A Unique Hunter

Chapter 680: Sea crocodile

Tyson’s promotion made the people around him calm down after a few days of excitement, but on the surface it was calm, but the competition in private was much stronger. Latif and Giro trained even more crazily, every day. The two men dragged their tired bodies back to rest like dead dogs, and went out early the next day.

But Lira is a little unhappy. Now the whole team is Lira, Latif, and Giro are junior professionals. Needless to say, Cook. Tyson has just been promoted, and Russ has not been promoted. Jones is a great swordsman, Anson Also a mid-level thief, Emilko is a swordsman-level warrior. In short, Latif and Giro felt a strong sense of oppression.

Cook saw it, but Cook didn't have a good way, but the small team's first time someone left the team also appeared. When the supply airship arrived, Lila offered to leave the team.

In the face of Lira’s departure, everyone was silent. Giro wanted to persuade something, but when he learned that Lira had found a job as an escort, Giro didn’t say anything, and Tyson said nothing. All the profits are clear to Lira, and the team's resident does not have any Lira.

One or two days after Lira left, Tyson and the others were very depressed, but in these two days, Giro and Latif were training crazy and desperate, and they had to rush to the front every time they went out. .

Avis and Xiaoli were dangling at the beginning. Cook was not afraid that Avis was in danger. For the mermaid clan, the sea was his own territory. What Cook worried was that once Avis appeared, the sea clan that would attract Cause some unnecessary consequences.

The coastline is as turbulent as ever, and the sound of the huge wave covers everything. Here, the team members also have some experience. Here, what the eyes see is true, because there is only the sound of the rumbling wave in the ears. There is no other sound.

And don’t look at the beach is extremely calm, but there are also dangerous traps in it. Cook only ventures out once in a while, because Cook needs more time to practice drawing magic patterns on the volley. However, Cook consumes a lot of blood from Warcraft recently. It was too much, so Cook had to come out once.

"According to our observation, there should be monsters in the bay over there, and the size is not small, I have heard a faint roar several times." An Sen pointed to a protruding cliff several kilometers away, according to An Sen. Yes, there is a huge bay on the cliff, Anson has only seen it once from a distance, and has never been there.

Cook nodded and said: "Then let's go, there is nothing good on this site."

Of course, Jones and the others were excited, because the site that Cook was talking about was the bay a few kilometers under his feet. The mercenary team searched the bay several times. The harvest was also very rich, although every time There are gains in the high tide, but compared to the beginning, it is nothing. A group of mercenaries have long wanted to go to other places, but this place is really too dangerous.

"The tide is about to rise in five hours. It's still too late." Tyson is very depressed. The fire type's vindictiveness is suppressed very much here. Some of the moves Tyson wants to use here will have no effect at all. , It's better to just take a weapon and chop it.

Anson and Jonas took the lead. Anson was a thief and had a lot of experience in detection. After Jonas was equipped with a magic shield, his combat power rose sharply. Cook and Latif, as well as Giro, Ives walked in the middle, Russ and Emilko walked to the end, and the group of eight quickly moved towards their destination.

"Puff!" Anson is worthy of being a thief. After staying here for a few days, he slammed a stone on the beach from a distance. The next moment, on the originally unremarkable beach, a one-meter-sized crab appeared immediately and waved. He quickly rushed into the sea with huge tongs.

"This guy is the most insidious, but also funny. If this crab is motionless, we can't find it, but their eyes sometimes stand up, which gives us a chance to discover." An Sen explained.

"This kind of crab is useless, and the shell is very hard and difficult to wrap around, but the meat inside is better." Giro explained behind Cook.

At this moment, there was a sizzling sound on the sea. Everyone turned their heads and saw that a group of flying fish whizzed by on the sea. There were millions of flying fishes, and behind these flying fishes that were only ten centimeters long, there was a A behemoth that jumps up from time to time, it seems to be more than 20 meters long and weighs tens of thousands of catties.

"This is still an ordinary beast, not a monster." Cook said. Cook knew that there were more creatures in the ocean than on land.

It took a full half an hour for the school of flying fish to pass, and there were many predators behind the school of flying fish. After following these flying fishes, Cook and others just looked at it curiously, because those big guys couldn't get on the land. of.

"It's here!" After more than an hour, Anson and others hid behind a huge reef, overlooking the bay below. This bay is even larger, with a width of more than ten kilometers, and what’s more amazing is that the bay inside The ground is like a large tiled rock, unlike the bay where the Cooks are full of rocks.

Except for Anson, it is the first time for the rest of the people to see such a scene. It is not the beach of large flat stones, but that there are at least hundreds of huge guys on that huge rock, which looks a bit like a lizard.

