A Unique Hunter

Chapter 713: The plan of one arrow carving

"Cook, what you said is true." Pete asked with an unbelievable expression after a long time. He certainly doesn't believe what Cook said is true.

"Hehe, of course it is true and you may have heard that Lord Westa has already understood part of the magic pattern when building the mage tower. I will invite Lord Westa to participate in the other mage towers that belong to individuals. After that, our hunter guild will never take it back. "Cook replied with a smile

The expressions on the faces of several high-level wizards are very wonderful, even the guy who owns the mage tower flashes countless light in the eyes of the guy who owns the mage tower. You must know that once you have a private mage tower, it can be said that this is the biggest gift left to the younger generation. A mage tower is built. In the future, it can be used for countless years, even if the mage has passed away, although it will not be sold, but leased to other mages or use this mage tower to attract high-level mage to become the help of your own family. There is still a mage tower. This is simply to stay. Heirloom for the family

"What kind of conditions does Cook need to have the Mage Tower?" Pete can't take care of a lot. Whatever Pete asks is what others want to ask.

"There is no detailed standard for this, and this standard is not our hunter union's unilateral decision. We still need to seek your opinions. After all, if we set this standard extremely high, you will certainly not be convinced that it is not me. The purpose of this is to deliver this news to you. I also know that there are a few high-level mages who have a wide network and are interested in participating. Of course, those mages with unique research directions, our Hunter Union, are very welcome. I will give you half a month. Please consider the time for everyone to consider. In addition, whoever wants to join our Hunter Union is also welcome" Cook replied

The expressions on Pete’s faces were very solemn because Cook understood what Cook said. This meant leaving the Wizards’ Guild and joining the Hunters’ Guild, but this was not the main one. Pete looked at each other and then Peter asked: K must know that these research topics may require five years of investment for several years or ten years and this is a huge number. I wonder if the number of people involved should be as few as possible"

"Don't worry about our hunter union plan to invest at least 5 billion gold coins every year to fund your research. Of course, this research must also have a certain progress so that we can increase our investment." Cook replied in affirmative that Cook is least The worry is the money. It’s just this time that the Cook’s harvest is an astronomical figure. Of course, the cash is only a few tens of billions of gold coins. The rest is a large amount of real estate or magical materials.

But Cook now not only has the first-tier world of the Chamber of Commerce in the Underground World. After the Mage Union changed, Cook has almost mastered the third-tier underground world. More than 60% of his income is attributed to Cooke, let alone the Baronian Territory. The Yalong trade and the upcoming trade with the sea clan

Of course, a lot of money is spent. A Mekai empire needs tens of billions of gold coins to invest in a year until the hematopoietic function of the Mekai empire is gradually stabilized, and the rise of the Hunter Union must also require investment, but for these two expenditures Gram income is obviously more

Cook's investment in magic research can be said to be a thoughtful magic research. What is consumed? That is the magic material and how the magic material is obtained. That is the risk of countless people. In other words, the investment of 5 billion gold coins is actually indirect. To the mercenaries

Of course, Cook has a comprehensive plan in his heart, that is, the required magic materials are provided by the Association of Adventurers, so that 5 billion gold coins every year is equivalent to most of the investment in the Association of Adventurers. Since then, the growth of the Association of Adventurers is predictable.

When the mercenaries are rich, why do the mercenaries’ biggest expense is equipment, so Cook only used 5 billion gold coins to gain a lot

The first is to win over these research-type high-level mages. You must know that although these mages do not have a deep background, they are very powerful in their own combat. And these mages must have disciples. This is equivalent to Cooke. Attracted a large number of mages

The second is the research result, which is definitely attributed to Cook

The third is to strengthen the Association of Adventurers, because the biggest objects to acquire magic materials are mercenaries and adventurers.

The fourth is the purchase of equipment by mercenaries. Needless to say, the expansion of the equipment production department of the Hunter Union

Fifth, Cook used this to start the hunter union's reputation and weaken the power of the magician union

So don’t underestimate the effect of these five billion gold coins after Cook’s operation, but it’s amazing. Once Cook is willing to add 10 billion gold coins and 15 billion gold coins, the effect will be even better.

"Cook really has 5 billion gold coins." Pete's eyes widened, and they were short of breath. Pete these people's annual appropriation figures for each person is up to tens of millions of gold coins, but sometimes there are millions of gold coins, but every year The maintenance of the mage tower requires at least one million gold coins, and the magic power used by the mage tower is not provided by magic crystals or magic cores, but the magic power obtained by the transformation of the elements of the mage tower itself, so five billion gold coins is definitely a big number.

