A Unique Hunter

Chapter 818: Ready to hold money again

Of course Cook would not know that the family team has decided to unite and prevent new members from joining. Cook feels that he needs to refine some medicines. It is certain to sell and make money.

Just when Cook was preparing to refine the pharmaceutical agent, the three dwarves approached Cook, bringing a very bad news to Cook.

"What are you talking about, I am going bankrupt." Cook asked incredulously.

Montes is a top engineering master, and he is most sensitive to numbers. Hearing Cook’s question, Montes immediately handed over an account book and said: "Your Excellency, these are the accounts we have compiled. The auction seems to have a lot of revenue, but there are also a lot of expenses."

"Look, this Thatcher Chamber of Commerce itself is worth more than 6 million magic crystal coins. You only spent more than 3 million magic crystal coins on the acquisition. I have to say that this is a good deal, but The Chamber of Commerce currently does not have liquid funds, so you still need to invest 500,000 Magic Crystal Coins, otherwise the Chamber of Commerce will not be able to operate, and the daily consumption will be an astonishing number."

"There are also these two habitable plane planets, because they are low-level planets that require a lot of investment. It is conservatively estimated that a plane planet needs to invest at least two million magic crystal coins. You also know that star beasts are very powerful."

"The Magic Spaceship Chamber of Commerce also needs regular maintenance and repairs. This also requires money. In short, for the assets you purchased to function, you still need a balance of nearly 20 million Magic Crystal Coins, or you will go bankrupt. "

Montes explained to Cook one by one, and finally Montes concluded.

"Then I would like to invest." Cook asked after a long time.

"Then the Lord Baron will lose hundreds of millions of magic crystal coins in a month, and finally go bankrupt." Montes replied.

"I'm **** your lungs." Cook went crazy for an instant, Nima did this once, and Nima owed money.

Cook thought about it slowly, and realized his mistake, because at the beginning he was just looking at cheap, but the sellers association would definitely not give the funds to himself, and he was greedy, and eventually bought too many industries. .

"Then if it is the same, for example, all chambers of commerce, and then integrated, will the money needed be reduced?" Cook asked.

"Your Excellency, this is exactly what I want to say. After the integration, the money will definitely increase a lot, but the investment will increase." Montes said.

Cook asked suspiciously: "Master, if you are not mistaken, you still need money."

"Of course, integration is for better money, or integration is for bigger and stronger, if not bigger and stronger, what is integration for?" Montes asked rhetorically.

"Well, you have to make an integration plan first. If the plan is done, I will give you 0001% of the shares to reward you." Cook said with a wave of his hand.

"Thank you, Lord Baron, we dwarf do business, you can rest assured." Montes's mouth burst with a smile, and Cook has a lot of billions of magic coins.

Cook waved his hand quickly, and Cook wondered how he could quickly search for wealth. Don't even think about the legendary powerhouse, he has already searched once, so who else is richer.

"This elf is richer, and the dwarf is also rich, and the dragon is also rich." Chakra stopped to say when he heard Cook's words.

"Elf." Cook asked without understanding.

"Of course, the magic items of the elves are the most expensive, not only works of art, but also practical magic items. Who of you has seen elves buy valuable things, but they are just some daily necessities." Chakra explained.

"Although the dwarf is rich, but the dwarf does business, most of the money will be turned into goods. The dragon ranks third. It is entirely because the dragon has no ability to make money and can only grab some." Chakra continued.

Cook asked Chakra: "Then there are not many elves in the Alliance of Planes, and which ones do not have a tree of life."

"The tree of life, this stuff seems to be very few, very few, anyway, there seem to be no large elven empires, but it is said that there is a tree of life in the holy land of elves, but that is a forbidden place for other races." Chakra thought about it.

When Cook heard this, he asked quietly: "If I sell the tree of life, can I sell it for a big price."

"Teacher, you want to sell the orc hotel, it's actually the most uneconomical. The leaves of the tree of life are the best magical materials. Just picking the leaves can also sell for a big price." Chakra suggested in a low voice.

"This idea is also good." Cook thought, but picking leaves is too much trouble.

Cook thought about it and asked: "Then what power is the richest?"

"Of course it is the Bright Empire, you also know the religious countries, the people are very..." Chakra replied.

Cook's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Very well, you continue to be busy. If you don't understand, you can just ask me."

