A Unique Hunter

Chapter 703: Exhibition "1"

"Give a gift as a gift." The rare Karon also knew that Cook was joking.

But Cook said with a smile: "I'm joking. Since the Karon Patriarch is willing to take care of my business, I won't charge your handling fees this time."

"That is certain" Kalong replied affirmatively with a mist sprayed from his nose

"Sebastian put these monsters on the outside square for an exhibition, and then marked them with numbers. They are ready to be auctioned tomorrow. Right. These are familiars. As long as they are auctioned, there is a way for these guys to sign a contract." Cook told Sebastian Tao

"It's the lord" although Sebastian doesn't know who this big man who came in is, but as long as you look at these high-level monsters brought by this big man, you know that the identity is definitely not ordinary. The two titles of patriarch make Sebastian I guessed the identity of these big guys

More than a dozen high-level monsters were placed on the square and caused a sea of ​​sensation. You must know that high-level monsters will not be captured by humans because it is too difficult. The reason why the eggs and cubs are so valuable. Because it is easy to be obtained and easy to sign contracts. In fact, like other animals, Warcraft will regard the first creature seen with open eyes as its own parents. If you don’t believe it, you can try to hatch some ducklings. When they grow up, these ducklings like to follow their ass. Behind

And although the Magic City is said to be a large city, these ice-type monsters live in the Arctic Icefield. Except for the extremely rare ice-type magicians and ice-type warriors, no one can survive in that place. Even ice warriors and magicians will not go to the Arctic Icefield because these two professions are very rare and high-level professionals are even rarer.

But you have to admit that the attack power and defense power of the ice system are among the best. To be honest, the ice system can be said to be comparable to the attack power of the gold system. The first defense is also the first, and the ice system has a cold effect. Cold can cause stiffness. Wait for a series of consequences

Although the fire element has the first attack power, the defense of the fire element is not very strong, so the value of the ice-type monster is also ranked in the first stage among the monsters.

More than a dozen high-level ice-type monsters immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Many families that did not intend to enter the auction are also ready to move. After all, an adult ice-type high-level monster can live for hundreds of years, and ordinary families buy these monsters as guardians. With the existence of the Guardian Warcraft, the family can develop steadily for hundreds of years. This is not how many gold coins can be exchanged.

After Cook greeted Karon, he began to prepare for the exhibition and auction. However, the auction was three days after the exhibition opened, so he was not very anxious. Cook confirmed the items for the exhibition one by one, including the power of the fire element fruit dragon. Of course, the potion is of qualified quality, and it is only the blood of the fifth-level Wurm. Only the talent potion Cook has prepared five bottles.

And like the potent stealth potion, the potent defense potion, the petrochemical potion, the power potion, the popular potion, and so on, the potions are even more dazzling. There are also gem-level magic herbs and they are fresh. Live will involve plant trainers

As for the ore, there are more than a dozen kinds of magic metals, including windy copper, glass, iron and the like, but this is not the most dazzling and dazzling is that the ten sets of magic pattern equipment are quietly placed there. As for the Warcraft The egg is the rarest golden eagle. "I remembered wrong in the previous chapter. The golden eagle is a cub and not an egg."

On the third day, the entire Hunter’s Union square was heavily guarded. The three-story guard was the outermost layer of the Magic City’s security patrol. For this exhibition, the 16 streets near the Hunter’s Union were closed. All shops and merchants were staffed. If you don’t get out, the Magic City has issued an air ban, which means that today only the official flying knights of the Magic City can fly and the rest will be directly bombarded by the Magic City’s air defense system as long as they fly.

The second floor is the elite guards of the mercenary union and the thieves’ union. The third floor is the orc cavalry under the hands of Cook. Among them, the number of ogres and trolls is the largest, and on the square is the number of huge dragons. Only the poisonous dragon stared at the surroundings. In fact, if anyone knew that the poisonous dragon clan had brought fifty adult poisonous dragons this time, no one would dare to move the idea of ​​this exhibition.

Inside the Hunter’s Guild, there are space legendary magician Lenasia and bow maker Mizmitz are legends of the wind system, and the three-eyed fox is also cleverly crawling on the sofa. The three-eyed fox is also a legendary warcraft. And on the first floor of the hall, Er Fat is even more like that behind Cook, but Er Fat is now like a hairless little pug. The round body is very cute.

As time went by, a carriage passed through several levels and stopped in the square one after another. Don’t underestimate this entry sequence. The nine floating carriages are in front of them. These carriages are suspended in the air half a meter high. And the carriage of the carriage is as big as a double-decker bus. There is no doubt that this is the nine magic families behind the Wizards’ Guild.

