A Unique Hunter

Chapter 681: Meet Zall City for the First Time

After Cook stepped into the gate of Drow City, he fully understood what is called a dumpling. The passageway of Drow City was very wide. The ground was made of obsidian and the walls were also obsidian, but the walls were not empty. There is nothing, there are not only hollowed-out artwork with countless patterns, but also some portraits. What shocked Cook is that the decorations here are all magic metal.

The silvery white is mithril, the gold is fine gold, the purple is purple silver, and there are huge wealthy gems. At the top of the channel is a fist-sized light system magic crystal, which illuminates the entire channel brightly.

It’s not counted. There are countless magic circles in the entire passage, shining with a hint of magic light. After Cook passed the passage, Cook entered a huge hall. In the hall, there are dozens of them around. The huge elevator, yes, is the kind of elevator driven by magic.

Cook looked up and saw that there was a group of huge magic crystals at the top of the hall as a light source. The entire hall was the height of Drow City outside. Cook walked in with several night elves while watching.

The night elves are all very handsome, but it feels a bit like watching Koreans to Cook. Of course, Cook still concealed his lips. The night elves are simply too few men. One is also in a hurry, but the night elf female is different from the natural elf.

Natural elves can hardly distinguish gender, because female natural elves have too small breasts, and night elves are an exception, perfect interpretation of what is a murder weapon.

"Oh, what kind of orc do you say, look at this, so long ears, and ugly nose, look at the hair on my body, my goodness." The night elf who led the way commented.

"Idiot, you know it is a bunny at a glance, do you have long ears!" someone replied with a grin.

"Bunny man? Have you seen it?" someone asked questioningly.

"Although you haven't seen a rabbit, don't you know that there is a record in the library?" Hearing this, someone replied irritably.

"Library, hey, I don't know if what it says is true or false, it's a human writing." Another commented.

Cook looked as if he had come into the city like a bun, and he didn't understand the language of these elves. In fact, Cook could not only understand, but also recognize a series of numbers on the elevator.

Although it is said that there are not only people like Cook but also others on the elevator, the other night elves just glanced at Cook and stopped watching. Instead, they held out their chests proudly.

Cook watched the elevator stop at different levels, then someone left and someone came up again.

"Come here, go!" The night elf who led the way waved to Cook.

Cook froze for a moment and then walked over. There was a big box behind him. The area that Cook saw the night elves entered was called the Lilac War Zone.

Cook found that the railings on these floors were inlaid with superb crystals, magic crystals, and gems. Cook was already numb, and with the passage of time, Cook felt that the art of night elves needed to be improved.

The night elves took Cook for more than an hour, and took several elevators and a cable car on the way. Cook was completely numb, but Cook looked around strangely.

"Beep toot!!!" Cook and others were walking in a small passage, and a sudden sound shocked Cook.

"Damn it, hurry up!" When some of the surrounding night elves heard this voice, they jumped up and rushed out quickly, not as elegant as they were just now.

"I..." After Cook reacted, he realized that the person leading the way had disappeared, and there were rushing night elves around him, and Cook wanted to cry without tears.

"You, come here, move things quickly!" At this moment, a night elf wearing silver armor pointed at Cook and shouted loudly.

And behind this night elf there are people of other races, dwarves, and the legendary takin, dozens of people are loading things into a big car.

"Hurry up, **** it!" Cook's box was thrown on the ground, and then he was pushed over by two night elves.

Only then did Cook see that they were carrying huge stone balls. Cook also found that this cart was actually rail-mounted, and there was a large warehouse next to it. Takins and dwarves were all moving things. But these dwarves and takins wear fetters.

Cook also followed to carry the stone balls. After the carts were filled up, they started automatically, staring Cooke's eyes off, but another cart followed.

"Huh?" Cook finally found that the stone ball was not right, because when the dwarf next to him put the stone ball, his hands and feet were very light, not only the dwarves next to him, but the takins were also very light.

Cook looked at the takins and dwarves around, and these takins and dwarves also looked at Cook curiously.

"Damn it, hurry up, send a magic giant crossbow." Then a night elf in silver armor ran up in the passage, roaring loudly.

Cook and others were driven to push a magic giant crossbow from the warehouse. The bottom of the magic giant crossbow is equipped with four wooden wheels, and it is about three times larger than the one made by the current wizards’ union, and the whole is used Made of metal, and the bowstring is also made of unknown metal.



