A Unique Hunter

Chapter 711: Academy

The guards of the Wushuang Academy are no longer guarded by the guards of the Wizards’ Union, and the guards of the Baronian Realm. These guards immediately salute after seeing Cook, and then there are no other actions. Cook is very strict in the training of the guards of his own Baronian Realm. The guards of the Kh Territory have the highest welfare among all the guards. This is one of the reasons why the guards of the Baron’s territory are elite.

"Your Excellency Cook" Cook gave a salute to the guards and walked into Wushuang Academy. As soon as he walked in, someone greeted Cook loudly.

And this person was isolated by the guards that Cook carried with him, and Cook's personal guards were one of the best in a million. Of course, he was equipped with a complete set of magical equipment and had high-level Warcraft mounts. Cook's guards had three teams and the first team. Count the guards of the Baronian Territory, because there are not only Frost Titans, but also transfigured humanoid monsters. There are also high-level warriors. There are about 100 soldiers, but Frost Titans occupy as many as five.

The second most important thing is the Mekai Empire. The Mekai Empire is a new empire established after the overthrow of the Orc Empire, and Cook is the leader of the overthrow of the Orc Empire. The guard lineup is very luxurious. There are more than five thousand people. The orcs are all powerful beast soul fighters and some priests, so they are second in strength

The third team is Cook’s guard in the Magic City. The guard of the Magic City can be said to have at least fifty people and almost all human guards. Although the level of these guards is not very high, they are all guards from the Roland Empire who know the foundation.

Now Cook’s personal guard is the guard of the Baronian Territory. The four Frost Titans are led by the four Frost Titans, and these Frost Titans all have a set of magicweave equipment. It is unceremonious to say that the combat power of this guard in Cook's hands can be said to be the whole The number one in the mainland, even if it is a giant dragon, has to weigh the Frost Titan equipped with a magicweave suit. The combat effectiveness of the Frost Titan is very powerful.

"Hehe is Mori tutor," Cook greeted him with a smile, and then motioned to the guards to let Kamori a mentor from Wushuang Academy. Cook just knew him.

Mori saw the guard dodge and hurried to the small runway Cook followed and said: "Your Excellency Cook's affairs with the Wizards’ Guild this time, our family is innocent. You must know that these big families usually control the entire Wizards’ Guild, so our family Willing to cooperate with His Excellency Cook to investigate the crimes of these big families"

"Thank you, Master Mori. I am also very angry about this. What I didn't expect is that the Holy Magician Guild would be controlled by people from other planes. I think this may not be a year or a few years. So I If you want to expand the scope of the inventory, you need the participation of the rest of the union. After all, I’m an outsider. I don’t know much about the situation inside the Mage’s guild. And Master Mori, you have also seen that the long-term blockade of the Magic City is too costly." In Cook's heart There was a slight movement, although Cook knew that someone in the Wizards’ Guild would definitely come out and fall to him

It's not surprising that Cook can expect this, because the wizards' union is not a monolithic one. Although the big families hold the voice of the wizards' union, after all, there are other small and medium-sized families that can survive. These families must have their own. The reason is that now the leaders of several big families are imprisoned and it is still this kind of crime that almost offends the entire plane. It is strange that these small families have no idea. It is because of this that Cook used to gather the mercenary union, thieves union, and assassins union. The warrior union and several big unions have only two words of interest in dealing with these big families.

Because the interests held by the Mage Union are too large and the power of the Mage Union is too great. The rest of the unions, even if they are intentional, do not have the courage to offend the Mage Union. At that time, the Mage Union is a whole, after all, once someone offends the union. Everyone inside will not buy it, but it's different now

"Your Excellency Cook, I'm here for this purpose. Our family and the other families will try their best to assist you in your investigation of this matter." Mori was relieved to know that this is an opportunity for the rise of the family. Although it can be expected that after this incident, the strength of the Magician Guild will definitely decline, but the strength of the family has increased. Isn't it how to choose?

"Very well, what you big families need to do is to maintain the stability of the wizards' union. I also know that many wizards are panicked now, so I don't want any conflicts to occur at this time. And in the future, the wizards' union needs innocent families. To manage not" Cook, this is a disguised trading condition with Moriti

"No problem, Lord Cook, don't worry." Mori was excited when he got Cook's promise. Mori didn't expect that he stayed in Wushuang Academy and actually met Cook. You should know that the people sent by his big families are waiting for the library everywhere. What Kewei is to negotiate terms with Cook is because Cook's power is too strong. Not to mention the hundreds of meters long dragon that flies in the sky from time to time. Even within the wizards’ union itself, there are people in the Wizards’ Guild. The Pharmacy Association turned to Cook, and the Alchemist Association quietly after a woman came. Obviously these two associations have been controlled by Cook.