"Sea lizard?" Jonas turned to look at Ives and asked suspiciously.

"No, it's a sea crocodile, a fierce amphibious monster, usually an intermediate-level monster." Ivis shook her head and replied.

Looking at the sea crocodiles more than ten or twenty meters long, and more of them live in groups, this made the mercenaries hesitate, because these few people still want to touch these sea crocodiles.

Cook asked: "What kind of monster is the sea crocodile?"

"It should be the crystal system and the water system, but the condensed attack crystal is salt." Ivis replied.

Cook looked at it carefully, and then said: "How do I feel that this big stone seems to be artificially built?"

Avis looked at Cook, but did not answer, because the historical records in the marine clan are much richer than those on the land. The marine clan clearly knows the events of the last Dark Age, but does not know much about the land races. , But those near the coast do know some.

Anson shook his head and said: "This is not necessarily true. Look at the power of the tide, it may be washed away or some masterpiece of monsters."

"This is also possible." Cook also nodded, because Anson made sense.

"What to do?" Tyson looked at Cook, then asked.

"We will use the complicated environment here to fight. These messy rocks are just natural shields. I plan to ambush the sea crocodile here. Of course, we can't attract too many sea crocodile at once, just one or two. "Cook pointed to a rocky area near the bay below, and said carefully.

Now that the battle plan was in place, the following things were easy to handle. The group began to slowly move towards the combat area. After reaching the combat area, Anson hid behind the big stone, looking at one hundred and fifty meters away. The two-meter-long sea crocodile was considered small, and then An Sen picked up his anger and shot out an iron pill in his hand.

"Puff!" But the iron pill just hit the sea crocodile's head. After being hit, the sea crocodile immediately raised his head and looked around, but found no enemy, so he put his head on the ground and closed it. Sunshine your eyes.

"Damn!" The mercenaries who saw this scene cursed secretly. The iron pill shot by An Sen's grudge was very powerful, but these guys continued to sleep like nothing.

"With the smell of blood, the sea crocodile is the most sensitive to the smell of blood, but be careful not to use too much blood." Ivis whispered.

"How much is not too much?" Cook interface asked.

"Just cut the fingers, these guys can smell it, if it weren't for the strong wind here, our breath would have been detected by these guys." Ivis replied.

After Giro heard this, he gritted his teeth and cut his fingers directly with a dagger. The blood on the fingers immediately flowed out. Everyone was watching the sea crocodile quietly, but surprisingly, the sea crocodile did not. What reaction.

"I said this strategy has no effect?" Cook asked grumpily. Among these people, only Cook would talk to Ives like this.

"I said you didn't take a closer look to see the expressions of the sea crocodile?" Ivis pointed at the sea crocodile angrily.

Cook and the others took a closer look, and sure enough, the eyes of the sea crocodile gradually opened, and as one sea crocodile raised its head, the whole sea crocodile raised its head.

"Go!" Cook didn't know the reason for running. Cook let out a low growl, and everyone immediately ran towards the coastline.

"Woo!" The sea crocodile closest to Cook and the others screamed angrily, and then rushed towards the location of Cook and the others, followed by a dozen sea crocodiles.

"Run!" In the face of a dozen sea crocodiles, Cook and others had to run. A dozen Cook and others were not afraid, but didn't you see all the sea crocodiles raising their heads to observe? If there is a fight here, then the consequence is that the sea crocodile group behind will use the ultimate force and fight against Cook and others!

"Hey, good opportunity!" Cook and the others climbed up the two-hundred-meter-high cliff with both hands and feet, and said loudly when Cook looked back.

"Can this happen?" An Sen and others exclaimed. Because of the long-term tidal beating, the reefs on the coastline are uneven. The direct gap between the rock and the rock is large or small, and the body of the sea crocodile is huge. , Not as flexible as the human body moving inside, and it is uphill.

As a result, some sea crocodiles run in pairs. The wider gaps are closer to Cook and others, while the rest of the sea crocodiles are still behind, and some places are even queued to pass.

"Guys, fight!" Tyson roared. Although Tyson's level is not very high, Tyson's commanding ability as a captain is not to be underestimated. Although Jones was also a captain, he is a teammate. The betrayal made Jonas unconscious of the captain's position.

"Bast!" Cook raised his hand and gave Jonas, Emilco applied bast, their skins looked like old bark.

Here is the high level of Jonas and Emilko, and Jonas is a shield warrior, who can play the biggest role in a condescending position. The rest of them are not idle, but quickly occupy a favorable battle position.

