A Unique Hunter

Chapter 823: Hailong joins

"It's not that way." When Cook brought Harken to the outside of the room, Harken looked at the disappeared temple and the area surrounding it for several kilometers. The dark rocky bottom layer was exposed. Don't talk about human buildings. All gone

"Boom" Harken's room collapsed

"Harken wise man, you may think that this will be a conflict between humans and sea race," Cook said with a smile

"No, you devil, devil" Haken yelled

Cook smiled and showed white teeth and said, "Haken, it's all because of you, don't you think we are afraid"

"Harken, you said that if I disappeared hundreds of miles of sea people around here, then the sea people would think that something happened." Cook's tone was flat, but the words he said made Harken tremble.

"No, no, you can't do this" Haken roared loudly

The reason why Harken can be called a wise man is not that Harken can be an unknown prophet, but that Harken can infer useful information from countless information. It is like Cook sneaking here. Harken told the group and guessed that Cook might be. Sneak attack Harken guessed the beginning but did not guess the result

"Why not? Isn't this what you want? Isn't it the result you want as bait to make humans and the sea race a battle?" Cook said with a smile.

"No, no, this is not what I want" Haken shouted incoherently

Harken never thought that the people that Cook brought would have such a strong strength. Harken didn’t know whether Cook’s current strength was Harken’s intelligence or previous intelligence.

Cook saw Harken said in a cold voice: "Don't take your Sea Clan's territory too much. I don't like this."

"Then then why did you come" Harken was confused and looked down upon you and came back

"I'm only here for Ivys" Cook pointed to Ivys

"Avis" Harken still doesn't understand

"That Gu pried the corner in front of me and acted as an idiot, but it seems that some guests are here," Cook replied unhappily while watching Harken playfully.

Lina said in an interface: "It seems to be a sea dragon"

"Hailong is very good, very good" Cook nodded and did not move

"The Sea Dragon is great" Haken yelled when he heard the Sea Dragon coming.

"Even if the emperor of the sea clan comes, it can't change the annexation of the Nasen tribe," Xia said coldly.

"Roar" a huge sound wave rang directly from a few kilometers away

Bang Na looked at the dark swarthy rocky seabed in the distance and took a breath of air in my heart. I had to say Bang Na was very cautious. He knew that Cook was coming to sneak attack and knew that there was a Space Magician next to Cook, so Bang Na did not wait for Cook but Went to the sea dragon clan and waited for news from Bang Na’s subordinates before Bang Na set out to return, and the sea dragon clan chief heard that some humans would dare to come to the sea dragon clan, and the drunken horse immediately followed them out.

When Bang Na felt a huge tremor in the sea, he knew that the big thing was not good. You should know that the settlement of the Sea Dragon tribe was more than 100 kilometers away from the Sea God Temple. Bang Na had to make every effort to rush back, but when I saw the Sea God Temple and its surroundings I'll take a breath later

"That **** dare to stray wild in the sea clan" the sea dragon clan chief roared because the sea dragon clan is the guardian of the sea **** temple cough cough is just like charging a protection fee. The sea dragon is a branch of the giant dragon clan, where there will be a sea god, a humanoid creature.

"Are you sure your sea dragon clan wants to mix up this matter" Cook asked lightly. At the level of these people like Cook, speaking is no longer a simple mouth opening. There are many ways to make sound waves, such as directly using mental power.

"Who are you? My sea dragon clan chief Chui Long is not a vegetarian" the sea dragon clan chief shouted loudly

"I'm Cook" Cook said

"Cook has never heard of you as the patriarch of the sea dragon clan, who is a human being who dare to come to the sea clan and don’t want to live. Don’t give up all the treasures in your body first." Chui Long yelled and said that the sea dragon clan still does Greedy

"Hum, it’s that Cameron Dilon didn’t dare to let me hand over the treasure when I saw me. Are you sure you want me to hand it over" Cook asked with a grimace.

"What are they in Camundi...you, your name is Cook" Hearing these two names, he immediately sobered up a lot of alcohol, and he stammered and asked.

"Of course" Cook nodded and looked like this guy must know his own business

"You are Baron Cook" Chui Long came out in a cold sweat in the water and asked respectfully

"Of course it seems that you know my business, you still have to help now" Cook looks like you finally know who I am

Chuilong's eyes widened and roared: "Why don't you help?"

Cook almost suspected that his ears were wrong

"Bunny **** grabbed these guys for me, dare to fight against Baron Cook to kill him." Cuilong's attitude made Bangna relieved, but Cuilong suddenly took a shot and directly pulled Bangna over, and then he slammed his knees. A big mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of the impact gang, looking at Chui Long in disbelief. This is the friend who just drank with him, the patriarch of the Sea Dragon clan who has been worshipped a lot, and then Chui Long shouted loudly.

The "Boom" Sea Dragon tribes all hurriedly started Nima actually met Baron Cook, Nima, you sea tribes are not looking for death, but dare to find trouble with others, so these sea dragon tribes also rushed to help one by one. The blood squirted

"Your Excellency Baron is very glad that you are here," Chui Long humbly said to Cook at this time.

