A Unique Hunter

Chapter 665: Weigh the pros and cons

The Satya Empire is close to the Magic City on one side, and the Monto Empire on the other. The Setia Empire is one of the two empires bordering the Magic City. Not only is the transportation convenient, but also the commerce is very prosperous, so start from the Magic City. Roland, Ceylon, Arran Empire, Rochelle Empire, Randy Empire, and Cook’s Baronial Territory. This golden road passes through several large empires, hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, and Sati. The roads within the sub-empire occupy one-tenth of the roads.

A steady stream of wealth passes through the territory of Satya, and the flow of people on the Golden Road is endless every day. The huge flow of people makes the northern area of ​​the Setia Empire very developed and prosperous. The central area is better because of the central area. It borders the Katy Empire, and the most south is bordered by the Montau Empire. The Montau Empire is called an empire because its territory is larger. In fact, except for a few large cities near the coast, the rest are The dense virgin forest is not suitable for human habitation at all. It is said that in coastal cities such as the Montau Empire, there are many indigenous people who rely on hunting for their livelihoods.

However, although the Satya Empire is prosperous and there are few wars. After all, the Magic City needs to border its own empire to maintain stability. However, the Satya Empire is greatly affected by the forces in the Magic City. Here, the royal family's rights are fundamentally exerted. Not the extreme, because all the big and small forces in the Magic City have spokespersons here.

This is the reason why Cook is a little depressed, because Cook does not want to expose his plan so early. The ocean is rich in products, which is known to most high-level people. Therefore, the sea clan has always been a piece of fat. The forces are staring, but due to the size of the sea clan and the advantages of the sea clan, humans have not made any actions. Once Cook reveals his plan, there is such a small chance of success that those high-levels will definitely intervene. , Even if Cook is strong, it is impossible to be an enemy of a small group of people at the top of the entire human society.

But the location of the sea is carefully considered by Cook. The coast of the orc empire does not need to be considered. There is a barren swamp and there is no human population. Even if Cook can open up the sea clan's business route, then it is impossible to say who will be shipped to. Ke specializes in setting up a transmission array. If thousands of tons and tens of thousands of tons of goods are removed from the transmission array, then the price may have to be doubled.

Outside the Orc Empire is the coast of the Bright Empire. There are several large ports along the coast of the Bright Empire, but these are all small boats that sail in shallow waters, and the Bright Empire is an empire that combines politics and religion. The status of merchants is very low. An empire believes in the **** of light, and it doesn’t work well.

There is also the trade route. Only the Monto Empire is connected to the Magic City by water, and only the Satya Empire is separated from the Magic City. Therefore, the future distribution of goods will be very convenient. Then the port is selected in the Monto Empire, and the dock must be It has to be on the waterway where the port is located. There is no need to consider the Magic City. There are many people and eyes. Then there is only the Satya Empire. The Monto Empire simply cannot support the materials and logistics needed for a thousands-ton shipyard, so the shipyard has to choose The Satya Empire.

However, buying and selling land is a transaction between nobles, especially a large amount of land, like the lake purchased by Cook and the surrounding land for dozens of kilometers. This is not privately available to purchase, and the purchase of land on such a large scale is bought by people. The information must be transparent, and countless procedures have to be gone through, and the identity of a Baron Cook cannot buy such a piece of land.

Of course, although the Noble Union Council has the right to canonize the nobles, it is a false name. The stronger empire does not recognize this thing at all, let alone the territory, so Cook is now a bit stuck in a dead end.

There are shortcuts. As long as Cook reveals his thoughts a little bit, someone will be eager to send the lake up. There is no need to worry at all, but the benefits cannot be maximized.

If you can’t say Cook, you’ll need someone to discuss it, but at this time, there are basically no people who can participate in this kind of thing. Connie went home for the New Year. Manly grew up in the temple and didn’t know much about these things. .

As for Sia and Lina, it's more about spending time in practice. Cook thought for a while, but he didn't think of anyone suitable, but now the construction schedule is extremely urgent. After the dwarf's drawings came out, the dock will be built immediately. Get up, there are many other things.

"Oh!" Cook wandered around the room alone, then sighed.

Cook sat down silently, and then calculated the benefits after the incident was leaked and the benefits he did alone. In the end, Cook did some calculations and found that this thing was leaked to maximize the benefits.

The planting of sugar beets can generally be harvested in half a year, so it takes between six months to eight months to make the finished product. If you do it by yourself, I am afraid that there will be no way to make a big boat within a year.

And once the purchase of sugar beet is spread out, people who grow sugar beet will probably have to double it immediately. The output of this thing is high, and two seasons a year will not be less, so after one year, the output of this sugar will be at least I doubled it several times, and at that time I made a boat at most, the impact must be great.

However, if the wizards’ union participates, then you only need to concentrate on building the ship, and then master the core secrets, and the rest of the materials, transportation, and logistics are not managed by someone. It is estimated that the finished product can be produced in six to eight months, within a year. You can see that the profit is not.

