A Unique Hunter

Chapter 663: Inspection territory

In the next period of time, Cook was almost numb, and the thieves’ union, mercenary union, warrior union, and even some senior officials of the wizard’s union came to visit.

"This day can't be passed." Cook finally couldn't help slipping away. Yes, Cook returned to the baronial territory.

The Baronian Territory is as prosperous as ever, and now the prosperousness of the Baronian Territory is the second largest on the mainland. First of all, the dwarf liquor workshop has expanded to thousands of acres of land, and a steady stream of food is constantly being sent away. After coming over, brewing requires a lot of food. Although it is winter and the food is relatively tight, the dwarves have countless relationships on the mainland after all, and there are many people who want to curry favor with the dwarves, so food is not a big problem.

However, the price of food has risen again. Fortunately, this year’s food is still a bumper harvest. Otherwise, there will be an additional dwarf liquor workshop, and billions of orcs in the orc empire will be fed. Maybe the food will rise to sky-high prices. It is also several times higher than before. The increase in food represents the increase in everything, livestock, and all products.

In the past, corn was a copper coin per catty, but now the purchase price is four copper coins per catty. Transported to the Baron’s territory, at least ten copper coins per catty, but the dwarves are not afraid of rising, your food will increase our weapons, all alcohol products Just follow the rise.

But the happiest lords were the big lords. The merchants in the past sold their food when the food had risen to a certain level. But these people knew that the price of food was so crazy that it was four times the previous price. When the merchants reacted, those The noble lords also reacted, wanting to buy food, at market prices, and for those lords, selling to merchants is better than selling to dwarves. At least the dwarves still have some friendship, so today's market makes many food merchants depressed. He is about to vomit blood. Now the winter is increasing efforts to raise funds, waiting for a big deal in the coming year.

However, this is doomed to fail. Because the Mekay Empire is stabilized, food consumption will naturally decrease, not to mention that Cook has to work hard to catch production. Therefore, it is destined that those businessmen will jump off the building next year.

Cook wandered around and found that his territory was actually much smaller. It was not that the territory was too small, but that there were too many buildings. The entire territory was densely packed with buildings, but the largest area was the Yalong trade. In the market, Yalong can choose the goods he wants, all kinds of livestock, and all kinds of cooked food. Of course, these are all monopolized by Cook, but the most exchanged is gold coins, of course, not All Yalong like gold coins, some like barbecue. For these Yalong, Cook's territory is like a heavenly existence.

Grab a monster at random, and then you can open your belly to eat Hesai for a while, then find a place to sleep beautifully, and then get up and catch it again. Some people say that this is not a monster that will be caught.

In fact, it is not entirely true. It is like a dragon that eats once every three months to half a year. At least a few beasts are eaten at a time, but now only one is enough, because a slightly more advanced beast needs to be replaced by ordinary animals. Although the price of livestock is twice or three times higher than before, there is still a world difference compared with Warcraft. Moreover, the price of livestock increases, the more high-end items, just like the price of Warcraft will increase more. .

Of course it is not too outrageous, because the total amount of monsters has increased in price, because the Yalong found that the price of live monsters is many times that of dead, and the smaller the more valuable, this subverts the understanding of the Yalong. In Yalong’s mind, the smaller the monsters, the less there will be, and the gap between the teeth is not enough, but since the smaller the monsters are more valuable, this is even more good news for Yalong, and the cost of starting the small monsters is lower. It's not.

Moreover, the value of living intermediate monsters is higher than that of dead advanced monsters. Although the Yalongs don't know the reason for this, don't the Yalongs know that the risk of dealing with advanced monsters has increased.

Moreover, Yalong discovered that the cubs that can not be raised by themselves are expensive, so some Yalong simply replace the ones that they hatch and cannot raise. Yalong usually has two to three eggs in a litter. , But only one can feed, so the Yalong trading field is already very large now, covering an area of ​​more than 30 kilometers.

