A Unique Hunter

Chapter 771: General Mike

"Cook, Cook big thing," Leon Fei hurriedly ran into the house and yelled loudly after getting off the magic speed car.

Cook also walked out of the room and watched Leon Leon was out to inquire about the news. He went to Lyon and saw Cook laughed and said, "Go in and say"

After the two entered the room, Leon asked Cook excitedly: "Cook, do you know who is involved in what you did this time?"

"I don't know" Cook answered honestly

"The theater commander actually involves the theater commander Cook, don't you know that our theater commander originally wanted to add a strong touch to his political achievements. That's why the Mengfei Chamber of Commerce developed and produced the magic machine. This high-level magic machine empire is also It’s very important, but you know that the commander of the war zone will be held accountable because of your political achievements.” Leon explained quickly.

"The theater commander" Cook wondered how big a theater is.

"The battle zone is a star field. Our Maru Empire has too much jurisdiction, so each star field is a theater. The theater commander is the longest official in the star field. Our star field ranks in the top of all theaters in the entire empire. The authority is great" Leon explained in detail

"Then these commanders won't say what they have in mind." Cook can't help but a star field.

"No intelligence department is not under the jurisdiction of the theater and there are also the staff, the internal security committee, the supervision committee, the logistics department, etc." Leon explained

Cook said with a smile: "Doesn't that mean that our gain this time is big enough"

"Of course" Leon also smiled. You know that although Leon is a nobleman, the distance from the commander of the military region is too great.

"Is Lyon interested in entering the army?" Cook's thinking jumped extremely fast and he realized that this is also an opportunity for Lyon.

"Cook's army is not so easy to enter. People like us will be excluded in the army and our fighting style is different from that of the army. The army pays attention to the strength of the team. We like to do it alone. I don't want to enter the army." Leon watch Read Cook and explained

Cook sighed and said: "Lyon, don't you want to raise your rank to a higher level. It is impossible for a person like you to obtain great credit."

"But the army is not so simple. Not only does it have strict controls, but also the internal forces are very complicated." Lyon said that Lyon is still very tempted. It is not that Lyon has never thought of raising the title, but it is an impossible task for Lyon.

When Cook heard Leon say this, he knew that Leon had no intention of entering the army. Cook also admitted that the army is also an extremely xenophobic institution.

Since Leon did not want to enter the army, Cook did not continue to persuade him, but what Cook now considers is whether he should back down since the military commander is involved.

You know that the military department is a huge monster. Although the laws of the Maru Empire are strict, Cook does not want to have any enmity with the military personnel. Besides, this matter itself is a windfall.

What Cook doesn't know is that his mindset of knowing how to make choices makes him go longer and longer on the road in the future, and there will be more and more friends.

Before Cook had time to think about how to deal with the commander of the military, an acquaintance came to the manor in Lyon. When Umei saw the fat elder, she couldn't help but smile because the fat elder calculated that Cook failed but was ruthlessly calculated by Cook. Some

The fat elder looked at Wu Mei, who was smiling, and his face was a bit ugly. You should know that the fat elder went back and carefully calculated it once and found that the loss was so serious that the fat elder felt distressed when he thought of it. Just kidding, Cook's refining is of high quality. The value of the potion is even more than dozens of flips

"Cook, this is a letter from the elders." The fat elder threw a scroll to Cook and sat down angrily

Cook is dumbfounded and needs an elder to come and deliver the letter in person. What is going to happen?

After Cook opened the scroll quickly and looked at it again, Cook's face looked a little ugly. Umei looked at Cook with concern. Cook looked at the fat elder and said in a deep voice: "Please reply that Cook already knows."

"Then I'll go first." Fat elders come and go in a hurry. In fact, the fat elders always feel a guilty conscience in the face of Cook.

Leon looked at Cook and asked: "Is there anything embarrassing?"

"Huh, this pharmacist alliance actually wants me to face the pressure of the military" Cook snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Let's see" Leon grabbed the scroll in Cook's hand and looked at it quickly

Leon looked very uncomfortable after reading it and said, "Isn't this a bully? You know this is the commander of the military, Cook, how did you a little pharmacist make a hard top?"

