A Unique Hunter

Chapter 792: Become a mentor

Cook made a magic pattern drawing almost in one go, and the faces of the great masters surrounding him became more and more shocked, because with the eyesight of these great masters, it is very clear that these magic pattern drawings are exactly the same. Yes, there was not the slightest error. At first, several people were still a little skeptical, but seeing Cook's current approach, the last trace of doubt was removed, and the waist began to buckle.

"Teacher, please." The person next to him graciously changed the paper to Cook.

"Thank you." Cook replied subconsciously, and then continued to paint.

"No, it is right to serve the mentor." This person is Mori, and Mori's face is full of laughter.

"To shut up."

"Yes, disturb the teacher's work."


Several people around immediately targeted Mori as if they were class enemies.

"Hmph, you are jealous." Morris uttered a few words unmovedly, and a few people were greeted with eyes that could kill people.

"Okay, you all take it. Don't experiment with materials. When will the picture be ready, come to me." Cook finally finished his painting. Cook used a three-dimensional drawing method. It is showing a three-dimensional appearance.

"Yes, teacher." Several people immediately replied respectfully, and then each held a magic pattern drawing.

"Teacher, where are you going now?" Morrie asked boldly.

"Well, it's time to go to dinner." Cook said with a hmm, putting the table away.

"Teacher, I invite you." A great master next to him said immediately.

"Dallas." Several people around immediately shouted dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, all together, together." Cook had a headache.

However, after arriving at the Baron’s Mansion, Cook realized that the headache was more than this. The two halfling cooks also had a quarrel. One of them was the veteran Hobby, who was holding two kitchen knives made by the dwarf grandmaster in his hand. Scolded: "The guys from there dare to enter Master Hobbit's territory, and are not looking for death."

"Hobby, I think you are a stupid, tell you, I am now a closed disciple of Teacher Cook." Needless to say, this is the waist of the dead skinny face followed by Cook's temperature tolerance.

"Yes, it looks like a idiot, idiot, get out of the way." There was a team of halflings behind Nawen, who also shouted loudly.

"Damn guy, come here, take out my master hobbie's equipment, and I want these hillbillies to see master hobbie's combat equipment." Hobbie jumped up and shouted angrily.

"What are you doing, what you are doing, you must rebel." When Cook saw this situation, his face became dark and he shouted.

"Master, master, this **** **** didn't know where he came out, but..." Hobby quickly jumped in front of Cook and said loudly.

"Teacher, mentor, this guy is a wild way, mentor, if you chase him away, we are enough in the kitchen." Naiwen suddenly felt relieved when he heard that Habi was called Master Cook, because the master was one of those Common people call nobles, which shows that the relationship between Hobbit and Cook is general.

"Well, Hubby will be the person in charge of the kitchen in the future. You have to learn from Hubby. Strictly speaking, Hubby is your senior brother." Cook glared at the two of them and said.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, mentor, just like this, I want to be my elder brother, or I am his elder brother." Naiwen immediately quit.

"Bah, just your two sons, sir, let me try this guy, and let this fellow be my junior for the rest of my life." Hobby has been following Cook for a long time, knowing that Cook doesn't like trouble, so Quickly proposed.

"Okay, each of you will cook a table of dishes, and I will let these few judges." Cook said, pointing to the great masters behind him.

"Huh." Naiwen saw Cook say so, and took the person into the kitchen first, and Hobby followed suit. Suddenly there was a flutter in the kitchen, but fortunately Hobby occupied the home court. Advantages, although some materials have been taken away by temperature resistance, Habi has been operating in the kitchen for a long time, and some are related to getting fresh materials.

Of course, Cook can imagine how chaotic the kitchen is now. Maybe the whole martial arts has already been staged. After Cook went upstairs, he found out that his parents and his younger sister were here. Mickey was also here. Mickey was dressed in a middle-level mage robe. Sister Lily and Xiao Lei immediately rushed forward.

"This is my father, mother, and two younger sisters. This is my fiancee Mickey, an intermediate magician." Cook introduced to Mori and the others behind him.

"Hello, I'm Morrie, a student of Instructor Cook." Morrie rushed to say, and sent out a series of gifts in his hand.

"Nima." Black lines appeared on the faces of the others, and they quickly distributed gifts.

Cook looked at it, okay, this mess, Cook's father was still smiling, but Cook knew that if his father knew the identities of these people, he might not sit still.

"Kacha." One inadvertently, Xiao Lei directly treats the gift as a snack. Xiao Lei is a Thunder-type giant dragon with subtle Thunder-type element fluctuations, so those who accept Tao are all top-quality Thunder-type magic cores. See this thing, just treat it as a snack.

