A Unique Hunter

Chapter 743: I can't determine your level

"The Lord Cook's Maru Empire is a five-level magical civilized empire. It manages six star regions, has hundreds of habitable planets, and has a huge fleet of mana spaceships. It is said that these huge mana spaceships can be destroyed by one attack. "A plane planet" Niqi explained with an enviable expression

"Then Nicky, can you give a detailed introduction to the situation of the Maru Empire" Cook turned his head and looked at Nicky and asked

Niqi's expression changed and then replied: "Your Excellency Cook is not that I don't want to introduce it but I don't know the specific situation of the Maru Empire at all."

"Oh" Cook said nothing

"But I do know that if you want to become a citizen of the Maru Empire, it is very demanding. The first is that you can apply to become a citizen of the Maru Empire if you reach the master level. The fourth part of the Lu Empire’s special contribution is, of course, to have huge wealth. There are at least tens of millions of people who apply to enter the Maru Empire every year, but I am afraid that only hundreds of thousands of people succeed." I thought Cook was not satisfied and quickly explained

Cook digested it and asked, "I remember there are three fifth-level civilizations and two others."

"Hehe, there are two more demanding conditions for joining and not so free. One is the Light Empire believes in the God of Light, the other is the Dark Empire believes in the Lord of Darkness, and the environment of these two empires is simply not suitable for the Light Empire. The central star field has three suns. The four plane planets in the central star field have no dark night. The bright empire governs two star fields. The other star field has only two suns. It is called the satellite field and the star where the dark empire is located. The domain is called the dark domain. It does not mean that there is no sunlight in that place, but that the size of the planet is more than sixty times that of the sun. So at least most of the time in a day is night and the dark empire only has this planet. This plane planet is worth the total population of the more than 30 plane planets of the Maru Empire, and the day of the plane planet of the Dark Empire is as long as a week here, and in this week Only one day is the day and the rest is night. The light empire and the dark empire are opposite, but because of the special environment of the two sides, no one can do anything. Although the Maru Empire is the largest level five civilization, the Maru Empire is actually similar. The organization of the alliance is not a centralized system like the light empire and the dark empire" Danny thought for a while and explained again

Cook was completely shocked that Nima had the Light Empire and the Dark Empire. Of course, he knew why the two empires could not help each other. The environment of Nima's three suns was not dark creatures looking for death. Don't say fighting or staying for a long time. Under such an environment, it will die, and the environment of the dark field is the same for light creatures.

Cook asked suspiciously: "Isn't it said that the planetary plane can be destroyed? So..."

"Hehe Lord Cook, the temperature above the sun is extremely high. The people of the dark empire have never thought of destroying the sun, but any attack on the sun is ineffective" Danny replied with a smile.

Cook is also a bit embarrassed, so the question just asked doesn’t matter to these magical energy attacks without asking the temperature of the sun.

It took a long time for Cook and others to return to the Apothecary Union. Cook also learned that the headquarters of all guild alliances are in the Maru Empire, and the Maru Empire is similar to the parliamentary system. It can be said that the management of the Maru Empire The alliance of pharmacists in the layer also has a place

The Maru Empire is a neutral country and does not prohibit the spread of temples and its commerce is extremely developed. The environment of the Maru Empire is very suitable for humans and even sub-human races. The Dark Empire and the Light Empire only welcome believers who believe in the two gods. Of course, the premise is The level of this believer must be high enough

"Your Excellency Cook, let me introduce you this is Lord Lyon of the Maru Empire, this is the Grand Master Lafite at the headquarters of our Apothecary Union." Cook just walked into the Apothecary Union when he was pulled into by Ballas. Ballas, the top of the Pharmacists Union, then introduced Cook

"Master Lafite, Lord Lyon, this is what I call Cook" Ballas once again introduced Cook

And Cook was completely shocked because these two are actually legendary masters, and the lord is a legendary master. If you let the people on the continent where you live know that your jaw will fall.

"Two adults" Cook performed the courtesy of a pharmacist

"Well" the two people looked at Cook and gave an okay

And Cook felt that he was directly scanned by two extremely powerful mental powers, but fortunately Cook knew that people from the fifth level of civilization are very abnormal, so he packed up the magic pattern equipment and replaced it with a set of advanced magic equipment. As for the natural space ring in his hand, Cook was a bit nervous at first, but now it seems that these people can't find it.

"These two adults, Cook, personally determined your level," Ballas said to Cook while taking out something from the space equipment, and the thing that Ballas took out was a set of superb magic crystals. Potion tools and some herbs

Cook nodded and waited until Ballas was ready, Cook stepped forward to check the purity of the herbs and the tools that needed to be checked. Cook kept turning in his heart.

Cook's plan can be said to be completely out of control. Cook originally wanted to inquire about the background of the several families behind the control of the magician union, but he did not expect that the entry here is so strict. Cook is now hesitant to perform better or perform better. Cook, who is a bit worse and who definitely needs to explain his identity, is also hesitating whether to tell the truth or tell lies

Barras looked at Cook with some hesitation and thought of asking about Cook’s origin. Ballas said to Cook: “Don’t hesitate, Cook. The energy of our pharmacist alliance is great, as long as you perform well. The Pharmacist Alliance will definitely not let others bully you"

When Cook heard this, he immediately made a decision. Since this is the case, then he has to show enough value. In fact, Cook misunderstood that Ballas was talking about the cherished magic herb of Cook's spaceship.

Although Balas was tempted by those herbs, when Balas heard that they were artificially cultivated, he was not so interested because artificially cultivated and wild ones are not on the same level at all. There are some secrets involved.

