A Unique Hunter

Chapter 598: Money-making party

Fortunately, there were no people around, but even so, Leif looked at Cook in surprise. The existence of elemental fruit is recorded in the wizard's guild. Elemental fruit is also the main material of several legendary potions.

According to records, elemental fruits grow in areas of pure elements, volcanoes, ice fields, and other extremely harsh environments. However, there are only one or two recorded elemental fruits on the road, and each appearance of elemental fruits is accompanied by a burst. It's bloody.

Because elemental fruit has one of the greatest effects, which is the biggest obstacle in enhancing one's magical talent, elemental affinity.

Magic talent is divided into the affinity between spiritual power and the element, and the affinity of the element represents what kind of power a person can become. After all, the spiritual power can be exercised, and the elemental affinity cannot be changed at all.

And elemental affinity is related to the probability of magician meditation to absorb and transform elements. The higher the elemental affinity, the more elements will be absorbed and transformed by meditation at the same time.

As for a human being, if you want to advance in a limited lifespan and then increase your lifespan, you don’t need to count on those with a lower elemental affinity. This is why elves and dragons can grow to very high levels. This is because of this. The minimum life spans of the two races are counted in thousands of years. To be honest, at such a long age, even with a little magic talent, they can grow to a very high level.

"Cook, thank you!" Although Leif is a crazy pharmacist, Leif is still annoyed by his heirs. People like Leif are most afraid of no successors, and Leif is exactly that. Leif’s sons and daughters did not inherit their magical talents. The inheritance of genes is completely unpredictable, and one of Leif’s grandsons and granddaughters has no magic talents. Instead, his grandson has some magic talents, but not very high. Following the path of the magician, achievements are limited.

After Cook got the news, he planned to refine a bottle of potion to increase his talent, so Cook used elemental fruit to refine such a bottle of potion. As long as Leif's grandson takes it, his talent will be greatly improved. As for the improvement, it depends on the character.

Although Leif wanted to know the origin of the potion, Leif couldn't ask, because Leif knew that the favor he owed, and it was a big favor.

"Tutor, no thanks, I also hope that someone can inherit your mentor's achievements." Cook replied with a smile.

"Okay!" Leif laughed and said a good word, and then walked to the venue very excitedly, and Cook personally sent it into the venue.

Because Mentor Leif had already seen that there were more guests coming from behind, Cook welcomed these guests to the reception venue one by one, and if there were residents of the Magic City in the reception, the reception would find that there were more than 300 people at the reception. People, almost all the most powerful people in the entire Magic City, the strongest people in the entire Magic City, and the strongest people in the mainland have gathered here.

Nine elders, 13 directors, and more than 30 heads of various departments of the Wizards’ Guild, five elders of the mercenary union, eleven directors, soldiers’ union, thieves’ union, assassin’s union, the Holy See of Light, Dark Empire, etc More than 300 people gathered almost the most powerful people on the entire continent.

After Cook greeted the people who should come, he walked to the long table full of food and saw Cook standing here. Everyone looked at Cook. This is the etiquette of the reception. .

"Thank you gentlemen and ladies for being able to participate in this cocktail party. To be honest, this is the face everyone gave to Cook. I, Cook, thank you everyone." Cook paused after he finished speaking.

Applause broke out below, and Cook himself applauded. Then Cook said: "In the past period of time, I, Cook, understand your support for me, and this time I invited everyone to attend the reception. In fact, it is to give everyone a chance to make a fortune."

"Baron Cook, you have to make a fortune. You are now the richest person in the entire continent." Someone said loudly, yes, according to statistics, Cook is considered the richest person on the continent, but these people probably don't know. Cook made an empire collapse by himself.

"Hehe, what you said is right. Here, I first announce that those who participate in this cocktail party can purchase magic airships with the invitation card first, and will give everyone a certain discount." Cook said with a smile. In fact, Cook said The discount is nothing but money. After all, Cook has no money left. It is foreseeable that a lot of money will be needed in the Mekai Empire. After all, it is not so easy to survive this winter, and the money is from there. Come, come from here.

