A Unique Hunter

Chapter 672: fighting


"Boom!" The head of the city of Monli was already in chaos. The roar of Warcraft came from a distance, and there was a huge impact. For Warcraft, those small bushes were not a problem at all, countless statues of Warcraft The tide rushed over, just a small black shadow, but in an instant, I saw a huge hideous beast.

"Stay steady, steady, shield warrior, defense, defense!" a general roared loudly while riding a mount. Roaring while running, among the soldiers of the Empire, the proportion of shield fighters is also quite large, accounting for almost one-third of the number.

"Archers, get ready to shoot!" And some hundreds of archers organized and drew out arrows one after another under the command of the officer, ready to shoot.

"Retreat, all retreat. You don't have heavy weapons, all retreat to the city!" At this moment, a huge voice came from a tall sentry tower, the sound almost resounding for several kilometers.

"Oh!" Connie sighed, because ordinary soldiers responded and organized a thin defense under the command of the chief, while those experienced mercenaries were still running around. This is the training and the untrained. So Connie used an amplified magic scroll to command loudly.

"General?" One of the regiment leaders heard the call and turned to ask the general next to him.

"Retreat. The monsters that raided just now were killed by this group of people." The general waved and ordered.

"Yes!" The commander left quickly after receiving the order, because these commanders also knew that there were no heavy weapons in their hands. With inferior arrows and ordinary weapons, the damage to the beasts was minimal.

Connie watched the imposing beasts in the distance surging like a tide, and there were countless crowds running in panic outside Monli. , Only those soldiers kept retreating into the city under the orders of their respective officers.

"The giant crossbow is ready to shoot low-level monsters!"

"The magic giant crossbow is ready to shoot the Intermediate Beast."

"The magic crystal cannon is charged and ready at any time." Connie has been able to see that the front of the beast tide is a group of low-level monsters, magic pigs, and magic cows. These are low-level gregarious monsters. about.

"Magic airship lifts off!" Connie saw that the flying monsters had been scared away, most of them had been killed. In the city, teams of ogre knights and troll knights were constantly teleporting from the magical array. It came out of the middle, and then joined the battle sequence. Of course, the corpses of those monsters would be divided directly by these ogres and trolls and put them into the portable space bag.

"Order to go down, the security in the city of Monly depends on the ogres and trolls." Connie watched at this moment when someone took advantage of the fire to rob, so she told her in a cold voice.

"Boom!" A group of magic pigs sprayed out a series of earthy yellow stone **** hundreds of meters away. These stone **** directly smashed into the crowd that was still running in panic, and the stone **** would explode and boom. The loud bang continued to sound, accompanied by fragments of corpses.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The thick-wrist crossbow arrow on a giant crossbow shot directly at a demon pig with a uuuuu sound.

"Puff!" At a distance of less than a thousand meters, the thick, fine-iron crossbow arrow directly passed through the body of a demon pig, bringing out a large amount of blood.

"Roar!" But the demon pig didn't die immediately, but roared frantically and struggled constantly on the ground.

"Kacha! Kacha!" But this demon pig didn't roar for too long, because several demon bears behind actually jumped up and bite the demon pig's corpse. In just a moment, the demon pig's corpse was swallowed clean.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Hundreds of stone **** flew towards Mengli City, and the stone **** exploded with a series of whining sounds.

"Woohoo!" The hum of the crossbow arrows issued by hundreds of giant crossbows is like the sound of the roaring wind, and the shadows of the hundreds of crossbow arrows flying in the sky are enough to make anyone's scalp numb.

"Damn it, guys, kill these **** guys." And the mercenaries finally had organized people, shouting loudly.

However, from the sneak attack of the earth-based monsters, the attacks of flying monsters, to the attacks of the current group of monsters, it only took two minutes. I have to say that this monster chose to attack for an excellent time.

You must know that mercenaries like rich nightlife, so this time in the morning is when the mercenaries sleep the heaviest. Some mercenaries are estimated to be drunk, and the greatest combat power of Mengli City is that part of the mercenaries. An ordinary army has little resistance under the impact of Warcraft.

The giant crossbow is constantly shooting at a rate of ten rounds per minute. Of course, this has a lot to do with the ogre loading the crossbow. In human battles, such a giant crossbow requires at least five people to reload, and now cannibalism The devil just needs two.

