A Unique Hunter

Chapter 650: Fire guns first show their power

"Damn!" Tyson leaped up, looked at the Hessian woodland in the distance, and cursed loudly.

"Pump!" After Tyson finished cursing, countless flocks of birds flew in the distant jungle. It was obvious that he was disturbed by something, and Cook's face quickly became serious.

Because not only is it in one direction, but there are the sounds of birds flying in the jungle in several directions. Everyone has to ask, is it possible that the beasts that move at night will not disturb the birds?

The answer is yes, because the beasts that act at night are almost silent. If there is a sound, wouldn't these beasts that act at night be hungry.

The weapons of a few people were quickly picked up, and Cook took out the firecrackers in a decent manner. There was really no way he could do it. His power was too great, even if it was a normal bow and arrow, it was incredibly powerful, and it could not be achieved. Exercise your own purpose, and the power of this firecracker is constant, relying on the accuracy of the head and the speed of reaction.

To be precise, Cook’s gun should be defined as a shotgun. Cook himself refined the copper shell and increased the ammunition capacity. You can’t think of how many ammunition there are. It’s 20 full, Cook Although I don’t know much about hot weapons, I know that automatic rifles are automatic rifles that use the pressure of gunpowder gas and the force of springs to complete a series of actions such as pushing, locking, firing, ejecting and feeding bullets. .

So Cook used this idea. Of course, there is an additional magazine under the firecracker, and it is a tubular magazine, so it looks a bit bulky, and the original bell-shaped muzzle was also removed by Cook Of course, Cook also replaced the impact system, so it looks like two iron pipes glued together.

But the contents inside have been greatly changed, and the rifling has been added, and the ammunition is also divided into two types, one is the shotgun, the other is the iron brazier, and the barrel is added with fine gold, which has a wear resistance. The new height, but even so, the range is only about 100 meters. After all, it’s a shotgun. Of course, Cook didn’t depict any superfluous magic pattern formations. He only depicted a magic pattern formation that absorbs heat. After all, the barrel is too big. It won't work if it is hot.

Seeing Cook take out this thing, Tyson and the others were astonished. After a while, Giro smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect you to be taken advantage of. This fire gun has been there for decades, right?"

"Hehe, I feel familiar too, but, Hill, how do you take this thing? It's a failed product, don't you?" Tyson also remembered, after all, it's an off-the-shelf item, so I just need to buy weapons and equipment. Everyone knows the origin of this firecracker.

"My bow and arrow skills are not very good." Cook only lied.

"It seems that these guys are going to make us not sleep well?" Lille glanced at the firecracker in Cook's hand, then looked at the surrounding jungle, and said angrily.

"Damn fellow, alas! Come on, little boys, here is your uncle Tyson!" Tyson's face looked very ugly when he heard Lille's words, because if the enemy is in the dark, due to lack of vision at night, then you will People must always be on guard against the enemy, and the enemy can sleep in a dark environment. I have to say that such a thing is very tricky.

Cook used the magic eye to detect it, and it was dark, but then Cook smiled bitterly, because this time he was dealing with the gangster, and there may not be any awakened grudges. Besides, if these guys are hidden, there is no magic eye. Perspective function.

"Put out the fire!" Tyson decided quickly.

"Puff puff puff!" The fire was extinguished in a puff of water vapor.

Tyson then said: "Everyone, follow me, Lille, remember to cover us."

I couldn't see how Lear looked in the dark, but Lear replied easily: "No problem, as long as there is a slight noise, they will be finished!"

A qualified archer must not only be proficient in archery skills, but also have good eyesight and sensitive ears.

"Jiro, find the way first!" Tyson immediately ordered.

"I then, Hill followed me, Lille and Lars walked the last, try to be careful!" Tyson whispered.

"Yes!" The team members immediately replied in a low voice, followed by a period of preparation. The scabbard was left in place, and there were some cumbersome. The armor on the body was also entangled by the cloth strips, and so were the boots. Was tightly bound.

"Go!" Tyson saw that he was ready to go, and his vision was only one or two meters away, still vague.

The group cautiously kept the formation and proceeded in the dark. Except for the rustling of footsteps and heavy breathing, there was no other sound in the whole team, and Cook also held the firecrackers tightly. Of course, Cook knew that it was near. Within the distance, the power of this blunderbuss is enough to make anyone fearful, but again, Cook is tough, and this part of the eye is always a weakness, so without knowing how many archers the opponent has, Cook does not Dare to be careless, and no one can tell about the battle. With bad luck, an archer can shoot you in the eye, so beware of the five big mistakes.

"Boom!" But when Tyson was approaching the jungle, there was a dull knocking sound.