Cook nodded, and then he saw numerous caves above the mountains in the distance. Needless to say, those were Yalong's lairs. Although it was winter, the trade here was still very hot.

Several major trade unions have even dispatched a large number of people here. After all, rare beasts may occasionally appear here. Although it is impossible to trade them privately, it is still possible to prepare in advance to directly suppress others on the price.

Cook walked along the huge flat road. This was actually built by Earth Dragon. Originally Cook thought these guys were unwilling, but he didn’t expect it to cause internal fighting among several Earth Dragon races, because for ordinary people For a road that is difficult to build, for the earth-type Yalong, it is just a lap, and then use magic to get it done. A Yalong builds at least a few kilometers of road in a day, and a kilometer of road is opened by Cook. The price of a thousand gold coins, you must know that most of the roads here are stone, even if it is built by ordinary people, the time and energy has been spent, far more than a thousand gold coins, but now Cook only needs to let people plan , And finally take the money for acceptance.

Cook walked on a wide road that was ten meters wide. However, due to the advent of winter, there was a lot of snow on the road. Although it was cleared, the speed of clearing could not keep up with the speed of snowfall.

Cook did not go to the lord’s mansion, but came to a valley. There was nothing in the valley. However, under the hills on both sides of the valley, there were steaming smoke from several huge caves, and thick tracks. Connect several caves.

"Oh, Lord Baron!" A dwarf rock lizard knight screamed when he saw Cook, and then quickly came over to salute.

"Haha, Captain Oman, are you patrolling?" Cook's memory is not so good, he greeted him with a smile.

"Of course!" Aman respects Cook very much, because his tribe now ranks first in the dwarf kingdom. The white wine workshop and this white iron smelting workshop, although the white iron here is not comparable to forging. Yes, but the gap is not very obvious. Seeing a huge ingot of white iron is directly refined, all the dwarves are stunned. This has subverted the cognition of the dwarves. In the world of dwarves, the best The metals are constantly forged.

And smelting is nothing more than smelting some black iron. Black iron is pig iron, refined iron is wrought iron, and white iron is similar to steel. A piece of black iron weighing 100 catties can produce fine iron weighing 30 catties, but This needs to be beaten at least a hundred times. It is to beat the black iron after the calcined iron is softened. To repeat this a hundred times, the time and energy required will not be mentioned.

The white iron is also called Thousand Wrought Iron, which is obtained after repeatedly beating black iron a thousand times. In the end, the white iron obtained from 100 catties of black iron is only one or two catties. This requires a skilled dwarf blacksmith to make it for half a year or even more. Long time.

Because of the constant calcination and beating, it consumes too much in the beating process, but now it is actually only necessary to grind the iron ore into powder, then separate it with a huge magnet, and then smelt it into white iron. Subverting the cognition of the dwarves, so this valley was sent by the dwarven kingdom to send a full thousand rock lizard knights here, and Baron Cook sent three thousand fully armed guards and a Frost Titan to sit in the town.

"Have a good job, this is for you." Cook took out a jug, and Cook knew that dwarves like to drink.

"Thank you, Lord Baron, I'm not afraid of Lord Baron's jokes, everyone is rushing to do this patrol duty position." Aman smiled and said, taking the hip flask given by Cook.

"Uh," Cook was puzzled.

"It's not that there are subsidies for patrols. There are not only gold coins, but also some supplies. The most important thing is that there are two taels of liquor for one patrol." Aman unlocked the answer.

"Do it hard." Cook patted Aman on the shoulder, knowing that patting the dwarf on the shoulder will make the dwarf angry. Because the dwarf is small, it is very taboo, but when Cook shoots it, Aman still looks flattered.

After Cook left, Aman looked at the hip flask in his arms and put it in his arms with joy, but then whispered: "Damn regulations, it's not allowed to drink while on patrol!"

