A Unique Hunter

Chapter 687: Question

At the end of the alley is a courtyard covering an estimated area of ​​three or four acres. Although it seems that the buildings in this courtyard are a bit dilapidated, the courtyard is lushly planted with various plants.

Cook looked at these plants with surprise because they are actually good materials for making bows, golden vines, black bamboos, bitter bamboos, iron-clad vines, beef tendons, and other plants, and it seems that these plants are quite old.

"Tsk tusk, the materials in this yard may be worth millions of gold coins." Cook sighed.

You must know that a good weapon can make many professionals go bankrupt to build it and Cook saw that the golden vine, which has been decades old, is a kind of magic plant. Although only the thickness of a toothpick, it is ten years old. Silk vine can bear the weight of five hundred catties and the weight of eight hundred catties for twenty years, one thousand catties for thirty years, and three thousand catties for fifty years. After fifty years, this hurdle is five thousand catties.

Golden vines are mainly used for tying bows. After they are made with special Warcraft grease, they can be waterproof at all, unlike ordinary bows that will loosen in humid weather.

After drying, the beef tendon tree is very elastic and comparable to beef tendon. The thickness of the chopstick head is generally used for the beef tendon tree for ten years. This is the most suitable bow material for advanced archers.

As for the bitter bamboo and black bamboo, as long as they reach a certain age, they are very flexible, which means that they are tough but tough plants have a characteristic of slow growth. Cook saw that there is no shortage of plants that are two or three hundred years old and amazed. Obviously this is something passed down through the generations

"Hehe young man, I'm afraid I've misread it. The things in my yard are worth hundreds of millions of gold coins." At this moment, an energetic old man came out from the plants in the middle of the courtyard and said with a smile.

"Impossible" Horside looked at the plants in a yard as if they were about the same height as his own.

When Cook heard this, the magic eye inadvertently swept over the old man Cook and was shocked because the old man was already a legendary powerhouse. Cook suppressed the shock in his heart because the legendary powerhouse was in Cook’s magic eye. It looks like a twisted light ball inside. Cook has already experienced this.

Cook did not immediately refute, but reached out and touched a plant next to him. The magic power of the wood system swayed gently, and then Cook opened his eyes in disbelief. Then Cook directly dug up the roots of the beef tendon tree with his hands.

"The old man of the high-grade fire magic crystal of the magic crystal is sick..." Huoside became curious when he saw Cook's movements, and then yelled at the thing at the bottom of the tree roots.

"Hehe, Huo Si De, this is the end of unlearning and skillless, but also knows everything. I tell you that although this fire-type high-grade magic crystal cannot change the attributes of the bull tendon tree, if the bow is made after a long time under the influence of the fire-type magic crystal It’s up to the fire professionals to increase the fit by at least 30%.” Cook chuckled the soil back and interrupted Horside’s words.

"Hey boy, come in with some knowledge," the old man gave Cook a surprised look and said

"Don't mess around, this is a legendary powerhouse" Cook immediately reminded him secretly when he saw Horside's unhappy appearance

"Wow..." Hosd jumped up and immediately covered his mouth. Hosd didn't believe that the old man in the yard was actually one of the people at the top of the food chain.

"Tweet Tweet" Cook pushed open the seemingly ordinary gate, and the yard and the road outside were just a layer of seemingly ordinary fences and other yards. When Cook came in, a little green bird tweeted. stand up

The bird is only the size of a palm, but with bright eyes that seem to be able to speak, Cook is shocked at first glance. This cyan bird is a very rare type 8 flying beast. However, the most important thing about this flying beast is its speed. I don’t have to elaborate on what the body of a Level Beast is like

"It seems that you are also a bottleneck. There is no gift for the first time today. Just this little heart." Cook looked at the bird and stretched out his hand and took out an apple-sized cyan mushroom from the natural space and smiled.

"Rely on" Huo Si De is speechless by the side, you give me a mushroom. According to Hu Si De's idea, directly use gold coins to smash it.

"Huh" after a suspicious sound, Cook felt that the entire yard seemed to be separated and the Husid next to him was like a wooden pile. As for the guards who followed did not enter the yard.

"Hate, take it, this young man is interested." The old man's voice came from far away, and it made Cook feel as if he was in an endless distance and he was talking to his ear.