"Puff!" A mercenary was hit by a stone ball directly in the head, and then the head of the mercenary exploded directly, accompanied by constant screams around him.

"Looking for death!" A big man roared loudly when he saw the devil pig rushing to him, and at the same time the weapon in his hand slashed at the devil pig fiercely.

"Keng!" But there was a thick layer of stone skin on the devil pig's body, and the weapon contacted the devil pig's body, making a general metal-like noise, and there was a spark.

"Roar!" Then the devil pig roared, and the huge fangs directly pierced the mercenary.

"Puff!" The mercenary was directly pierced with fangs and then flung out.

"Ah!!!" Then the mercenary was stepped on by countless magic pigs, and made a series of screams.

"Boom!" The devil pig and the devil cow are like rampant tanks, constantly rushing through the crowd, and on the road where these monsters have impacted. , All that was left was blood from a place, and countless screams, and occasionally people with missing arms and legs could be seen crawling.

Connie was also helpless, because there were too many monsters, but the array of monsters was only more than a kilometer wide, and this was the impact. At least hundreds of people died, and the Magic Crystal Cannon could not be used because it was the last resort for preparation.

"Boom! Boom!" The three huge magic airships finally lifted off. The magic airship is equipped with a spring-made catapult, and the catapult is filled with engineering bombs, one by one. It rained down like rain, and then exploded in the group of monsters. , The array of the Warcraft Group being bombed by this burst of engineering bombs suddenly became chaotic.

"Boom!" A demon pig was taken aback by the engineering bomb that fell beside him, and rushed over obliquely, but then it was tragically knocked out by a demon cow, and then he never stood up again. , The demon cow was also dizzy by the impact.

"Boom!" The demon cow behind had no time to brake, and slammed into the demon cow again, which caused a small-scale chaos.

"Boom!" A stone ball directly hit the wooden wall of Connie's warehouse. With a bang, the wooden wall was shattered, but behind the wooden wall was a stone wall made of cyan rocks.

"Catapult, launch!" The trebuchet in the warehouse also began to show off. The shooting range of the trebuchet was not far, only about kilometers away.

The Warcraft finally entered the city of Monly, the screams of human beings, and the roar of the Warcraft, but only a small number of Warcraft entered the city. Most of the low-level warcraft were killed by Connie with heavy weapons, but Connie did not. Time to pay attention to the junior beasts, because the intermediate beasts are already under the eyelids.

Most of the intermediate-level warcrafts are gregarious warcrafts, among them the magic wolf and the magic lizard. Demon spiders are the most common. Of course, demon wolves are collectively referred to. Demon wolves include wind wolves, flame wolves, and claw wolves, but these are collectively called magic wolves.

Facing the middle-level warcraft, the main battle force is about to be replaced by the magic giant crossbow. The magic giant crossbow and the magic heavy crossbow are all ready. We have been waiting for this moment, and the ordinary giant crossbow is not without effect. Three or five shots together is also very powerful.

But Connie was the first to throw some magic scrolls: "Boom!"

After a violent sound and vibration, in the hundreds of meters in front of Connie, countless soil thorns were immediately highlighted. This is the eighth-level soil magic scroll, soil thorn!

At this point, at least a dozen intermediate-level monsters were killed, but Connie didn't stop, she threw out a scroll, and commanded: "Magic giant crossbow, magic crystal cannon, attack!"

"Boom!" Dozens of dazzling rays shot directly at the intermediate-level monsters, and the violent explosion caused some intermediate-level monsters to fly out.

"Swish swish swish!" The magic giant crossbow is a little slower, but it is more powerful. In the first salvo, several intermediate beasts were shot to death, and dozens of them were injured.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" At this moment, there was a wailing howl from the last of the beast tide. All the intermediate-level beasts heard this sound and rushed towards the city of Mengli faster.

The distance of kilometers is only a few seconds. The magic crystal cannon fired three rounds, while the magic giant crossbow only took two rounds, and the intermediate-level monsters arrived under the original walls of Mengli City.

