A Unique Hunter

Chapter 685: Early

"Yes, it is a group of intelligent creatures, with simple equipment and weapons." Gerry nodded and replied.

Cook's face became a little serious, so he asked: "Explain in detail?"

"There are cyan, red, and black scales on the body, very ugly, with a pair of legs that walk upright, and a pair of hands, and the body is full of mucus, and the head looks like a fish head fused with a human head, and Tails, yes, we killed some, but most of them were taken away by those guys." Gerry described carefully.

When Cook heard that it was these guys, he understood what it was. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Cook said, "Uncle Gerry, what you are talking about should be a shark, a kind of sea clan, but these guys I am timid, but dare to live in the river near the sea, not in the sea."

"Sailor!" Gerry repeated.

"Haha. That's right, but the sharks are just a kind of humanoid creatures, they are not very intelligent, and even if they are the same kind, they kill each other and devour the enemy's corpses. It is enough to pay attention in the future. These guys' combat effectiveness It's not very strong, but some legal professionals will occasionally be born in the shark, but the attack power is not strong." Cook introduced it carefully.

Finally, Cook followed Gerry to inspect the port. Now the Chamber of Commerce has two places, one is the port, and the other is the settlement hundreds of kilometers away. However, the settlement was not attacked this time, but there are already Prepared, all contracted to deal with the emergence of the animal tide.

Cook took a look, and the anger in his heart came up again. This time the loss was great. The key is wasting time. But it’s not to blame others. Cook asked Gerry: "Uncle Gerry, is there any beast tide? What's going on?"

"No, the magic airship dare not lift off. The beast wave that comes is not only on land, but also on the air, including the horned eagle rider, who dare not lift off." Gerry said with a wry smile.

"Well, I have brought a lot of supplies this time." Cook was helpless, and then he took out a part of the materials in the natural space, mainly consumables such as magic potions.

Since the port does not have a teleportation array, and Lina is practicing, Cook only took out a reserved single-person teleportation array, so that the port finally has a channel for communication with the outside world, but as time goes by, the beast tide has changed again. After attacking several places, most of the population is now hiding in the city, and Cook is constantly using the eyes of the sky to search for the movement of the beast tide, but most of the places in the Monto Empire are still dense jungles.

But Cook did not give up, because Cook knew that as long as the beast tide moved again, he would be able to find it, but just a few days later, Cook received an even more shocking news.

A wave of beasts attacked a medium-sized city, and the death toll exceeded 20,000. It was not considered missing. The wave of beasts attacked at night, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and the huge gates were smashed. There are a large number of earthen monsters that even the city walls have been breached.

"Manly, what is the action of the Mage Guild?" Cook is a little angry. I don't blame you for your Mage Guild to maximize the benefits, but this is a city, not comparable to those scattered settlements. There are few civilians, most of them are mercenaries, so it seems that the settlements are attacked more, but the total death toll is not as high as that of a medium-sized city, because the city is full of civilians without the strength of a chicken.

"No, it is said that there have been countermeasures, but the people in the Wizards' Guild did not move at all." Manli replied.

"Damn it, Manly, you send a message to Tata Donna, ask her to prepare something, I need their help, and I will return to the baronial realm as soon as possible." Cook became angry. In this situation, the Monto Empire must It will collapse, let alone the time spent growing sugar beets. You must know that this is a tropical area and can be cultivated all year round.

Cook confessed to Gerry, and then returned from the solo teleportation formation to the Baron's territory, but Cook did not stay, but went straight to the holy mountain of the Mekai Empire, and Cook decided to do it alone.

The first thing Cook thought of was the poisonous dragon clan, but when Cook told the story, the chief of the poisonous dragon clan shook his head and replied: "Baron Lord, I’m inconvenient to intervene in this matter, because this is a battle between Warcraft and humans. You actually I also know that our dragon is also considered a beast, so if I help you grab the territory of other beasts, this and that..."

Cook recalled that he found that the position of the poisonous dragon family is understandable. Then he will need a lot of combat power to face the powerful beast tide. Cook decided to summon some beast soul fighters, of course, they are all advanced. There are also elite ogre knights, troll knights, and there are thousands of people in total. Cook has to let them go to the Golden Pass by themselves. Of course, there are some orcs to sacrifice. What Cook needs is a high-end battle. Power, of course, the top combat power Cook has Frost Titan.

Since the poisonous dragon clan can’t move, then Yalong certainly can’t do it, so Cook had to ask for help from the dwarf kingdom. This time the dwarf kingdom heard this from Cook and immediately dispatched five hundred monitor lizard knights. The lizard rider and rock lizard rider are the same category, but the monitor lizard is more suitable for fighting the jungle, and the size of the monitor lizard is much larger than the rock lizard.

