A Unique Hunter

Chapter 768: Duel "Part 2"

Cook took a look at the contract and there was no problem. It was not limited to any way to duel. Cook smiled and signed his name. When the contract was signed, the young man stretched his head and looked at it and found that Cook's name and surname were all he didn't listen to. I was relieved after I said that, obviously I think Cook is just an unknown person.

Cook looked at the young man playfully and asked: "Should we bet bigger?"

"How big is the bigger one?" The young man looked at Cook and asked irritably, obviously thinking that Cook didn't have many good things to use as a bet.

"It's all the property under the names of the two of us. After all, if I or you die, the property is not owned by others anyway." Cook replied with a smile.

"Haha boy, this is what you said." The young man asked the captain of the guard next to him just now. He was jealous of Wu Mei's ability. That's it

The young man almost didn’t hesitate to draft a new contract and then signed a contract with Cook. The captain of the guard next to him was going to stop him, but Cook said it was true, but the captain of the guard had already sent someone to call someone, but the captain of the guard would guard him People are confident

"Boy, you're dead, look what's in my hand" The young man took out a bracelet-like thing but it seemed to be made of metal

"Magic Machine" Saru looked at the bracelet and exclaimed

Cook is puzzled by this magic armor Cook knows what it is, but what is this magic machine

"Shake, kid" the young man laughed and then the young man chanted an inexplicable spell

Cook increased his vigilance, but he was not in the duel right now, so Cook was just vigilant and did not make any moves, but then Cook felt the light dimmed

Cook looked at the huge magic puppet more than five meters high that appeared in front of him in surprise. Cook dismissed what the magic puppet could do. But Cook heard the exclamation of people around: " Power machine"

"It's really a magic machine"

"Today's entry fee is worth the price. There is actually a magic machine. The opponent is just a person"

"The kid sees that this is the latest magic machine. The whole machine is made of composite metal and equipped with sixteen three-level magic crystals. The magic core can support high-intensity battles day and night and is equipped with magic crystal cannon magic. The giant crossbow can be said to be the king of the land" the youth explained loudly

And in Cook's stunned eyes, the magic machine actually squatted down, and the young man actually sat on his chest like that.

"Nima is actually a mecha" Cook finally understands what this magic machine is, it is actually something similar to mecha

With a clear sound of "Keng", the magic machine stood up and moved a few times before pulling out the huge two-handed sword with a four-meter field behind it.

"Boy, I'm waiting for you in the duel." The voice of the youth rang and the magic machine ran into the duel.

"Sir please" Saru said blankly because it was obvious that Cook had already lost. It is necessary to know that the hardness of the composite metal is not easy to break even for the ninth-level strong, and there is a defensive magic array on the body of this magic energy head. It is said that this is a giant magic puppet, but there are people who manipulate it and have higher flexibility than the magic puppet. The reaction is faster than the magic puppet.

And Cook seems to know that he is at most a high-level professional, he wears an ordinary robe, plus the strength of the fox maid, but he is still a servant, and it is estimated that it is a small family with no strength.

"Who is this young man" Cook asked indifferently

"Hehe boy, go up" Saru said to Cook irritably

Cook said as he walked, "I'm concerned about you. If the guy on the other side dies here, I don't know how it will affect you."

Cook looked at the magic machine swaying from side to side on the duel arena and sneered to himself. This young man didn't know that this show made Cook see the weakness of the magic machine with his magic eyes.

However, for others, the whole piece of magic machine covered with composite metal similar to plate armor has almost no weaknesses. This machine can be said to be a comprehensive result of alchemy, forging, enchanting magic circle and other aspects.

After Cook finished speaking, he slowly swapped the ghost bow to his right hand and took out the quiver from the space ring, but there were only five lone arrows in the quiver.

"Citizens of the Maru Empire welcome you to the duel. Today will be the first battle between human bows and arrows and mana machines in history. You can see that this is the latest mana machine produced by the empire. The beautiful and gorgeous movements and the shining cold metal light..." The huge voice rang in the duel arena. The magic machine on the opposite side also made various movements.

"Stupid" Cook spit out two words. This magic machine consumes mana and gives the opponent enough time to observe.

