A Unique Hunter

Chapter 640: puppet

Cook looked at the names in astonishment. The legendary things such as Balrog, Lich, Tauren, Succubus, Ghost Banshee, etc. were clearly recorded on this magic crystal board.

Cook didn’t know how he entered the first-level prison. When Cook entered the prison, two people who surprised Cook appeared. The fox priest was carefully observing a prison. The tauren slammed into the door of a cell.

Seeing the tauren like this, Cook couldn’t help being speechless. What kind of people were imprisoned by Nima, even your small body could be crushed, so you can still hold those legendary things. The lowest level of existence.

"Huh?" The fox priests and tauren also noticed Cook's arrival, but Cook's image is indeed too strange.

Cook is now an enlarged version of the Bunnyman, but what puzzles the Fox tribe and the Tauren is that Cook is not like ordinary Bunnyman. The Bunnyman is only 1.78 meters tall, but Cook has three It was five meters tall, and it looked a lot taller than the tauren. The tauren was only 2.78 meters tall. Not to mention the fox, it was about the same height as the rabbit.

Cook glanced at the tauren with disdain, and then went straight to the door of cell number one. The guardrail of this cell was still shining with purple lightning. Cook took a closer look and found the door of this cell. They are actually an unknown alloy. One thing is certain. Not only is it mixed with a lot of fine gold, but it also depicts a lot of lightning **** patterns. Don't underestimate the purple lightning on the guardrail. That is the elemental induction between each **** pattern.

But since this is a prison, there must be a place to turn off the energy supply of this **** pattern. Cook glanced at the door that the tauren hit, and there was no purple thunder shining.

Cook knew that there must be a solution. Cook couldn't help but check it out, but this check made Cook laugh wryly, because the magic crystal board next to the prison was constantly shining with a group of words, it was orc language , Which means that the authority is not enough, obviously this prison is not so easy to enter.

Cook did not pay attention to the startled fox priests and tauren, but took a closer look. It didn’t matter at all. Cook found that there were more than 600 rooms in the first-floor prison, and a half of them were empty. Now, in the empty prison, Cook originally thought that the place was not big, but after entering, Cook discovered that Nima was simply expanded by space expansion magic, and it was thousands of square meters in size.

"Tsk tusk!" Cook kept stroking the patterns around the walls. These seemingly exquisite patterns are a chronic poison for those detained here, because Cook discovered that this prison is not only a kind of The combination of **** patterns similar to imprisonment, and not only imprisonment, magic extraction, life extraction, pain curse, soul shock, etc., the magic array is even more dazzling.

Cook can think of how the guys detained here will spend their lives, and the countless prisoners detained here are all almost immortal races. Balrog, Lich, and Howling Banshee are half Elemental creatures will never die as long as the elements are endless, so Cook can think of how terrible the torture here is.

"But you still have to find the control center first?" Cook sighed, because Cook knew that he would not be able to unlock the secrets here only by himself, even though Cook had the inheritance memory of the dragon family in his mind, and The memory of the Mageweave Master, but Cook is not omnipotent, so Cook needs help. The first thing Cook thinks of is Siah and Lina. These two women who have lived for hundreds of years are definitely better than Cook There are certain aspects to understand, of course, but humans are forbidden to enter here at all, so finding the control center is the only solution, and Cook has also seen that even in prisons, orcs have no right to enter.

"Discrimination, discrimination, * naked discrimination!" Cook cursed secretly.

"You guys, what are you doing with me?" Cook couldn't help asking loudly, watching the fox priest and tauren following him far away.

"Orc?" The tauren asked excitedly when he heard that Cook was speaking the language of an orc.

"Yeah!" Cook gave a noncommittal cry.

"You are also hired, but what race are you?" Before the fox priest had time to speak, the tauren asked immediately.

"Are you also accepting the task?" Who is Cook? Hear the tauren say so. Immediately asked, turning his eyes.

"Well, but our task is to open any door here, but you have also seen it, the door here is too strong..." The tauren complained with a crackle.

"How much did those tigers give you? Have you got a hundred gold coins?" The tauren asked at the end not to forget.

"One hundred gold coins?" Cook repeated suspiciously, and then Cook understood.

"Who will come with a hundred gold coins? My income this time is at least 10 billion gold coins!" Cook replied directly, but Cook was talking about the income this time, not the cost of employment.

"What? Are you kidding? If those guys had 10 billion gold coins, I wouldn't be a tauren!" The tauren didn't believe it.

Cook was thinking about how to clean up those tigers, and he dared to open the prison here. You must know that if the creatures in any prison here escape, of course Cook doesn’t think those guys can live to this day, but Cook also I can’t guarantee that, after all, who knows what weird means these guys have to keep themselves alive, so Cook thinks that this is the tiger clan causing disaster for the whole orc clan, so Cook has no reason to let these **** go. Of course it’s best. The place to go is those mines in the deep mountains.

"Believe it or not!" Cook didn't keep talking to the tauren, and Cook kept looking around.