Cook smiled, but Cook went to Lina before he could answer Chuilong: "You are Mrs. Lina, you really breathed out for our dragon clan. Don’t you know that the three golden dragons used to be the same Laozi's posture of number one in the world..."

Cook was embarrassed for a moment, it turned out that Lina was not the one who made the dragon clan flatter

Chuilong has to be afraid. If this legend of the space system is remembered, it is really better than death. As for the trouble of finding Lina, you can find a space magician who can teleport hundreds of kilometers at any time. Is it

"Chuilong, you..." Bang Na stammered while watching Chuilong

"My buddy, it's not that I'm not enough, not just me, you'll do this if you change someone else, do you know who this Baron Cook is?" Chuilong patted Na's shoulder and said irritably

"Who" is really unconvinced to help that plant

"Baron Cook can be said to be the most powerful person on this plane. How powerful is the Lord Baron. This is not to mention the legendary powerhouse of Mrs. Lina, who understands the origin law of the space system and knows the three heads of our dragon clan. The golden dragon is not right. It’s that the guy who has been trained to a few perverted bodies was seriously injured by Mrs. Lina's one move, just one move, and directly hit the city. And this Madame West Asia magic pattern master who has stepped into the sanctuary with one foot is not afraid you Sea clan, but when it comes to the laws of the water system, you're really no opponent," Chuilong explained.

Bang Na really didn’t expect Cook to be so big, but Chui Long didn’t want to have a bad reputation. Chui Long said again: "We Baron Cook has formed an alliance and knows what alliance is not."

Bang Na shook his head and said loudly: "This alliance seems to have nearly a thousand legendary powerhouses. This is not important. The important thing is that these people have magic pattern equipment. Do you know that magic pattern equipment is a holy weapon, your broken sea temple? But the three sacred artifacts only know where these thousands of magicweave equipment came from, it was Baron Cook who put it up for auction."

"It is impossible that thousands of sacred artifacts are still used by our sea people to grab territory" Bang Na shouted

"Fart people can see the plane planet owned by Baron Cook from the Shanghai clan family. The plane planet understands that there are enough planes like ours. I still care about you. This site is for Mrs. Ives." Although Long didn't attend the auction in person,

But after Lina cleaned up the three golden dragons, Cook's reputation is very famous among the dragons, and Lina is called the first person in space magic, regardless of attack and defense speed, so it is about Cook. Things have spread out

"No, how could he fall in love with Ivis" asked the helper incredulously

"Pa" Chuilong slapped it directly

"You're too wide, I'll tell you that in the future, our Sea Dragon tribe will join the Kuiqi tribe. You can quickly bring your people to Lao Tzu as far as you can get away, or don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite." Chui Long then said sharply. He shouted that Chuilong actually wanted to save that life

"Huh, humans dare to invade our sea clan, I won't roll, I won't roll, I'll see if our sea clan will let you go," he roared loudly for that Leng Hun

"Hehe, since I don’t want to help the patriarch, then I have to let the patriarch disappear." Cook laughed, and now that this is the case, Cook won’t shrink back.

At this time, Ai Ai came to Cook and said, "Baron Cook, you see this group has given me a lot of benefits before, so let him go."

"It's okay to let it go, but if this guy comes to trouble again," Cook asked with a smile.

"Our Sea Clan has joined the Queqi tribe and I am the first to kill him" Chui Long said, patting his chest.

"What if someone disagrees" Cook asked again

"Who doesn't accept me to persuade him" Chuilong said again

"Then the chief Chuilong, I remember what you said." When Cook heard Chuilong say this, he naturally said nothing.

Chui Long felt so relieved when he heard Cook say that. Chui Long didn't want to offend Cook and wanted to hold Cook's thighs. He didn't see the poisonous dragons who are now showing up. It's so terrible because what is to follow Cook behind. A lot of benefits

Cook smiled and said: "Since Chuilong is willing to join the Quiqi tribe, the snow sugar trade of the Quiqi tribe will rely on Chuilong, after all, too many people are jealous."

"No problem, no problem. In the future, our Sea Dragon clan will guard the snow sugar trade all the way." Chuilong didn't expect that Cook would actually give such a big gift The sugar trade was determined to find trouble with the Quiqi tribe, but did not expect it to benefit itself

Chuilong roared loudly: "Someone drove these guys away from me, and when I saw these guys, I would punch them once. If I see Hem"

"It's the patriarch" The Hailong clan could actually intervene in the snow sugar trade and was immediately excited, Nima, as a guard, brought some snow sugar by the way, not only to eat but also to make money. As for helping those people see the undead.

"Hehe, the safety of the Kuiqi tribe depends on the Lord Chulung" Cook hahahe smiled that the Kuiqi tribe has the Sea Dragon tribe to join, so there is no big obstacle to annexing the Nathan tribe.

"That's that." Chuilong was excited

"Chuilong, you are not afraid of our Seagod Temple." Haken was stunned by the scene before him. He thought that there was a savior, but he knew that there was a thug, Haken shouted loudly.

ps: please come to shuhaige to register and collect it. These are all free and the flowers are also free. Ryan is here to beg everyone and you can add qq group if you like:  253102943

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