A Unique Hunter

Chapter 674: Unexpected behind the scenes

Very Hunter, Chapter 674 Unexpected Behind the Scenes

Cook really has no way to deal with Windsor. Usually this little guy is fierce, but once Cook gets serious, he looks pitiful, and to be honest, Cook really needs Windsor. Windsor is a flower elf. , I have a lot of experience in cultivating various plants. In the magical world, dozens of cherished herbs that are considered impossible to be cultivated are almost the same as the Chinese cabbage in the vegetable garden in the hands of Windsor, and they are more effective than wild It's even stronger. Another point is that the existence of Windsor is simply the nemesis of various magic plants. Love

Cook’s previous ghost bow was made from a branch of the devil’s vine. At that time there was a small green sprout on the branch, but this green sprout has been cultivated by Windsor into a devil’s vine, and it is still Mutated, because this devil vine actually has lightning attributes, Nima, this is a wood magic plant.

Moreover, this devil vine is also out of the category of plants. Animals can generally move around. Of course, the speed is slow. This is why the devil vine turns into a green wreath on the head of Windsor, but if you don’t know it If you attack Windsor, this devil's vine will not look so fragile.

Moreover, the elemental fruit has been studied by Windsor. The days for batch cultivation of elemental fruit are not far away, and Windsor is only one foot long, which is more than 30 centimeters. What can Cook do.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I can't make a mistake." Cook looked at the little guy and glared at himself. Cook also found that the plant Somme touched just now is a rare herb, obviously cultivated by Windsor .

"Hmph, come in and say hello first, it's rude!" Windsor left a word and flew away.

That Cook burst into tears. Whose home is this? When Cook saw Windsor leaving, he immediately shouted: "I have a strange seed here, I don't know... Damn!"

Before Cook's words settled, Windsor's small head appeared in front of him. Windsor sat on Cook's shoulders and grumbled: "Take it out quickly. Am I tired all the time?"

Cook has the urge to hit the wall. This is only a few tens of meters away. You are a flying flower elf, and you are tired. Cook took out a few green seeds contributed by the patriarch of the mackerel tribe in the underground world, Cook At first thought it was a gem, but in the end, there was a vitality in the mental power perception. Cook knew that it was a seed of a magical plant. It may have been buried for tens of thousands of years. Cook still remembers that hundreds of unearthed places on the earth Many years ago, the lotus seeds survived after being planted, so it is possible that the seeds of magic plants can be preserved for tens of thousands of years under a certain environment.

"Hey, it's really the seed of a magical plant, but this vitality is too weak?" Windsor snatched it for the first time. There were three in total, all the size of an adult's thumb, round and round, and looked like gems.

"This was harvested in the underground world. I thought it was a gem at first, but I found that there was a life fluctuation and I gave it to you." Cook replied.

"Hmph, I will forgive you for breaking into the garden without authorization this time." After Windsor harvested the seeds, they disappeared quickly, and then the voice came from afar.

Cook took Som and left the garden. Don’t look at the people in the garden, but Cook knows that the world in the garden is very fierce. Don’t underestimate the plants. Even the soldiers patrolling around will leave the garden far away. , Because after the garden was built, at least dozens of people went into the garden. These were all to inquire about the intelligence. The garden was not very tightly guarded and had a lot of plants. This was an ideal breakthrough, but these people entered The garden was like thrown into the river, without a sound.

Until one time a trained bird landed on a tall tree in the garden. As soon as the bird landed, it was wrapped in countless green vines from flying, and then strangled into a piece of ground meat. In the eyes of everyone, the big tree sucked up the ground meat quickly like a sponge. You must know that this bird is a level three monster, but it is a level three flying monster. There is no chance to react. As for the surrounding area of ​​the lord’s house No one dared to touch the seemingly weak vines on the wall.

And there are only a few people who can freely enter and exit the garden. If there is something to approach the backyard of the Lord's Mansion, they must first loudly ask for instructions at the gate until Windsor agrees, and these people dare to go in and do things with fear. Of course, Cook does not know that the garden has such a terrifying legend, but Cook knows that there are a lot of magic plants in the garden. Cook has given great authority, not to mention a large number of Arrons to the Baronial domain trade, although Windsor several times The fox pretended to ask the people below to collect some rare plants and even seeds. Cook did not stop it, and without Cook’s knowledge, the garden expanded more than three times. Of course, Cook looked at those who cherish the magic herbs. Just ignore it.

"What, wizard?" After Somm woke up, he gave Cook's answer and made Cook stand up.

Wizard, that’s a long-standing profession. The legendary wizard is very powerful. A wizard means to communicate with people between heaven and earth. These people use the power between heaven and earth. The legendary powerful wizard dared Singled out the dragon.

It is different from the fighting method of the magician. Although the magician also has a long-range fighting method, the fighting method of the magician is very diverse. The magician will also release magic, and will also summon some strange races or monsters to fight.

In the wizarding system, there are two kinds of legends that have been circulated so far. The first is the poisonous wizard. The legendary poisonous wizard can unknowingly destroy the creatures of a city, and it can be cultivated through some cultivation. Poisonous insects control human behavior and thoughts.