I don’t know it. I was shocked when I saw it. Cook took a look with his magic eyes. There was a dazzling purple light on the ceiling that seemed to be nothing. Obviously the protection methods here are not as simple as they seem. Cook can Imagine that once a few races that are not allowed to enter here, they must be greeted by the overwhelming **** pattern attack, which is more powerful than the magic crystal cannon.

Cook couldn't help comparing this place with the base of Spike Fortress, but then Cook shook his head. Spike Fortress was just one of the backup bases of an empire in the most prosperous era of magic civilization, and it is said that this place is the whole During the war between gods and demons, there was no way to compare the status of the prisons set up by the bright camp.

"Huh?" After Cook walked, he discovered that the layout of the cell was actually a circle, because Cook had already come to cell one again, but then Cook became suspicious, because Cook clearly remembered When I came in, I didn't see any passage in Cell One?

Cook looked at the distance between the last cell and cell one, and then looked at the passage under his feet, Cook's expression became even more suspicious.

"What's going on?" Cook knew that he was sitting on the magic elevator when he came in. It stands to reason that this should be the position of the elevator.

Cook stepped back several tens of meters, but the passage was still a passage. Cook came to this cell again, looked around, and then Cook found out that the elevator does exist. , The door is on the other side, and combined with the path he walked, Cook came to a conclusion that the cell was arranged around the elevator, but the layout here is the same, and Cook’s attention is looking again God pattern and other aspects, so I didn't pay attention.

"The first layer, is there a second layer?" Cook didn't find the control center, and then he couldn't help but check it out again. After this circle, there was still nothing to gain. Cook couldn't help but remember the starting point. At this moment, Cook remembered that when he entered here, there was a first-story prison. Obviously, the first floor did not appear randomly, so there should be a second floor.

Cook came to the door to enter the elevator. Cook did not make any movements. Cook's movements made the fox priest and the tauren suspicious. This man was sick, walked back and forth, and then stood there. side.

Silently, the door of the elevator opened automatically. Both the tauren and the fox priest were surprised. You must know that the two of them had not thought about how to get out, but the tauren found that the door could not be opened, but who would have thought As long as you stand there, the door will open automatically after a while?

"Wait for me!" the tauren roared loudly.

"Damn, damn, discrimination, discrimination!" Cook cursed loudly, because Cook had not found a way to enter the second-tier prison, so Cook tentatively said: "Second-tier prison."

But immediately came orc language: "Not enough authority!"

Cook is speechless. Cook understands in his heart that this voice control is actually mastered by the current wizards' guild. Can you follow some simple language commands without seeing some puppet assistants refined by those alchemists?

"The control center must be below." Cook guessed. At the same time, Cook also knew that the status of the orcs in the Light Alliance was not very high. They belonged to the role of cannon fodder, but they had a higher status than humans.

There is also the fact that the strength of the three of them is really not good. Cook thinks that if he builds such a prison himself, the strength of the three of himself will not even want to enter.

"A headache, Nima, what should I do now, should I just leave like this?" Cook was full of reconciliation.

"Hey, it looks like Xiaomei's identity..." Cook immediately remembered, and then it was like entering a natural space, but after Cook tried it, he couldn't enter.

Cook had no choice but to return to the ground, and then, regardless of the celebration of the tauren and the fox priests, he entered the natural space directly. As expected, he exited the platform area, and entered and exited the natural space naturally.

Xiao Mei was fooled out by Cook, but Xiao Mei had just entered the platform area. After a burst of colorful light flashed, there was a sweet voice: "Welcome to Lord Guangming Protoss!"

"Nima, you can be more shameless." Cook vomited blood in depression, roaring loudly in his heart.

"Woo!" After a sound of mechanical rotation, Cook saw seven or eight humanoid creatures suddenly appearing around the original platform.

"Kang Dang!" These humanoid creatures stood neatly around Xiaomei, and they knew they were guards.

"Puppet, fighting puppet, Nima, too shameless, is this the privileged class?" Cook is already weak in his heart.

"Welcome to Saint Xia Prison!" Then a beautiful puppet appeared, standing in front of Xiaomei, bending over and bowing.

Xiaomei looked at the human puppets around here timidly. Two little hands tightly grasped Cook’s clothes and hid in Cook’s arms. Cook was speechless. Obviously this is a smart puppet. Battle puppets are more advanced goods. After all, knowledge is instilled, and then the various magic circles set up in the puppets are analyzed, compared to the current situation, and then corresponding actions and answers are performed. This difficulty is not generally high.

Hasn’t Cook never seen the puppet assistants of the current alchemists? Compared with these puppets, those are simply scum, have you seen round magic puppets like trash cans, there are several wheels underneath, and the two puppets? There are only two clips in one hand, which can take some objects, and they are still simple objects, and now these puppets, Nima, are just like real people.

Then the wise puppet directly issued an order regardless of his concern: "San Xia Prison's security level is raised to the highest level, and the protection is raised to the highest level..."

