teleportation formation." The businessman's voice grew louder.

"Ah. Doesn't it cost billions of gold coins?" The coachman almost fainted and asked in surprise with his mouth wide open.

"Don't you know why several major trade unions set up branches in a small baronial territory?" The businessman asked directly to explain.

"Haha, Magic City, I'm Bagru, guys, summon the mount, go!" Bagru looked at the assembly of a thousand ogres and troll knights, immediately shouted excitedly, because Ba Ge Lu's long-term wish is to be in the largest city of mankind, the magic city, and now it has finally come true.

A thousand ogres suddenly summoned the monster mount in the pet space bag, and then stepped neatly in one direction.

This scene even shocked the people around. An apprentice magician shouted excitedly: "The rock lizard, it is actually a rock lizard!"

"Damn, I don't know, the rock lizard is just fast, strong in defense, and powerful. It's good to have the green ape there. The green ape is an extremely rare wood-type monster. It can not only use wood-type healing techniques, but also thorns. It is definitely the most ideal mount for warriors, and the power of the green ape is greater than that of the rock lizard. What's more exciting is that the green ape can walk upright, and the smarter one can also use weapons!" An adventurer next to him said angrily .

"Green ape? See what it is, fire lion, green ape is a scum in front of fire lion." Another archer said grimly.

"I said you are not surprised, these guys are fully armed, so no one ever asked?" Another warrior asked suspiciously, because in the Magic City, if you want to walk fully armed, you will be interrogated crazy. , But now there are a thousand people, they are still knights, or knights equipped with intermediate-level beast mounts, and no one from the Wizards Guild has come to ask?

"Go, take a look, this Nima is simply an exhibition of Warcraft, I haven't seen a lot of Warcraft before." Someone suggested.

"Master!" When a thousand ogre knights lined up neatly on the streets of the Green Hotel, the guards of the Green Hotel felt that things were not good, and a four-meter two-headed ogre respectfully crawled to Cook. When saluting, the captain of the guard fainted suddenly.

"Are you all equipped?" Cook felt like a clown waiting here, and when he saw Baglu coming, Cook asked lightly.

"Bring it, sir!" Baglu didn't know why Cook rushed to find him, and he specifically explained that he would bring all the weapons. Baglu once doubted whether his master was going to kill the dragon.

"Smash this to me!" Cook pointed to the Green Hotel plainly.

"Yes, sir!" Baglu was taken aback for a moment, and then replied excitedly.

After Cook finished his confession, he did not forget to say: "Baghlu, it is best not to hurt people, but if someone dares to attack, don't be soft!"

"Yes, sir!" Bagglu was excited, the Green Hotel was extremely luxurious, and it was a top-level building at first glance, and there was a destructive factor in the blood of ogres.

At this time, Sebastian rushed over, and then whispered a few words in Cook's ear. Cook nodded and said, "Go, you can take care of everything here!"

"Guys, rush in for Lao Tzu...!" Baglu brandished a huge weapon and shouted excitedly.

"Bagru, wait, wait!" Sebastian quickly blocked.

"What are you doing!" Baglu roared, staring.

"Bagru, we want to fight, and we must have a name, you are so impulsive, how can you stand alone in the future!" Sebastian said angrily.

"Hmph, the lord said it's all about smashing." Baglu replied in the same tone.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and said, "The smash is going to be smashed, but we are going to smash it, and it can't make people trouble the master. If you rush in directly like this, the master will be in trouble in the future."

"Who dare, I was the first to lead people to destroy them." Bagru roared with four small eyes.

"Well, what we do as subordinates is not to cause trouble to the adults, so that the master will leave the matter to you to deal with in the future, without the master watching it." Sebastian knew that Bagru always wanted To do things independently, so Sebastian started from this aspect.

"Then what do you say?" Baglu asked humbly.

"Where is this place?" Sebastian asked.

"It's the hotel!" Baglu replied, scratching his head after recognizing some words.

"Yes. This is a hotel. Since it is a hotel, there must be liquor shipped from our baronial territory. Then we say that these liquors are tax evaded and smuggled. We are here to investigate smuggling." Sebastian Follow the ways of temptation.