It’s just unbelievable that the other major guilds are the only ones looking at Cooke. This makes the major magic families that had other ideas have to adjust their direction of action. You need to know the news that comes after the hunter guild auction is over. The family immediately held a high-level meeting. For this incident, several big families saw the opportunity to rise. Originally, these big families wanted to see the direction of the wind, but they didn't expect it to be overwhelming strength, so these families can't If you don’t make an emergency call, I’m afraid I won’t drink the soup.

"Well, at noon, your big families can send representatives to the Hunter Union. We will summarize the situation every noon and night and arrange the affairs of Houxi." Cook took a big step and walked away.

"Yes" Morrie was not dissatisfied with Cook's attitude at all but was very excited

After Cook entered the Wushuang Academy, he found that the academy was quiet and there was no difference at all. But Cook knew that all the missions and trials in the academy had been cancelled. The students stayed in the dormitory honestly and the only thing they could see in the academy There are teams of patrolling knights and there is a huge dragon creeping on the square of the college.

Cook walked directly into a passage of Wushuang Academy and then went directly to the top of Wushuang Academy. Most of the buildings of Wushuang Academy are built in the mountain, and on the top of the mountain is a garrison of the Wizards Guild. There are not only a few huge wizards here. In addition, there are dozens of magic crystal cannons and magic giant crossbows in the magic city. There are more than a dozen of them. These magic crystal cannons and magic giant crossbows guard the magic city and make the magic city like an iron barrel.

But now these garrisons have been replaced by the people in the Baronian Territory. For this reason, Cook has specially transferred from the Baronian Territory. More than 20,000 people and all of them are transmitted by Lina through space transmission. The space-consuming magic crystal is an astronomical number.

Cook looked at the wizard tower shining with magic light and had a headache. You must know that the wizard tower is synonymous with tyranny in this world. It can be said that every wizard tower is an extremely strong fortress and can build a wizard tower on top of Wushuang Academy. His identity is conceivable, they are all high-level magicians, and Cook is to face these wizards. After all, the first-level wizards are the backbone of the magician guild.

"Is it Lord Cook?" Just after Cook brought people up, he shouted to Cook from a distance.

"I am" Cook saw that this man was dressed up as a magician, but the color and badge of his robe was an intermediate magician.

"The instructor has been waiting for you for a long time." The intermediate magician showed Cook's courtesy and said sideways.

"Please lead the way" Cook gestured and the guards stayed, Cook followed the intermediate magician into the wizard tower

Cook actually took a big risk in doing so, but Cook has already done something to understand the master of the wizard tower at the top of Wushuang Academy, although the masters are strong, but these wizards are some research madmen and for the entire wizard guild. The unintentionally sent here are the targets of suppression because they don’t have any real rights, even the funds needed for the experiment. They need to apply. It’s just the Wushuang Academy status, so it seems to be beautiful, but the connections of these mages are very extensive, just like those. Well-known university professors, of course, are usually not the current call of the beast, the current call of the beast only recognizes money but not people

Although there is no actual right, there are many students brought out. The wizards' union calls these people academics. Because they have no independent source of income, they are the lowest strength. Even the small family forces within the wizards' union have their own. So Cook came to Wushuang Academy first

It’s the first time that Cook stepped into this mage tower. You must know that the mage tower is a mage’s home. Of course, it also takes care of the laboratory, monster cultivation, plant breeding and attack defense. It can be said that a mage tower is a small world and every mage tower has A general mage with its own unique characteristics will never allow outsiders to step into the mage tower

Cook looked at the silver-white mage tower, which is fifty meters high. The whole is a circular building, just like an enlarged version of a mushroom, but the mushroom legs are very stout. When Cook walked into the mage tower, his eyes lit up. Because from the outside, the mage tower, which is only fifty or sixty meters in diameter, came in, but it was hundreds of meters in diameter. Obviously, the space magic array was used.

Cook’s magic eyes flashed by and then Cook touched his nose because Cook’s magic eyes saw countless complex magic circles. Cook finally knew why the wizards’ union would only approve the establishment of a wizard every ten years. Towering this stuff is a money-burning thing

"Maybe this is a good breakthrough" Cook muttered to himself as he looked at the Mage Tower

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