"Haha!" What the intermediate-level monsters did not expect was that under the ruins of the original city wall of Mengli City, several figures stood there, and they all laughed when they saw the intermediate-level monsters rushing over.

"Ice Spear!" This is the Frost Titan, a Frost Titan just spit out two words, and then dozens of ice spears with thick wrists shoot like lightning at the Intermediate Beast at the beginning.

"Puffpuffpuff!" Unsurprisingly, the front row of the Intermediate Beast Group fell to the ground. This is because this environment is not suitable for Frost Titans.

"Frost Arrow Technique!" And another Frost Titan also spit out a few words, and then he kept pulling the bow in his hand, and the arrows composed of ice crystals whizzed into the group of intermediate monsters, but what was shot out was One arrow, but hundreds of arrows fell.

"Wow!" WoW was screamed horribly when he was shot directly by the rain of arrows.

"Huh!" The other Frost Titan was dissatisfied, and with a cold snort, his figure soared to 20 meters high.

"Charge!" The Frost Titan did not make any extra moves, and directly took out a huge shield that was ten meters high, and then shouted.

"Boom!" The Frost Titan rushed out like a gust of wind.



"Kacha!" At a distance of hundreds of meters, dozens of intermediate-level beasts have suffered. Some were directly hit to pieces, some were hit and flew out softly, and there was no sound, and some of the bones of the body emitted There was a clicking sound, and then the Seven Orifices of Monster Bleed to death, apparently suffering heavy damage.

Moreover, the Frost Titan not only rushed out, but also rushed back. There were hundreds of beasts killed and injured. But when the Frost Titan came back, the shield in his hand was scrapped, but this guy didn't care. Throw it aside, and then take out another one.

For a while, the group of intermediate-level monsters stopped advancing, and hundreds of intermediate-level monsters faced each other thousands of meters in front of several Frost Titans.

"Roar! Poof! Poof!" At this time, a demon bear rushed out, roaring loudly along the way, and constantly attacking the surrounding intermediate-level monsters, and those intermediate-level monsters were directly slapped into a corpse.

"Advanced Warcraft!" Connie's eyes lit up. As I said earlier, the main force of the beast tide is the high-level Warcraft.

"Magic crystal cannon, shoot me that demon bear." Connie commanded loudly.

"Puff puff puff!" Several dazzling rays of light shot at the devil bear, but a khaki shield appeared on the devil bear's body. After a burst of noise, the magic shield just swayed. For a while, there was no damage at all.

"Earth Demon Bear!" Everyone was surprised, because the earth demon bear is the most powerful in the demon bear, and the one with the magic rain cover must be the advanced monster.

"Volley!" But Connie only said two words lightly.

"Roar! Bang bang bang!" The Demon Bear blocked the attack of the Demon Crystal Cannon, and then the man stood up, slapped his chest fiercely and roared.

"Puff puff puff." Dozens of magic rays hit directly on the khaki magic shield.

"Boom! Boom!" But the next moment, dozens of magic giant crossbows exploded on the magic shield, and the magic shield of the Earth Demon Bear also swayed for a while.

"Puff!" A silver-white crossbow arrow passed directly through the dangling magic shield, and directly penetrated the head of the Earth Demon Bear, making a soft noise.

"Fool!" An ogre spit out two words with disdain, and at the same time shook the magic heavy crossbow in his hand. There was also a silver-white alchemy crossbow on the heavy crossbow.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" A roar came from behind the beast tide. There was some commotion in the whole animal crowd.

"All strikes." Connie shouted excitedly, and then took the lead in summoning the double-headed dark eagle.

Behind the beast tide, several figures are constantly rushing and killing in more than a dozen high-level beasts, one after another with bright fighting skills, there are arrows that make a sharp piercing sound, and a sound of weapons and The sound of the impact of the beast.

"Split the ground!" a voice roared loudly, and then a ten-meter-long tan-yellow grudge rushed to the ground.

"Boom!" There was a sound and violent vibration on the ground.

Opposite the mercenary performing Earth Splitting was a demon tiger. The demon tiger was staggered by the violent ground vibration. At this moment, a sword light of four training directly penetrated into the body of the demon tiger. The tiger roared and slapped it for fear of Jianguang.