"Thank you mentor, thank you mentor." Chakra was so excited, this is the mentor who looked at himself differently.

Cook smiled and left, but Chakra was caught in trouble. The people immediately surrounded him, and looked at Chakra with enthusiasm.

"Well, you write a question alone." Chakra tried to resist to the end, but after all, he was not a rival of a few people, and immediately compromised.

"Haha, Chakra, great, I will invite you to drink later."

"Chakra, I still have a star beast core, which is a bit of my heart."


After Cook returned to the Baron’s mansion, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. The squeeze plan that Lina and the others were about to implement was not implemented at all. Cook appeared in the restaurant the next morning vigorously.

"Cook, what did you do?" Lina asked curiously. Since Cook felt bored last time, Lina has stopped following Cook. Of course, Lina knows that Cook is in the study.

"A plan is made. Who of you wants to go to the Alliance of Planes with me?" Cook took a bite of bread. Cook eats a lot now. Cook also expects that he does not need to eat like a fairy, but Cook It is found that the higher the level, the quality of the supplementary food also needs to be improved. If it is ordinary food, Cook is basically not full.

Just like the bread that Cook eats now is made with the starch in breadfruit, plus the meat of Warcraft, so Cook’s appetite is still very large, and Cook knows that the stronger it is, the more energy it needs to supplement. many.

"Okay, I want to see it." Lina was the first to speak.

"I am coming too."

"I am coming too."

"Let's all go." There was one at the dinner table, almost all yelling to go.

"Well, let's all go." Cook replied with a smile.

"But who is coming to see the house?" Xia asked back again.

"I also have equipment to repair." Xia said in frustration after shouting.

When Cook saw this, it was not appropriate to bring one or not, so he said: "I will go this time, and I will mainly implement the plan, or you can forget it, next time I will make time to accompany you to the Alliance of Planes. At that time we will repair the teleportation array and go to the teleportation array."

"Well, I'll study this ancient teleportation array." Lina said, and the rest of the people just ignored it.

Cook spent two days refining a large number of potions, all of which were of top quality or above. Cook gave a portion to everyone around him, including Chakra and others, which made Chakra and others excited.

"Cook, pay attention, let's do adaptive training first." Lina watched Cook turn off the magic pattern gravity on her body. Cook now wants to test what level she is now.

"Well, ah." Cook nodded, and just raised his foot, the whole person flew into the sky diagonally like a cannonball.

"Boom." Then Cook planted directly from a kilometer altitude, and finally landed on the sand with a bang.

"Cook, are you okay." Lina quickly came over and asked when he saw Cook hit the sand.

"It's okay, it's okay, how do you adapt to this?" Cook asked with lingering fear while lying down.

"Why don't we go to the water to get used to it," Lina suggested.

"This is a good way. Call Ivis, let's go to Ivis' hometown." Cook's eyes lit up, knowing that the water pressure is extremely strong.

"Okay." Lina wanted to be alone with Cook, but Cook said that, Lina couldn't help it.

"Cook, it's amazing." Mickey shouted excitedly on the big white iron giant ship in the sea, watching the endless sea, blowing the cool sea breeze, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

"Of course, puff." Cook jumped into the swimming pool above the giant wheel. Everyone was excited about Cook's genius design, and Ivy was soaked in it all day.

Cook used to adapt to the sea for a few days, and finally he would fly out without lifting his feet, but even now, some small things Cook would accidentally crush them. As for the evening, Cook did not dare to touch these women. , Who knows if it will go wrong while being excited.

"Cook, I want to eat crabs." Manli shouted loudly.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook likes seafood very much, and in the ocean of this world, crabs weigh several tons. Such crabs are good to eat.

"Do you want me to help?" Ivis asked.

"No, I can do it." Cook said confidently.

Cook has adapted to more than 16 times the gravity environment, so water pressure is a pediatrics for Cook, and of course Cook’s body is strong.

Cook made the fins himself. After putting them on, Cook put on a pair of briefs directly in the eyes of the girls.

"It's really another world." Cook squeezed a sea snake with thick wrists and put it in the space bag directly. The taste of sea snakes is also very delicious. This is not the point. The point is that women are a little afraid. Such things, including Ivys, Coco is just to scare them.

"Cuckoo." A bubbling sound came from Cook's ear.

"You are so good." Cook looked at the little bad body and the fishes in the water, cursing in his heart.

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