A Unique Hunter

Chapter 701: College vision

"It's okay." Merrif stood up a little gagged, but Mrs. Alice looked at Cook with a little doubt, and Lori behind Alice looked at Cook with a little speechlessness.

Merliv's heart was even more shocked after he stood up, because according to legends Cook is now the richest man on the mainland. Meriff was a bit unbelievable before, but Cook's plan just now exposed Cook's wealth of course. Ke consumed more resources in the Mekai Empire. Although it is said that the Mekai Empire has been established now, it is foreseeable that the Mekai Empire will still need constant capital injection from Cook in the next two to three years. However, in the long run, the resources of the Mekai Empire are Really rich

"What should I do with Cook’s cooperation?" Merliv asked in a bewildered manner, because Cook’s plan was really amazing. Merlif didn’t dare to participate easily. Knowing that this is not only a question of funding, it is also a challenge. The suspicion of the Wizards’ Union, but fortunately, after the students graduated, Cook digested it privately, otherwise it would be provoking the Wizards’ Union.

"I am mainly someone who has no trust, which means that this plan needs other things because it is definitely impossible to support an academy with money alone. It can be said that the surrounding buildings will be comparable to a large city after the academy is established. I still need manpower and a specific person in charge. I only have funds in my hands. Of course, I can also find some mentors, but there must be a lot of mentors for such a big college." Cook thought about it and said

Merliv was pleasantly surprised, and the information that Cook revealed was that the future management of this college would be released to himself. This is a great thing for Merliv and the entire family.

"What academy are you talking about?" Alice sat in front of Merliv and asked questioningly. Alice was a magister. Of course, she was also beautiful and gave a noble temperament.

Merrif re-interpreted what Cook said. This time not only Alice, but also Lori opened her mouth. College, this is a career that burns money and burns more than anything else, and the college scores at least ten. Years of work and the annual investment is getting bigger every year because the students enrolled in the first year will continue to increase in the second year, and the second year will continue to increase the number of students. The materials consumed by 10,000 people and 1,000 people are not small, let alone the consumption of these 1,000 people for at least ten years

"Cook, you are not kidding" Mrs. Alice asked incredulously

"Hehe, in fact, the consumption is not as high as you think. After all, the chamber of commerce under my hand directly purchases magic materials. At this point, it consumes less than others. And the academy I manage is different from the wizard's union. This is my plan." To make a memory crystal ball, you must know that Merif and others are all magicians, so this kind of memory crystal is better than scrolls.

Merliv reached out and took the memory crystal ball, carefully knowing that this memory crystal ball is the size of a small bowl. This memory crystal is at least a priceless treasure.

Merliv directly used his mental energy to check the contents of the memory crystal ball. Merliv's face was very wonderful and blurted out: "It's great. Not only is the ability of our college students very strong after graduation, but also the college is actually not Very profitable"

"Hehe of course" Cook laughed. In fact, the plan that Cook adopted is very simple: practice plus theory.

Regardless of the profession, Cook will provide practice. For example, forging must be practiced and the finished product Cook can be directly sold. Although the quality is definitely not very good, it is also possible to reduce the price.

There are also occupations such as collecting alchemy and so on. Professionals, for example, fighters can serve as free labor for transporting goods when they perform physical training. The trials of magicians are even better. Let’s talk about the sugar beet plantation in the Monto Empire in the Baronian Territory. The lowest-level apprentice has no problem dealing with the beasts in the beet field, so the cost will be much lower if you calculate this

As for the magic materials consumed, since it consumes magic materials, there must be finished products, and these students can also collect magic materials by themselves. After all, students will harvest magic materials when they try.

Mrs. Alice also watched it again. Mrs. Alice couldn’t help but admire Cook’s thoughts and understand why Cook was able to get to this point. But Alice still worried and asked: "Will there be anything in the Mage’s Union? sound"

"Hehe we don't have to come forward, someone naturally wants to come forward" Cook smiled mysteriously

Merrif reacted immediately: "Cook, you mean the empire"

"Yes, it is the Empire Roland Empire, the Ceylon Empire, the Arran Empire and even the Northwestern empires. I know that these empires have requested the Magician Union countless times but they have not established an academy." Cook smiled. Replied

"But if these empires want to participate," Merliv said worriedly

"Hehe they don't have management rights and the students after our college graduates can give them a certain quota. Of course, this quota must be paid for." Cook said with a smile. Cook knows that the northwestern empires are relatively backward and often happen to each other. friction

Of course, Cook is not afraid that these empires will not agree because the strength of these empires is almost the same. If an empire participates in the rest of the empire, it will definitely not lag behind, because the high-level professionals cultivated by the academy are strategy for this world war. Sexual weapons do not mean that there is nothing unimportant. A magician leads a group of low-level magicians that can withstand ordinary soldiers several times.

