A Unique Hunter

Chapter 741: Insufficient permissions

"Master Ballas, I'm not convinced." Harvey, who had already been walking silently and was about to leave, immediately heard Ballas say this.

"Dissatisfied" Ballas repeated his eyes brightly and coldly

The apprentices around the pharmacists all complained endlessly. You should know that this is the grand master-level pharmacist of the Grand Master Hall of the Green Forest Empire Branch of the Pharmacist Alliance of the Green Forest Empire. It is even a fifth-level civilized citizen of the Maru Empire. The teacher is not convinced that this is looking for death, but it doesn’t matter if you are looking for death, don’t bother us.

"President Ballas, I’m not convinced that this person may not be refining the medicine by himself at all. I need to know that this person’s time for refining the medicine is only a few minutes, and I suspect that this waiter is an accomplice because according to his refining method is fundamental No one will refining successfully no one" Harvey said loudly and quickly

After hearing this answer, Ballas’ expression was a little better. After all, if Harvey refused to accept Ballas’ attack on him, it would be too ugly for Ballas.

Barras looked at Cook and then at Harvey and said to Harvey: "Harvey, don’t dissatisfied with us. We can see that Lord Cook has refined it right away. Then I will convince you, otherwise others will say I am the president Doing things unfairly"

"Thank you, President." Harvey immediately became excited when he heard Ballas's words, because the meaning of Ballas's words was already obvious. Even Ballas didn't believe that Cook could refine the best potion.

It's not that Ballas looks down on Cook, but from Cook's identity information to look at a human race who is not more than 20 years old. Well, although there is such a trace of bunny blood, Ballas can't help wondering that he seems to be a trainee at 20. Apothecary, so Ballas was also beating his heart, and Harvey jumped out and gave Ballas a way out. If Cook is really cheating, then Harvey is the hero. Of course, if it’s true, then Ballas doesn’t mind suppressing it again. Once Harvey gave Cook a face and a pharmacist who can refine the best medicine is more important than a gold-level pharmacist, because the price of the same bottle of best quality medicine is at least n times that of good quality, of course more. Is fame

Cook smiled slightly and didn't say anything because Ballas's approach is understandable in Cook's view because Cook is also a leader. Leaders can have various shortcomings, but one thing that cannot be made is to make mistakes. Therefore, the leader needs the Ma Tsai Ma Tsai is to give the leader a scapegoat. Even so, there are countless people who want to be the Ma Tsai who carries the scapegoat.

Everything is ready. Cook stepped into the area where Harvey made pharmaceutical agents just now. I have to say that the quality of the things Harvey used is better than the one that Cook used just now. The magical scene happened again.

Cook did not use the general process of refining pharmaceutical agents, but just like a housewife cooking soup, throwing all kinds of materials down, and then using a crystal rod to stir the drug twice to complete the refining.

Then the filter bottling cook said with a smile: "Your Excellency Ballas, I have refined it."

"Refining it well" Ballas was shocked because Ballas is no ordinary pharmacist

Baras understands Cook's technique, but Baras is even more shocked to know that there are too many things involved in refining medicines, temperature, purity, and the speed of fusion of each herb and the reaction of various herbs.

In a word, Cook’s refining method just now requires a very powerful calculation function to accurately pass the temperature of the solution, the purity and solubility of the herb, and also calculate the next time the herb is put in. Ballas just calculated the placement of the two herbs. Time but Cook is done

"Extreme quality" Baras was even more shocked when he saw the potion, because even the master of the top quality potion would not dare to say that he could successfully refine two bottles in succession.

The success rate of top-quality potions is almost one in ten thousand, which is one out of ten thousand. This base number refers to the successful refining of the potion rather than the number of times of refining.

And the probability of one in ten thousand is that the probability of refining by the master pharmacist is at least one hundred thousand or one in a million. As for the lower gold level pharmacists, they may not be able to refine a bottle in their lifetime.

Barlas's mouth feels dry because Cook's situation is beyond his own authority. Because Barras himself is a pharmacist, how could he give Cook the status of a pharmacist?

"Your Excellency Cook, this situation is beyond my scope of authority, so your Excellency, can you wait two days for I need to report to the headquarters" Ballas is very grateful that his attitude is low. When Ballas just heard of Cook There is a mentor behind the master of pharmacy, so he is very respectful to Cook. This respect is utilitarian.