"Domain" Cook squinted his eyes and handed the cyan mushroom to Hayate

"Thank you" Hayate, that is, the slapped little guy uttered thanks, and then a cloud of cyan mist wrapped the cyan mushrooms. The cyan mushrooms are elemental fruits. This thing is not very valuable to Cook.

Of course, Cook also took a risk, but Cook is betting because Cook knows that the wind is the old man’s beloved, and a beloved who has been with him for dozens of hundreds of years has a deep relationship, and this wind is just there. If the level of the eighth peak does not reach the ninth level, then this gust of wind will only have the fate of old death, and the old man has stepped into the legend, then separation in the future is inevitable, so Cook gambled that what Cook did not expect was that the old man could be released. The realm of the elementary level is precisely a kind of restraint and restraint is a kind of shield that restricts the movement of people. There is no reaction at all without seeing Hosd. That is because Hosd's soul has imprisoned people outside including the body by this power. And feel anything happening in the yard

"Please come in." Seeing Cook and the old man in his actions said politely, the restriction was released.

"Sit" Cook walked up to the courtyard. The buildings in the courtyard looked like ordinary wooden houses, but in Cook's eyes, these woods are precious magical plants.

"The fruit wine made from magic fruit looks like you are a plant cultivator." Cook looked at a glass of fruit wine with colorful rays in astonishment and then asked curiously.

"Hehe Baron Cook has good eyesight," the old man replied with a smile

"Good wine, good wine" Cook took a sip and poured it in one sip, then Cook closed his eyes and said in admiration.

"Haha" The old man was a little embarrassed because the old man pointed out Cook's identity just now to seize the initiative in the conversation, but Cook ignored it at all and what Cook did made the old guy unable to get angry because the wine came to others by himself Had no choice but to laugh

"Your Excellency re-recognizes that I am Baron Cook and the president of the Hunter Union. I am here this time to invite you to be the head of the Hunter Union's Equipment Production Department" Cook said respectfully afterwards.

"Haha" The old man smiled, but his smile was a bit bitter. Obviously the gift that Cook gave just now made the old man entangled.

"Let’s try a total of three questions. You will come up first. If I can’t answer, then you’ll have to answer. If I answer, I’ll answer the question.” The old man is really unwilling to know that in the eyes of the old man, Cook It's just a nouveau riche, yes it is a white nouveau riche, but the nouveau riche gave himself a gift and it is extremely precious and I can't refuse it, and he is a dignified legendary powerhouse working for a nouveau riche. It is really a bit of a face to make it happen. Came up with such an idea

"Okay, but are we going to limit a range?" Cook thought about it and knew that the old man had the intention of rejecting himself. According to common sense, the old man is a legend and has lived for hundreds of years. Knowledge must be richer than Cooke. This is also the old man who asked Cook to ask the question first. The reason is that according to the old man’s thinking, Cook answered the next two questions by himself, so wouldn’t the next two questions be safe for himself, but Cook still agreed because Cook was so sure that the old man couldn’t answer.

"Forget it, I won't be embarrassed by you. Don't limit the range." The old man waved his hand generously.

"Then you can take the post of head of the equipment department if you lose," Cook confirmed again

"Yes" the old man replied affirmatively

"Well, for the sake of fairness, let's make a magic contract" Cook said, still uneasy.

"Just what I want", the old man thought to himself that because the things Cook took out were too precious, the old man was also afraid that Cook turned his face. You should know that although Cook is a nouveau riche, he is also a nouveau riche with energy. Cause trouble

The signing of the contract went smoothly. The old man looked at Cooke expectantly and coughed and then began to say: "Your Excellency, I'm about to start writing questions."

"Say" the old man said with a wave of his hand

"What is the speed of light" Cook asked leisurely

"What?" The old man opened his mouth wide in surprise and almost fell to the ground. You must know that the two of them were sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"What is the speed of light" Cook asked again

The old man was stunned for a moment, but the old man immediately said: "We have to be able to answer and prove that the question we asked is not just talking."

"Well, I'll change it." Cook said silently. Although Cook knows the answer, it is still very troublesome to verify.

"What is the shape of our plane?" Cook changed the question again

"Puffing" the old man finally fell to the ground

"I said you shouldn't ask these unanswered questions, okay?" The old man stood up and said angrily

"That's because you can't answer it" Cook asked triumphantly

"Hmph, I won't be able to type it out, please answer me and see," the old man sat down again and said angrily.

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