"Your Excellency Balas, can you give me another material for a weak mental power recovery potion?" Cook thought for a moment and decided to reveal a potent healing potion to be refined or if it is the best, Cook plans to refine a bottle of perfect level potion But Cook is not going to expose his magic eye talent, so he is going to use the lowest magic potion to make a perfect level potion. This can only be said in terms of mental power consumption.

"Weak effect... OK" Ballath's stunned, weakly effective potion with the beginning words. This potion that Ballath hasn't been in contact with for almost a hundred years. Such potions are those made by low-level pharmacists.

Cook glanced at the two people from the Maru Empire. The two of them were also surprised, but after all, they were legendary old guys, so they didn't show any expressions.

Barras went out for a lap and then came in with a few weakly effective mental power recovery potions. Cook was ready, but this time Cook put on a pair of superb magic crystal glasses, which is normal equipment after all. The protection measures in the refining process are very strict

Cook skillfully pours the solution and heats it, and then puts so many magic herbs into the flask. Ballas has seen it once but still looks obsessed. The two people from the Maru Empire opened their mouths. Such a refining method can be successful

In just a few minutes, a bottle of refining potion appeared, Grand Master Lafite sighed: "It's actually a top-quality potion."

"This, this," Lord Lord was shocked

However, the two of them had not had time to speak. Cook began to prepare to refine the weak mental power recovery potion. This time Cook’s actions can be said to be textbook-like standard material purification. First, the soul crystal is directly crushed into small pieces by Cook. Particles and these particles are screened once. The screening process takes at least 20 minutes

Then, the purification of other materials, including the various additive solutions used, was done by Cook one by one. This time, the preparation work was carried out for at least one hour.

The faces of the three people present became even more weird, and they were all curious about whether this guy was an idiot or a pervert. The high-level potion took a few minutes, while the preparation of the low-level potion took nearly an hour.

The three were relieved to see that Cook finally began to refine. In fact, it took the longest time to refine the mental power recovery potion because the dissolution of soul crystals is very slow.

However, after twenty minutes, when the medicine in the flask gradually formed, all three people present stood up and breathed quickly.

"The perfect potion, I actually saw the birth of the perfect potion in person" Ballas screamed when he saw the potion that Cook had refined.

"Perfect Potion" Lafite is also full of excitement

And Cook sighed because he sighed and no one noticed

"Perfection is perfect" Lord Lyon also muttered to himself in shock

"Cough cough" After a few minutes, the three of them were still obsessed. Cook couldn't help coughing twice.

"How did you do it, Lord Cook?" At this time, Baras used the word you. In my heart, Cook is already a godlike existence. You should know that the perfect potion Baras is not unheard of but he really saw the practice. The production process is by no means as shocking as most people can imagine

"This is actually a standard process for refining this medicine I figured out" Cook organized a bit and replied

"What does the standard process mean?" Lafite felt his heart beat faster involuntarily

"That is to say, according to my production process, there is a 99% chance of successfully refining a weak mental power recovery potion, a 50% chance of obtaining a good-quality potion, a 20% chance of obtaining a top-quality potion, a 5% chance of obtaining a top-quality potion Quality potions have a 01% chance of obtaining a perfect level potion" Cook explained in detail

"Production Process"

"Such a high success rate" Ballas and Rafite were surprised, but their focus was different. Rafie clearly grasped the production process.

"Just follow my process" Cook handed a scroll

Lafite quickly picked up the scroll and looked at it, just glanced at Lafite, and shouted: "Balas prepares potion."

"What kind of medicine?" Ballas asked subconsciously

"The herb of weak mental power recovery potion" Rafi almost roared

"It's simply perfect" Lafite sighed when he saw the process recorded on the scroll.

The herb was soon ready. Rafi directly hovered the scroll mentally by his side. Even Ballas didn’t succeed when he wanted to see it. Lord Lyon was even more curious.

"The 95% pure soul crystal particles have a diameter of 01 mm..." Lafite looks at it while purifying the soul crystal

"Master Lafite, the purity of this process soul crystal is not too high at 95%" Cook quickly reminded

"Is high purity, isn't it?" Ballas asked angrily

"You shut up" Lafite yelled directly at Ballas. The loud voice shocked Cook.

"Cook tell me what is the reason" Rafi turned around and asked Cook

"Because everything behind this process is based on this purity. If the purity is not right, then the time later..." Cook reminded in a low voice

"Look, I even forgot about this. The temperature of the magic furnace is controlled at 200°. Stir to the right for 30 seconds, put it into the soul crystal, and then continue to stir the mixed solution at a speed of one circle every three seconds... for a period of 1,800 seconds. The temperature is lowered to 150°..." Then Rafi muttered to himself while watching the beating numbers on a magic crystal ball next to him. This is a small magic item similar to a stopwatch made by Cook himself.

"It's actually a top-grade potion god, but I have no mental power at all." The final potion was finally refined and the quality reached top-grade Lafite, almost jumping excitedly.

"Why not refining medicine with mental power" Ballas also jumped up and Lord Lyon was even more stunned

"Do it again" Lafite immediately started refining after being excited

"It's still top grade" The potion succeeded again, but it was still top grade. At this time, Lafite's eyes looked at Cook changed.

"Cook, I can't determine your level." After a while, Cook heard this sentence again

"Because your level needs to be determined by the Council of Elders of the Apothecary Union." Ballas looked at Rafi suspiciously, but when Rafi said such a sentence, Ballas almost fainted because the only thing that could be determined by the Council of Elders was A professional pharmacist

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