"Here we are a hunter, oh my god, or a seventh-level hunter." The introduction of Cook is such a short sentence, and the introduction is full of disdain for Cook’s master status. The Maru Empire is confidential for the top All professionals have confidentiality regulations and Cook is just an identity badge

"Let’s take a look at the wonderful performances that the magic machine brings to you. Here I want to remind everyone to keep your eyes open because you are very likely to see the first spike in history." The introducer is still chattering loudly. Tao

Kesu outside the duel was anxious to see Wu Mei looking at Cooke with a smile. Kesu couldn't help asking: "Madam, don't you worry about Lord Cook?"

"Worry about why I should worry about his bows and arrows, but dragons are afraid of weapons" Wu Mei glanced at Kesu and replied.

"Mrs. Giant Dragon is talking about giant dragons." But Su was really surprised at the weapon that giant dragons are afraid of.

Cook is a little impatient on the field. What Cook doesn't know is that at this time the duel field ushered in a special team of guests. Saru laughed at this team and introduced what at the same time.

The expressions of this team are a little cold, but there is a hint of blame when looking at the magic machines that are still dancing in the venue.

"Well, everyone, the duel is about to begin, and according to the news we have received, there are bets between the two duel personnel, but it doesn't matter anymore. You need to bet quickly. The duel is about to begin." The sound rang again, but with the sound, a transparent magic shield rose up in the duel field, which almost completely wrapped the duel field, which is half the size of a football field.

"The duel begins" when the voice sounded, the entire arena was boiling.

Originally, there was a huge metal fence between Cook and the magic machine. This was to prevent someone from sneaking up before the start. There used to be such cases that caused the death of one party. There was such a isolation measure at the end.

"Haha boy see you are dead without this time" The magic machine made a loud voice and brandished a huge weapon

Cook drew an arrow and slowly raised his bow and arrow. Cook sneered and said, "Goodbye."

"Haha, this hunter is so cute, it's so funny to shoot the magic machine directly with an arrow." The person who just introduced for a long time said with a laugh, because the arrows in Cook's hand have no magic light at all, which means this library. Ke wants to destroy the opponent with cold arrows

"Come, come, shoot me, I'm so scared," the magic machine yelled loudly while making provocative moves at Cook.


"Shoot you or him, it's shooting"

The spectators around the duel field also yelled at such a funny scene. The magic barrier of the duel field is not soundproof.

"Goodbye" Cook showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth and spit out two words gently

"Swish" the arrow in Cook's hand flew out with a swish

"Haha really shot"

"God, there really are such people"

"Is this guy mad and delusional to kill the magic machine with an arrow"

The people who watched the duel were dumbfounded. I didn’t expect Cook to shoot and say everything.

"Haha really shot me, come on, come on," the young man manipulated the magic machine and saw that Cook had really shot. Not only did he not avoid it, he laughed and yelled loudly.

"Boom" But what was unexpected was that this seemingly ordinary arrow was directly indifferent into the body of the magic machine. The huge magic machine fell to the ground with a boom.

""The people present were all stupid and said hello

"Really shoot me..." In the body of the magic machine, the young man looked at the chest still trembling unconsciously. The youth looked at the huge breastplate of the intact magic machine in disbelief and stared until death. Big

"Haha, is it possible that the manipulator of our magic machine was terrified by this arrow?" The commentator laughed and joked

However, Cook ignored this and came to the magic machine slowly and looked up and down. Cook curled his lips in disdain, and muttered to himself: "This machine does a good job but anyone can turn it on."

"Boom" Cook directly reached out and turned the magic machine over


"Really or not, I turned the magic mech over with bare hands" the audience shouted loudly

"Boom" Then Cook directly threw the young man in the magic machine like a dead dog, and the arrow on the young man's chest was in sight.

It’s impossible for the commentator of "this this this" to have three words in succession.

A middle-aged man among the last group of people on the "damn" audience seat saw this and stood up and cursed in a low voice.

A person next to "Adult" rushed up

"What the **** is going on" the middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the person next to him and shouted loudly.

"My lord, I don't know either," the man next to him replied weakly

"I don't know if this is your king of land warfare. It is the most powerful mana machine, but the mana machine, which is comparable to the cost of a mana spaceship, was destroyed by a hunter." The middle-aged man's voice is getting more and more. Big

"You asked me to confess this to the parliament with such a thing." The middle-aged man shouted loudly and his face was pale. When the middle-aged man thought about the news of today's duel, he thought about the consequences of this decision he made. The middle-aged person's face is even paler

"Don't go check it out yet" the middle-aged man looked at the people next to him, standing stupidly, and shouted immediately.

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