Not only are you not allowed to drink while patrolling, you are not allowed to drink while you are at work, the dwarves used to be, even if they are too busy to drink, when they want to drink, they lose everything in their hands and drink, and then they wake up slowly. Slow work, so the work efficiency is low, and now the workshop for refining the white iron here is an assembly line, there is no time to drink or anything.

The Wildhammer tribe of the dwarves who work closely with Cook is also built by the Wildhammer tribe. In fact, the dwarven kingdom is also made up of dozens of dwarven tribes, but although the various tribes of the dwarves have grievances, they are not big. It’s a race, so it must be united. The dwarven kingdom also has a lot of force. The Rock Lizard Knights is a lie. Unlike the orc empire, the orc empire does not have its own direct armed forces at all, even if it is relatively The various tribes are also very poor.

These caves are all opened up. From the grinding of ore to screening and smelting, this is an assembly line process. However, the fuel used here is coke. Cook approached the cave and looked at the huge machinery. Constantly moving, the water is used here, and the water is also the underground water vein in the mountains that the dwarves are looking for. This is also one of the biggest reasons for choosing this valley.

"Dangdangdangdang!" The huge machine made a harsh sound, and dwarves and dwarves patrolled back and forth, while carts of ore were fed into the grinder, and the iron powder and stone powder were separated at the magnet separation place, and then The iron ore powder is cleaned again, and then sent directly to the smelting furnace to start smelting. There are many refractory materials in this world, and some ordinary metals with magic metals are enough. The additives needed for smelting can only be controlled by a few dwarves. In fact, the difference between steel and iron that Cook knows lies in the level of carbon content inside.

"How is it?" Cook came to the person in charge of the workshop responsible for refining white iron, a bearded dwarf, an elder of the Wildhammer tribe.

"The toughness is still not enough, and there are holes in it." The elders of the Wildhammer tribe ignored Cook at all, but he also explained it somehow when he saw that it was Cook.

"Is the forging machine ready?" Cook didn't care about the attitude of the dwarf elders, these old guys, ordinary people can't see them.

"No, some metal in key positions can't withstand that much force at all." The dwarf elder shook his head and said.

"I'll take a look!" Cook said loudly. In fact, Cook came this time because he heard that the white iron made by large forging machines is not forged, and its toughness and strength are not enough. So Cook let Gnome designed a set of forging machines weighing hundreds of tons, but the key parts could not withstand that much pressure. Therefore, the white iron that is now refined can only be smelted into one ingot, which greatly consumes time and fuel. After all, forging It will be smelted again at some time.

Cook came to another cave. This cave is ten meters high. This is the place where the large forging machine is located. Cook saw a group of dwarfs busy. Soon Cook was discovered because Cook is a human. Not to mention that it is tall in dwarves, and taller in dwarves.

"Oh, Lord Baron, we're just waiting for you to come, hurry up, hurry up." It's not that the dwarf has never thought about the large-scale application of precision instruments before, but again, the metal required for precision instruments is not ordinary metal. The toughness, hardness, and wear resistance are all very good metals, and the dwarf does not have the ability to buy a lot of magic metal, so many mechanical drawings and plans can only exist in the history of the dwarf, so when Cook proposed the forging machine At the time, the gnomes quickly took out the blueprints and provided a lot of manpower, because they were owned by the gnomes.

When the dwarf saw the ingots of white iron, he was almost crazy, but the facts proved that this white iron was not made by dwarves. The parts of the key stress parts were deformed or cracked in several trials, so he asked for help. .

Without saying anything else, Cook asked directly: "Elder Mocha, what kind of parts need to be refined, and is there a mold?"

"Yes, yes, I'm already ready." Mocha is the most experienced mechanic among the gnomes.

Cook looked at the polished and smooth mold parts. These were all hand-made by dwarfs. When he saw hundreds of parts were taken out, Cook felt a little heartache, because Cook planned to use magic metal alloy this time. Cook knows that only qualified metal can be manufactured in the future, so this is the first time he must refining it himself.

Mocha asked cautiously: "Master Baron, need a laboratory?"

