A Unique Hunter

Chapter 774: success

Cook is doing the assembly work alone, and others can't help at all. The size of the accessories is tens of thousands, and the various similar accessories are countless, so Cook does not intend to let others help.

And this is not to say that matching is as simple as it needs to be spliced. Splicing is also one of the most critical steps in refining the magic machine, because these parts have the circuit of the magic circle, and the magic circuit between some parts still needs. Refining, so assembly is actually a very complicated process. Sometimes a small part needs to be carefully welded by Cook for tens of minutes, because the metal has heat transfer during welding, and too high temperature will To reduce the service life of the magic circle on these parts, it is not possible to use other methods to cool them. Other methods will reduce the hardness and toughness of the metal.

Leon didn't know what to say anymore, because what Cook had shown was beyond a normal human being. Under the gaze of the three of them, the magic machine was completing little by little.

Leon's heart is also uneasy. After all, this is a magic machine. The magic machine is called the king of land warfare. It is the king of land, because the magic machine is not only a magic puppet that can be controlled by people.

The countless complex magic patterns on the magic machine play not only defense and attack functions, but the biggest effect is the increase, vindictiveness, and magic increase, which means that the manipulator inside can act as a magic core.

This is the biggest highlight of the magic machine, which is equivalent to saying that the magic machine is a set of all-round magic, a set of magic equipment for physical protection, and the operator can also wear equipment, which is equivalent to saying that it has a longer duration. The combat effectiveness, protection and offensive power have also been improved.

Of course, the cost of the magic machine is also very expensive, but in Cook’s view, this is the same thing. This is not to say that the quality of the magic machine is not enough, but Cook strictly speaking is a magic pattern. division.

Everyone who has seen it understands that maybe dozens of composites, the effect that the magic circle needs to achieve, a small magic pattern can be changed, this is like a computer, the initial is the size of a few rooms, the effect of the calculation is not very good. Okay, but in the future, the computing power of a thumb-sized chip may be countless times that of a computer the size of a few rooms at the beginning. This is the level, or the gap created by the progress of civilization.

Cook thinks that the speed of welding is slow enough. After all, Cook is also the first time welding. It is not his own magic power, but the tools used for welding. This involves the use of tools in some locations is not so suitable, so The progress slowed down.

Even so, from Leon’s point of view, Cook is already an evildoer. Leon has not been in contact with the manufacture of magic machines, but this does not prevent Lyon from liking magic machines and understand the combat power and effects of magic machines from the side. .

After more than ten hours of hard work again, the entire magic machine is almost completely dissolved, and the most important magic control core needs to be installed below. This is also related to the amount of magic power that the magic machine can output instantly. It is related to whether the entire magic machine can operate normally.

Nine even-sized magic crystals were refined by Cook on a magic core. On this core, there are several control cores that control magic. Cook put this thing under the **** behind the magic head's body and a secret Inside the groove, this is also the least vulnerable position.

"It's been a few days now." Cook sighed in relief and turned his head to ask.

"Two and a half days." Leon quickly replied. Leon now sees Cook sincerely admiring him. The pharmacist, the master of the magic circle, the alchemist is at least the master, and the engineering is also at least the master. The machine is not a simple one that can be done by a powerful one. It is a very comprehensive thing. If Leon hadn't seen it in person, he would definitely not believe that anyone could copy it perfectly in two and a half days. No, it should Said to refining a magic machine, this is simply impossible.

"Haha, it's really finished." Cook laughed, and then he directly looked at the control space on the breastplate, and directly sat on it, because the magic machine was lying on the ground, and there were some supporting points around it. .

"Crack." The breastplate closed again.

As soon as Cook’s mental power moved, the various magic crystals in the magic machine gradually lit up. The magic crystals were the same as the indicator lights, but the difference was that Cook added a football to the upper right corner of the manipulation space. A large and small magic crystal ball, which is showing the image behind the magic puppet, is an innovation of Cook, and you can see what happens later.

"Oh, kaka." Cook's mental power gave the command again, and the whole magic machine slowly sat up, twisting his waist a few times, just like a person just woke up, the two eyes on his head were also Glittering colorful light, these are several magic detection arrays, mainly to detect the surrounding situation.

