A Unique Hunter

Chapter 789: shock

The Plane of God, this is an extremely mysterious name, even in any historical records, there is no such wording record, but as a permanent member of the upper house of the Plane Alliance, he knows more than others.

A director muttered to himself: "The plane of gods, it is said that there are many gods born there, and it is also one of the most tragic planes during the battle between gods and demons. However, according to records, the plane of gods is not Have you broken into another time and space?"

"Hehe, the plane of God, this is a word that has been circulated for generations. I didn't expect to be able to see it with my own eyes during my lifetime." Another director said excitedly.

Kokorov came back to his senses at this time, looked at Cook and asked, "Do you have any evidence."

"I have this, but this is my personal thing." Cook took out the magic pattern equipment, and it was military.

"Military magic pattern equipment." These permanent directors knew what it was at a glance.

"It seems ordinary, but none of this armor leaf is actually a single magic pattern formation, which is worthy of a military product." Another director rubbed this half-length fish scale armor and said in general.

"It's actually the work of Santa Maria Anna Mona Lisa." Another permanent director exclaimed.

"The Mona Lisa was the most famous servant of the gods at the time and the top alchemist of the entire mankind. This work is simply priceless." Someone said with feeling.

Cook looked at the appearance of these permanent directors and said with a smile: "Actually, I could have told you the news earlier, but due to some people's obstruction, I had to meet you in person."

"Block, who?" Kokorov asked murderously.

Cook didn’t know why Kokorov had such a murderous aura. Cook continued: “Not only is it obstructing, but someone secretly controls the magician guild on the plane of God, allowing the magician’s guild to control the plane of God by thousands. Over the years, if things were not revealed, we might not even know that there is a plane alliance."

"Thousands of years, **** it, who is it." The other permanent directors also shouted angrily.

"The Philip family, the Balahu family, and the Waiters family of the Hyland Empire, I don’t know how many good things have been searched from our plane. This is evidence." Cook didn’t know that a flirtatious sentence made these three families The blood ran into a river, of course, even if Cook knew it, he wouldn't mind it.

"The Hailan Empire, the Hailan Empire of the third-level civilization, I said why the strength of the Hailan Empire has grown so fast, it can be promoted to the fourth-level civilization in a mere millennium, so it turned out to be like this." Someone suddenly realized.

The others looked at one of them. It was an old man. The old man’s angry hands trembled: "Damn it, **** it, even I don’t know it. How come these three families have people in every generation? Missed, and then reappeared with high strength, actually went to the plane of God, bastard."

"This is the 376th emperor of the Hailan Empire." Kekorov looked at Cook's puzzlement and explained in a low voice.

"Everyone, I won't intervene in these three major families. I will do what I should do." After the old man finished cursing, he immediately expressed his opinion. The old man also knew that if he did not express his opinion, then he would be able to get out of the house. Say it.

"Then Cook, how did you come here." The permanent director here is not so simple, and asked Cook with a smile.

"We were afraid that the Hailan Empire would come to kill people first, so we destroyed the teleportation formation. By coincidence, three interstellar mercenaries came to our plane to supply supplies. I inquired about it and drove an ancient magic spacecraft. "Cook replied.

"The names of the three mercenaries." A young man asked with an appearance.

Cook said the names of the three mercenaries. The young man took out a crystal ball, and after checking it for a while, he replied: "These three mercenaries never came back to pay for the task. According to time speculation, they will disappear after leaving the plane of God. Up."

"Then Cook, can you go back?" Kekoroff asked worriedly.

"Of course." Cook replied affirmatively.

"Well, let's go right away." Kokorov couldn't wait.

"No hurry, we have to deal with the matter here first, otherwise the House will be messy." Someone stopped him.

"Cook, then I'm wronged you, you can't leave our sight for now." Kokorov was left to accompany Cook, and said apologetically.

"Hehe, I don't mind, but Wumei Divine Envoy." Cook said with a smile.

Kokorov finally understands why Cook wants to pull Umei. If Umei doesn’t go out in the House, Kokorov knows that the orcs will definitely step through here, but Kokorov said with a smile, “We’ve considered this. The matter on the plane of God is so sudden, we have notified the orcs, elves, gnomes, dwarves, and the royal family to come to meet."

"Hehe, that's good." Cook was relieved a lot. Cook was actually taking a risk. After all, how these permanent councils do, no one can guess that they are not.

But Kokorov finally looked at Cook playfully and said: "Cook, the president of the Pharmacist Union did not attend this meeting. I don't know what you think."