"No, I'm making it here. We must make this forging maneuverable today." Cook took out the magic furnace and magic metal. As for the main material, he used white iron.

Although Cook is not an alchemist, he can still smelt metals and make parts based on models. Cook does not use a one-time large-scale manufacturing, but uses a part-by-part casting. Because of the magic metal, it is still possible. There is mental power to remove impurities, so the parts of this key part are dozens of times higher than the theory in terms of wear resistance, hardness, or toughness. Of course, the cost is hundreds of times more.

Because of the magic eye, Cook asked while refining, "Elder Mocha, has the lathe I mentioned been made?"

"It's done, but we can't make the blade you said, mainly because there is no good material." After Mocha heard Cook's question, he immediately replied, to know what the dwarf's biggest dream is, that is to let yourself In the past, the dwarf’s life was not easy, and he had to go around asking for a living, but now Lord Baron not only covers the materials, but also covers all the daily life, but also pays a high salary. How can the dwarves not like it, and The lathe is an idea of ​​Cook. This idea stunned the gnomes. It turns out that it is possible to make parts.

"Then I'll cast some knives together later, but these things are precious, you have to keep them safe." Cook touched his head, and if he wants to trade with the marine clan, he must first be able to hold the marine clan, so defense. It is necessary for a powerful ship with a large tonnage to appear. Although this is difficult, Cook now has huge wealth and extensive contacts, so Cook can do this. Just take the parts of the forging machine. The magic metal used will not be less than a few hundred million gold coins, because the price of magic metal only rises, not decline, because the reserves of magic metal have been declining, and the war between the empire of light and the orc empire made magic metal even more important. The price has soared more than ten times.

The gnomes are all gathered together, watching Cook actually pick up a huge magic furnace with one hand. There is still a molten metal solution in the magic furnace. These parts only need to add a kind of magic metal, that is Fine gold, and the melting point of fine gold is several times that of white iron, so this smelting magic metal is definitely not as simple as it is said, but fortunately, Cook is also regarded as a half-hearted magic circle master. There is still a certain experience in smelting metal, Cook Handfuls of fine gold powder are continuously scattered into the metal solution, followed by the catalyst. Without this, the fine gold does not fuse with the white iron. The most important thing for the alchemist is the ratio of magic metal, and the other is the catalyst. The rest can be done by continuously accumulating experience, and of course there is a certain talent.

Gnomes still have a certain experience in smelting metals. Cook watched as the dwarfs were constantly tempering the manufactured parts. Don’t underestimate the tempering. Two more seconds will affect the strength and toughness of the magic metal. , And stress. Although Cook doesn’t understand these, dwarfs have a strict set of standards.

Because Cook has a magic eye, the smelted magic metal is almost perfect. The perfection of the magic metal refers to the ratio of the magic metal and the amount of catalyst. Because the world's materials do not have a unified purity standard, so smelt Metal can only rely on experience.

Mocha was watching Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was very nervous, but when he saw that Cook hardly wasted a single time, he slowly relaxed, and then focused on looking after the quenching, don’t underestimate this Quenching, some wear-resistant parts just because the quenching process fails, the original life of 5 million revolutions is reduced by 2 million revolutions, what concept is this, the larger the parts, the time consumed for replacement, and the number of products that affect it, calculate it But it's a big number.

After the individual parts are cast, they don't need to be polished at all, because during the casting, Cook had already used mental strength to smooth out the burrs and the like, and the individual parts were installed in the proper position by the gnomes with some tools.

Cook put all his heart and soul on the casting, and the rest was completely ignored, and he couldn't manage. Finally, after Cook took two sober potions and consumed a lot of materials, hundreds of parts were finally cast.

Cook cast another batch of extremely hard knives, and then watched Mocha direct the dwarfs to install and inspect them.

"My Lord Baron, it's time to start." Mocha checked it out himself, and then reported to Cooke.

"Let's start then!" Cook nodded and said.

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