Cook weighed it over, and then decided to report the news to the Wizards’ Guild. Of course, the secrecy work for dwarves and dwarves also needs to be done well, but when Cook said this to Master Mocha, Master Mocha said proudly "Don't worry, the dwarves and our dwarfs know this. You don't see the memory of humans wanting to learn from dwarves, but for tens of thousands of years, where has there been success?"

When Mocha said this, Cook suddenly realized that, and then Cook gave Mocha the map of the lake area. After all, the dock still needs to be designed, not to be built in disorder.

After reading the map and hearing Cook’s request, Mocha rushed out immediately. To be honest, there are a lot of dwarves in this area, and there is no shortage of design talents. Look at the dwarves in precision machinery, of course. It can be said that the precision machinery in this world is quite high.

But what Cook didn’t expect was that the Wizards’ Guild reacted after the news of himself did not go out for a long time, and the president of the Wizards’ Guild, Noti, actually visited Cook in person, so that Cook had to rush back to the magic. city.

In this way, President Noti also waited for Cook for nearly two hours, because the teleportation array was a little far away from the place where the Mocha masters lived, plus the delay of the news.

"Your Excellency President!" When Cook saw President Noti, who was also the executive director of the Mage Union Council, of course, he had to say the title of the President at least three hundred words.

"Cook, great!" President Noti gives people an approachable feeling, but as a magician, Cook can easily perceive the surging mental power of President Noti, this faint pressure, It's like standing alone in front of a huge rumbling tank, giving people a kind of mental coercion, just as everyone sees a heavy-duty trailer subconsciously moving away from a distance. This is also a coercion. Performance.

Of course, if this president Noti is full of mental power, then Cook will be crushed and unable to move. The higher the magician level, the stronger the survivability and attack ability, take Noti for example.

Take the archer restraint magician as an example. The use of ordinary arrows by middle and low-level archers will not do any harm to President Noti. The mental power is enough to twist any arrow into pieces. Only the advanced magic archer can combine magic arrows. Will cause damage to advanced magicians.

But unfortunately, the sale and use of magic arrows are strictly regulated by the wizard’s union. Of course, except for the perverts like Cook who can refine them by themselves. If you want to buy arrows from the wizard’s union, the intensity of review and supervision is the most Strong.

"Hehe, please sit down, please sit down!" Cook greeted President Noti quickly.

President Nautti looked at Cook and sighed inwardly. As the leader of a huge force, he knew far more than ordinary people. Cook’s Chamber of Commerce monopolized the trade of the entire underground world. The first level is almost 90%. Trade, the third layer of Dunmore City is even more controlled by the person in front of him, not to mention the ability to control hundreds of thousands of ogre knights, troll knights, not to mention the Baron’s territory, the Frost Titan and the Yalong trading field. , And all this is the ordinary young man in front of him.

Of course, compared to these dazzling auras, Cook is a pharmacist is more secretive, and Cook’s talent for refining medicine can only be described as an evildoer. President Noti has a list in his hand, high-quality Ninety percent of the potions are made by Cook, and all the high-quality potions above the top grade are all made by Cook. In addition, they have a good relationship with dwarves, gnomes, and elves, as well as barbarians and berserkers.

As for the Orc Hotel, let alone, after Nauti’s wandering, he saw Cook take out two crystal cups, then another crystal bottle with some water in it, and then Cook took out one The flask came, poured the water into it, placed it on the magic furnace, and then Cook put some plant powder into the two crystal cups.

"Haha, President, this is made by drying the leaves of the tree of nature. It can be soaked for dozens of times in a row." With a smile, Cook poured the boiling water from the flask into the crystal glass, and then explained.

"Oh, the leaves of the tree of life?" President Noti asked suspiciously.

"No, it should be a young shoot!" Cook replied with a smile.

Cook was also an accidental idea, but he knew that the taste of the leaves of the tree of nature was similar to that of tea leaves, but with a breath of life. President Noti was surprised to know the young buds of the tree of life. This is something you can't get at all.

Cook doesn't think this thing is so precious. There shouldn't be too many such young shoots in the natural space. They will grow back a day after picking.

President Noti held the crystal glass. The water in it already had a pale green appearance, and there was also an unclear fragrance. President Noti gently tasted some, closed his eyes, and exclaimed for a while. : "Good thing, the entrance is a bit bitter, but the breath of life that erupts after that is very strong."

"Hehe, I don’t know what President Noti thinks about my suggestion." Cook said with a smile, because Cook found that if he didn’t ask, President Noti was afraid that he would talk about him. So Cook had to ask first.

"Of course it is unconditional support!" President Noti gave Cook a dumb look, and then suddenly realized, because President Noti regarded Cook as those old monsters, but then he understood that Cook was always a young man, and he couldn't sink. It is right to live, so President Noti also set the tone for the first time.

"Haha." Cook also knew that he was a little impatient, but time is not waiting. After all, dwarves, dwarves, and forging machines all need to be relocated, and the dock site needs to be built and planned. There are many things.

"Yo, President Noti!" Just when Cook was about to explain the situation further, a person unexpectedly broke in at the door and screamed.

