A Unique Hunter

Chapter 697: Pharmaceutical test

The high-quality potions are not stored without storage, but the levels of these potions are not very high. Powerful healing potions, potent magic restoration potions, mental power restoration potions, etc. These are medium-level potions, which are suitable for intermediate and advanced professionals.

Although it is said that the best quality and perfect quality medicine is very effective, it is the same thing for those old guys at the legendary level. After all, the legendary level is too far away from the intermediate and high-level occupations, so even if it is perfect quality, these old guys will not How tempting

Take the perfect level of magic recovery potion, in the eyes of intermediate and advanced professionals, this is a life-saving thing to restore magic instantly, but this recovery speed is a bit of a drop in the bucket for the legendary old guy, even if the time is not much longer. usefulness

So Cook has to refine some innovative potions, just like talent potions, but the talent growth of talent potions is limited, just like the elemental fruit seems to increase the element affinity by 20% at least, but this 20% is for existing talents. For example, the magic conversion is one-twentieth elemental fruit that increases the element affinity by 20%, which is 20% of the one-twentieth. It does not mean that the total talent is 20%, which means that the elemental affinity increases by 100%. The final magic conversion ratio It’s also reaching two-twentieth, or one-tenth,

Of course, Cook is not without a powerful potion formula, but there are some potions that Cook can’t take out. After that, Cook will become a public enemy, so the middle must be controlled.

Cook looked through the natural space. The things stored in the natural space are basically some magic materials. In addition, the treasures of the dragon wizards are harvested. However, the treasures of the dragons are mostly gold and silver baby stone magic crystals. The magic materials are very good. It’s rare. After all, this dragon wizard specializes in controlling poisonous insects.

However, Cook saw the eyes of these poisonous insects brightened and pulled out the dragon wizard's notes on raising poisonous insects. Although Cook burned the scrolls related to wizard skills, the dragon wizard's notes were not damaged.

Cook looked through the notes of the dragon wizard that were not very standardized, but Cook also found several formulas in this note. One is a detoxification formula that can detoxify a large part of the poisonous insects. The other is some venom formulas and corresponding. The last detoxification formula is to feed poisonous insects. The main purpose of the formula is to increase the reproductive ability of poisonous insects. That is to say, it lays 100 eggs at a time, but with this medicine, it can produce 150 eggs. This medicine is called vitality medicine. And feeding this medicine can make the poisonous insects stronger

"That's it" Cook's eyes lit up. This vitality potion Cook can see the usefulness of this potion at a glance. Although it is said to feed poisonous insects, Cook can adjust the ratio of magic herbs to reach the level suitable for human consumption.

Cook wrote down the formula of the vitality potion, and then he started to get green. The first thing Cook had to do was to demonstrate that the formulation of the vitality potion was more complicated, and there were more than 30 kinds of materials. Of course, the materials were not lacking for Cook. A bottle of vitality potion refined by the dragon wizard, but Cook identified that the potion refined by the dragon wizard was actually inferior.

Cook demonstrated and finally modified the proportions of some magic herbs. Finally Cook started refining. It was easy for Cook to refining, but Cook also fumbled for more than a dozen times without any demonstration. Refining a perfect level of vitality potion

The next step is to experiment. Cook went out of the natural space and went to the alchemy store to buy some small animals for experimentation. These are small animals for the magician to do experiments, such as big-eared rabbits, long-haired rats, etc.

However, Cook chose some animals with weaker physique. In addition, they were too old to be used for the experiment. Although the waiter in the store looked strange, he didn't say anything.

Cook returned to the laboratory again and disappeared again. This time, no one noticed that because West Asia was always watching vigilantly, it was impossible to hide from the legendary powerhouse who had raised vigilance.

However, the alchemy shop sold to Cook's experimental animals has welcomed more than a dozen people. They also bought a copy of the experimental animals that caused the old, weak, sick and disabled in the alchemy shop to be cleared.

Cook returned to the natural space and took out the small animals. These small animals were all locked in the cage. Cook first caught a dwarf sheep. The dwarf sheep is only 30 centimeters high, but the dwarf sheep is very old and can't walk. The body is extremely thin when moved

Cook gave this dwarf sheep, of course, and was called a dwarf sheep because the dwarf family once protested against the name of the dwarf sheep as racial discrimination.

The first thing Cook has to do is to scan the body of the dwarf sheep with mental power and then use memory magic to store the results of the scan in the crystal ball. Since there is no need for long-term storage, no special memory magic crystal is needed.

After the scan, Cook nodded his head because the dwarf sheep was taken care of by the alchemy shop. There was no disease, but the body was aging. Cook stored the scan results in a crystal ball and numbered 1.