"Uh, what if there is no smuggling?" Baglu asked grimly.

"We can still bring some evidence during the investigation, and it is said that there are orcs here. We can use these guys to capture the orcs in the Baronian Territory as evidence. Even if they don't, we can find some people to impersonate. Besides, even if there is nothing, we just need an excuse to check them out!" Sebastian strode forward after speaking, and then tore a scroll.

"Listen to the people inside. We are the law enforcement team of the Baronian Territory. You are suspected of smuggling and abducting orcs. Now you have the right to remain silent. One last word of warning, the rebels are killed, Bagru, it's up to you!" Sebasti What Ann tore was the sound reinforcement scroll. After speaking, he didn't give people any time to react. He waved and said to Baglu.

"That's it!" Bagru looked at Sebastian in disbelief.

"Hurry up, it's up to you!" Sebastian replied grimly, rolling his eyes.

"The first squadron will stay, and the rest will rush to me, and the rebels will be killed!" Bagru shouted loudly.

"Boom!" The huge solid wood door of the Green Hotel was suddenly knocked open by the ogre knight.

Before a dozen guards could react, they were rushed out by the knight's huge impact, and then fainted with a spout of blood.

"Boom!" The huge crystal patchwork window was directly smashed by the ogre knight.

"Lao Tzu tells you that no one is allowed to take things this time, who dares to take Lao Tzu and chop someone!" Baglu's voice roared inside the Green Hotel.

Accompanied by the screams of human beings, the sound of weapons colliding, and the sound of buildings collapsing, there were also crowds driven out, but these people Cook did not stop them, and let them leave.

But when the first orc girl was brought out, Cook’s face instantly fell cold, a bunny girl, but she was chained like a dog, and she walked like a dog, wearing her body. Is even more unsightly.

"Hmph, I didn't expect Magic City to have such a place. Everyone will stay for me and screen out the management staff here. I want to see who is behind the Green Hotel!" Cook snorted coldly.

The people who were then driven out were surrounded by ogre knights. Some of them shouted, "Who are you? You dare to do this to us, do you know who I am?"

"Let him shut up!" Cook said coldly.

"Boom!" An ogre knight picked up the man directly, and fell to the ground fiercely, making a muffled sound, and then the whole person fell softly to the ground.

The others looked at the hideous ogres and trolls, and closed their mouths wisely, and some of them looked around.

"Hi!" A high-ranking soldier exploded directly, then roared, jumped out of the encirclement circle, and then went into the crowd across the street.

"Boom!" But as soon as this high-ranking warrior jumped up, a strange tube in a troll's hand emitted a dazzling light. This high-ranking warrior was directly blown up by the volley, leaving only a burst of light. Burnt smell.

"Who wants to run, continue! Just now it was just a portable magic crystal cannon with the lowest power!" Cook's cold voice spread throughout the street.

Countless people scolded their mothers in their hearts. Who is this Nima, who actually brought the magic crystal cannon to look for things, some people are already thinking, who has offended the backstage of the Green Hotel?

"Baron Cook, what are you doing?" At this moment, a man with a team of knights appeared behind Cook and asked loudly.

"Who are you?" Cook knows that he is a high-ranking soldier from the aura that this man exudes, and it seems to be related to the Green Hotel.

"I belong to the Prague family, and this Green Hotel is owned by the Prague family." The soldier said loudly.

"Okay, very good, Prague family, Sebastian, this Prague family is left to you, I don't want a member of the Prague family to run away!" Cook said repeatedly, and then ordered Sebastian. Tao.

"Yes, my lord!" Sebastian knew that Cook was really moving. In fact, Cook had an attitude of closing one eye to the orcs in the human empire, but when the bunny girl was taken After coming out, Sebastian knew that this was a big deal.

"A little baron, his tone is too arrogant." The soldier said with a sneer.

"Shut up, what are you guys, you dare to talk to the master like this, brothers, go!" Before Cook said anything, a group of trolls roared like thunder, and then screamed and rushed towards the group.

"Hmph, looking for death!" The leading high-ranking soldier burst out with a dazzling grudge light, and shouted coldly.