The other is the prophet. The prophet is also a very important branch of the wizard. The legendary prophet can even control nature.

The biggest difference between a wizard and a magician lies in faith. Just like Cook is a wood magician now, in front of all wood spells, there is a column of the same text: "Great Goddess of Nature, please listen to your followers The heartfelt voice." On this string of words, the last is thorns or healing spells.

The wood magician recites the goddess of nature, while the fire system is the **** of fire, the water system is the **** of water, etc., which means that all magicians do not believe in any gods in their hearts and claim to be atheists, but from the spell Judging from it, it's actually not like that.

The wizard is a true atheist. In private, there is even a legend that the current gods are the wizards of the ancient times. Because the current gods are afraid of later gods, they cut off the inheritance of wizards. On the road, wizards only need one. When they appear, they will be encircled and suppressed by major forces, and eventually the wizard will disappear into the long river of history.

"Yes, wizard, and a very powerful wizard." Somme replied affirmatively.

There was a drumming in Cook's heart. Cook then asked about other things in detail, but Somm didn't know much, but according to Somm's account, every time the bandit alliance looted materials, they were donated to the wizard.

Cook asked Som to rest in the baronial territory for a while, which was actually a disguised house arrest. Cook had some doubts in his heart, but Cook guessed that the wizard was probably a poisonous wizard.

Cook came to the underground world again. Cook did not go to Romi City, but came to the secret passage in Som's mouth. Cook also knew that the wizards Som said lived in the fifth world.

Compared with the fourth-tier world, the fifth-tier world has an extremely harsh environment. There are volcanoes and magma everywhere, and countless magma ejected from time to time is flowing everywhere, and the thick sulfur breath is enough to make any ordinary person breathe this air immediately Will suffocate to death.

The fourth world is **** in the eyes of others, but in Cook’s eyes, this is a treasure, because most gems and minerals will be brought out by magma, and in just tens of minutes, Cook I picked up a dozen fire magic crystals, apparently ejected by a volcano.

"Damn, this place is too hot, I don't know how this wizard survived." Cook muttered angrily.

A few kilometers away from Cooke, a huge volcano is constantly erupting, hundreds of meters high flaming red magma is constantly ejected like a fountain, and the huge lava river is tens of meters wide. Not far from the volcano, there is a rock gap, which is more than two meters wide. If Somm hadn't said that this was the residence of the wizard, no one would have thought that there was a world behind this rock gap.

Cook did not hide his figure, and this time Cook did not come alone, Er Fat, Lina, accompanying, West Asia is the water system, so Cook did not bring it, Lina and Cook are more vigilant, because of the mystery of the wizard Unpredictable makes Cook and Lina have to be more vigilant.

Er Fat took the lead. Cook and Lina followed. As soon as Cook and others entered the rock crevice, they found that there was no hot air outside in the rock crevice. Instead, it gave people a cool feeling. Cook was surprised.

The gap between the rocks is not very wide, some places are more than two meters wide, and some places are only more than one meter wide, Er Fat had to change his body.

The rock gap is more than a thousand meters long. The closer you get to the inside, the lower the temperature. When the rock gap is over, the temperature here is very suitable for human life. Although Som told him, Cook was surprised , Because what appeared in front of Cook and Lina was an underground forest, yes, that kind of forest.

However, this forest is full of all kinds of luminous plants in the underground world. Some plants are even tens of meters in height, and the whole body emits a bright light. There are also ferns and mushrooms that emit light. The vast majority of the underground world glows. Plants are very dangerous, because these lights will attract countless targets, of course, some are not dangerous.

"It's so beautiful!" Lina said somewhat drunk.

Erpang didn't have that mood, and he rushed directly to the forest. Under the gazes of Cook and Lina, Erpang approached the fluorescent forest. The moment Erpang stepped onto the edge of the forest, a piece of tens of meters. The tall trees shot fist-sized leaf-like things with shining light.

"Shoo!" The violent sound of breaking through the air and the lightning speed surprised Cook.

"Kengkeng!" The leaves and Er Fat's fur made a sharp metallic sound.

Er Fat immediately became angry, and roared: "Roar! Puff!"

Then one of the two heads spewed turquoise acid, while the other head spewed out rolling magma. A large area of ​​the fluorescent forest disappeared, and the fire caused by the rock actually burned.

"Roar!" But just when Cook felt a little pity, there was a roar deep in the forest.

"Damn, wouldn't it be so unlucky?" Cook felt an inexplicable breath in the roar, and his expression changed.

"You **** reptile, dare to destroy the great..." The next signature language appeared immediately.

"The dragon, Nima's is actually a dragon wizard. I said that a wizard shouldn't have a life of tens of thousands of years. It's careless." Cook's face is a little ugly, and Cook has been guessing that he controls Som, etc. Human is a secret wizarding organization, but I didn't expect it to be a giant dragon, because the language is dragon language, and the roar just now contained the spiritual coercion of the giant dragon.