The purpose of this dwarf is actually to have a good relationship with Cook, and there are also dwarf casualties in the port area. In the past, the dwarf just wanted to live a peaceful life, so it did not participate in any battles on the mainland. This time it can eliminate five hundred monitor lizard knights. It was hard to come by. As for the rock lizard knights stationed in the harbor and other places, they were just passive defenses. This was the first time that they attacked actively.

Cook wanted to use the prison discovered by the holy mountain, but he was helpless because Cook's current mental power was not enough to flexibly direct this thing to fight, so Cook gave up.

"What, you can't participate?" Cook himself was very sure, because after all Xia and Lina were legendary powerhouses, but when Cook told the story, they didn't expect Xia and Lina to say they could not participate.

Lina looked at Cook apologetically and said: "Legendary level has its own rules, even if it is against Warcraft, you can't fight, and this time it is not that Warcraft takes the initiative to attack, but that humans occupy the territory of Warcraft. Maybe Ku Ke, you didn’t know that there are more legendary powerhouses than humans in Warcraft. If the legendary enters the war, then this plane will be destroyed. Not to mention the huge power of fighting each other between the legends, it is said that some legendary powerhouses are narrow-minded. Yes, if you can't beat others, you will kill the low-level ones. This is enough to make any genocide, so unless the legend is attacked, it will not participate in the battle of any forces."

Cook is speechless. You must know that the combat power of Warcraft itself is higher than that of humans, and the combat power of my own side is also limited. Manly is a star knight, and the Mount Earth Dragon is an eighth-level Warcraft. This is a combination, Connie After detoxification of the magical poison, the practice itself is only an intermediate magician, but the eighth-level double-headed dark eagle is comparable to the ninth-level monster, but this comparison does not mean that it is not the ninth-level monster. The second fat guy has thick skin. Yes, the eighth level is not comparable, but the ability to resist is comparable to the legendary monsters, but it is meaningless to be passively beaten. To win, you must take the initiative to attack.

As for the monitor lizard knight, the ogre knight, and the troll knight, although these individual strengths are strong, they are vulnerable to high-level monsters.

But fortunately, Cook also has a killer. The Eye of the Sky has Meteor Cannon I, but this requires a critical moment. In addition, Ka Ka, Big Mouth, although these are rare beasts, but the helpless level is too low. One-on-one advanced beasts may be able to win. , But if the group fights, it is estimated to be sad.

"Cook, in fact, you don't have to worry so much, the Wizards Guild will definitely take action." Xia said comfortingly.

"Magician Guild, these guys only have interest in their eyes. Needless to say, it's a mid-level city that was attacked this time. I also want to see who is behind it." Cook also thought of standing by, but Cook It can’t be done. Cook is not a cold-blooded animal. Of course, he has no complaints about the settlements that open up wasteland. After all, these mercenaries eat this bowl of rice, but the way Warcraft attacks cities That’s wrong. Once the Wizards’ Union does not respond, wouldn’t these beasts attack the city next time, because relatively speaking, although the city has tall walls, the defensive power of the city is not so good compared to the area to be defended. Enough people, unlike settlements, there are hundreds or thousands of people anyway, most of them are professionals, even if it is a monster attack, the loss will be not small, so the loss of attacking the city is compared It's much smaller, and Cook is afraid of manipulating the animal tide behind him to see this, then will the human city be unsafe in the future.

Of course, this is only Cook's guess, but even if this kind of guess is only so possible, Cook will also want to prevent it. This is how great the ability is, there is the great responsibility.

Of course, some people say that Cook is nosy, and he just thinks about one acre of land. Of course, his vision is a bit short-sighted. Cook wants to trade with the sea clan. What he wants is sugar.

Sugar requires a lot of planting, and in this world, large-scale things need to be promoted by manpower, and planting is even more so. Once a wave of beasts invades several cities one after another, the Montau Empire may take ten years. Recovery can't come.

Everyone wants to say again, then other empires have no people, yes, other empires have people, but people have to have a process of adapting~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Monto Empire is in the tropics and subtropics. You count on the temperate people to go. Tropical work, the adaptation period is the key, and there is disease. Many people will get sick from one environment to another. On our planet, sickness may be a matter of money, but in this world, A small diarrhea can cause loss of life, let alone other germs.

And in case the Monto Empire is on the verge of collapse, some big forces will definitely want to accept the Monto Empire. You must know that once the trade with the Sea Clan begins, the Monto Empire can be said to appreciate countless times immediately.

Everyone is going to ask again, Cook has nothing to do with the sea if he is full? This is about human responsibility. Cook is not alone now. There is not only a baronial realm, but also a chamber of commerce, and even the Mekay Empire. Money is needed everywhere and materials are needed. So where does the material and the money come from?

And can Cook say to throw these things away and throw them away? Of course it is impossible, so Cook has to come forward to solve the animal tide.

"Huh, isn't it just a group of monsters?" Cook snorted in his heart, and then decided to take a cruel hand.

On the second day, the mercenary union issued a news that all the mercenaries lost their eyes, so many people thought that the news was a mistake by the mercenary union.

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