"Shoo!" But following the troll's movements, there was a sloshing sound, and several guys who broke out of anger looked at the trembling arrows on their bodies in disbelief.

"Magic Arrow!" The leading high-ranking soldier said three words incredibly, then fell to the ground and died.

"Boom! Rumble!" The rest of the soldiers dared to resist. Nima, the devil-breaking arrows with dozens of millions of gold coins were taken out, this is simply bullying.

At this time Manli also came with the Human Guard from the Baronian Territory and began to screen the staff. When Manli looked at the tortured orc girl who was not human at all, she was also very angry.

In the mercenary union, a series of missions made everyone's faces green, and then they rushed out of the mission hall crazily, and an explosion of news spread.

"Have you heard, the mercenary union has a task of arresting 1,200 people. The total amount of rewards exceeds one billion gold coins!" a soldier said loudly.

"Cut, our thieves' union also has tasks, and the total amount of gold coins exceeds one billion!" A thieves replied grimly.

And the majority of the Prague family had not received any news, they were caught by the rush of adventurers. Some people even shouted after being caught, "What are you doing, Lao Tzu is a member of the Prague family." ?"

"Bang, it's your kid!" An adventurer directly knocked the man out, then put it in a sack and walked towards the mercenary union, thinking happily, this is 1,500 gold coins!

And the patriarch of the Prague family thought it was someone else joking after getting the news. Nima, who would spend a billion gold coins to embarrass his family, but when things were confirmed to be true, even the patriarch of the Prague family could not calm down, billion There are not only mercenary unions, thieves unions, and assassins unions for gold coins.

"Billions of gold coins! Who are they?" The patriarch of the Prague family roared, knowing that the billion gold coins offered for rewards need to be taken out at once. In other words, in the three major trade unions, only the deposit requires 3 billion gold coins.

"Quick. Quick. Come!" the patriarch of the Prague family roared loudly.

Then I hurriedly visited the high level of the mercenary union, but a sentence from a receptionist of the mercenary union directly made the Prague patriarch unconfident. The receptionist said irritably: "Prague patriarch, this time we mercenary one billion gold coins. What is the commission of the union? One hundred million gold coins? You said that our high-level officials will lose one hundred million gold coins for your sake?"

One hundred million gold coins, even if it was the Prague family, did not come out all at once. Although the Prague family was huge, they occupied a lot of money. The patriarch of the Prague family finally took out 10 million gold coins to buy the news of the reward, but was stolen. The people in the union sneered: "Tsk, Patriarch of Prague, you said that our thieves union will offend him with 10 million for the gold master who can take out one billion gold coins?"

When the people of the Prague family were disappearing, and there were people wandering outside the Prague family manor, the head of the Prague family finally found the wizards’ union.

The Mage’s Guild is not good either. After all, this is the Magic City. A deacon was instructed and said, “Patriarch, what you did is too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s not good to offend anyone, but offend that guy. Not only did they beat the housekeeper, they went there in person, and your guards laughed at them. Let me tell you, let’s tell you that people don’t say that they spend one billion, even ten billion gold coins. Don’t you know that our wizards’ union is the biggest Is a transaction made with this person?"

"The biggest transaction, is it the Bright Holy See with 300 million gold coins?" The Prague patriarch immediately reacted and asked.

"Three hundred million gold coins is a fart. The transaction of 100 billion gold coins does not violate the laws of the Magic City. Our magicians union cannot help!" Finally the deacon left, leaving behind the dumb Prague family. Patriarch, because the Prague family patriarch didn’t even know about the deal.

Then the Prague family found a few best friends to find out who the deal was, but without exception, these friends were not there, and they were rejected without even entering the door. The patriarch of the Prague family still doesn’t know who embarrassed him. Own family.

However, the patriarch of the Prague family also realized that this time the incident had happened, but when the patriarch of the Prague family returned to the manor, what he saw was a ruin, and the armed forces, yes, the army, were surrounding the manor. And the members of the Prague family were brought out. The patriarch of the Prague family immediately roared angrily: "Who are you?"

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