"Kill!" In an instant, countless torches around lit up.

"Not good!" Tyson knew it was bad right away, but the countless torches made everyone's eyes narrowed unconsciously.

"Huhuhu!" The next moment, dozens of torches were thrown towards Cook and the others.

"Go away, attack free!" Tyson saw that the gangster on the opposite side had already rushed forward, so he had to shout loudly, and then quickly rushed towards the opposite enemy.

"Swish!" Before Cook could shoot, he heard the swooshing sound. Ku Ke immediately avoided it, and the two arrows passed Cook from where he was standing.

"Shoo!" Then Lille began to fight back, and two arrows shot at the enemy with screaming noises.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Cook didn't have time to see the results, because the gangsters had already rushed up and launched a frontal attack with Gilro and Tyson.

"Kill!" Lars waved two one-handed swords and rushed over, and then together with Tyson, Tyson was a two-handed sword, constantly waving, making whirring sounds.

"Puff!" It was Lille who made the first contribution. Lille's hands were constantly waving. A gangster couldn't avoid it and was directly inserted into his forehead by value. The huge power caused the gangster's brain to explode. Cook couldn't help it. Glancing at Lille, it was clear that Lille was a third-level archer, and there was a certain amount of grudge attached to the arrows.

"Quickly, let's rush into the woods!" Tyson saw countless torches in several other directions behind him, and he had already cursed the guy who released this mission, because there are a lot of gangsters here. More than a hundred, obviously the intelligence is not accurate.

And although Tyson and Russ are strong, they face seven or eight bandits. If they were one-on-one, they would have been killed by Tyson.

"Kill!" the culprit behind shouted loudly.

"No, horses!" Tyson's face paled after the sound of horses croaking.

"Puff!" Tyson knew it was bad when he heard the sound of the horse, so he tried to get a spear stabbed in his arm, and finally killed one in front of him.

Tyson and Lars have a two-handed sword, steady and strong, while Lars is a two-handed sword, flexible and weird.

"Shoo!" Lille was also very anxious, because he was behind, and it took a long time to talk about it, but it only took a few seconds.

"Be careful!" Lille saw the three gangsters on the opposite side stab Giro directly with their spears. Giro twisted around and avoided a spear, then crawled on the ground again, and escaped the spear again. The third spear was obviously Unable to escape, Lille roared loudly.

"Boom!" Cook has been preparing. It is not that Cook is not acting, but that there are only sixteen bullets. When it is necessary to use it, with a bang, the two people opposite Giro were directly impacted by the huge power of the shotgun. Going back, of course, if you die, you can't die again. Cook used the recipe of the Dwarf Engineering Bomb.

"Go! Boom! Boom!" Cook saw that the gap in front of him was opened and Ji Luo was lying on the ground, so Cook fired two shots, killing the two bandits near Ji Luo directly, one of them in the chest. The location has a hole with a big mouth.

"Grass!" Lille looked at the big hole in the culprit's chest. His face was green, and he cursed loudly.

"Puff puff puff!" Tyson and Lars also took advantage of the moment when the culprits were startled, seizing the opportunity to directly kill the four people in front of them to the ground.

"Kill!" Rulei's horse hooves sounded behind a few people, accompanied by a huge shout to kill.

"Quick! Rush into the jungle!" Tyson gave Cook a surprised look, and then shouted loudly, knowing that the cavalry has the strongest offensive power. Although these cavalry are just infantry who can ride horses, they are there. Of course everyone except Cook, who dare not collide head-on with a high-speed sprinting horse, and there is no defensive formation. If five people are surrounded by dozens of people, the chance of being wiped out is very high.

The jungle is different again. It can make full use of the terrain, and the cavalry does not have the speed of collision. The jungle can better play the combat effectiveness of a single player~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be seen that Tyson is an experienced captain.

"It's too late! Shoo!" Lille roared loudly, because Lille judged that the five men would not have time to reach the jungle, they would be overtaken by the five cavalry, and Lille fired two arrows.

"Haha! Kill!" The gangster on the horse roared with laughter as he looked at the five people getting closer.

"Boom!" An arrow from Lille directly hit the horse, and then the horse fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Defensive formation! Damn, I must buy a good shield when I go back this time!" Tyson shouted.

"I want to buy a crossbow!" Giro gritted his teeth and roared.

"Boom boom boom!" The dull hooves of the horses were getting closer, and Lille shot the last two arrows and threw the bow aside, drew out the one-handed sword.

"Hill, draw your sword, boom, boom, boom, boom!" Lille took the one-handed sword in his hand, looked at Cook on the side, and roared loudly, but before he finished speaking, it was just a series of roars. Then Lille's eyes widened, almost falling out.

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