"Boom!" But on the other side, a dark spear directly pierced the position of the abdomen under the devil tiger's paws. The attack position was extremely tricky. With a bang, the devil tiger was directly blasted out by the huge force. .

"Roar!" Behind a dozen high-level monsters, a huge silver-white wolf roared, and several wounds on the silver wolf's body were bleeding bright red blood.

The silver wolf was the mastermind behind this attack, but it was not a ninth-level monster, but an eighth-level monster. However, the silver wolf is a rare light-type monster and very rare. However, the silver wolf was seriously injured by the sudden attack of Cook and others. Endlessly, if it were not for the high-level beast-returning piece, Silver Wolf would have been killed by Cook and others.

With the roar of the silver wolf, more and more advanced beasts joined the ranks of protection, and the pressure on Cook and his group also increased. However, seeing the corpses of a dozen advanced beasts left around, Ku Ke shouted: "Back!"

It has to be said that the raid by Cook and others was extremely successful. At that time, there were only two high-level monsters around the silver wolf as guards, but what Cook and others did not expect is that the silver wolf is a light monster. Although it has suffered heavy damage, it is healed. Magic relieved the injury of the Silver Wolf, and the two high-level Warcraft guards also delayed some time, allowing the rest of the high-level Warcraft to return. As time went on, there were more and more high-level Warcraft, which is why The reason why there is only one bear of the earth under Lee.

Nearly 30 high-level monsters, except for the dead dozen, the other dozen continued to attack Cook and others, and when Cook and others retreated, intermediate-level monsters also returned.

"Back!" Cook shouted loudly again, because now is a good opportunity, most of the high-level monsters are guarding the silver wolf.

"Ooooooooo!" Silver Wolf looked at Cook with hatred, roaring loudly, and as the roar sounded, the surrounding monsters gathered more and more.

"Haha, looking for death!" Cook yelled contemptuously. Cook also has a killer in his hand, that is, the Sky Eye is attacked. Of course, Silver Wolf will not know it. Silver Wolf is doing the right thing now. Then the attack power is naturally much greater.

"Quak! Quack!" And in the sky two kilometers away, a huge double-headed dark magic eagle made a croak noise, accompanied by the sound of violent fighting.

Four titans, 20 meters tall, wield all kinds of weapons in their hands. Each swing will take away the life of one or several monsters. For the titans who can fight with giant dragons, these intermediate monsters are really gardens. The leeks inside, just cut it casually. As for the elementary monsters, as long as they rushed into the city of Monli, they never came out again.

"Wow!" Silver Wolf glared at Cook, screamed to the sky, and then turned his head to leave.

"Sky Eye, lock, attack!" Cook gave a series of orders. Cook didn't use the sky eye to lock the silver wolf first, because some advanced beasts have an intuition about danger. The sky eye is originally in the sky, and the lock is only two seconds. In less time, because Cook did not directly lock the silver wolf, but the guard beside the silver wolf, a fire ape.

"Boom!" A dazzling beam of light fell directly from the sky, and the place where the silver wolf was was directly bombarded out of a large pit several hundred meters wide and ten meters deep.

Everyone was stunned, including which monsters, hundreds of meters wide, that are the core area where advanced monsters are located ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and inside the big pit, the screams of monsters continued to sound.

"Attack!" Cook gave the order again.

"Boom!" A thick bucket of light fell down again, the soil flew up, and the original big hole was enlarged again.

"Not good!" Cook used his sky eyes to check the situation of the silver wolf after being attacked, but it didn't matter what Cook looked at, because in the jungle more than a thousand meters away from him, a figure flashed by. The speed is extremely fast, obviously not an ordinary person. Cook only froze for a moment, and then he knew it was not good. This is the mastermind behind the scenes, the ninth-level monster. Because it is a monster, the figure was restored directly on the way. A Warcraft.

"Come with me!" Cook felt very regretful, he should have looked at it with his eyes a long time ago, but this ninth-level beast also surprised Cook. It was a three-eyed fox.

"Connie, go south, three-eyed fox, and a ninth-level monster." Cook shouted to Connie while running.

"Magic airship, and horned eagle rider, head south!" Connie also knew that the three-eyed fox was the most cunning beast, so she shouted and took the lead in chasing after the double-headed dark eagle.

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