"Your Excellency Cook, I don't care about the magic airship, but if you have a potion, we are willing to buy it first." It was Miss Lala from the Thieves Guild who said this.

"Oh, yes, after the reception, I will take out some collections for auction, but I hope you have enough gold coins in your pockets." Cook said with a smile.

"Then Cook, can you tell us what kind of equipment it is?" an elder of the Wizards Guild asked.

"Your Excellency, yes, the equipment, potions, and weapons are all I harvested in an ancient ruin recently, and the equipment is equipped with magic patterns..." Cook nodded, then replied.

"Mageweave equipment, Cook, isn't it true?" The person who said this was the president of the Alchemy Association of the Mage Union, and was also a well-known master of equipment building.

"Hehe, not only have magic pattern equipment, but I also harvested a magic notebook about magic pattern formation." Cook explained with a smile.

"What, Cook, I want it, I want it." The elder roared with wide eyes.

"Haha, your elder, this is the auction item for a later meeting." Cook said with a smile. Of course, Cook took out some simple magic patterns written by West Asia, and Cook planned to use it to collect money.

Cook did not wait for the elders to continue speaking, and then he even said: "In addition, I also found a few more interesting places. I want to invite some people to develop that place with me."

Cook was talking about the space node of the Orc Wasteland. The creatures in it were a threat to the Mekai Empire, but for these big forces, it was a place full of wealth.

"In addition, I have signed a business contract with the Orc Empire. At the junction of the Golden Mountain Pass and the Orc Empire, a large trading venue will be built. I hope everyone can support it." Cook then threw a blockbuster. Of course, Cook said that it was a deal with the orc empire. In fact, Cook sold the things of the Maykai Empire to everyone present.

"Well, friends who are interested in the detailed situation can come and talk to me. Now everyone is toasting today." Cook said that and it will start.

Cook had just finished speaking, the president of the Alchemy Association rushed over almost all of a sudden, and the people around him had only wry smiles. This Western-style cocktail party is actually a gathering to discuss business.

People who need to negotiate will talk together, and other things that need to wait for others to finish talking before they can talk. It's very impolite to get in and you can't talk about it.

"Cook, Cook, where's the notes?" the president of the Alchemy Association said anxiously.

To be honest, Cook has forgotten the name of this guy, because Cook didn't deal with these high-levels for a long time, but he seemed to have met him when he bought the magic metal mine.

"Your elder, I used this note for auction." Cook was speechless, how could this person directly ask for it.

But at this time Leif stepped forward and said, "Cook, this guy is just like me, he is a lunatic, I am a drug lunatic, and this guy is an alchemy lunatic."

After saying this, Cook understands. Cook knows that such a person is very difficult, so he said: "Your Excellency, I just said that it is going to be auctioned. If you said earlier, we could trade privately."

"No, no, what do you want..." the president of the alchemy association shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, Cook is my student. We will buy it later. If anyone dares to fight with you, we two will clean up him later." Leif knew that Cook said that there was no way, so he didn't. When the president of the alchemy association finished speaking, he was pushed away by Leif.

The president of the Thieves Guild and Lala stood in front of Cook again immediately, and Lala asked Cook with a smile: "Cook, what happened to the orc trading location you mentioned?"

"Hehe, this is the detailed situation. Those who are interested can take a look. However, there is a lot of deposit to be paid, and to enter this transaction point, you must sign a contract, that is, you must not participate in or buy orc slaves. After all, we are Dealing with the orcs." Cook directly took out a document, but everyone present didn't know that the transaction point was still in Cook's mind. Of course, after someone paid the deposit, the transaction point would appear in the fastest form.

When Cook said that, many people surrounded him. Cook had to explain: "Because there are orcs in my territory, and I am a relative of a high-level orc, I got in touch with the orc empire through some relationships. My slave, the top of the orc empire agreed to the transaction point. The transaction location is outside the Golden Pass, and a large market will be built. Of course, the reason for choosing Golden Pass is because there are after all our human forces. One is not."

"Hehe, Cook is right."