Pete even thought about it in his mind that these people plus familiar friends would add up to only a dozen people, and a dozen people have a minimum investment of 5 billion gold coins. Each person has at least two or three billion gold coins. This is equivalent. In the past nearly ten years of funding

"Hehe I already said this is the lowest number" Cook said with a smile

Pete is so worried now that Pete looked at Cook and asked hurriedly: "Cook, you just plan to invest in these research topics."

Pete pointed to the list of research topics and asked because there are more than a dozen research topics above that Pete is not good at. Faced with the investment of at least two or three billion gold coins per year, Pete couldn't help but be moved.

"Oh, of course it's not where I know how many research topics there are. You can also apply for the topics yourself. Once the review is approved, we will still invest in funds" Cook replied with a smile again

"Then what if I apply for a research topic" Pete asked, ignoring the way the other people wanted to talk, blocking him in front of Cook and staring directly at Cook.

"Yes," Cook nodded and replied

"Okay, I'll write an application right away" Pete turned around and ran away, and then there was Pete yelling

"Cook, I am studying the amount of research involved in the magic of magic metal..." the other mages immediately asked.

"Don’t worry, we’ll treat you equally and this is not my final decision, because our research institute has a decision-making level, the grandmaster of Leif’s pharmacy, the grandmaster of West Asia’s magic circle, and the master of Lina’s pharmacy. The great master of dwarf forging and the great master of dwarf engineering participated in the whole review process, as long as the research is really needed, we will not hold back the slightest" Cook quickly stood up and explained

When the other wizards heard Cook’s answer, they were not relieved but asked eagerly: "Cook, you said it was a dwarf and a dwarf. Could it be that these two races are also involved?"

"Hehe, of course, the dwarves already have three topics. The first is the study of mineral veins, including the flow of water, etc. This project is about 20 million gold coins before and after I started in the Baronian Territory. The second is mining. The research of machinery has invested more than ten million in funds. Another is the research of quenching technology. This is only millions of gold coins. The dwarf family also has several projects. One of the most invested is the research of steam power, which has invested five thousand. The research topic of these two races of ten thousand gold coins is about one billion gold coins a year," Cook replied affirmatively.

"I'm relying on me to find someone quickly, or the money will be distributed by those little dwarfs." One of the wizards immediately jumped up after hearing this, opened the huge magic crystal window and flew away. But the destination is another mage tower more than a thousand meters away

"I'm going to write an application, too." The rest of the people left one after another. The face looked like an equatorial elementary school student with anxiety.

In the evening, Cook smiled and walked out of Pete’s mage tower. Behind Cook was a group of people who came out to see him off. The harvest today is huge. A total of 36 high-level mages joined this research institution. One person, five people at level nine, and seven intermediate mages also applied for research topics. These intermediate mages are all disciples of these senior mages, and Cook has hundreds of applications on the list, most of which are current Wushuang Academy. Mentor

"The things money can do are small things" Cook said to himself as he watched those high-level mages who laughed and opened their mouths.

"Your Excellency Cook" When Cook walked out of Wushuang Academy, someone next to him called himself Cook and was depressed. Why are people always waiting for himself at this gate?

But when Cook took a look, he knew it was the Mori teacher. Obviously, the representatives of these families were ready.

"Teacher Mori" Cook greeted him kindly, since Mori was waiting for him, he must greet him warmly.

"Lord Cook" Teacher Mori performed a mage courtesy to Cook

"You are ready" Cook asked with a smile

"Ready," Morrie replied

"Well then you can go to the Hunter Union and I will go back there soon to see if there is any latest news" Cook said directly

"I'm going to inform them right away" Mori quickly replied and then left an anxious look.

Cook's trip today was very successful, so I was very happy that the mighty team returned to the Hunter Union. Now the entire Magic City is still under martial law, but this situation will only take a day or two for Cook to fully grasp the situation. Will let go

"What’s the latest news?" Cook returned to the Hunter’s Guild and saw that Nicos Feddy was also an intelligence chief in the Baron’s Domain and a high-level thief. When he followed Cook before, he was only at level 6 and now at the top of level 7. Cook's huge amount of funds and industries spread all over make the intelligence network under this guy's hands become very powerful. In the past, when Cook had a conflict with the wizards' union, he was already collecting information on the big families behind the wizards' union. It works right now

"Master's situation is a bit complicated, not only the Mage's Union, but also the shadows of these people and several great empires." Nicos handed Cook a scroll and replied.

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