Cook and Ives were behind Jonas and Emilco. Cook threw out a lot of thorn seeds, and it was the kind of iron thorn. The sea crocodile itself is uphill, huge in size, and itself There were some obstacles, and I didn't expect to drill a lot of thorns. Although the thorns did not cause substantial damage to the sea crocodile, it would hinder the action of the sea crocodile at most, but this was enough.

"The weak points of the sea crocodile are the abdomen, eyes, and nose!" Ivis said loudly.

However, after this statement was heard by Jonas and Emilko, they looked at each other and felt a bit tricky. I didn't say anything about their abdomen. Is such a big guy expecting others to turn his back. Is it realistic?

As for the eyes, the eyes of a sea crocodile are similar to those of human beings. Small eyes. As for the nose, my God, just the width of those two fingers?

Cook smiled and didn't say much. On earth, the way to deal with crocodiles is to tie up their mouths, so this sea crocodile can do the same.

"Roar!" As the sea crocodile got closer and closer, the sea crocodile felt the aura of vindictiveness emanating from Jones and the others, and after a roar, the sea crocodile's body became white.

"Salt armor!" Cook has eaten, and now the brown sea crocodile has turned snow white. Cook took a closer look and found that it was a crystallization of salt. Obviously, this was the sea crocodile's protective method.

Jones and others are all ready to retreat immediately. Nima's own sea crocodile has scale armor. If you add salt armor, wouldn't it be stronger.

"Drink!" Jonas roared, and the vindictive light on the weapon in his hand suddenly sparked, and then a dazzling light flew to the sea crocodile. This is the release of vindictive energy, and it is a remote release of vindictive energy. .

The attack power of the attack of the sword master's anger is no worse than the attack of the ninth-level magician, but it cannot be mentally locked, and the distance of the anger of the great sword master Jones is only ten or twenty meters.

"Keng!" The fighting spirit hit the sea crocodile, making a crisp metal collision sound. Jones was surprised to find that the sea crocodile continued to move forward without incident, but the attacked position showed only brown scales. .

"Ah, I seem to have forgotten that the sea crocodile has the blood of the sea dragon." Ivis said in surprise at this time.

Cook was stunned for an instant, and the rest of the mercenaries were also stunned. Sea dragons are also a branch of the dragons. Although the dragons do not recognize them, the power of the sea dragons is quite large, so they don’t buy each other much. Fortunately, sea dragons don't like land, and giant dragons don't like wet environments, so there is no big conflict.

"I said I didn't take you to play like this." Cook said depressed. If he knew that this sea crocodile had the blood of a sea dragon, that is, a dragon beast, Cook and others would provoke these guys after eating too much. The most difficult to deal with, the defensive power is high, the magic power is sufficient, and the power is strong.

"Isn't it a sea crocodile?" Ives curled her lips in disdain, and then a short turquoise staff appeared in her hand.

"Go!" Ivis just waved gently, and the staff in her hand waved to the sea crocodile who was trying to climb.

"Huhuhu!" A huge whirlpool made up of water immediately enveloped the leading sea crocodiles in front.

"Roar! Roar!" The sea crocodile roared loudly and struggled hard, but the power of the vortex is so powerful, and the top of the vortex is tens of meters wide~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The lower part is also five or six meters in diameter. The huge suction slowly attracted the sea crocodile.

"Roar!" Through the translucent water curtain, Cook and others saw that the salt armor on the sea crocodile was continuously melting, and the sea crocodile kept rolling and colliding in the whirlpool, and occasionally some sea crocodile gathered magic power to release one. The Pengshui Arrow was also offset by the huge rotating power of the vortex.

The corners of Cook’s mouth twitched, because Cook recognized the material of the staff in Ivy's hand. The certificate was made by a crystal core. As for the crystal core, it is the core of the super large magic crystal mine. According to the quality, , This is the perfect level of magic crystal, there is an unreliable saying that as long as there is an crystal core, then after a few years, the super large magic crystal mine will be accompanied by the crystal core again, and the crystal core also has In terms of quality and level, the smallest crystal core is the size of a chicken heart, so it is called crystal core, and Ivys’s wand should be composed of crystal pillars, which is the top crystal core. Just the magic contained in this wand, I am afraid it is enough to release a few large forbidden curses.

"Papa! Papa!" In just a few minutes, with a popping sound, five huge sea crocodiles fell behind Cook and others. They were dizzy and spinning at high speed. The consequences of a collision are not so simple.

Cook was stunned to see the people around him, and he coughed quickly: "Ahem, everyone, let's work!"

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