"Boom!" Just after Cook and others pushed the magic giant crossbow out of the passage, Cook heard a loud noise.

Cook was completely stunned. In front of Cook, there was a fiery red area, and this fiery red was the light from the rocks erupted by several huge volcanoes. Even Cook felt that it was warm here. Just like sunlight, of course the strong smell of sulfur makes Cook too much to bear.

This flaming red area is two kilometers high. Cook seems to be standing on a huge cliff. Under the cliff, there are a dense group of people. In this crowd, there are many The behemoth that is tens of meters high is even more than a dozen meters high, and the puppets with metal luster throughout the body are constantly throwing masses of fiery red lava.

Cook stretched his head and looked down, and finally saw dense night elves. Drow City is like a pagoda. There are a large number of night elves on each floor, one by one in small teams, and some are manipulating the magic crossbow. , And some took out magic bows and crossbows, and a series of arrows shining with magic light fell into the array of enemies below like raindrops.

"Boom!" The huge metal puppet below was shot directly into a pile of scrap iron by the crossbow arrows fired by the huge magic giant crossbow, making a crashing sound.

"Huh!" There were also fire-breathing beasts, spraying fire dragons tens of meters long towards Drow City.

But obsidian is indeed the hardest stone. Those fire dragons, even the impact of metal puppets, can't shake the city of drow built by obsidian.

"Let!" Cook saw the stone **** he had just carried. These stone **** were placed in the trebuchet and then projected out.

"Boom!" To Cook's surprise, the stone ball actually exploded violently after landing, causing the enemies below to make a series of screams.

"Boom!" Cook suddenly felt the ground shake, and then he almost fell to the ground.

"Boom!" A magic giant crossbow was directly hit by a black shadow and turned into a pile of discarded metal parts.

"Mountain giant!" Cook took a look at it, and the giants over ten meters high really released stone balls, and their targets were those magic weapons.

However, the night elves flashed with fighting energy, and immediately avoided, and Cook and others were urged to carry the magic giant crossbow.

"My dear!" When Cook approached the warehouse this time, he couldn't help being stunned. There were at least thousands of magic crossbows inside, and some dwarves were constantly assembling the magic crossbow.

Obviously this is an assembled place that takes care of the warehouse. When Cook saw such a scene, his mind was how to steal these things, thousands of magic giant crossbows!

But Cook held it back, because Cook knew that this was definitely not the only warehouse in Drow City. According to Cook’s estimation, this might be one of the countless warehouses in Drow City, because Cook discovered that these people are also Responsible for the five nearby magic giant crossbow shooting points, as well as the supply of fifty trebuchet shooting points, which are only about one kilometer wide, but the city walls of this drow city have more than five floors, and they are all over two kilometers. , Then how many warehouses are there, let alone how many talents are needed to make such magic weapons.

At this moment, in the eyes of Cook, Drow is a super treasure. Although Cook is also working, he spends most of his time watching and listening carefully. Of course Cook must pretend not to understand Elvish.

In this battle, Cook has seen what is called a real magical war. Most of the weapons on both sides have not been seen by Cook, but Cook found that the fight was vigorous, but the number of casualties was not many. Of course, it is only limited to the scope of Cook's observation.

After a few hours, the battle was over. Cook and the others were instructed to replenish the supply of stone **** and crossbow arrows. Of course, there were night elves watching. At the same time, Cook also discovered that there are more than There are night elves, tauren, takin, gnomes, dwarves, giants, but it seems that these other races are slaves.

And this time Cook did not see the ancient trees of war taking part in the battle, most of them were remote attacks.

After the battle, Cook faced the questions of the two night elves. He only shook his head and pretended not to understand, but Cook took the breadfruit box over, then opened the box and gestured.

"It turned out to be a delivery. How can these **** guys let outsiders in? Come on, drive this bold guy out." Amid the roar of a night elf, Cook's breadfruit was confiscated , And then the whole person was driven out of Zall City.

Cook smiled bitterly. Cook didn't ask the dwarves and takins who worked with him from the beginning to the end. It was not that Cook didn't want to ask, but that Cook didn't understand everything and asked what would it bring. Cook does not know the consequences of this.