"Huh, it's not the Presbyterian Church. Some people want to benefit from the military. These guys want me to come out to face the pressure of the military." Cook also snorted and was very dissatisfied.

Leon looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, what are your plans?"

"What do I plan to take one step at a time and see whoever benefits me more, I will work towards whom." The more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes. You don’t need to think about Cook knowing that this must be the idea of ​​the elder of the Pharmacist League because he wants to be the chairman of the military department Support is definitely needed

Cook doesn’t have to think carefully to know that the elder must want to be hard-headed, and when it comes to a certain time, the elder will come out to sell the military. It is good to sing the white face, the elder sings the red face, and become the wicked. The elder is a good person. Cook sneered in his heart.

"Will Cook offend both parties by doing this?" Leon asked worriedly

"Hey Leon, you are waiting to count the Pharmacist Alliance as a talent like me, and I am afraid of the Pharmacist Alliance" Cook replied with a sneer.

"Cook is coming." At this moment, a flaming red magic speed car with a length of more than ten meters stopped in the manor in Lyon. You can see that there are more magic speed cars in the distance.

"Go" Cook knows who Leon is talking about. The red speed car is only available to law enforcement agencies of government departments. The colors used by the military are similar to those used by law enforcement agencies, but the military vehicles have a striking icon with a big sword on them.

"Lord Lyon" Cook is a bit speechless because every time people come to greet Leon first

"Lord Marquis" Leon also performed a noble courtesy and greeted respectfully

Cook did not mean the slightest strangeness. It is not surprising that the commander of a war zone is a marquis. In fact, the masters of the Maru Empire are all high-ranking nobles, but these powerful high-ranking nobles are all real credits, even those of high-ranking nobles. Descendants who can inherit the title of their fathers but have no contribution and cannot get the corresponding position

Even the territories will be given by the empire to the empire to give the heirs corresponding money or materials.

"Master Cook" the commander of the war zone then said with a smile to Cook

"My Lord" Cook also responded

"Hehe Cook, you can call me Mike" Mike introduced himself with a smile

"General Mike" Cook greeted with a smile

"Okay, I'm here this time, but I have something to trouble Cook," Cook didn't expect Mike to express his intentions straightforwardly.

Cook murmured in his heart: "This trick is so good that it can be used single-handedly, so I don't have room to think back."

"No problem" What can Cook do? Cook answered with a smile under Mike's gaze

Lyon was speechless on one side. There was no chance to speak for himself. He actually reached an agreement like this. Lyon's opinion of Mike has taken a higher level. It is indeed the empire's high-level that actually let the opponent have no room to fight back.

Mike breathed a sigh of relief in his heart to know that these few sentences Mike talked with Cook, but through his own staff and staff, a lot of countermeasures have been proposed. This is the strength of the team

"Cook, we came here to investigate the magic machine. This is related to Teijin's combat effectiveness" Mike said with a smile.

"Okay" Cook replied with a smile, thinking Cook thought that Mike came up with a big hat so that he didn't have a chance to explain at all.

Mike thought that Cook would bargain with himself. He didn't expect to agree with him. Mike had a bad feeling in his heart. When Cook took out the magic machine, Mike finally knew why he had a bad feeling.

"This is intact." Even if Mike, as a general, doesn't know much about magic machines, he can tell that this magic machine is intact.

"Hehe" Cook smiled and didn't speak as if it didn't matter to him

The personnel of the signed military department wandered around the magic machine released by Cook countless times. The various machinery inside were intact. Finally, these people had no choice but to look at General Mike.

"Ahem" Mike doesn't know what to say to Cook now, because since I met Cook, everything has worked so well that Mike didn't know what to say.

"General Mike, you are not well" Cook asked innocently

"It's not that..." Mike really doesn't know how to speak because he is embarrassed to say something about the matter.

Cook didn’t speak this time and looked at Mike with a smile. At this time, Mike felt that Cook’s smile was so harsh. Mike now realized that the young man in front of him was not easy.

"Cook, we want to learn more about how you defeated this magic machine. I don’t know." Mike finally finished speaking. Mike felt that his sentence was more serious than commanding a battle.

"General Mike, you can go to the duel to learn about it." Cook replied dumbly as if he didn't know what Mike meant.

"Puff" Mike was so depressed that he almost vomited blood this time

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