Then Cook began to feed the dwarf sheep with the vitality potion and wrote the amount of feeding on a small piece of paper. Then Cook put the dwarf sheep back into the cage and fed enough food

Then, long-eared rabbits, green turtles and other small animals are tested in this way.

Almost four hours later, Cook scanned the body structure of the dwarf sheep again. What made Cook happy is that the physical vitality of the dwarf sheep has increased significantly. It can be said that the effect is obvious. The eyes of the dwarf sheep can be seen with the naked eye. They are very energetic. Cook recorded the weight of the vitality potion and the scanning time, and then pasted it on the crystal ball number 2. The results of the mental power scan were stored in this crystal ball number 2.

The rest of the animals are all similar to the test. The drug test is just like this. It requires hundreds of thousands of times to take the dose of the drug, as well as any defects in the drug. You need to see the results from this test.

After several days of hard work, after changing the formula of the medicine twice, Cook finally got a more mature formula of vitality medicine. The test results of this vitality medicine are also gratifying. The dwarf sheep used in the experiment is not like old at all. The flesh of the whole body is also beginning to grow up. However, this vitality potion has an unsatisfactory additional condition, that is, the food intake will increase by three to six times after taking the vitality potion. It is not that there is no solution. Adding the water of life is enough, but life The effect of the water itself is very good. The selling price alone is not low, so Cook considered it and did not increase the cost.

Of course, the most critical aspect of vitality medicine is to improve fertility, but Cook has not conducted in-depth experiments in this area. It must be tested by those who are not fertile. However, it is obvious that the vitality of sperm is improved. This is Cook's mental power. Easy to find

Cook refined several bottles of vitality potions and then refined some universal antidote. This is the universal antidote recorded by the Dragon Wizard. Although it is said that this antidote cannot detoxify all the poisons, it suppresses and prolongs some The time of the strange poison is very effective

Cook looked at the potions he refined and was still a little worried. After all, the vitality potions and the detoxification potions were strange, but they were not enough. Cook was thinking hard in his mind to find a unique potion formula.

"Dragon Power Potion" Cook thought of a potion. This potion itself is a kind of legendary potion, but the formula has been lost. Of course, this potion Cook has also taken it, but eventually taking this potion will cause the dragon in the body. When the bloodline increase eventually reaches a certain level, it will be suppressed by the dragon's power of the dragon. Of course, this may be a dream for others, but it is not such a good thing for Cook, so Cook did not continue at all but continued. Upgraded to dilute the blood of the dragon in the body, but fortunately, Cook is refined with the blood of the dragon, so the real dragon blood is very low and low.

"Hehe, I will refine a bottle for you to **** it." Cook smiled and took out the blood of the sixth-level vengeful dragon for refining. You should know that the dragon power potion refined by the blood of the sixth-level vengeful dragon can Increase the strength of 8,000 kilograms or 1.2 times the strength. Of course, this is the highest. Cook did not refine the perfect level of the dragon power potion, but the top grade potion. Of course, Cook will definitely not admit that it is self-made. Made and Cook found an ancient potion bottle to fill the dragon’s power potion

Cook came out of the laboratory contentedly, Sia knew that Cook came out once halfway, but Cook bought something and went in again, so Sia didn't tell Cook about the mental power monitoring the void.

After he heard that, Cook said with a smile: "Nothing is being watched for sure, but this time it will make the old guys bleeding."

"What kind of medicine?" Xia also asked curiously with bright eyes

Cook said in a low voice about the potions he refined, and he also knew the side effects of the dragon power potions, but Xiah also understood that even a slight increase in the strength of the legendary level is very difficult to cultivate to the legendary level. Years of cultivation can be said to be at this level, maybe dozens of hundreds of years of cultivation have not made any progress, but the use of the dragon power potion vitality potion can break through the bottleneck.

And the vitality potion increases fertility. This is also a fatal attraction for the legendary level. You must know that the higher the level, the lower the fertility. Some legendary-level couples can't give birth to a descendant for hundreds of years, so what kind of attraction is this vitality potion? I know the strength, but compared with the legendary couples, there are few poor couples. It can be said that this auction will depend on luck. If there is only one person in demand, then it has nothing to say. If there are three or five Cooks, it will develop.

"Cook, I also want the vitality potion" Sia blushed and whispered to Cook.

"Hey, don't worry, let's talk about it after we enter the sanctuary" Cook looked at Xia's shy appearance and was heartbroken. After kissing Xia, he whispered.

"Cook, Cook, come out for me." However, a loud shout from outside destroyed the atmosphere. When West Asia heard the voice, a woman immediately stared at Cook.

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