A Unique Hunter

Chapter 765: Refining is over

"Ah,,,,,." Cook was about to go out to check, knowing that immediately after the fat elder's screams reached Cook's ears.

"The elder must be fine to listen to this voice." Cook shrugged and turned back to filter the refined medicine. Cook didn't realize that all the weird behaviors of the fat elder were caused by himself.

But Cook just finished filtering the medicine, and the fat elder actually came back. Cook looked at the fat elder and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just have, some, some problems." The fat elder now looked at Cook and grabbed it in his heart. This time, he refined three hundred bottles of high-quality medicine, this, this.

However, the fat elder was still not reconciled. The fat elder wanted to determine how much he had caused by his calculation error this time, so the fat elder returned.

Cook which pot does not open or pick which pot, Cook directly took out one hundred and fifty bottles of potions and put them aside, then said: "Elder, this is yours."

"Yes." The fat elder looked at the one hundred and fifty bottles of medicine, not only was he not happy, although it was one hundred and fifty bottles of top-quality medicine, but these were actually only part of the success of Cook's refining. With a shivering hand, the medicine disappeared.

Cook looked at the fat elder, and finally understood why the elder behaved like that just now, and Cook couldn't help asking: "Elder, you still have to watch."

"Yes, why not, don't you allow it to watch." The fat elder gritted his teeth and replied.

"No, I'm afraid that you are the elder..." Cook didn't continue speaking halfway through.

The fat elder waved his hand and smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm a fat man with a wide heart."

"That's good." Cook looked at the fat elder's smile slightly better than crying, so he had to leave such a sentence.

The subsequent refining process verified one sentence, that is the enchanting talent, what made the fat elder almost chop off his own hands is that once Cook actually refined a large bottle of perfect quality medicine, this time the fat elder I wanted to get one hundred and fifty bottles of perfect quality potions, but the fat elder regretted that he had completed the magic contract with Cook.

"Elder, next I will refine the energy potion, your ability to withstand." Cook didn't ask this intentionally, but the fat elder actually didn't leave. Now the fat elder's heartbeat is fast enough to catch up and his eyes are flushed. Rabbit out.

"Just kidding, I'm an elder, so you don't have to worry about what you should do." Fat elder looked as though I was not afraid.

Cook didn't want to continue to stimulate the fat elders. Cook was already a little worried, but the fat elders did not leave, and it was not easy for Cook to leave. The main reason was that Cook didn't know that the pharmacist alliance would have to queue up to rent the laboratory here. , Even for Cook, he can only use the right granted by the master level once in a month's work. If Cook leaves this time, then he will only have to queue or wait until the next month, so Cook just bit the bullet to remind him.

Cook was speechless, but soon Cook ignored the fat elders. After all, the energy potion needed more focus. After all, such potions were more difficult to refining. Cook also replaced it with a smaller flask, which was only half of the size. size.

Purifying the medicine and preparing the solution, it can be said that what Cook did was a standard textbook case, but what Su saw next to him was mesmerized, but in the eyes of the fat elder, it was like a knife.

After preparing all the herbs and solutions, Cook took a look at the fat elder and found that the fat elder did not leave at all. Cook could not help but sigh, because this energy potion is the best gift for those nobles. One, so Cook is ready to go all out, but Cook knows that this might be a bit unbearable for the fat elders.

But Cook has a clear conscience, because not to mention 5,000 copies, or 50,000 magic medicinal materials to others, he may not be able to get one hundred and fifty bottles of top-quality potions, so Cook has a clear conscience, but Cook also knows others Certainly not think so.

But Cook is not afraid of Fat Elder. Besides, Cook has completed the contract. Hearing this answer from Fat Elder, Cook paid no attention to it and concentrated on refining medicine.

Energy medicine is mainly to restore human energy, and for those nobles who like luxurious life, the importance of energy can be said to be very important. So Cook is going to improve the quality, but what kind of quality is it? Not sure.

Cook asked Wu Mei to apply the Concentration Aura again to herself, and it was still a secondary stack. You must know that the stacking of the Warsong Aura is not that simple, it is like a ninth-level magician releasing a forbidden spell alone.

The fat elder only noticed Wumei, but the more the fat elder looked at the Wumei, the more dangerous it felt in his heart. You must know that the fat elder is a legendary figure.

"This..." When the fat elder turned his attention back to Cook, the fat elder's face finally looked much better, because in the fat elder's opinion, it would be strange if Cook did not fail this time, because Cook now gives Fat elder has a feeling of rushing.