Several Mori's eyes widened instantly, the hardness of this magic core was extremely strong, and it was unexpectedly eaten as jelly beans.

"Sit down, sit down," Cook greeted quickly, but in just a few minutes, Xiao Lei had eaten more than one third of the magic core.

The people in Mori suddenly felt that there were dragons and tigers in Cook’s mansion. Just when Cook had a headache, Xiao Lei’s mother came back at this time. Xiao Lei’s mother just came in and saw these people, Long Wei It was released immediately.

"Puff through."

"Puff through."

"Puff." A series of puffs, Mori and the others were not prepared, they were directly overwhelmed by the momentum.

"What are you doing." Cook stood up immediately, and Cook knew that if these auras emerged, he was afraid that the house would be overturned.

"Sorry, this is Xiao Lei's mother." Cook explained quickly.

"Mother." The Mori people were even more stunned, Nima, it was clearly Long Wei, okay just now, and then they suddenly realized.

"Thunder dragon." Dallas exclaimed, watching La Milan and Xiao Lei's mouths open.

"Yes." Cook was extremely depressed. Cook thought with his toes and knew what was thinking in the heads of Mori.

"It turned out to be a madam. I'm sorry for the first time I met." Mori was the first to react, and he shot a large piece of extremely pure top-grade magic crystal, which was the size of a human head.

"No, no..." Ramlan just wanted to refuse, but his eyes were attracted by the best magic crystal, and the rest of the words couldn't be said.

"Yeah, I took the liberty to bother." The others regretted it, and made a secret decision to let Morrie know what fairness is when they return.

Facing the shining treasure, La Milan was quickly defeated, and Cook had nothing to do. It was not easy to wait until Hobbit and Nai Wen came to serve, and Cook introduced Nai Wen again.

The two halflings ended up in a tie, because there was nothing left behind because of the big stomach king of La Milan, but in the end Cook considered that Hobby had followed him a long time ago and let Hobby be the master of the kitchen. Manager, and the muddy fool passed.

"Teacher, we want to live with you and listen to your teachings at any time." Moras asked tentatively.

"Okay, let's live, let's live, West Asia, go and arrange it." Cook agreed without thinking about it, and West Asia secretly laughed, because the Baron Mansion is the least place where Cook lives.

Sure enough, the Mori people came to see Cook early the next morning and were told they had left long ago. As for the specific whereabouts, no one knew.

"Cook, you are too bad." Lina rolled her eyes to Cook when she heard what Cook had done in the baron's mansion.

"No way, those old guys don't make people clean at all, I guess someone will come." Cook replied with a helpless shrug.

West Asia said on the side: "Cook, now we have so many powerful players, will it cause any trouble."

"I guess not. I guess those guys are aiming at the ancient ruins. If you don't believe me, just look at them." Cook knows that ordinary things have no effect on these guys.

Sure enough, soon after Cook finished speaking, someone called Cook with his ID card. There was no way, Cook gave everyone one copy of this thing.

When Cook arrived, he found that the people were all there. It seemed that they were in a meeting. But when he saw Cook from a long distance, he smiled and said, "Cook, come and listen. The level of your plane is being assessed."

"Level rating." Cook lost his spirit, this is something that concerns the entire plane.

"Yes." Kokorov nodded and replied.

"Are there any results?" Cook sat down and asked quickly.

"Yes, we just want to hear your opinion." Mori didn't know when he came to Cook's back, replied respectfully, and at the same time handed a scroll.

"Union Congress headquarters." Cook looked at the name dumbly.

"Yes, in our plane alliance, there is actually a parliament, and most of the members of our parliament unanimously agree that this plane should be used as the headquarters of our alliance parliament." Mori explained quickly.

"This, these are all congressmen." Cook looked at the hundreds of people below and asked in a low voice.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some weren't before, but they are now." Morrie replied with a smile.

"And the Union Assembly headquarters will not be subject to level restrictions, but without the consent of our Union Assembly, no one can come to the headquarters privately." Kokorov explained on the side.

Cook looked at these people, and immediately understood, Nima, these people don’t want others to come in, this is the plane of gods, not to mention, how many good things can be obtained from the relics of these gods and demons. It is unwise to assess the level. Even the fifth-level civilization allows citizens of the fifth-level civilization to communicate with each other. It is foreseeable that if it is rated as the fifth-level, the plane will probably be overwhelmed.

"All right, I agree." Cook nodded and replied.

"Next, I would like to invite the Chief of Defense at the headquarters of the Union Parliament to give a speech." Kokorov heard Cook say so, Limala got up and said to Cook.

"Chief of Defense." Pointing to himself incredulously.

"The chief of defense is doing this, our mentor is at least a speaker." Who knew someone would not buy it, immediately jumped up and shouted.

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