"Roar!" As a three-headed dog from hell, Erpang didn't feel much about Longwei at all. Seeing someone came out, Erpang also roared, but now Erpang has become smaller. Although his voice is loud, It looks so funny.

"Damn thing, you dare to break in... Boom!" The dragon went wild, and his body soared, but before he could finish his words, a green arrow rushed directly towards the dragon with a boom, green The light is flourishing.

"Humble reptiles, you **** it!" The dragon was caught off guard. The clothes on his body were actually blown into pieces by Cook's wood-type fighting arrow. The dragon roared, and then rushed towards Cook with an afterimage.

"Boom!" The dragon fell with a sudden blow, and his fist hit a one-meter wide cave directly on the huge cliff. Countless rocks fell, smashing many plants, and the dragon's face became even more ugly.

"Boom! Boom!" Then two green arrows shot at the dragon again. The dragon didn't know where Cook was at all, and was blown up again.

"Roar!" And Er Fat took advantage of this opportunity, roared, and countless acid squirted out.

After the voice of "Zizzi!", the clothes on the dragon were completely gone. At this time, Cook and others could see clearly that this was a middle-aged man, apparently transformed by the dragon, because the acid was in this middle-aged man. There was no trace left on the man.

"You **** bastards!" But just as the dragon's clothes disappeared, a fiery red armor was formed on the dragon, and there was flame-like light flowing on the fiery red armor.

"It's the Black Dragon!" Lina made a judgment at this time.

"Black dragon!" Cook's scalp is a little numb. The black dragon is a high-ranking dragon. It can be said that the black dragon lives in the magma and nothing happens. According to the inheritance of the dragon in Cook's mind, the black dragon simply lives in a volcano. Inside, some powerful black dragons can still sleep in magma for hundreds of years, and volcanoes are also one of the black dragons’ favorite environments, so the underground world is where black dragons like to live. Cook also understands why the black dragon controls the robbers. Alliance, the dragon does not have the slightest immunity to treasures.

If Cook faced the black dragon alone, Cook would still be a little worried, but it would be different with Lina. Just now at the moment when the black dragon hit Cook, Lina teleported out with Cook, for an already legendary For level-level space magicians, teleportation is simply trivial.

After Lina's fusion of the fire-type **** core, her strength can be said to be like riding a rocket. At the beginning, Lina was only an eighth-level peak space magician. In less than two years, Lina has not only cultivated the fire-type magic to the legendary Level, because of the comprehension of the laws of the fire system **** core, so the space system has also entered the legendary level, of course, Lina refining medicine is still not as good as Cook.

"Boom!" It doesn't count that the armor appeared on the humanoid dragon, and there was a bright red spear in his hand. The humanoid dragon wielded the spear with a boom, and the space shattered like a mirror.

"No, it's a legendary dragon!" Lina exclaimed, and instantly teleported out with Cook.

"Puff!" Just a few hundred meters away, Cook saw where the two of them stood just now. A spearhead pierced through the space abruptly, bursting out a dazzling red light.

"Damn, is this attack directly penetrating the space?" You need to know that the black dragon is more than a hundred meters away from where Cook just stood, but the black dragon actually stabbed a shot in front of it to penetrate the space, and then the spearhead appeared In the place where Cook stood, Cook was terrified to think about it, this kind of attack is really abnormal.

"Haha, don't be afraid, this is a sanctuary-level dragon, but it won't last long." Lina was not discouraged when she saw this scene, but she was relieved.

Cook also nodded, because as soon as the sanctuary bursts out of strength, then

Will be rejected by the entire plane, and eventually be directly squeezed to a higher plane by the huge regular force of the plane, so Cook only needs to hold on for a small period of time.

"Damn bastard! Boom!" The human-shaped black dragon obviously didn't expect Cook and Lina to escape, so the red spear in his hand stabbed out again.

"Boom!" Although Cook and Lina teleported out this time, the long spear of the human-shaped black dragon actually followed like a shadow, and the two were directly bombarded out of the teleport by huge power.

"Puff!" Lina squirted a sip of blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Cook felt much better. After all, Cook's body was stronger than Lina, and Lina was teleporting in space again. The casting was interrupted, causing magic backlash.

Cook took Lina into the natural space with a wave of his hand, and then Cook fell directly into the forest on the ground. The reason why it was called fall was because Lina helped Cook levitate in the air just now.

Erpang didn't know where he went, but after Cook fell into the forest, he immediately hid. Cook was betting, because from Cook's observation, the dragon cherished this forest very much.

"Damn bastard, you can't run away!" A huge mental power swept across Cooke, but Cook is now wearing a magicweave cloak used by thieves. This cloak can block the glance of mental power. Of course, the consumption of fighting energy made Cook's face a little pale, and Cook had to dispense a bottle of magic recovery potion quickly.

"Asshole, asshole, you can't run away." The humanoid dragon roared, and Cook secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ooo! Ooo!" Just as Cook breathed a sigh of relief, a strange whine sounded constantly around him. Cook took a closer look, his scalp was numb, and Cook knew that he might be running this time. Can't drop.

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