"Yes, Lord Baron is thoughtful, we dare not go far away."

"My Lord Baron, how much does this deposit need?"

Hearing what Cook said, interested people asked one after another, Cook said with a smile: "For this level, we will give the corresponding warehouses according to the level, and the size of the store varies."

"So what's the lowest one?" someone asked.

"The lowest is one million gold coins, just a pavement." Cook said with a smile.

"So the highest?" One million gold coins is not a lot of money for the people present, but some people still frown, obviously this million gold coins are high.

"Up to 10 million gold coins, you can have a warehouse in the Golden Pass Fortress." Cook replied with a smile.

To be honest, this is the most important thing. Everyone knows that Cook has used hundreds of thousands of barbarians, tens of thousands of dwarves, and Frost Titans to create an infallible fortress. There can be warehouses in it. Safety is the greatest guarantee.

"Hehe, everyone must hurry up, after all, autumn is coming soon, and the harvest period of the orc empire is coming. If it waits until winter, it is estimated that there will be no trade." Cook left with a smile.

"Cook, what's the interesting part you said?" Several elders from the mercenary union came together.

"A space node, and a space node leading to four subsidiary planes, appears once every half a month, but I can set up a teleportation array. In one of the subsidiary planes, there is a large group of thunder lizards." Cook took a sip. The juice is very refreshing, but there are ice cubes in it.

"But it was in the Orc Empire. Did you also negotiate with the Orc Empire, Cook?" It seemed that the mercenary union didn't know everything, an elder said immediately.

"You don't need to worry about this. Anyway, you can go in there freely, but you have to pay a certain fee. After all, it is not our own site." Cook shook his head and said, it is really that Cook does not know how to explain, so Ku Ke will not explain.

"In addition, I found the remains of a temple in the Moracan Desert. It is very huge. You can publish this news. I think some people will definitely be interested." Cook said afterwards.

"The temple!" Now the elders of the mercenary union couldn't calm down.

Everyone knows that the temple is just a shrine for worship, and the temple is a camp shrine, so there must be many shrines interested in this temple, because there may be some holy objects in the temple.

"Yes, this is the gate at the entrance of the ruins." Cook took out a magic scroll, and after inputting the magic power, an image of the entrance to the temple appeared.

"It's a temple, and depending on the style and structure of the gate, it is estimated to be a large temple." I have to say that the elders of the mercenary union are very knowledgeable. Several elders took a closer look and came to a conclusion.

But before Cook had come to say anything, the president of the Alchemy Association shouted at the reception: "Everyone, I think the auction can begin!"

Everyone rolled their eyes, but no one opposed it, because this servant was holding magic equipment in his hand. The person present was not a big business. Once you offend this servant, you must, wait for magic equipment in the future.

Such a technician is the most troublesome. Once you offend him, then maybe the equipment sold to you is cut corners, and the price is very high. If you get the materials yourself, you will be embarrassed and failed!

Seeing that there was no objection, the president of the Alchemy Association ran up to Cook and said anxiously: "See you, Cook, everyone is waiting for the auction!"

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First of all, let’s say that today’s auction items are the first with the lowest value. But as for what is being auctioned, I won’t tell everyone." Cook was speechless and had to speak loudly. Said.

Then a group of people were taken to a large auction venue, and Cook deliberately turned the Orc Hotel into a high-end service venue. Of course, collecting money was the main purpose.

"First of all, let me introduce to everyone. This is Ms. Lina, the space sage magister, and the master of pharmacy. This is Ms. Xia, a junior Mageweave Mage, and a legendary powerhouse, so stay Try to be more civilized during the auction," Cook said.

There were also several big men around the auction venue. They knew that force was worth a lot of money, but Cook did not introduce it, but everyone present knew that this was the Frost Titan.

"Hehe, it seems that the things that Cook took out are very valuable!" Someone said with a smile when he saw such a formation.

"The first one, the shadow dagger!" Cook said when he saw that it was almost done, and took out a dusty dagger.

"What, is it really the Shadow Dagger?" The others hadn't responded yet, and two groups of people stood up and shouted immediately.

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