"Haha welcome everyone" Cook greeted him

"Cook you kid" these magic family members all took several people with them, but the guards stayed in the square

Only Leif mentor can talk to Cook so affectionately. Cook said with a smile, "Everyone, please go upstairs and visit first."

The heads of the nine magical families are here. You should know that these heads are all directors of the wizards’ union, that is, elders, and some of them are permanent directors.

Walking behind the nine great families of wizards in the Wizards’ Guild are the high-levels of the Mercenary Guild, then the Warriors’ Guild, the Thieves Guild, etc. The only thing that didn’t come was the Archer’s Association. In just half an hour, at least hundreds of people entered the exhibition hall. The latter are those with very strong personal strength. In fact, the threshold for viewing the exhibition is not very high. You can bring two people in by paying 10,000 gold coins. So the people behind are all lined up. Many of them are wearing noble costumes and they are all seen. It is a high-ranking nobleman, and there are many royal families with major empires

Cook saw that the people behind had no need to let himself receive Cook and he was relieved, and then he was ready to sneak into his president's room to rest. Then he knew that he was taken directly to the exhibition hall by the Leif mentor.

"Where did Cook's moonglow come from? It's almost two thousand years of moonglow" Leif asked excitedly

"Hehe, mentor, I can’t reveal the source of these herbs." Cook laughed and said that Leif was excited.

Moonglow is the main material for refining tranquility potions. Tranquility potion is an auxiliary potion. What does meditation do to assist meditation? You can imagine sleeping. The degree of meditation is the same as the depth of sleep. A tranquil potion can make people easy. Deep meditation

You know that deep meditation is an abnormal state, and the only and greatest effect of this abnormal state is to break through the bottleneck. Of course, this herb is actually less than two thousand years old, but it grows faster in natural space, but that's it. The tranquility potion refined by this moonlight grass also has a high chance of allowing intermediate and advanced magicians to break through the bottleneck. The longer the moonlight grass is, the more advanced the profession they use.

"Well then can you tell us what the reserve price of this moonglow is" Leif asked afterwards

"Teacher, you really need this moonlight grass" Cook asked instead of saying the reserve price

"Well, it's not in the family... I won't say it." Leif sighed, obviously it was also a family matter.

"Hehe, mentor, don’t worry that I still have a 3,000-year-old moongrass here. I will send it to you after I have refined the tranquility potion in a few days." Cook said to Leif with a smile.

Leif, who knew Cook’s pharmacy talent, immediately replied with excitement: "Thank you, but Cook, be careful. I heard someone is going to grab something at night."

"Hehe, mentor, be optimistic." Cook hehe smiled. Cook had expected that after all this time there were too many things, but Cook is not a fool. Titan giants and dozens of dragons of the poisonous dragon family are even legendary. The robbery gang Cook will make those guys come and go

"Your Excellency Baron Cook" just after Leif walked away, an elderly man in his fifties walked to Cook's side

"You are" Cook is puzzled

"Hehe Lord Baron Cook, I am the Emperor of the Roland Empire" the old man replied with a smile

"Your Majesty" Cook performed the courtesy of a magician

"Your Excellency, I want to ask what Merrif said is true," the old man asked nervously

"It is true, your Majesty, as long as Uncle Meriff is ready, I can act on my side" Cook replied with a smile

"Thank you" the old man walked away excitedly. On this occasion, Cook will be welcomed by many people as the master, so these people are waiting in an orderly manner and the people in the row will not occupy much of Cook's time.

However, most of the people present are watching the exhibition. The people surrounded by several places are the most suitable. The first is the golden eagle cub, the magic pattern equipment and the element fruit. These three places are almost impenetrable.

"Master, there are too many people outside" Sebastian hurried in and said to Cook

"How many people" Cook asked in surprise

"There are at least 1,000 people who pay the fee, but theoretically there are 3,000 people. After all, one person brings two people and the line up to pay according to the information has been arranged in six streets," Sebastian said excitedly.

You must know that it takes less than an hour to collect tickets, which is 10 million gold coins.   10 million gold coins. Now it seems that the ticket revenue alone will reach at least hundreds of millions of gold coins.

"It still can't be put in anyway. The number of people in the hall must be limited. This is for safety. After all, it costs money to prepare tents and prepare food, drinking and water, as well as sanitary things, and entertain these people well. To take care of this, we can entrust it to the police station for a certain amount of money, but the cost can be more. After all, we still need to have a good relationship with the police station in the future." Cook thought for a while and ordered.

Just after Cook had just finished giving orders, there was a loud roar outside: "Kook kid, come out for me"

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