"Ideas, is it possible that the president is also a permanent director." Cook asked in surprise.

"Of course." Kokorov replied with a smile.

"But your house must have its own rules. I'm not an outsider. It's not easy to participate." Cook directly referred the issue to Kokorov.

"Of course, but thanks to Cook's credit, I think it's not impossible for you to become a permanent council member if you enter the parliament." Kekoroff then asked with a smile.

Cook smiled silly and didn't speak, but when he saw Umei fidgeting, Cook said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I don't know if there is a place to rest, I think my Highness and I need to rest for a while."

"Oh, yes, please." Kokorov finished speaking and personally accompanied Cook and Ume to the next room.

Outside the House, the president of the Union of Pharmacists and the other five permanent directors looked at the guards at the door of the House and the magical shield covering the entire House with a thickness of several meters. The six people were deeply disappointed.

"Damn it, what happened?" A permanent director cursed, and at the same time he looked at the sky. As a permanent director, he knew that at an altitude of more than ten kilometers, there must be a black hole magic crystal cannon aimed at the whole As long as there is any change in the Imperial Capital, at least three meteor cannons will bombard a target at the same time.

"Who knows, Nima is only ten seconds late, SSS-level emergency assembly order, there is also a first-level alert, Nima, who issued the order." Someone shouted dissatisfied.

"Woo." With a whirring sound, the magic shield opened a big hole directly, and the permanent director of the House of Numbers came out.

"I said what you are doing, leaving the five of us outside." The fierce-tempered immediately froze.

"The six of you have been removed from the posts of permanent directors, and you have violated the relevant regulations of the House. Come and arrest me." A permanent director announced loudly.

"What qualifications do you have?" the president of the Pharmacist League asked with a sneer.

"Yes, you are also a permanent director, and so are we, why are you." Someone also jumped up.

"With this order signed by eleven of us." The permanent director opened a scroll with the names of the eleven clearly written on it.

"No, no, it's impossible." The president of the Pharmacist Alliance called out loudly.

"Come on, get me arrested, dare to resist and kill me." The permanent director who announced the order shouted sharply.

The six people originally wanted to struggle, but they felt countless spiritual locks. Even the six legendary powerhouses did not dare to move anything. The Maru Empire was not as simple as it seems, a five-level civilization. It's not easy to deal with the legendary powerhouse, anyway, it can be done.

"What the **** is going to sacrifice the six of us." The president of the Pharmacist League asked unwillingly.

"Hehe, since you want to know, then I will tell you, the plane of God." The permanent director who announced the order saw that these people had been put on the handcuffs and said with a smile.

"What, I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

"You bastards, bastards." When the six heard this, they immediately struggled. If the six knew it from the beginning, they would definitely resist desperately. After all, this is something about the plane of God, and the six also know The forces behind him will definitely not make the first six of them, after all, the relationship is really too important.

Several permanent directors also breathed a sigh of relief. If these six resisted, there might be a fierce battle, but these six thought it was just a formality. After all, the forces behind the six are not simple, but they are in the position of God. In this matter, I am afraid that the forces behind these six people will not care about these six people at all.

Those who can serve as permanent directors are not trained by those forces. After all, permanent directors need more time to deal with affairs. As far as the major forces are concerned, permanent directors are nothing more than arranging positions for people with hard work but no development. .

Several people quickly issued orders. Soon after the order was issued, a fleet of magic ships belonging to the Maru Empire, with more than a thousand magic ships sailing to the vast starry sky, means that the Hylan Empire The demise of the three major families.

When Cook got into the Blazing Mana spacecraft again, he was no longer alone. There were more than two hundred people. These people were just to check if the plane of God was real.

"It's actually a Trailblazer 7." Someone yelled as soon as he got on the magic spacecraft.

"Pioneer Seven." Someone asked suspiciously.

"Is this kind of spaceship okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is there any danger?" Someone asked worriedly.

"Puff, such a spacecraft can always directly fight a mixed fleet." The screamer chuffed, and then explained.

"What." These people immediately knew what a good thing such a spacecraft was.

"Of course it needs enough magic power to support." This person repeated again.

The people present were relieved a lot, but Keroff sat behind Cook and said with a smile: "The missing patrol guard of the Farrar Empire came across you."

"How do you know everything." Cook rolled his eyes angrily while starting.

"Because I belong to the Hunter's Guild." Kokorov explained with a smile, and Cook rolled his eyes again, knowing that these things are not necessarily related to hunters.

The answer is no.

PS: I wish you all great luck and great luck.

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