A Unique Hunter

Chapter 811: the truth?

When Cook said so, Connie's eyes narrowed immediately: "You mean the Sea Race."

"Yes, I think there must be something hidden behind the invasion of the Sea Clan." God Cook said mysteriously.

"Did you find anything?" Connie asked excitedly.

Kuklakai said on the map: "Connie, have you noticed that the Moracan Desert is a bit strange."

"Strange." Connie asked without understanding.

"Hehe, this question is a bit complicated and involves a lot of things. What I want to say is that this desert was filled with sand by the sea people." Cook said an extremely important discovery.

"Fill the sand." Connie didn't understand even more.

"Yes, we don’t have to look at anything else, just look at the trend of the Natal Mountains. Why is it broken here? And let’s look at other places where there are mountains. The trend of the mountains is very clear. , The Moracan Desert should not exist, it should be the location of the sea." Cook pointed to the Natal Mountains near the place of the Bright Empire and explained.

"But, this is just a guess." Connie shook her head.

"It's not a guess, but there is evidence." Cook said firmly.

"What evidence?" Connie asked in disbelief.

Cook took Connie to the largest magic metal mine. This is also a point where Cook had to get involved in the orc dispute. Now the magic metal mine is almost mined, but a huge iron ore has been found here, so There are still many orcs working here, as do humans.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the evidence." This mine is on the edge of the Moracan Desert.

When Cook took Connie to a deep mine in the mine, led by the dwarf, at the bottom of the mine, sand instead of rocks appeared.

"If you see it, there are no rocks here, and where we are now, more than 300 meters from the ground, this is one point, and the sand is salty." Cook grabbed the sand and explained.

Connie still didn't believe it, and shook her head and said, "But why would they do this."

"Then I ask you again, why did the Sea Clan come to land? Do they still want to rule the land?" Cook asked in return.

Connie was asked instantly that it was impossible for the Sea Clan to occupy the land. Even now, the Sea Clan had more powerful men than humans, but how did the Sea Clan not invade.

Cook said with a smile: "The Sea Race must have done this for a purpose, so I have thought about it before, but I don't know what is hidden under this land, so I don't agree to develop here."

"I'm afraid that's not the case." Connie looked at Cook and asked with a smile.

"I just want to see what is under this sand, it is worth the sea clan to engage in such a big battle." Cook said with a curious tone.

"Is there not the slightest clue?" Connie asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's just a guess, I don't know Connie, do you remember the sky fortress in the battle between gods and demons." Cook asked when Connie asked.

"Cook, you mean that all the descriptions of the war between gods and demons are giant warriors, the magic crystal cannon is like a hedgehog, faster than a bird, and is known as the sky fortress of the first artifact in the war between gods and demons." Connie was surprised Asked.

Cook nodded and said, "The gods are trembling

The burning light makes the sun pale

It is the crystallization of the entire civilization

It is the terminator of the demons

Wherever it goes


A lake of blood flowing down

White bones are like mountains

The eve of dawn

It fell like a meteor

Its fall broke the mountains

The lake was burned to dry... This is the legendary Sky Fortress, also called the Sky City, and it is said that it was the residence of the main **** at that time. "

"But what do you rely on to believe that this is the Sky City?" Connie asked again.

Cook smiled: "That's what I want to say. According to legend, the Sky City is very huge, so if it falls on land, it will be there."

Cook asked and pointed to the map. Connie hadn’t answered yet. Cook explained: “There is no place like this on the mainland. Think about it, if the huge sky city falls, the surrounding area will be covered. What does the impact look like."

"Then you mean you fell in the ocean." Connie reacted and asked.

"Yes, but I think the City of Sky is located at this location, the location of the Moracan Desert, which explains why the rock formations of the surrounding mountains are a little weird." Cook pointed to the rock formations around the mine. The rock formations here are a bit twisted, as if they had been hit by a huge force.

"This also seems to be true." Connie was persuaded by Cook.

"And you haven't discovered why there are no awakened magicians or warriors in the desert? You know, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the desert. Haven't anyone awakened for so many years." Cook asked again.

"In that case, I found that the elements here seem to be a little thin." After Cook said that, Connie replied after feeling it.

"Yes, this situation is generally overlooked. After all, this is a desert. But one thing we should pay attention to is that the elements here are one thing, but the elements here are more expensive during meditation than in other places. Spiritual power." Cook said to Connie.

Cook paused for a moment, and then continued: "This is not something worth noting for a formal magician, but for those who have not awakened, this is a threshold, a threshold that will never pass. "

"Well, then what are you going to do Cook?" Connie asked.

"Continue to dig, and the dwarves have already made a kind of digging equipment, I want to see what the sea people are trying to cover." Cook looked at the desert in the distance.

Connie looked at Cook and didn't stop it, but Connie asked, "What if it's Sky City."

"Hehe, something that can make the devil shudder, I'm very curious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook looked into the distance and said with a smile.

Lina appeared at this moment. Cook looked at Lina. Lina said with a smile: "I have convinced those guys that they promise not to go to the Maykai Empire in the future."

"Thank you." Of course, Cook knew that it was not that easy, but now that it was done, Cook would also like to thank it.

"Cook, you need to improve your strength as soon as possible. It is too dangerous for you to enter the ancient ruins at this level." Lina looked at Cook and said earnestly.

Cook is also crying and laughing. The earth element impact method that Cook used at the beginning made the muscles extremely tough. Coupled with the use of the dragon power potion, the purity of the elements in Cook's body is extremely high, which is equivalent to a ninth level. However, the strength of these tendons is too high, so high that Cook cannot expand the tendons and increase the amount of vindictive energy.

"I'll give it a try." Cook shivered when he thought of the earth element impact method, the feeling of pain entering his bones.

PS: Ahem, everyone is still diligent in Ryan these few days, can you support it, flowers, bump tickets, collection, these are all free, I hope everyone can support, register, and collect, and trouble everyone.

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