But now Balas is from the bottom of my heart. Although Balas is also a pharmacist, Balas knows that he must not succeed in refining two bottles of top quality potions.

"Well, well, I have to go to the Hunter's Union to do career determination." Cook is a little impatient. There is no authority for this and that, but Cook also knows that everything has a program.

"Well, I'll let Danny take you," Ballas replied immediately and asked Danny a few words before letting Danny take Cook away.'

As soon as Cook left Ballas, he left in a hurry. Now the most important thing for Ballas is to pass the news of Cook to the headquarters of the Apothecary Alliance, a new pharmacist and a pharmacist master mentor behind him. What a big news this is

Danny was behind Cook, and he felt like five flavors. Chen Za didn’t expect that he had some arrogance before coming to the Apothecary Union, but after seeing Cooke so simple and refined the best quality potion, Danny knew about Cook. It's already an existence that needs to look up

Danny looked at the crowd behind him. Danny knew that at least half of the masters of the Green Forest Empire Apothecary Alliance branch were around him and Cook. This was the guard of the two.

Cook clearly understands the location of the Hunter Union through the magic map. I have to say that the Green Forest Empire did an excellent job. This time Cook chose to ride on the flying mount, which is also a kind of magic insect, but the insects here are at least a few meters. Big guy

The flying mount that Cook rides constantly shuttles among the branches of the huge sugar maple tree. Cook feels very shocked every time he sees this huge tree. Cook estimates that the diameter of the tree's canopy is at least more than 100,000 kilometers. After flying for nearly half an hour, Cook finally reached the place where the Hunter Union is.

This is the middle and lower part of the big tree. This is also the residence of the other major guilds, including the residence of the mercenary union. Because it is closer to the bottom, it is convenient for professionals to enter the lower level for battle and trial.

"Your Excellency Cook is not only the residence of the major trade unions, but also the place where the largest army headquarters of the Green Forest Empire is located. There are more than 1.5 million elite soldiers of the Green Forest Empire and there are more than two million various kinds of soldiers. Professionals. The largest trading market in the entire Green Forest Empire has a total population of more than 300 million people and there are more than 50 vocational colleges." Danny explained on the side

"Tsk Tsk" Cook looked at the black soil on the ground. This is the humus produced after the leaves fall. It is also called the black soil. Cook obviously feels that the humidity in the air here is a bit high.

If it weren’t for the huge canopy overhead, Cook thought it was a plain. The flying spot here was extremely busy. There were countless people waiting in line for the flying mount and more people came back.

Cook is even more shocked by the 300 million population. This is only the middle and lower levels of the tree.

The group of people sat on a mount similar to a bus. This mount was a huge black beetle at least fifteen meters long. A chair was placed on the back of the beetle. Of course it was Danny’s business to pay. There is no currency of the Green Forest Empire

The beetle was proficiently walking fast on different roads. Cook was even more surprised to find that the beetle was simply a bus. Someone went up and down. Danny explained in a low voice: "These are passenger mounts under the Transport League."

"Transportation Union" Cook repeated these four words in surprise

But Danny hadn’t had time to answer the hunter’s union and he arrived in front of the union. There was a large square. There was a lot of noise and numerous stalls.

"It's so lively here" Cook didn't expect the Hunter Union to be so prosperous in the Plane League

"Haha, the hunter class is advanced but very powerful, and the hunter is also one of the few classes that can take risks alone," Danny said with a smile.

Cook and Danny walked into the Hunter's Union. The Hunter's Union also uses an all-wood building with a height of more than one hundred meters and is built on a huge tree trunk.

Queue to register for the number plate and wait for the test. Cook found that the union method here is the same as the previous procedure in the Pharmacist Union.

"The next No. 655" Cook waited for Danny and the others at the door of the measurement room, but Cook couldn't get in. He immediately stood up when he heard his number plate calling out.

"No. 655, you determine the senior hunter" the person in charge of the determination asked

"Yes" Cook replied

"Well, first of all, the determination of the high-level hunter is different from that of the intermediate-level one. It requires a magical imaging test." The person who said this test took Cook into a room.

"After the meeting starts, there will be different magical images around, and at this time there will be some organs in the surrounding walls that will attack you in the magical image simulation environment. What you have to do is to block these attacks with your bow." Explained

"Understand" Cook can't help but sigh that the method of measurement is extremely advanced and it is actually a simulation measurement.

"Well, ready to start," the tester shouted loudly, standing behind Cook

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