President Noti's face was a bit ugly, but after seeing the speaker, he still grinned and cursed: "I knew you guys are definitely coming."

"That is!" In Cook's stunned gaze, several people came in. The only one Cook knew was the president of the Thieves Guild.

Norte could only sigh. Although the guard force he brought was very strong, it was really unstoppable in the face of these people. Of course, in order to keep secret, Norte brought fewer people.

"Cook, this is the president of the thieves' union, the president of the mercenary union, the president of the assassin's union, and the president of the warrior's union..." Notti sighed secretly.

"Ah, welcome!" Cook quickly stood up and said in the manner of a magician.

"Haha, Cook, you won't secretly scold us for coming uninvited." The president of the Thieves Union had a good relationship with Cook, so he asked with a smile.

"Of course not!" Cook replied with a smile. In fact, Cook minded very much. After all, if there are more people involved, his own interests will be affected.

In fact, it’s not to blame Cook. Nauti’s identity is the focus of attention. Although it can hide most of the people, people who care about it will definitely not be able to hide it. If Nauti goes to other places, these people may ignore it, but Cook What is it.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about Cook’s Baronian Territory. Now the price of land there is more than ten thousand times the original price. No one is optimistic about Cook’s purchase of Magic Metal Mine, Nima, it didn’t take long for the orc empire. There was a fight with the Light Empire, and the magic metal sold by others was called Huanchang. Not only did it pay off the debts of the Wizards’ Union, but there were still a lot of things left.

After participating in the battle between the two empires, I thought that Cook's small baronial territory would be dragged down, but I didn't expect people to gather hundreds of thousands of ogres from the Natal Mountains, and the orc empire was even beaten back.

So in all things, Nautti, as the president of the union, went to Cook's place. There must be big moves. If there is no big move, Nauti will go there in person. It is not possible that the leaders of these major unions immediately decided to come here. Yes, of course, this also has something to do with Cook's two hours' delay.

"Did we delay your talks?" The thieves' union chairman asked in hindsight after sitting down, but he didn't mean to leave at all.

"Oh, Cook, tell me about your plan." Nauti sighed. In such a circle, there are no secrets at all, especially the first intelligence organization such as the Thieves Union, which infiltrates extremely powerfully. .

Cook slowly explained his plan again, of course it was the preliminary plan. After Cook finished speaking, not only Notti's eyes widened, but the other leaders of the trade unions also widened their eyes.

Three thousand tons of white iron. This is three thousand tons. When did the white iron be calculated in tons, and it is still calculated in thousands of tons, Nautti took a deep breath and asked: "Cook, you are not wrong. This is three thousand tons of white iron?"

"Yes, it was a big trouble when I started the experiment, and I won't talk about it until I have accumulated experience." Cook nodded and replied.

The president of the Thieves Guild asked in astonishment: "How many dwarves do you need to build these three thousand tons of white iron?"

"Hehe, this is a secret." Cook replied with a smile.

The presidents of the major trade unions hesitated a bit, because Cook’s statement, how to say, some are not very reliable, but the presidents of the major trade unions are reluctant to leave, because Cook said that if it is established, then this The prospects of the plan are limitless.

The president of the Thieves Guild finally asked, "Cook, what is your plan about?"

The plan that Cook just mentioned is the first half of the plan. In other words, he didn’t disclose what the 3,000 tons of white iron was used for. Cook only said that he needed a place to build something. This thing needs 3,000 tons of white iron to build, because Cook Knowing that I don't talk about three thousand tons of white iron, the leaders here will not give up asking the bottom line, because a place is not worthy of Noti.

Notti glanced at Cook and replied: "Cook wants to trade with the Sea Clan."

"Sea Race!" The leaders of several major trade unions immediately jumped up. The Sea Race can be said to be the most powerful and intelligent race on this plane. It can be said that the land area occupied by humans is less than five of the area occupied by the Sea Race. One part, as far as resources are concerned, it is extremely huge.

"Well, I want to build a sea ship." Cook replied affirmatively.

Notti said to Cook: "Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tell me all about your plan in detail."

Cook had no choice but to talk about all the plans, including the need for sugar by the Sea Clan, because Cook knew that as long as these major unions went out to check, Uncle Gerry would definitely be found out. It would be better to say it more readily. As for building a sea Ship, of course this is a secret.

"Cook, how can you trade with the Sea Clan?" As expected of the senior leaders of several major trade unions, the president of the Thieves Guild asked the most critical question immediately.

"Haha, this is considered a secret. Of course, if you have any questions, you don't need to participate. I will give you everything as usual." Of course, Cook would not say that he had a hostage of a fish race in his hand, and then Cook smiled. Replied.

As soon as Cook said this, the presidents of the major trade unions immediately thought about it, because even if the current major unions withdrew, just relying on Cook's disclosure that the sea people need sugar allows the major unions to get some benefits, but these benefits Compared with the trade of the Sea Clan, it is basically the difference between elephant legs and mosquito legs.

Of course, the danger is quite high. Finally, the president of the Thieves Union asked, "So what kind of investment is needed now?"

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