Cook does have a feeling of rushing, because Cook has never refined energy potions. Of course, Cook has seen others refining, so Cook has a rushing look.

The fat elder felt so comfortable, seeing that Cook had finally lost his capital, because the fat elder had calculated that his losses would be reduced.

"Ha." Seeing Cook kept picking up the flask, then putting it down, shaking constantly, the fat elder finally couldn't help laughing.

"Puff." With a sound, a puff of white smoke emerged from Cook's flask, and the entire flask turned black in an instant.

"Haha, haha, haha." The fat elder laughed at this time feeling all over his body.

Cook was not discouraged, and quietly packed everything up, but Su also stepped forward to help. Cook did not notice the fat elder's laugh at all at this time, but summed up the reason for the failure in his heart.

When it was almost time to clean up, Cook noticed that Kesu was helping, and Cook smiled and asked, "Kesu, can you purify the magic herb."

"I can." But Su didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, and quickly nodded and replied.

"Well, after the green cap fungus is crushed, it is filtered with No. 9 gauze, and tinder weed is acidified with No. 4 acid..." Cook heard Kesu's answer and issued a series of orders.

But Su hurriedly got busy. The fat elder was so smooth at this time, and he calculated in his heart: "There are more than 4,800 medicinal herbs, and more than forty times...Tsk, this is a bit dangerous."

In fact, Fat Elder’s worry is very reasonable. With the help of Kesu, the second refining started soon. Although Cook’s actions are not very standard this time, in the eyes of Fat Elder, The refining of the liquid medicine went very smoothly, even if there were some fluctuations, it was quickly corrected by Cook.

The fat elder's face is getting more and more ugly, because the process of Cook's refining can be described as extremely smooth, and the fat elder's breathing is quickened, because the refining process is about to end.

"No, this is impossible." When the fat elder saw the liquid medicine mature, the fat elder shouted loudly.

"Haha, haha." Cook laughed loudly this time.

"This, this." Ke Su was also excited and speechless.

"Perfect quality." Cook finally finished laughing, because this bottle of potion was of perfect quality.

"No, this is impossible. How can it be of perfect quality? How can it be of perfect quality." The fat elder roared incredulously.

The fat elder who left Cook and his party didn't know how long it took. After the fat elder understood it, it was already beyond his reach. It was impossible to find Cook to get some medicine.

The fat elder finally felt something bad at the beginning. This is obviously Cook's intentional concealment. At this time, the fat elder regrets the thoughts at the time. One thousand copies is a thousand copies. Do it yourself. Why don't you need five thousand copies? The fat elder slowly settled.

"Cook, you mean, insidious villain." The fat elder gritted his teeth and complained. Of course, it was not without gain. After this time, the fat elder knew the meaning of the four words, and it was enough.

Of course, the fat elder will never thank Cook, but will blame Cook, because in the heart of the fat elder, Cook's loss to himself is an astronomical number.

"That fat guy must regret it." Wu Mei said to Cook with a smile.

Cook was sweating profusely, and the elders of the pharmacist alliance in the crowd said in Umei that it was as simple as fat.

"Hehe, that's for sure, who makes this guy so black-hearted." Cook said with a smile. Cook can imagine what kind of mentality the fat elder is now.

But Su has always been confused, because Kesu can't believe that as an assistant, he will produce more than 100 bottles of perfect quality medicine. When I think of these 100 bottles of perfect quality medicine, Ke Su is excited. There is no trace of strength in the whole body, as if it has passed dozens of times.

"Kesu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll hold this bottle of potion for you." When Cook saw Kesu who was confused, he directly took out a bottle of potion and plugged it to him.

"This, this, my lord, I can't ask for it, I can't ask for it." I didn't know that this potion was like coal in Ke Su's hand, but Su almost cried.

"Kesu, I'm not going to treat others badly." Cook patted Kesu's shoulder, let Kesu calm down, and said earnestly.

"But, this gift is too expensive, this is a potion of perfect quality." Ke Su said excitedly.

"Ke Su, if you don't accept it, then you don't follow me in the future." Cook saw that Ke Su was still like this, and the language suddenly became cold.

But Su was dumbfounded, and after a long time he replied weakly: "My lord, I, I accept it."

"Hehe, that's great, Wu Mei, let's celebrate today." Cook said with his arms around Wu Mei's waist.

"Haha, Cook is very interested. I have a good place. I don't know if Cook is interested in going together." A voice remembered behind Cook.

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