After a series of orders went down, Cook found that the **** patterns on several pillars were constantly lit up, obviously in a state that could be activated at any time.

"You, get out!" But then the wise puppet pointed to Cook's nose and shouted.

"Nima!" Cook was angry.

"Xiaomei, let this guy get out!" Cook said to Xiaomei immediately after being angry.

"It's not allowed to say that, Dad, you go!" Xiao Mei looked at the intelligent puppet and shouted.

"Yes!" The wisdom puppet Nima was about to leave.

"Wait, Xiaomei, let this guy follow Dad, Dad will clean her up slowly!" Cook pointed to the wisdom puppet.

"Dad is your master." Xiaomei did not understand the value of this smart puppet. For Xiaomei, Cook's delicious food is the first one. Of course, it is better to have the best light magic crystal. Up.

"Yes, Master!" The wisdom puppet is two meters, two or three meters long, very beautiful, with big purple eyes, fair skin, and tall figure. If Cook didn't know it was a smart puppet, Cook thought it was. A human being.

"Human?" Cook thought of this, immediately surprised.

Yes, how does this intelligent puppet look like a human? Cook's curiosity became more serious.

But Cook immediately ordered: "How many floors are there in this prison?"

"Sixth floor!" the wisdom puppet replied.

"Oh!" Cook was frightened, the first level is the Lord of the Flame Demon, then the bottom level.

"How many combat guards are there?" Cook asked afterwards.

"A total of thirty-five, but only these seven or eight can act, and the rest lack maintenance, but even for these seven or eight combat guards, their energy consumption can only sustain a high-intensity battle for one and a half hours." The wisdom puppet replied. .

"Maintenance, can you maintain it?" Cook asked tentatively.

"Yes, but not enough raw materials!" Cook was excited by the wisdom puppet's answer.

"What material?" Cook asked excitedly.

"Magic Silver, Star Sand, Earth Core Platinum, Divine Iron, Divine Core..." The wisdom puppets continued one by one.

The more he talked about Cook’s cold sweat, Cook couldn’t help shouting: "Stop!" There are many things Cook has never heard of. Obviously these things should be of high quality. The magic core of the level of Warcraft. Shen Iron, iron smelted directly with magical power, but it is said that 10,000 tons of refined iron can only be smelted at that point, and Cook couldn't help being speechless.

"So are the creatures imprisoned here still alive?" Cook asked again.

"I don't know!" The wisdom puppet directly answered that he didn't know.

"Then let's go down, but where is the control center here?" Cook continued to ask.

"The control center requires three or more distinguished race representatives to open it." The intelligent creature's answer left Cook speechless.

"What are the distinguished races?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Angels, dragons, titans, winged men." The intelligent creature replied directly.

"Nima, this is the majority, but fortunately, my buddies have good luck, Xiao Lei counts one, La Milan counts one, not to mention the Titans." Cook thought to himself.

But Cook decided to check the conditions of the lower floors before making a decision. Of course, Cook would not think that he could harvest everything here by himself, because this prison is a comprehensive building. , It’s not that one magician, or a few magicians can harvest, in the end it will be solved by the behemoth of the magician union, because the magician union does not only have low-level planes, but also high-level planes, but Cook doesn’t know. The method of contact is nothing more than that, but before that, Cook must search for it.

For example, battle puppets, whether broken or not, must be packed, there are smart puppets, all kinds of things left by those tough guys who have died, and everything that can be disassembled, as long as it can be taken away, even It is a screw, and Cook will not let it go, and then it will be the turn of the wizards' union.

"Go to the first floor!" Cook ordered directly.

"The order is invalid. Only the most noble people here have the authority to give orders." However, the wisdom puppet said directly to Cook.

"Xiaomei, listen carefully to what Dad said, and Dad will go out and make you a delicious meal." Cook promised Xiaomei tearfully.

"Dad, how can one meal be enough!" Xiao Mei replied with blinking eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Okay. Two meals! "Cook couldn't help sighing, and the innocent Xiaomei was also called bad by the mermaid.

"Dad, I want to eat all the time!" I didn't know that Xiaomei's answer made Cook almost fall to the ground, but Cook looked at the huge prison.

"Yes!" Cook replied through gritted teeth.

"Bring your beautiful sister!" Then Xiaomei's words made Cook have the urge to go violently, but then Cook came to the outside of the platform and summoned Er Fatty. There was an identity card, and Cook called Er Fat is easy, although Er Fat was put back into Dunmore City when Cook entered the prison, but it is easy to summon him, because the energy transmitted by the ID card is nothing to Er Fat.

"Warning, warning, there are **** creatures approaching!" Knowing that Er Fat had just approached the platform area, a sharp alarm sounded immediately.

"No!" Cook's eyelids jumped, and then he quickly let Erpang reach the natural space. Cook originally wanted Erpang to be a meat shield. After all, speaking in prison is not very effective, but now it seems that he can only be careful. At one point, Cook couldn't help holding Xiao Mei a little tighter.

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