"Kang Dang." With the sound of metal collision, the entire magic machine slowly stood up, and the entire foot and the ground vibrated tremendously.

"Boom." But just as soon as he stood firm, the magic machine fell to the ground.

"Failed." Leon asked worriedly.

"Crack." The next moment the breastplate was opened, Cook also got out.

"How about it." Leon first asked anxiously.

"I won't manipulate this stuff, but everything works normally depending on the situation." Cook replied with some embarrassment.

"Haha, haha, haha." Leon was taken aback, and then laughed loudly, because Cook is now behaving as a normal person.

Then Lyon explained: "Cook, it takes rigorous training to manipulate magic machines. It takes at least half a year to be skilled in manipulation."

"You certainly can't manipulate it either." Cook asked after listening.

"I'll get in touch with this stuff." Leon asked, rolling his eyes.

"But Cook, there is one last piece of work to be done." Cook shook the bracelet on his hand that was specially equipped with magic machines.

"This thing is too simple." Cook took out a large space bag directly, and waved his hand, the magic machine disappeared.

"Cook, you think other people have the same mental power as you." Leon asked angrily.

"This is only temporary." Cook also understands that the positioning of the space magic equipment, when releasing and storing the items that need to be loaded, requires extremely small mental power, which is different from using ordinary space equipment.

In general space equipment, there are certain restrictions on what to install. Either the mental power must completely envelop the thing, or there must be enough strength to pick up the thing, but the orientation is different.

In other words, the directional items and the space magic equipment are integrated, so the mental power needed to fold and release is very small. This is also suitable for those fighters to manipulate. After all, the spiritual power of the fighters is not much, which is consumed here. , Then when fighting, there may be insufficient mental power to control the magic machine, so if it can be reduced, it will be reduced.

But with Leon’s reminder, Cook also woke up. Cook thought of some ideas that could improve the magic machine, such as using something like a sensor, and then putting it on the body, and the person inside can make some actions. , And then the magic machine can make corresponding actions, but this requires a system to improve. Cook decided to hand these things to Xia and the others to handle it. It is already very hard to copy this by himself.

"Well, we can rest for a long time." Cook left after speaking.

But Sue and Wu Mei must have left too. Leon shook his head and couldn't believe that Cook had actually refined the magic machine. This is almost the essence of the advanced civilization of the Maru Empire, but it was spent two and a half days by one person. After copying it out, Leon still didn't believe it.

"It seems that my mental strength has to be exercised." Leon shook his head and smiled bitterly, because this was a big blow to Leon, and it was a big blow to Leon's worldview that he could do it alone.

Of course, Leon is still a little uncertain, the thing made by Cook can really fight.

However, after a few people came out of the basement, they realized that it was late at night. A few people hurriedly ate dinner and then went to rest. Although Cook is physically strong, he consumes too much mental power, although he has mental power. Recovery potions, but after all, it is not as good as natural recovery.

Early the next morning, when Cook was sleeping with Wu Mei in his arms, he was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

"Cook, Cook, get up quickly." Leon hadn't slept all night, and kept wondering whether the magic machine made by Cook could be activated and whether he could fight.

"It's so early." Cook asked when he opened the door and held his head out of sleep.

"You are still asleep, General Mike has already arrived." Leon looked at Cook and obviously didn't wake up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shouted to Cook angrily, so that he was worried for nothing.

"General Mike, you tell him to wait, I'll be here soon." Cook closed the door as soon as he finished speaking.

Leon just went downstairs and soon saw Cook come down in a hurry. Mike saw Cook and stood up all at once. You must know that Mike was suffering in a magic furnace for the past three days, the military, and In the past, interest groups and other parties were forcing themselves to ask for an answer, but Mike dared to say something to death. In case Cook is unsuccessful here, what he said first will not be collected.

"Cook, how is it?" General Mike asked anxiously.

"General Mike, I spent countless manpower, financial resources, and material resources to successfully refine one within three days, but you must determine whether this is not." Cook immediately groaned, and Did not say that he would not manipulate.

Leon despised Cook on the sidelines. People who didn't know would think it was true when they heard this, but in fact, it was Cook alone.

"That's good, let's go, we won't test it." Mike said to Cook excitedly as soon as he heard it.

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