And a high-ranking warrior is a rampant character among the Hosts, so as long as an empire joins the surrounding empires, it will definitely rush to join.

Merliv and Alice are not fools. Cook understands it by saying this. Finally Merliv asked: "Cook how much money do you plan to invest in the early stage"

"I plan to invest 100 million gold coins in the first year and then increase it by 30% every year" Cook thought for a moment and said a number

Merliv frowned. Don't look at the billions of gold coins. You have to know that the academy offers many disciplines, but there are many major professions. Warriors, magicians, thieves, assassins, hunters, archers, let alone rare summoners, astrology divisions, forging alchemy, strokes and potions, etc. Profession And each of these major professions needs to establish a branch, and each branch needs to be taught according to the different departments. It is like the magician is divided into the fire department and the water department plus the mutation department. There are more than 20 department fighters. There are also shield warriors who use two-handed swords and swordsmen who use one-handed swords. There are also knights and other professions.

So it’s really not a lot of money to spread it evenly. It’s not a lot of money to see Merid. Cook asked puzzledly: "Why is it not enough?

"Cook, you just said that the number of students is estimated to be indispensable once they come out," Merrif said with a wry smile.

"It depends on the situation. One thousand people will cost one hundred million gold coins according to this number." After listening to Cook, he also understood that he underestimated the student's welfare plan. Obviously the fact that Merliv said is only a talent for the civilians. The money for the test is enough to make these families unbearable, and Cook’s free test is not only talented but also pays a salary. This is equivalent to saying that a few-year-old child will start working to make money. This is enough to make many civilians flock to the foreseeable thing. There must be a lot of people

"Is the salary of the trainee Cook the same or is it different according to the talents?" Merrif asked again

"You don’t need to pay salaries directly according to the level. Apprentices are a level, level 1, level 2, level 3, sometimes talents may not necessarily work hard, and we can also hold various competitions such as half a year or a year for a trial. For the top ten people Or a few people give rewards..." Although Cook hates competitions and even exams, I have to say that this is very helpful for improving the enthusiasm of students.

"This is a good idea, after all, actual combat is the most important thing." When Merliv heard that one thousand people is 100 million gold coins, one person is one hundred thousand gold coins. This is enough and it's too much, but Merliv also knows that the more money, the more so. The hardware and even the teaching staff are of high standard

"Hehe is not only the trainee tutor, but also can be rewarded based on the student's performance. Of course, the bottom line of this salary is unchanged, but in this way, the distribution of students must be fair." Cook said with a smile.

Alice also understands what Cook said about the student welfare surprise. Only Alice said with a smile: "Cook, your trick is so good. Those instructors who just want to keep one hand will face a reduction in income."

"Yes" Cook replied with a smile

"But is this billion gold coins a bit too much" Lori asked in a low voice

"Not much, not much, and the college is not only for the students who have money, so there must be some place to spend it. It is foreseeable that the place where the academy is located is definitely prosperous. After all, the salary of the students is not small every year. What's more, there are still many people who bring their children to test. Nothing else, just living and eating is enough to feed many people." Cook said with a wave of hands.

"Then I'll report to the mentor" Merrif stood up excitedly

"Uncle Merif is not in a hurry. In fact, you can do the best thing yourself. After all, you are not registered in the Wizards' Guild and your relationship with the empire is not very close. If your Excellency Monki comes forward, other empires are only afraid..." Ke hurriedly said that, after all, Merrif’s mentor is the guardian of the Roland Empire. As the administrator of the academy, other empires must be concerned about it, so Cook wants to remind Merrif.

"What Cook said is a little sensitive to his father's identity" Alice said in agreement

"Hehe, I'm afraid I can't do the job," Merliv said excitedly, rubbing his hands, and this expression surprised Lori next to him. Merliv had such an expression in Lori's impression of a polite gentleman.

"Don't sit down and discuss with Cook carefully" Alice said softly as she looked at Merlif, but the smile on her face indicated that Alice was just reminding Merlif.

"Cook, what do we do next?" Merrif sat down; calmed down and then took out a scroll as if to take notes

"Uncle Merrif doesn’t need to be like this. I’m just providing an idea. The first thing we need to do is to contact several empires and then select the school site. However, I suggest that the site of this academy should be in a place suitable for low-level students’ trials. Near the mountains..." Cook said some of the college’s ideas, and Alice Lori and Merrif also added some four people at any time. After a full day of talking, finally set the general framework of the college and then Cook returned. When it comes to the Hunter’s Union, Cook must come forward because the exhibition is about to start.

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