In the following days, Cook decided to let the Chamber of Commerce transport some weird things. Of course, this was weird for the night elves, such as fish, such as rabbits, monkeys, pheasants and the like.

Cook’s trick quickly made everyone in Zall City aware of the Chamber of Commerce branch. The Rabbit Chamber of Commerce alone sold more than 20,000 rabbits. This was only a month, and the mercenary union issued a task of catching rabbits. The reward has reached twenty silver coins. You must know that as long as an experienced child can catch the rabbit, Cook sells one hundred gold coins in Dall City. Of course, Cook also starts the reservation business, just think Whatever you want, you can.

But what Cook did not expect was that the number one sales volume was not rabbits, but flowers, all kinds of flowers. Cook would not have the opportunity to enter Dall City in the next month, and Cook was troubled by this. .

Cook didn't think of a way to get in midway, but unfortunately, Drow City's defense was too tight. Cook then wandered around Drow City, and finally Cook found a place with relatively loose defense.

"Is this a sewer exit?" Cook knew at a glance that this underground river was an excellent sewer exit, and this exit was directly passed through the ground into a crack several meters wide. In the underground world, it is so deep. The underground cracks measured are very common, and Cook discovered it by accident.

Moreover, the exit of the small waterway was five or six meters high from the ground, and streams of sewage rushed out continuously, and then directly fell into the cracks in the rocks.

The reason why Cook knew this was because there were also night elf guards here, but the night elf guarding was a full two kilometers away from here. At first, Cook wondered what the night elf was guarding, but he found nothing. In the end, When Cook found out, he almost vomited blood in depression. Nima, the two-kilometer guard shit.

After Cook was ready, he found an opportunity to sneak into the city of Drow, but first, Cook let Kaka go and investigate first.

But fortunately it was Ka Ka to check it out, because soon after Cook let Ka Ka in, a team of night elves rushed over. Cook quickly avoided, not because Cook didn’t want to hide, but the night elves themselves. Magic fluctuations are very sensitive, and in an environment like the underground world, the combat effectiveness of night elves is not just talking about it.

Kaka came back later. According to Kaka, there was a magic circle in the sewer, and there was also a crystal ball. Cook was surprised at that time. It seems that there must be a magic circle monitoring the sewer.

And the monitoring is very strong. Kaka is just a low-level monster, and they were all discovered. Cook bitterly gritted his teeth, but from the side it also reflects how tightly Drow City's defense is.

Cook felt that his trip was in vain, and Drow City did not respond to the purchase of captives. During this time, Cook showed that he could speak some Elvish intermittently, but Cook's numbers Zall City did not respond to this temptation.

Of course, Cook didn’t get nothing. Cook knew that the fourth floor of the Underground World was opposite the city of Drow. The city of Drow was located on the passage between the third and fourth floors, and Cook also knew that the third and fourth floors There is more than one passage on the fourth floor, but the other passages are not suitable for large-scale personnel movement. Of course, there are night elf guards.

Cook was depressed. This city of Zall was indeed a copper wall and iron wall. As for the force rushing in, it was simply a death, and Cook was not stupid enough.

"Hey, here is a bottle of perfume." Cook was thinking about the problem, and the night elves who bought the goods ignored him until he was awakened by the sound.

"Beautiful lady~www.wuxiaspot.com~What kind of perfume do you want?" Cook asked urnly.

"A bottle of rose fragrance." The night elf directly took out a high-level magic core and said.

When Cook saw this high-level magic core, his eyes lit up. Cook knew that night elves were divided into several levels. This can be known from the things that pay the bill. The gold coin holder is the bottom one, and the gemstone is the first one. The magic core is a higher level, and there are magic metal, which is public money consumption, because in the city of Drow, the rationing system is adopted for materials, and the rationing system is based on the family and tribe. .

"Hehe, beautiful lady, I have a question. As long as you can help me resolve my doubts, I can give away a bottle of fine perfume." Cook said with a smile.

Cook took out a bottle of perfume, which was refined from the flowers of a magical plant. Even in the human world, the price of a bottle is tens of thousands of gold coins. Of course, this is mainly a plural product of pharmacists. The flower scent of the magic herb is of little use.

"What's the problem?" the night elf asked proudly looking at the purple perfume.

"so I

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